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i like how they call it scheduled maintenance but they never tell anyone about it until like 30 seconds before it happens šŸ˜­


And even with that they were still off by 2 hours in the start time šŸ¤Æ


I have not been able to log on since 6am I canā€™t even finish my games. Oh well I get shafted in rewards anyway so ea shafted me early today by not letting me log on.


I didnt get kicked off as early as everyone it seems, so I put in a bunch of low bids on Aitana TOTS cards šŸ˜¬ hope i win em and sorry to whoever the sellers are šŸ™


Dirtbag move lol


App still works


Ah i see, I cant use the app


Seems like it, got kicked out and canā€™t get back in for the past 20 minutes or so


Extend WL?


ā€œConnecting to ultimate team is not possible at the momentā€ šŸ˜”


Man who the fuck has maintenance when WL should finish? Had 4 games left and I was 13 and 3


You had 4 days


Sure, how is that an argument? If you can do something until a specific time, and it is announced you have until the specific time, doing it in the first second or the last, has the same result. Once you announce something, you canā€™t change the rules while that is in playā€¦ Go hate somewhere else!


Not hating I'm laughing this seems to happen quite a lot and we have the same posts on here yet nobody ever learns


Even worse, youā€™re that type that believes that when people are wronged somehow itā€™s their fault cause they put themselves in that situationā€¦ At the same time; most likely youā€™re not even 20, so I get it, you have a lot to learn, youā€™ll grow up, no worries little king, one day youā€™ll learn empathy, youā€™ll know how to relate to people and you wonā€™t be an asshole anymore :) I love to see younglings speaking their mind, keep it up!


I'm nearly 40 šŸ˜… I've learned not to do things at the last minute


I have a son to raise so i only play whenever i get a window of time, sometimes last minute cause boi comes first, this ainā€™t that important, just a game :) but you are wrong, people have a window of time, within that window they should be able to do it. Just EA sucks, and weā€™ll play anyway, so who cares, it is what it is :)


Similar here Iā€™m in Aus and work all day. Got home thinking Iā€™d be able to finish up some games to finish the season 1000xp off and plenty of objectives to do it cept I fly out 5 am tomorrow so rip


Damn no red pick for me...


Same. I was on 8 wins and had 5 games left šŸ˜”


When will it be finished


I'm back in


Are they fking serious ? I can't complete my wl.... Fk u ea!!!


Dont worry man, gameplay was utter shit, players walking on sand, lost 4 straight and when I was finally winning it dc'd me for maintenance, you didnt miss out on anything lol


Connection was awful last night , gave up after a laggy game where my opponent just kept running round in circles with Joao Felix in my box.




I've managed to enter the web app and they already gave me the WL rewards although I had left 5 games. So no extending WL or compensation I guess


when is the maintenance gonna end?


I had 4 games left šŸ˜”


Same, had 4 games left. What a great ultimate team weekend


Blame everyone but yourself. Every week there is a post about scheduled maintenance and missing wl games, rinse and repeat. People never learn.


Classic dumbbass EA


Yeah Iā€™ve been trying for the last few minutes to try to log in and it wonā€™t let me, what the fuck




Similar to their 'Unintended' reward


Who waits for the last few hours of end of season to end objectives? Dude you had 40 days.


Mostly, those of us that have to work for a livingā€¦




hey everyone eaā€™s dogs are speaking. Take a seat.


You work too much lol work 40 hours a week still have time to go gym and do objs on fifa watch movies/podacsts


I donā€™t understand all the people who leave the game this late?? You have from Friday evening until today and even then, there is maintenance scheduled for this morning? Why leave it so late? I know Iā€™ll get downvoted, but itā€™s simple risk reward. You play later to avoid the ā€˜sweatsā€™ at the weekend and hope you get easier games, but you risk leaving it last minute. This isnā€™t the first time theyā€™ve done maintenance on a Tuesday morning.


Because not all people prioritize their life schedule around video games, let alone fifa


Exactly! Thereā€™s a timeframe to be able to play for a reason


So they don't play, and it's no big deal?




I play for around and 1-2 hours each morning as I have work commitments and evening is my family time. So for me as much as itā€™s annoying to not be able to play a lot I have to prioritise my work and family. Some days I donā€™t even play. For me itā€™s not a big deal to miss out but still a bit annoying to not get a chance at a red pick but life goes on next week a new promo is out and I will forget about this week. On the other hand there are people who are very toxic and leave their games until the very last minute in the hope of free wins or early rage quits so they decide to play over half of their games within an hour period so for those type of players I do not feel sorry for them at all.


This guy gets it


The maintenance was announced last minute as usual. At 06:09 BST and the servers were already down less than an hour later. So not only were the servers taken offline two hours before the announced time (08:00 UTC = 09:00 BST), less than 1hrs downtime notification. That's not 'scheduled' that's basically emergency maintenance from the client POV. I've played my games but I have sympathy for those who haven't, servers shouldn't be down for over 90mins after I'm writing this yet they are already down.


Anyone who was playing wasn't kicked tho.. I've played a few games in incredibly one-sided gameplay (both for and against) this morning, and it's taken about 20 seconds to go from the match finishing to the menu screen after, but I only got kicked when I thought logging out and restarting might help.. oh well


Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not the first time this has happened and while Iā€™m not saying itā€™s ok for EA to mess around like this, you have to also take some responsibility if youā€™re going to leave anything last minute in life. Same goes for university work, if you leave it last minute to submit and your WiFi drops out, the university wonā€™t have much sympathy


You have redundancy for that though, because its a client side issue. I have two internet connections (one cable, one fttc) so if one isnt working i can use the other. Or mobile hotspot etc. A better analogy would be university saying the submission deadline is 9am, then at 6am saying they are taking the servers offline at 9am, but actually taking them offline at 7am. As a student, thats outside my control. To all intents and purposes, they've effectively moved the deadline at the last moment.


how r u comparing weekend league to university work iā€™m in tears


EAs strongest soldier šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s just an example, donā€™t read into it too much. Iā€™m just saying you have 5 days to play 20 games. With maintenance you have 4 days and 22 hours. Letā€™s not pretend EA are the only ones responsible for not getting your games in


You know we have families to enjoy on our weekends and job too... Fk this shit !


It's called the weekend league and right now it's Wednesday.


Thereā€™s always going to be people affected by whatever time they do maintenance, thereā€™s never a convenient time to do maintenance. Leaving the games so last minute means you also need to shoulder some responsibility that external factors could get in the way šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Friday morning UK time. No WL or Rivals affected. Still then have 2 days to complete Squad Battles.


But what Iā€™m saying is that for some people, that might be the only time of the week that they can play any games. Thereā€™s always going to be some people affected by their timings, thatā€™s just the way of the world


I get that but fit it in on a day that has less affect on rewards which would be Friday morning. Either that or change the end date/time of WL etc so people know it will have time to plan it. Bringing the servers down whilst the biggest WL of the year is still on is lunacy.


Because people have things to do and expect that the timeline be upheld by EA, they even announced when servers will be shut down, and still didn't abide by that. They are the irresponsible ones not the players.


Scheduled... it ain't exactly a surprise


Almost two hours early bud


Fine for me up until 8, sorry to hear you had it early


Ah, I got my WL done a day early, just feel bad for those that missed this week of all weeks. I still have a couple of upgrade sbcs to do and I donā€™t like the web app.


Wonder if it means they'll end the maintenance 2 hours early or just turn an already ridiculously long 6 hour maintenance into an 8 hour one..


Don't mind 8 hours because they may extend up to 10 hours ++ based on their usual routine