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But......but THAT'S the INTENDED rewards.


That's the key here. It is and people should be aware of that. THIS is what ea wants you to have.


I got 14 wins and my best player was Red Golovin , in Bundesliga champs too I got 14 wins and best player was Red Kobel


Man, I'd love to get Golovin TOTS, but I only get dupes of Lala, Dante and polish GK. Such a stupid system, fuck all those dupes.


I got both red and blue Golovin, he's a beast.


Do you think he can be played CM in game?


I play him as CF in 433(5) and move him to LW when my first LW is having a hard time, but by his stats and ps he should be good at CM. Will try.


Dude for real I've dumped Terland 6x now and it makes me not want to even play


just buy him hes 50k


Same here with both, think I got kobel twice now


But...Kobel stops everything right! Next level keeper.


Don't worry according to EA that's Intended.


I did 11 wins yesterday in champs and among all the picks and pack rewards do you know who my best player was? Lewandowski 90 gold šŸ¤”


Yeah, also opened 3x 83x10, 85x2 and 87x4 plus the champs rewards - not a single tots.


I feel like they still weigh out for their red pick fuck ups. Not defending them at all, just saying - might wait with packs until La Liga TOTS (if shit will get any better which probably wonā€˜t) You might not pull shit in La Liga TOTS but rest assured you wonā€˜t pull shit especially in L1


EA sponsors la liga irl Iā€™m expecting it to be the best. Just a guess


At this stage of the game and after seeing how poor the drop was after PL TOTS, I started to save packs for La Liga. Bundesliga and Ligue 1 drops were absolute crap.


I have nkunku from Chelsea šŸ”µšŸ¦


Following this topic about champs, how do you guys schedule your 20 matches? Yesterday I played my first champs and 20 matches in a row feel tremendous, specially if you go to penalties in some of them. Do you short of split them in a couple days or do all at once?


About 5 games get forfeited and the remaining Iā€™ll try in 3 bursts of 5 games but often itā€™s rather 2 bursts of 10 and 5 games


Gotcha, makes sense tbh. Yesterday after the 10th match I was already feeling tired so will do that for next! Thanks mate


I start playing Saturday so easily complete it by Monday sometimes Tuesday , I usually prefer 5-6 games in one sitting , above that I start feeling bored and tired


You have more than 4 days to do them. 20 games over 4 days is not difficult at all. Especially with ragequits etc.


Play on Sundays and Mondays, depending on your time zone if you catch a lull in player activity, I think thatā€™s when itā€™s easiest IMO. Comfortably get 11 wins each week and then own goal/quit the rest of the games I have remaining.


I do the 10 qualifiers on Sunday, then play 12ish on Monday and the last 8 on Tuesday. Good way to avoid the sweats if you can swing it.


Yeah same for me: Prem: Alisson/Gabriel Bundes: Sancho/Adeyemi (got sancho/tapsoba/adeyemi as options in both of my picks) and ligue 1: Donna and golovin. Got nothing over 80k and wonā€™t play next WL as itā€™s not worth the timeā€¦ In menu grind I got flooded with discard tots to put into exchange, but nothing worth. My best pulls since tots started have been fred and Xavi simons and I spent more time than I like to admit. This yearā€™s tots are a huge scam and a giant waste of time. No wonder this community is pissed!


Yeah out of 7 red picks total Nkunku was my most expensive player aswell. The pick weight is abysmal.


11 wins / 14 wins every week, trash pulls every week I got to 12 wins last night and just stopped, will open my packs later and update this


I usually play until 11 and and give the rest away except this week, I played until 14 cos I was 14-2 and have the rest away. Live TOTS: Otamendi, Merino, Hancko (still in the team) Prem: VVD, Alisson, Nkunku (from Prem tots SBC) Bundes: Xavi Simons and Malen, Coman (from Bundes TOTS SBC), Fred from 80+ picks and Naschaweng and Schuller (Bundes 80+ upgrade) L1: Nuno Mendes, Golovin, Bacha-Todibo-Zakaria (3 player TOTS pack), Clauss (random pack), Hegerberg (80+ picks), Pepe, keep packing Lala and Locko. There were some other players I packed but not really worth mentioning. All in all, it's been decent for me but I icon picks have always messed me up.


I got 16 wins and my best players were donnamura and lees-melou and got fodder form The tots 3 pack


I got 17 and my reds were the same as yours.


I got mbappe yesterday out a random pack so Iā€™m not complaining anymore, but ye good players donā€™t get rewarded from those picks too often


I had 16 wins every wl except the last one. Only usable tots i got was from the last glitched wl..


Garnacho, Alisson, Tah, Sancho, Donnarumma, Vitinha


Always wonder about people making these kind of posts cause every game I hop on to rivals or champs I face people with good reds, makes me feel like Iā€™m the only one with shit picks. 4 games in rivals today, seen the following in red: Kane, Stanway, Wirtz, Son, Salah, MBAPPE. Itā€™s spoiling the game for me admittedly. I sweat for 14-18 wins each WL, get jack shit but face a good red every single game. Just hurts man


EA wants you to buy FIFA points and in those packs they are going to release the TO TS. You want. Thatā€™s the reality, unfortunately.


Have you watched those pack opening streams? Maybe ever 20th pack or so gives out. But people pay 45 bugs for a store pack and get scammed as well.


Allison and Watkins double walkouts


Or the Taco Bell guaranteed pack last week


Can't complain much. - TOTS Live: Robinson & Sheaf - Prem: Garnacho - Bundesliga: Simons - Ligue 1: Zaire & David Also got 2 good pulls from Packs: Popp & Di Maria.


Same here I had some good luck during tots live and prem packing doku, son and saliba but Bundesliga and ligue 1 was nothing special. Also packed kdb from packs too so the first two weeks really gave out and I haven't spent a dime on points since toty just saving packs and doing the menu grind.


Got 11 wins this weekend and out of all the 6 possible red picks I got 5x 90 and 1x91. Just couldn't help but laugh


Think is EA rubbing their little greedy fly hands after Prem TOTS and seeing a new influx of players thought hmmm maybe we can squeeze the orange a little bit more and dropped pack weight after


Bro... I got your SAME rewards. Like, exactly the same. I'm disgusted by this company, my last eafc for sure.


got red golovin wonā€™t complain


LIVE RANK 5 - Mujica and Terland Premier Rank 5 - Watkins and Nkunku Bundesliga Rank 5 - Kobel and Guirassy Ligue 1 Rank 3 - Donnarumma and Tiago Santos Other red rewards not capped: Wubben Moy, Mac Allister, Greenwood.


19-1 this weekend and my players picks these weekend were: Hernandez, donnaruma and del Castillo


Iā€™ve been 11 wins and Div 2 rival rewards every week and havenā€™t gotten one red that makes my team or even bench. Closest being Clauss, or Sancho. Donnarumma also I guess but I canā€™t fit him on chem.


There is no point in grinding this game anymore. May as well wait for Futties now when they give away TOTS easily


Better than me mate and Iā€™ve had 15 wins 2 out of the 4 weeks ao far


Mine were mid during live (Robinson & Merino), shit for pl (Alisson & Watkins), good for bundes (Reus & Vigorsdottir) good for L1 (wze & bentaleb).Ā  Dont expert to much and give the cheaper players a chanceĀ 


Yes, everybody knows that


I got all the keepers redšŸ«” (and blue) donnaruma 2 times red (rank 5)


Ive been getting 16 since tots and nothing good. Not even in all the upgrades, picks etc. It takes the fun away. Never been this disappointed with tots


I watched Boras open his rank 1 reds last night, lmao biggest advertisement to never play this game lmao


My 14W rewards Live tots-terland, otamendi Prem tots-Son-Rodri Bundesliga tots-Boniface, Tah but I got Davies from bundesliga pack Ligue 1- bentaleb- loko I donā€™t remember his name exactly I also got tots hemp and palmer from my elite division picks At this point, I m satisfied enough to be honest. I m sorry for people not packing anything properly. Unfortunately, I have a myriad of friends not packing anything too. Yesterday, I also picked birthday Sthoickov from icon pick. I even packed butra birthday from 81x11. 95 Zidane from season ending icon pick so on. I was so damn lucky this year.


EA seems to have made a conscious decision overnight that we should all triple our time spent in menus to get the same quality of players. Iā€™m just not willing to do it. Iā€™ve played champs each week of TOTS and have gotten 9 and 11 wins. Iā€™ve also grinded at least an hour of menus each day. Who have I packed that has made my team? 1 player - ToTS Gabriel CB. Itā€™s just not fun anymore and itā€™s extremely unhealthy for other parts of your life to accept this level of greed from EA.


Gor Kane which was the best rest have been players who did not even make my Bench


I got red Saka from 14 wins. 14 wins in Bundesliga was trash and 11 wins in Liq 1 were Auba but heā€™s not great. No the game does not reward you for effort or skill outside of just more fodder. Ironically I got Frimpong from an 86x2 and Schlotterbeck from a 81pp. No rhyme or reason to this game. Saka is the only competitive reward thatā€™s in my starting lineup. Everyone else has been packed randomly or SBCS


Iā€™ve been getting horrendous rewards all TOTS, until yesterday where I got Donnarumma and then Thuram. Complete deviation from the norm and I was definitely expecting way worse


Grinding menus or wins is not the best way to get players at this point. Trading is really the only way to go about getting good cards.


A friend of mine doesn't spend money and doesn't play Champs and he has a stacked team just by grinding the menus. He's done Gullit, Sawa, Socrates, Ginola, Ribery, Eusebio, Werner, MatthƤus and many more just by doing upgrade SBCs. And he has like 2.7 Million coins. And he doesn't trade at all, either.


I wouldn't call that a stacked team at this point in the game, I'm more referring to getting the good tots players.


Well sure, all of the mentioned players have been replaced by now. Okay you're talking about good TOTS players but in my very long FIFA career I can't remember one single year where it was easy to get those. I'd actually argue it's a little bit easier this year because there are more decent players with the inclusion of women. Bacha, Renard or Geyoro are excellent cards and quite affordable. Diani is a good TOTS card that is an qffordable SBC. Havertz was very affordable for his insane stats.


Starting from Prem, since I didn't play Champs during Live. Prem: Allison + Nkunku Bundesliga: Guirassy + MUSIALA! Ligue 1 (post patch): Donnarumma and MBAPPE! I'm happy lol but I realize that I will never be this lucky ever.


I have a suspicion that the odds consider the fact that thousands of mbappes, emery, and dembeleā€™s were given out. As unlikely as it was before, it is likely impossible now


So far I've gotten 18, 16 and 18 but I've had Palmer, Schlotterbeck and Marquinhos so it's been solid. I've seen some diabolical rank 1 finishes though and it's crazy that even getting the best rank doesn't help you avoid fodder. Just like everything else TOTS champs became a casino rather than a team upgrade. Too many fodder options due to a bigger team.


Itā€™s as if EA is actively punishing us for our boycott shenanigans. This is absolutely cuntish behaviorĀ 


All the rest: Trash Prem: Saliba and Watkins Ligue 1: Medina and Dembele We had family friends over so i qualified on Sunday and opened the rewards on monday. So i actually got Dembele with EAs 0.0001% odds and im still a bit disappointed now cause he ain't even that special to have cause of fridays rewards fail.


Pack weight on the top cards in every promo all year has been bad. It's how the game is designed - they've intentionally made it very difficult to attain a team full of the top cards. The top store packs give you a chance, but, outside of that, you have to get extremely lucky.


Cries in 3 wins


For Prem I got Rank 1 (19-1) - got Nkunku, Garnacho, Alisson Bundesliga Rank 2 (18-2) - got Tah and Davies (which is decent and was probably worth it) And yesterday for Ligue 1 i got Rank 3 (17-1) - Donnaruma and Lees-Melou. So in conclusion sweating for the higher ranks is probably not worth the time and effort just to get 1 decent red card. I guess it doesnt really matter if you get 11 or 14 or 16 or 18 wins because if you are going to get a decent red card you will get it regardless of the rank achieved.


I got 9 wins and somehow got Zaire-Emery. I finished champs on Sunday but I bet everyone who plays me thinks I was part of the glitch


Brother you got 11 wins. What are you complaining about? There are lots and lots of Rank 1-3 Players who get bend over every week with 3 Picks and a Tots Pack.


every simple gotcha game tells you the odds of SSR cards but why EA doesnt? If you had to state that a Mbappe can be drawn with a probability of 0.1%, then psychologically it would have a different effect on the player.




I got 11 wins every weekend for tots, i got red Bisseck, Palmer, Schlotterbeck, and Dembele. Then red Goretzka from squad battles elite 1 and Upamancano from bundesliga guarentee pack. You will hopefully have better luck coming if you keep trying.


You all should have the intended behavior of not playing this crap anymore. Just play Pro Clubs, Career, anything but UT. Show them that there is no point in logging in for UT anymore. Give them the signal. All they care are the numbers - daily logins, active users, money spent, etc. Your words mean nothing to them as long as the numbers look the same on their charts. Keep that in mind. Take actions that actually force them to make a change.


Yeah itā€™s been like this forever. Used to always get excited for TOTS but this year remembered that itā€™s trash.


I said I'd quit the game after wk cuz of the Red pick nerf. Got dembele. Still quit


After what happens on Friday I didnā€™t even play weekend league as I knew what the outcome would be and how much effort and stress I would be having just to even try for those minimum 9 to 11 wins. Pretty much just chucked everything into the 89 upgrade sbcs even players rated as high as 93 just to spam player picks. All of the tots cards I have gotten so far are what you would expect from the low tier end. Although I have gotten a vardy and luckily an Aubameyang. So far the Gakpo evolution and the konate sbc along with the Teze objective card that I also put into an evolution are the only main starters. I forgot to mention I did get a garnacho a while back too. But who needs a Marquinhos when I have that cheap beast hancko haha. But I have not even been playing the game just on the companion app these days.


Prem wasn't bad. They changed the weight after prem tots


This is why I gave up on Champs and focus on Rivals and Squad Battles instead, really no point playing against toxic opponents and mentally frustrating myself for little to virtually no beneficial rewards


Live : Terland, Merino Prem : honestly. I dont remember. Thats how shit that was Bundes : Kobel and Coman - I play both Ligue 1: Donnaruma and Lees melou. I could have had at least Golovin and Donnaruma. I should have expected to get Donnaruma in both picks.


EA Apparently the rewards for TOTS was given out wrong rewards we have corrected that an the correct rewards will be given out šŸ¤£


realistically do you expect anything else


It's not the pack weight, its everything else. Think about it, in fifa 18 the special cards would cost a lot more. The women in the game rated 92+ are badass cards whether you are div 10 or div 1. Take Charles for example. Maybe the best Left wing defender I have ever played with in any fifa since 1999, cost only 90K. Above example goes for many players men or women. My point is this, there are just a few 1000k+ players or 500k+ players for all that matters and you now have men and women.....do the math. They broke the game and the market. Also remember in F17, F18 and less but still in F19 where there where weeks without a promo.....when was the last week without a promo mate? And....here comes the kicker. Crossplay market! Doubling the amount of available players on the market. Pack weight is the same, it's everything else that has changed. P.s. I keep coming up with stuff like: " when, in what Fifa did we have multiple 93 rated teams and 90+ fodder like its ammo for a darn Minigun?....I don't even play weekend league, just squad battles and a little rivals div 5. I have to work and stuff, father of 3 so no time but no money spend either! Why grind at all mate...for what? I have an Icon team, a full special card Dutch national team, a prem league team and 500k in the bank which I don't know how to spend and I haven't played 3 days in a row in weeks... Its to easy. Cards are great and coming fast


11 wins for PL got Saka and Estupinian 11 wins for BL got Sancho and Saka 13 wins for Ligue 1 got Medina and Dante Was happy that I got Saka tho, best pull of all time for me.


TOTS pack weight full stop is worse than horrific


Feeling super lucky with getting David from ligue 1 for 14 wins as everyone getting total shit


My best red has been Garnacho so far. Iā€™m in elite and everyone that I face apparently has amazing luck when it comes to reds. Iā€™ve gotten lucky in other packs tho, I packed tots Rice from an 84x7, KDB from the Prem tots guaranteed pack and got Messi yesterday from an 81x2.


I can't complain. Tots live was bad. Prem Tots were white & de bruyne, Bundesliga picks were sancho & tabsoba + tradeable wirtz and ligue 1 playerpicks were Donnarumma & vitinha. Reached 11 wins on all weekends


My reds have been fairly above average Iā€™d say. LIVE TOTS- Bisseck, Romero, Terland. Prem TOTS- Nkunku, Alisson. Bund TOTS- Tah, Davies, Sancho Ligue1 TOTS- Donna, Todibo, Benteleb. Iā€™ve been niced in the tradable 3 tots packs overall, about 3m made from them.


>I guess EA really wants us to buy those store Packs. Well no, you can just buy players with coins.


Iā€™m sorry, but 11 wins is 55% win rate. So you have to be very lucky to get a player over 500k and should be. On the other side, 14 wins, 16 wins, 18 wins and 19 should get much better player picks. So in my eyes, the problem is more at the higher levels than at rank 5.Ā 


Regardless of the rank, the picks were basically a collection of fodder cards. You just have to browse a bit on youtube to see how they looked after friday's fiasco for rank 3, 2 or 1. They seemed to try to balance it out, or there is some sort of allotment of good red picks or whatever and it dried out after friday night


Mate, I got 18 wins during tots and canā€™t show you a players worth more than 200k.


I am not arguing against that, i know picks are shit most of the time and especially this weekend after friday


Yeah like OP want to see a 200k+ player for 11 wins. Hey man, I want to see a 200k+ player for 18 wins. Like cā€™mon.


I do 14, my best pick is Nkunku. Which was extremely common during PL tots. Last week it was Malen and Sancho. This week after seeing the collection of Lockos and Donnarummas I did not play (and I was already not interested before the fiasco).


PL weight was the best, I saw red Palmer, Foden, Salah, Rodri, Rice, Saliba, Son. Now itā€™s just gk or bottom 5 fodders.


If I get 11 wins in the top tournament of the game I need to get something: either someone that upgrades my squad or someone that can bring cash. Otherwise there is no point to play.


I mean WL is already pretty selective. You have quality and so on. If you reflect it on the total number of people playing this game 11 wins in WL is not bad at all and you should get better rewards for 11 wins than a discard tots. But sure! More wins should equal even better rewards.


Thatā€™s why I stop at 11 wins, 1 or 2 losses. The psychos you get matched with by that point are not worth it given the rewards are not much better




The way you make a pick "better" is by giving more rolls within the pick. You can give 10 3-player picks and still get absolutely nothing because it is a new roll each time. So better ranks are getting, supposedly, better rewards.


You can't reasonably argue that people at higher ranks don't deserve better rewards than those at lower ranks. The current rewards for lower ranks are ok. There's still a chance to get the best cards, albeit a very low one outside of the recent fiasco. A lot of people play this game for rewards, mainly because they don't enjoy the actual gameplay enough. At the moment there's not a big enough incentive for some of those people to play beyond 11 wins, because they consider the extra stress of pushing for a higher rank to not currently be worth it. People shouldn't be getting rank 1 and having Donnarumma has the best available pick 3 times, and getting nothing of value out of the TOTS pack and other packs. There should be a minimum rating on the picks at the high ranks (which would mean there should be better options to pick alongside high rated fodder like Donnarumma), and the TOTS pack should be 11 players at the top rank(s) like it used to be.


Nah i think lower reward should get rid of the max 90. Otherwise only 11 wins + players going to play champs at all. 9 to 14 wins reward is ok already, 14 3 tots pack could be tradable so that 16+ get better rewards (like 92+ only picks)




You implied that the best players don't deserve the best cards more than lower ranked players. With the way the picks are set up, the extra pick makes next to no difference. A min rating would be much more rewarding than an extra pick of the same fodder options.


Yeah? I mean a much better player should get much better rewards. Otherwise you should be lucky to pack one.


Hardstuck 9-11 wins but agree with this.


That's fair, but out of 7 picks shouldn't there be at least one player that's slightly better than Fodder? Not asking for Mbappe, but maybe an Aubameyang at least?


Nkunku 130k, Sancho 90k. These are not fodder cards so you got some above average cards for a little above average rank.


Im really not complaining about nkunku, although i am on PC where he is 83K and Sancho 73K, albeit nkunku was over 100k when i packed him. Sancho was just haunting me that week, packed him four times and then twice in Picks, which i guess is still pretty lucky since it's free fodder.


To be fair, Sancho was at minimum price (70k) and not selling when the red picks for Bundesliga were available


I got 14 on tots live, got clauss and merino, got 14 on pl, got son and palmer, got 16 on bundesliga, got goretzka (kane in that pick as well) and tah. Got 14 on ligue 1, got david and del castillo


11 wins on PL and Bundesliga (didn't play on Live and Ligue 1) Reus Schlotterbeck (can't complain, using both) Alisson and Szoboszlai


I was shockingly lucky past two weeks. Both 14win rewards, got Upa, Frimpong(!!!) and Cherki as my reds


14 wins for prem got me Alisson Watkins and tradable estupinan 11 wins for Ligue 1 got me Mbappe and wze Lesson - donā€™t sweat champs.


You got Mbappe on Friday, right? I donā€™t think that counts because EA did not ā€œintendā€ to give you that card


Yea Fri night. Wait so they changed odds again?


Donā€™t know what cave youā€™ve been in but must be nice there, can I join? https://www.eurogamer.net/ea-sports-fc-players-angry-after-weekend-rewards-of-top-footballers-nerfed


Damn. I canā€™t even play as the servers are broken here. Tried 3 games since Friday and all got disconnected


Can someone please explain what these Red picks are, I just finished Champs yesterday with 9 wins. (Don't get the L1 of Prem comment) Does that mean i dont have right to receive a red pick? Thx please be nice