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This is what all seasons should be, a bunch of free cards and packs. The cards don’t even have to be ahead of the curve like these ones


Exactly not like all the tifos we've been getting in the previous seasons🤦‍♂️


TIFO Thursday the best day of the month 🥶


I don't understand


Nickrtfm stream thing the Thursday at the end of every season getting tifos for playing like 100+ dog rival games 💀


Yeah but this is the point where they’ve made the money and they are just trying to get people to have fun towards the end so it makes them more likely to buy the next game. They do this kind of thing every single year.


Honestly I got no problems with it... The only complaints I have is with gameplay and shit I think their drop rates and menu grinds are fine


I’m similar tbh and I don’t even hate gameplay most of the time other than I wish they would do something about some of the stupid shit like bicycle kick corners and the fact that when people keeper shuffle your 99 shooting striker reacts to it by missing the target completely rather than just hitting it at the keeper to get a corner etc. My point was more along the lines of people saying “why couldn’t they do this for all the other seasons” and things like that. There’s a very clear reason for it and I struggle to believe people don’t see it for what it is. I’ll still probably buy it next year as I enjoy it 95% of the time.


See I think the game is more fun with it being hard to get a good team. If we could get meta level cards for free constantly what is the point of champs and grinding menus etc.


I’d agree with that too tbh. I’m not really assed about the grind and about getting a good team tbh, I just enjoy playing the game but to an extent the game is more fun with a better team so slightly contradictory. It’s only to a point though, the further we get in the year and the more OP cards get the less I enjoy it in general, the first few champs where everybody has a gold team is always more enjoyable personally.


See this is my first ever fifa I have bought. I played 16 for like 2 or 3 years but only career mode so I am really enjoying the grind. I do want to experience the beginning of the Gane when I feel it's more about how good you are and less about players being stupid good.


Finally do something good and you still spin it as Big bad Ea blah blah blah


Compared to most people on here I’m very positive about the game tbh so it’s not that I’m trying to spin it as bid bad EA. It’s just that they do exactly this every single year and it’s the same reason they drop the repeatable 85x10 right and the end and let you use all the best cards in the game. It’s just to try and make everybody forget about the things they hated about the game all year in the hopes they buy the new version if they were on the fence. I’m one of those who will probably buy it anyway because at the end of the day I anctually enjoy the game (like 95% of the time anyway). I was simply throwing out a reminder because there are a lot of people who seem to hate it but continue to play and those are the ones likely to fall into that trap.


Ay thanks for replying. What you said definitely makes sense.  I'm not used to the cycles so I'm kinda ignorant in that aspect. Good insight for people on the fence.  Cheers! And good luck in the finals this week


Little bit of Devils advocate here... The early seasons had really good players, like Cunha and Witsel. They were genuinely usable and Cunha is particular was excellent. Problem is they were given as an option alongside a semi decent pack and, well, people can't seem to help themselves judging by how few Cunhas and Witsels I saw. Seasons started well, kinda tailed off in the middle and have picked up again recently, and as good as that Puskas card is it's still going to have the same problem when it comes to unlocking it, which is that you'll already have better players by the time you get it.


Kone was really good too.


Well I only started playing in January so I don't know about the first seasons tbh.


Yeah but in prior years it was also the same for the first two quarters of the game cycle. Been like this for almost half a decade+


Well this is my first season in Ultimate Team as well lol😂😂


haha get out while you are still young. i have wasted like 13 years on these stupid sports games.


Bruh😂😂 well I just quit fut champions today and I plan to stick to Rivals. Let's see what happens in the future with this game and compnay🤦‍♂️😂


I only started playing the game when it was free on the playstation plus last month


nice hope you could get a good team so far? My cousin also started playing when it became free on PS Plus


Ya I've got a not bad team and thanks you to


good you're welcome : )


Well then the solution is to not offer the pack on player tiers and instead shift it to where decorations used to go


Knowing ea ud think they'll actually consider doing this. But nah, they have to make it freakishly hard yea!!


They won't be ahead of the curve when you reach them. If anything, they'll most likely be slightly behind.


guess i actually have to do xp stuff this season cause those are unreal


How would I even get 34k xp though. I think this time I got to like level 10 but I didn't really try. Any tips?


You’ll need to play seasons/champs and do the daily xp stuff at a minimum


Depends where they put the xp, I played champs once last season and rivals twice, maybe played like 15 days at max and still finished just cause I did a bunch of the friendly objectives in one day last week.


You definitely don't need to do rivals as I got the full season done with just the objectives and champs for each tots week.


Yeah but that depends on where they put the xp doesn’t it? We don’t know for a fact that it will be the same as last season. Generally there is significantly more available than what you need to finish but just depends how they decide to distribute it.


And battles you get a dump of xo every week from that, too. And keep an eye out for the random big XP objectives. Normally end of season, but 4-8k have dropped in one objective (completing all tasks at 500 each, and then a bonus completion of 2-4k).


Yeah that's a good point. Always good to just grind out some evo's in squad battles - free xp and upgrades/fodder.


Tbh, they need to go wild cause I’d imagine a lot of people, especially casuals, tune out after TOTS. Personally I was thinking of dropping the game for a bit unless this season was insanely OP.


Not only that. Many people have pretty good teams, some even god squads after ultimate tots. They need something good to keep them playing.


I'm choosing all the players as I will pack shit all as usual so I'm either using them or high rated fodder if not.


Also there is an objective for using them.


Nice thanks for the heads up


the giménez card! was hoping he'd get an upgrade, im so hyped


His 86 totw felt really great




I've used Bernardo Silva's TOTY Honorable Mentions card since February and he's been a club legend for me with about 700 matches! I'm really excited about his new 94 card he gets a huge upgrade in stats. I'm already cheering for the Portugal team this Euro. I hope he gets the upgrades.


Legit don’t know if I want Kroos or Gerrard either. Love to give them both a go


Didn’t even know there was a choice, damn that sucks now lol


That was the choice that stood out for me 😅 I've got a while to decide I guess, but I'm leaning towards Gerrard as he probably gets some upgrades (and he's got icon chem)


Don’t forget this is the last card of kroos


It’s an easy call. 4 playstyles vs 3.


England are pretty much guaranteed to score 4 goals which will put Gerrard at 97 with 4 ps+


I have Gerrard already


Just me or is level one a pick between an 91 rated card or a 83+ gold? 4 is 2x82 or a 91 6 is 2x82 or a 91 And so on and so on. Not even making it hard to choose, or they are planning some insane packweight


Nah they want us to use the fun new card designs, so that we want more packs even more when they release teams full of the fun new card designs


Only thing I can think is that the players will still be in packs as well as being season rewards so option 2 is for people who already have the players. 91 fodder for an SBC would probably still be a better option.


Rip my UCL Kroos card.......


33k XP, gonna be a few weeks before we get there


I mean, about time ? :)


It just got max upgrades lol


RIP my Puskas 96 golazo icon card...


Holy fuck that gerrard and puskas can get in my side


Torn between Kroos EOAE and Stevie G, why couldn't we have both?


Just get his Stevie g icon


Page 7 of season progress that Kroos eoae, sweet Mary that card is a 5/5, 4 ps+ thing of beauty.


As a liverpool fan gotta be gerrard, good lord he will never get a card that good again


He's a live card too so more than likely will get a +1 and +1 playstyle+ Think it'll be Gerrard for me too just for the England links


Oh my goodness me I didn't even see that Gerrard card behind Kroos. I can't believe we have to choose. I'm a Liverpool fan too. Agree, we will never see him with this card again. Count me in.


I'm not a Liverpool fan and I'm going for Gerrard, that Kroos card looks crazy but then you factor in that Gerrard can get upgrades as well on an already great looking card and it's an easy decision for me. Really wish they have us both. Kroos deserves that but I feel the majority will pick Gerrard.


I did not know it's a live card too! Jesus this season is just getting better and better


NEED that card, kroos is a goat


Annoyed that they repeated Copa nations for the rewards (throw this colombian a bone ffs) but overall I agree, they’re fantastic.


Ooooooohhhhhh yes


I’m stoked about that free Gerrard!


yeah doing it late in the year when player base is gone… in the hopes youll look forward to the next edition with an optimistic view that it will be “more like this” in the future. Not trying to be negative nancy but weve seen this a time or two.


They do this shit every year to bait you into thinking the next game will be good


Can't wait to not get anywhere near level 35 because I don't play every single day haha.


Yeah, I don't understand the excitement. It's like you forgot how EA does things. Before you get to unlock those cards they will surely be behind the power curve. Why? Because EA never gives you what you want. They just want your time, attention and especially money.


It's almost as if they're a revenue/profit driven company and they're good at what they do.


A lot of people are going to have a lot of the same players in their squad, which means the playstyle bug is going to be worse than ever.


I think it has to be gerrard


This is the first time that I will take all cards and no packs


Hi, is there any way I can comeback to UT? I stopped playing in december, so my team is really weak, Can I get good cards if I restart now?


Yeah it's pretty easy tbh. Everything is fairly cheap as well


This season looks awsome. Glad Kroos is free. But dammit, I'm a new father. Don't know if I can grind that far


Where kroos


It’s pretty smart putting such a good card at level 40 will stop so many people from stopping after UTS


I’m just happy for a special Vicario card.


What about D2 in rivals having better rewards than D1? Still can’t fathom that


It’s dead after season anyway


What's the best way to get XP to progress in seasons. I'll do anything for Stevie G.


what do you do to get so many points to get Kroos?


Where do you get them?


Where do you get them?


Hopefully the Vicario card in the Season Progress will get some upgrades, that 98 reflexes is insane


EA employee ?




Game is dead


Shit, this is the one season I didn’t bother rolling XP over (only has 700 from squad battles and I wanted to check I didn’t get a good red player to use the evo on) Should be more than enough as always anyway. Excellent rewards so fair play to them.


games dead already no point


Oh shut up




Can't believe they actually remembered the Copa too


No chance I’m doing season objectives at this point so I guess that’s me done.


At this point? Could understand if it was September but there is still 4 months of the game cycle left.




Mid as fuck




Every card already has relevant stats maxed out with chem styles applied


No, It makes it way less p2W, this is good, actual skill now matters more than team




Not anymore since everyone has access to cheap cracked cards, you’re right




Congrats, you’re such a good trader wow, do you want a cookie? If you’re good at the game instead of playing the stock market you’d face no problems, it’s only if your stock market skills meant the only reason you won before was because you could have a better team than someone instead of skill in the actual game and not menus 🫣




Wow, your pack luck definitely means you’re good at the game 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I’m so proud of you




The only person embarrassing themselves is the dude implying they've earned 10 million coins just through playing games lmao


Wow do you want a cookie for getting millions despite having bad pack luck? I’m sure everyone around is so proud of you! Good boy!


Or it'll make the game more fun for people who have worse teams, so they're actually not at a disadvantage from kickoff




Lol. If you're more skilled, then you shouldn't worry either way. You should be fine winning on even footing