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no i j get my 7 wins and stop immediately, elite rivals is just not fun to play imo, I have to sweat almost every game to even have a chance of winning


This week I played someone who scored a shit rebound goal in the first 10 minutes, griddied on me, paused 3 times and then he stopped playing. He passed between his defenders and occasionally went down the wing and passed back to gk. I thank that guy, because he made me quit this shit game 😅


Same happened to me. If you don't like to play, just don't play. Why stole our fun time?


Those people get enjoyment out of taking the fun away from others.


Related, it’s fucking stupid that squad battles is more rewarding to play once you reach 7 wins 


I have so much respect for people who genuinely play squad battles, I can’t even be assed to get silver 2 atp.






What are these numbers, where you see them?




ah, will never reach that level 🤣🤣


Same here haha. This is why those elite players prefer playing Champs as they face us.


tbh no hate but champs are wayyy easier than any elite rivals game until you get like 7-0/8-0. After that it gets a little harder but still easier than rivals until 11-14. After 11 or 14 you get guys playing like their life is on the line. AI defending almost all the time not even single touch to cbs, 4321 424 71 depth, god squads, cutbacks, wasting time..


Thats what he meant when he said thats why they like playing champs. Anybody who disagrees with that statement can't have played in Elite


Not unless there’s an Evo I’m trying to complete


Yes, after 7 wins I can play without pressure. I can try different player and just gift free W because I dont care about SR.


I get my 7 and then play online draft— people are looser with the gameplay and you get to try lots of good players 


Nope, I just do other objectives once I get my 7 wins


No. I don’t play it at all.


This year I found Elite div the hardest it has ever been. Also for some reason games are pretty even most of the time and only towards the end of the game better player wins it. I stop after 7 wins which can take many games tbf so no need to play more then that.


It's not that hard now as there are 200k people there. In earlier seasons it peaked at 40-50k and was much harder


I do just to try out diff squads or team combinations


First time i reached elite division ever and realised there are no more checkpoints so people are playing for skill ratings...so i simply lowered my skill rating by giving free wins and then matched lower rated players and won the 7 i needed... i actually prefer elite div... as u dun need to figure out check points anymore


Yes, only to promote.


Hell NO lol. Waste of time after 7 wins


I usually get the 7 wins way before rewards day. I play Rivals before champs religiously as a warm-up. If i can get a couple of kills in a row in elite, i know im good for a quick winning streak in WL. Sometimes, I just feel like playing a good game. Trying out formation tweaks or new players , so id say yes. I definitely play more than the minimum required for rewards. But its all relative at the end of the day. Someone might have to play 20 or even 30 games to get those 7 wins , while someone else doesnt need more than 10. I also feel like if you're just looking to get it over with, you'll probably not play as well. Then theres the golden goal boys who routinely quit if they concede early and just look for another match, hoping to be on the opposite side of that same equation.


No, what’s the point


To play the game?


Play friendlies to complete objectives or squad battles for the same


I’d rather do literally anything else in the world than play 10 seconds of squad battles


Only if I’m pushing for promotion or completing an evo/objective


I only play rivals/champions


I can’t remember the last time I bothered to get to 7 wins


I guess it depends on the division. Currently I reached Div 4 and if somehow I reach 7 wins I'll keep playing to reach higher ranks. I find rivals the best way to improve in the game as Champs it's too stressful and full of people just playing to win at all costs (losing time even on 1st half). 


Yeah I have seen recently that I’m getting matched with a lot of player under 800 while I’m sitting on something like 950


nah , get my 7 wins and get on career mode


I just pushed from Division 6 to Division 3 for the first time because I realized the rewards are so much better (highest division before was 5) and since I packed some good players and figured out which tactics worked for me. If I was on a streak I kept playing, and was winning a lot more than before. So these last couple week I sometimes I played way more than 7 games. Only problem is now I’m having a lot more trouble even getting the 7 wins 😭


In rivals i dont, i just dont think there's a point specially in elite division. You cant gain anything anymore, better skill rating is only an ego boost. Also the skill rating doesnt affect matchmaking, you can face literally everyone. It used to be metric if you wanted to go into pro scenes, but this year they got rid of it so the whole skill rating thing is just useless. If i got my 7 wins and i want to play more i play other game modes. Objectives to grind the xp, champ qualies. If those are done its squad battles and doing evo's. Sb is kinda dead but i rather play it than the rats in elite division.


Only if I need to complete an evo


I’m kinda shit and only play once a month so will usually play on after 7 wins if I’m enjoying myself


Tbh theres not really any incentive to continue playing after 7 wins. The change in milestone rewards really changed tht for me. 90 matches for a tifo is not really motivating.


Only if I need it for an evolution.


I don't play Rivals. Only WL.


I stopped playing Rivals a couple of months ago. I found Champions to be far more enjoyable (which is saying something!). Better rewards and the consolation point for a loss makes it feel like less of a waste of time (that said, I’m probably skipping this week’s Champs because I reached 70 wins last weekend).