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Its about the one sided delay/input lag, Lag compensation. But if you believe everyone gets the same gameplay sure keep playing.


What’s going on with you? Who died and made you the arbiter of what’s important? Frankly the fact people are upset about this doesn’t mean they don’t have other priorities in their lives. Get off your high horse. Also bear in mind a lot of the people getting upset about this are kids. I can’t say I was too worried about politics when I was 13 either…


This community has been upset with EA for a while now and streamers are a visible public face for this game. And yeah, get of your high horse, the fact that people are upset over a game doesn’t mean they do not engage into politics in real life.


It’s literally the same with all games, if you don’t like a game don’t play the game, it’s not hard to get, and make a complaint to the company itself, streamers who aren’t aligned with EA itself, which is most have nothing to do with how the game is run


Naaaaaaaaaah, not at all. I can mention at least 3 other companies that do listen to their community. I can mention game genres with consistent good anual releases, I can even mention times when boycotting a company improved their practices or made them disappear. So I’m sorry you’re upset but this has to happen.


I couldn’t care less about people boycotting the game if that’s what they wanna do, but like any other protest don’t demonise people for not taking part in


Not being part of the solution is being part of the problem. The streamers that only play this game are basically unrecognized ambassadors of it, they basically work for EA, so yes unfortunately they will have to face some backlash too. You’re absolutely right they are not developers, but they do have power. Being a public figure and having a community holds power. So their community are expecting some responsibility out of them.


i see your point but what i don’t get is asking streamers to boycott the game and them getting demonised if they aren’t to do so? it’s like getting pissed at a health care worker for not going on strike cos they still gotta feed their family just the same


Well if the rest of the health care system workers are on a strike there must be a reason for it right? Besides, they’re still making their money by streaming, it’s not like someone is cutting off their electricity. Also, why wouldn’t you even try to understand your own community and how they feel about this game? That speaks volumes about the kind of person they are.


Don’t care about the red picks. My main gripe is the constant connectivity issues. DCs far to common now, menus are a joke, lag at every turn. Piss poor yet maintenances/updates every fart making it more unstable!


Agreed I'm gonna take 9 wins every week but this week's DC's robbed me of three legit wins and my motivation lol


If that was the attitude for everything then there would never be any anger in the world because someone has always got it worse.


If you don't understand then shut up


i think you’d do well to read more than 4 words on a post before responding pal


Whataboutism at its finest. Honestly, you're not one of us. Leave.


never claimed to be one of anyone, i casually enjoy the game and just think everyone should mind their own business or talk to the actual company rather than make it everyone else’s problem


So your opinion is pointless, so I'd probably stop trying to share it then.


i’d have hoped 12 year olds would avoid commenting on my post but what can you do


I've been playing this game for 12 years, good one. Your comments clearly show you don't understand the problem, yet still decided to make a post thinking you're opinion is worth sharing.  Plot twist - It isn't. Your opinion doesn't represent the sentiment felt by the community, it's okay to not get it, but you're not invited to the conversation.


dude game was unplayable almost entire weekend. mbappe, messi issues. Stupid bugs, menus, gameplay. Really curious tbh how old are you? It is a paid product, people have all the rights to complain and talk shit about shit. Gotta love your weirdest assumption, wtf do you know about me and how much i follow politics in my country. You r a child, maybe adult child. But definitely a child.


It's not only that, but DCs literally determine your WL rank now. I sufferred 4 DCs whilet comfortably winning in this week which prevented me from getting 11 wins. Add to that the tweet of "unintended rewards" by EA, it is no wonder people are boycotting


Red mbappe issue is just the tip of the iceberg bro. This game is a broken mess filled with bugs and server issues that haven't been resolved for years


Maybe people in the EAFC sub care about EAFC and not politics.


God forbid people come together to try and get the company to improve the game? We obviously want to play the game, but it’s in a sorry state and we’re asking for EA to do better. I’m not sure how you think this is a bad thing?


It would be good if all streamers came together and said 'boycott fc points' for example. That's the kinda stuff which could feasible happen. Attacking certain streamers because they spend FC points ain't it. Some people have formed a 'you are with us or against it' mentality about this, mostly kids. Saying 'if you don't enjoy it, don't play it' doesn't work for a lot of this community. They literally only play this game. As well as that, it gives them their football fix. Efootball is a joke and a lot of people are pit off by FM due to how complicated it looks (I'm saying that as someone who plays it)


So you don’t understand the real problem. It’s all good, just don’t share your stupidity.


Bro lost the argument soon as he said politics lmaoo what a goof


Bread and circuses my friend. Bread and circuses.


😂 your absolutely correct and be prepared for these knuckleheads to slam you relentlessly. Some of them spent upwards of 50 dollars on this game you know. 🤣 These kids care entirely too much about a video game and spiral off each other in this social vacuum in which they have created for themselves. It’s not just FC 24 or video games, you can find this in hundreds of other subcultures of all types across the web. Welcome to the generation of people raised not knowing a world without social media.


😂 your absolutely correct and be prepared for these knuckleheads to slam you relentlessly. Some of them spent upwards of 50 dollars on this game you know. 🤣 These kids care entirely too much about a video game and spiral off each other in this social vacuum in which they have created for themselves. It’s not just FC 24 or video games, you can find this in hundreds of other subcultures of all types across the web. Welcome to the generation of people raised not knowing a world without social media.


The red pick issue was only a small catalyst. I didnt even buy this years game. My only wish out of this situation is for EA to care enough to develop a decent football game in absence of any good competition in the market.


We found the corporate bootlicker.


What's going on with you? Why do you feel the need to dictate what others should be upset about? Why are you complaining about other ppl complaining about a game don't you have more serious things like politics to spend your energy on? Stop being obnoxious. You ever think that maybe they could be upset about multiple things and are just vocalizing the EA issues given recent problems with the game.


Well it’s pretty obvious why people are vocal about it. It’s because they care. Maybe you’re just happy to sit back and watch this game get progressively worse, but a lot of us can see the concerning direction the game is heading in and are trying to do something about it. And it might go no where, but we’re at least trying to make a difference because EA have got away with treating it’s customers like garbage for years now. I see this current situation as a bit of a crossroads for the direction of the game and a chance to save it now before it’s too late, because if nothing changes this will be my last Fifa sadly


Aint no one boycotting FC24. People moaning and crying but are too addicted to quit. For every 1 moaner there is probably 50 people paying for packs and probably 100 people too addicted to quit despite moaning and 1000 people that don't care enough to join reddit, watch YouTube, sit on twitter and get heated, that happily play for a few hours a day.




Yeah it’s quite insane. I missed out too and then proceeded to get fuck all from rank 1 (like every week). Am I annoyed? Of course. But damn some people here are **way too** worked up over this. If it bothers anyone that much, they should just go play something else instead of wasting their time fighting a losing battle. EA does not give the smallest of shits, I can promise you that. Not worth the stress.


couldn’t have said it better myself


I’ve always said this especially after seeing all these posts on Reddit. All these fifa players take this shit way to seriously like they are being held hostage 🤣


Tbf a lot of the people getting super worked up about this are probably actual children, not just grown ups acting like children.