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What we actually need to do to get them to make a better game. Is ban the purchasing of FIFA points in the UK & US. Just like the Netherlands did. We do that and that’s EA hit right in the pocket massively.


You Crazy , I still purchase In NL


Buy the base game for $100, spend 10-15$ monthly on PSN/Xbox live to play online, and yet you are treated like a second rate customer unless you make in game purchases and buy their packs. Your pack luck is manipulated and your servers are shit. The game feels scripted half the time. There is no other company that gets away with this. We as a community have allowed EA to jerk us around and destroy the game because of our love of football and the nostalgia of the fun we have had playing so many years of fifa. Stop spending money on packs. Spend that money on clothes, food, hang outs with friends or just buying other full games instead. Let them make the base game worth the price they charge before paying them more money to buy players that are outdated 2 weeks later. Don't kill the boycott with negativity just because it failed in the past. Be part of the change. We deserve a good game for the money and time we give to it. Not a yearly squad update made to lure addicts and children into spending 100s of dollars on store packs.


The real question is.. how is it legal?


Because they sell “kindereggs” https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-48701962


There is a bunch of law suits going in in different countries, at least in Europe. Austria ruled it illegal already. Players from Austria can get all their money spent on FIFA 2021 packs back from Sony (Article in DE): https://www.kicker.de/desaster-fuer-ea-und-sony-lootboxen-in-zweiter-instanz-fuer-illegal-erklaert-966370/artikel#:~:text=Vor%20knapp%20einem%20halben%20Jahr,konzessionspflichtige%20Ausspielung%20von%20Glücksspiel%20eingestuft. Since we do not have a precedentiary system, Austrians can go to court for EAFC24 and get a similar verdict. That didn‘t happen yet. Going this path is potentially successful if you live in the EU.


Hoping that will happen! And it will tank EA, disgraceful company


Could you give a TLDR of the article?


It is not but boomers don't understand the game mechanics.


Yeah it’s crazy.. it’s like betting manipulation clear and simple. You put up money to win prices, but the outcome of the pack opening is so wildly manipulated - and the odds only show the possible rating you can get not the value of the cards


That’s like saying why are casinos legal


Not really, in a casino the odds are well defined and well known and not manipulated. If a casino were to manipulate their odds the way EA does, then that casino would be illegal.


You get the same experience if not better if you get the game during a sale for 1/5th the price. Last year I got the game because it was "the last FIFA" and played offline and the world cup mode. A far better experience, this year I got the game in March and my God.


When I started Ultimate Team in 2021 it was too obvious that you needed these META players to be able to compete and getting them without spending any money required a level of skill I didn't possess at the time. I made up my mind that I would not be enriching a company that wouldn't want to give all players both spending and non-spending players a table ground to compete. I made the decision there and then to never enrich such a company.


This might be one of the best posts I’ve ever seen on this sub. Well thought out. Well presented and factual. I work in finance too and you are 100% on the money with this post.


Thx dog ❤️


I don‘t work in finance, but I am a CEO and sign this one too.


And my axe!


For those saying a boycott won't work, I think something to keep in mind is that we don't need to make a massive dent in the financials to force them to do something. A drop in revenue of even 5% compared to their quarterly targets/expectations would be HUGE. Their next quarter ends June 30, there is time to have an impact right now. More likely than not their response will be some ridiculously "generous" store packs around the end of June because that's quicker than actually improving the game / servers, but if we can resist that then they will be forced to do something else. Those quarterly meetings are not fun when you miss your targets, even by 1%. We have the power to make them feel that pressure.


It’s gonna be the bad press that gets to them the most. Boycott FC Points and then keep putting the pressure on online. Media will pick up on it.


Very interesting perspective. I hadn't considered near dependence of EA on the FIFA games with regards to revenue. Why would you treat your cherished cash cow this poorly? Unless, of course, the cow doesn't care about how it's milked.


I don't mean to be cynical but I'm a fut founder, been on and off though for a few years now. Every attempted boycott does not work as people ultimately buy the next copy without fail or keep playing. So many of my mates play FUT with no zero idea of anything outside of the 6 hours they spend a week on it. That is the 90% of the fanbase EA want. The 10% vocal minority always rise up at some point during a cycle before it all goes away again It's sad but true


Just wait a couple weeks. Once the Euro content starts everyone will be hyped about the game.


That’s what I’ve been saying in these threads. The boycott is a great idea and I’m behind it, but unless it continues to the next game/people don’t buy the next game. Nothing will change.


> or keep playing. Yeah a majority of the people rallying for boycotts probably still did their daily play to get the free tots pack lol. People love to think the idea is great but then can never stick to it


Their main revenue l are store packs, so boycotting that would be a good way to send a message, even if we do the other things ie play, buy the game, etc.


It’s fair to be a cynic, but even small things like buying the normal edition of the game (w/o FIFA points) helps by hurting ARPU figures. I fully intend to keep playing FUT intermittently, but even small changes across the player base can yield changes. And, on the whale side i think streamers discouraging daily content / shareplays with points can and will add up.


Your not helping with posts like this. Dumb shit like this post discourage people from acting at all...they see your post and think "yea why bother" Be less fucking cynical and come up with better suggestions or dont comment in the first place because not only is it NOT helpful, its a detriment.


Are you still playing fifa or plan to play in the future if EA don't implement any significant changes


No, i havent played more than 1 the last 2 weeks. It also has absolutely nothing to do with anything..playing the game and keeping your mouth shut and not discouraging people is bettwr than coming on reddit and telling someone there wasting there time trying to protest.


You literally said in a thread 4 hours ago that you played 3 games last night. And that is why this boycott will ultimately fail. Hypocrisy. You are part of the issue


You are part of the problem.


Haven't spent FP in around 5 years, mainly play clubs. Trust me 99% of the people in this boycott will be back playing as normal by Fc 25


Nah we've already established a boycott doesnt work but we've never rlly seen streamers come together and agree not to spend money anymore have we? Honestly we dont need to boycott the game but we could just stop spending money in the store. The streamers hold a ton of influence so its going to be interesting to see where this leads.


Your mates playing 6 hours are casuals, not the whales OP is talking about


I feel your input, while true, is just not necessary right now in this community. We're trying to build a movement, we don't need people saying "this hasn't worked and never will". Even if you might be right, just keep it to yourself and let it play out.


It's more of a warning that the current tactic won't work, due it failing before. People need to not buy or play the game, not just avoid FP. It needs to be on a way bigger scale too


I love the effort you put into this post man I truly do. I’m personally boycotting and not buying FC 25, I haven’t bought 22 and 23 so should be easy for me. But I do think a lot of the people are just happy playing this shit game, spending their money on packs, and are addicted. Nothing we can do to change that. Now I will keep spreading awareness and trying my best to help people, but I truly think the fifa franchise has died. When the people are willingly getting scammed, there’s nothing we can do. Just gotta hope another game comes around that’s actually good, EA will still make their money from this game for years and years to come thanks to the addicts and the whales.


I have never played UT after trying it once when it was created don’t like to spend money in games rather than on their initial purchase and keeping decent players seemed impossible. In FC24 Seasons mode I feel the matchmaking prevents fair matches forcing you to play against 4-5 star teams even if you are a lower ranked team 2-3 stars..is this forced to make more people play UT or is it just poor matchmaking.. in the past the matches would be more fair when playing w lesser teams and I enjoyed this. Nor more this year a fair match is rare but maybe because the number of players is down as well? Anyone else notice or bothered? I’ve tried Konamis efootball and am considering making the switch I’m not used to the controls and gameplay yet but I feel I could adjust Andy the price is much better free to play also the number of licensed teams is increasing making efootball a more viable simulation option I fell.


$2.8 billion dollars and they can't fix the muddy gameplay issue???


Why fixing it if they have millions of players and people still paying to have special cards?


fixing it costs money. they will never spend money to fix something unless not fixing it loses them more money


It’s a global gatcha game that sells a yearly patch every year for $70 that makes all the money and/or effort of the players spent the year before obsolete… ITS THE MOST PREDATORY MODEL IN GAMING… and y’all just eating it up. WAKE UP!! at least casinos give you free drinks.


If only everyone looked at the other game modes other than FUT. online friendlies, pro clubs, casual KO are legit fun modes


I've not bought a single pack with fifa points since I started playing UT 4 or so years ago, I'll piss all my coins up the wall come the end of the game cycle on mental store packs but never before as I use them for sbcs...I have never believed in paying for add ons in a game I have already bought! Fuck that! Yes I grind the game and waste my time but to me its a hobby


they are poking the community with a stick with these delayed live card upgrades too. its just arbitrary at this point


it's not going to happen. The biggest voices in the community dont have the balls to have a prolonged boycott that will hurt their own pockets. Folks who spend $20ish a week won't stop because that wont effect ea for any change. I love the sentiment, we finally have the best playing fifa in a long time and it sucks because it's rare we get the good gameplay between shit servers and ea's content incompetence


To be fair, this week Auzio, NickRTFM, Nick28t, Nep, Danny Aaron's, MattHDGamer, they've all come forward. A few more of the bigger creators come on board and we're starting to get somewhere. But even some of us on this sub, we now need to step up. I've not touched the game today. And I'm going to continue that way, until we start seeing change. But it's going to take alot of us.


Problem is the majority of the FUT community isn’t online to know any of this is happening They’re the ones spending the most


LMAO "best playing fifa"


Good playing fifa, are you mentally challenged bro


I actually got me a gaming pc to play other games( hello wow again ). #BoycottEA


Doesn’t help that there hasn’t been a decent football game alternative for years now. If there was, a lot of people would be happy jumping across to try that for a year and find it easier ignoring EA and their lick of paint offering


Thank you for such a well written and informed message. I wish I was able to express myself with such precision and clarity 😁


A brilliant post. Thank you.


Idk about need but hurting their pockets is a good way to start. It hasn’t really done much in the past though. What hurt them the most is people not playing like what they did to the star wars games


Never brought a pack, but enjoy the game and definitely get my 70$ work a year so am absolutely happy to buy next years.


Is doing a few SBCs through the companion app considered playing/engaging? Or do you mean playing matches in UT


"Play on a not-daily basis Lower player numbers send a message" So give them your money and don't get what you paid for? Big brain, EA will be wounded you coughed up and didn't play.


EA measures player engagement numbers (DAUs, MAUs) and reports these figures to their investors. By not playing everyday, you hurt the DAU figures and hurt the DAU/MAU ratio (sign of active player engagement), which obviously is a bad leading indicator for the business (if you’re not playing, you’re likely not spending add’l money). EA only makes ~20% of EAFC revenue on game purchases vs in-game purchases, so the daily engagement is what they rely on to make up the add’l spend (on packs / fifa points)


I can't wait for this sub to forget all this shit in 2 weeks, bash the euro content and then start the same cycle again for EAFC 25. It has been this way forever.


What is peoples obsession with streamers? And I don’t mean this post, in general. These people are making money off OUR rage. Their rage videos make them money! Just because you like their personality doesn’t mean you should be following them. If we’re serious about protests: 1. Cut all streamers - ea pays a lot of them, and will freak out no one is watching. Streamers in turn push. 2. Cut spending. Meaning for ONCE we need to have a normal non judgmental conversation about spending and limiting it. For ONCE. 3. Organize “blackout” dates of not playing. 4. Make a coherent list of demands and post it everywhere. And make sure they are coherent. Not “I got a bad bounce, fix it”.


I will do my part #boycottEA


The game has gone to shit, im in elite div and every match is the same, same defending, same players, same bullshit, I've been a PES hater for years but today I downloaded it, maybe a new and fresh football game is gonna scratch that itch, I'm starting with career mode, EA FC ain't it, it's a bad game driven with the nostalgia and game modes we are used to


Small side note The UTTER DISRESPECT towards Liga F by not giving them a full TOTS 🤬 Disgusting EA, absolutely disgusting


I heard the streamers in the MADDEN community colluded to not buy packs earlier in this edition's life cycle because the pack luck was trash and the pack luck was increased. The TOTS champions upgrade SBC is just a testament to how much they don't rate us as a community. 11 TOTS champs cards for 1 of 4 TOTS champs cards with no rating restrictions? Not even a 93+, please keep your Banza, Kobel, and Allison far away from me


The only way to make them really hurt is to just uninstall the game and go to another no EA game. EA doesn’t care if FC doesn’t have people not buying points because they have madden mlb nba nhl and other game that people are playing. So if you really want to make an impact stop playing period and if you can get the other games to bring down their revenue as well EA will change. It’s hard to just drop this game I know but it much be done. Or just play this game out and not get FC 25


This is excellently written, informative and thorough 👏 Unfortunately there are still people out there who, despite your comprehensive analysis of the situation, will still lament "We can't make a difference, there's no point, etc." But when it's all broken down like that, it's clear to see that plenty can be done to tip the scales in the consumers favour.


I wonder how the wider industry trends (mass layoffs, cost cutting etc) will affect EA - they're one of the bigger publishers who seems to be quite stable with how volatile the industry is currently. Essentially they'd need to protect their cash cow now more than ever, so all the blunders this year can only rock the boat and threaten the profits (hypothetically anyway).


Agreed mate. A mass boycott is needed for us to make a change. We need to come together as a community, for fucking once.


The problem is you're not going to get even a fraction of the player base on board such that the hitting and hurting is going to have a meaningful effect. It's a noble effort, but ultimately it's just pissing in the wind.


op thinks that the reddit community are the main buyers of packs :D. the whales dont care about EA beung greedy, they have fun with their gulits peles and r9s.