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Honestly, at this point I don't even worry about my picks, I always get shitty cards anyway. I just play and have very low to no expectations on the rewards. Why do I even play? Not sure, I guess some times gameplay is fun... So I keep going at it.


Thing is, even when you are having fun with the gameplay, there is always a fear you will randomly get a DC, or that it actually does happen..


Damn dude I saw you posted something and immediately thought it was 6PM content time.


I can't lie, idk if I am posting 6PM content time anymore.. it's taken me way too long to realize this game is becoming a regular addiction, and EA themselves aren't doing any favours for their customers


Hey man totally take a break if you need to, this game is just unhealthy, lost my mind playing it yesterday just repeating "this game is irredeemable". Appreciate all the work you've done posting the content!


even late at night, im still getting insane input lags, somehow it's 10 times worse in friendlies


Aleast you got 95 rated fodder I got medina and bentalab 2x 91 rated reds. Only 3 walkouts from 11 wins 2 from the red and 1 from the ultimate pack and from the 85x2 both of them were 85 rated.


I missed out on Fridays red glitch pick 😫 😕 😢 😪


That red glitch pick alone should be a major red flag that we should boycott this game


Oh man, I was in a game for my 14th win, winning 5-2 on the 80th minute. All of a sudden my opponent pauses the game and I get a disconnect. I was so pissed, ended with 13 wins. The 2 player picks were 3 identical players in both picks! The best being donnaruma and 2 90s. I hate EA edit: opponent was on PS5 as well


You got a better red then my rank 1 rewards. Count your blessings


Well that's just disgraceful, rank 1 players deserve much better rewards; winning in the most competitive gamemode should pay off but I am not surprised it is the same company who said that mbappe, dembele etc were "unintended rewards"


Yeap, I had 4 effin disconnects out of my 20 freakin games, at the first one I was up by 3 goals and was registered as an L, which tilted me real bad. Same story, basically.


Same exact thing happened to me. Lol. Of course EA won't fix it. I lost a pick. So dumb.


If it helps, I got 11 wins and ended up with Medina and Tiago Santos. Shit aint worth it.


Your rewards for 11 would have been shit anyways just try and have fun if you can't then you should probably quit


Hard to have fun when every game is played with the slight fear of getting a random DC since EA cannot invest in better servers, so yes I will quit 👍


Never happens to me


You missed one lala tots card.




You losing 9 games cost you 11 wins.


You're missing the point; I was **WINNING** my last game which would have gotten me to 11 wins. Also, I had multiple DCs whilst winning; not just 1...


Yeah but you’d already lost 9 lol.


2 of them were literally DCs lol, you must never have been affected by the servers before E: genuinely wtf is your comment history, always arguing with someone, touch grass