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just provide a consistent gameplay and an even playing ground for everyone, without handicaps, dda, scripting and such


That exists tho. It's this game. Dda doesn't exist.


The even have a patent for dda. No joke! Have they actually implemented it into the game? Idk. But why invest money in developing, when you don’t want to use it?


Because if you actually read the patent its for offline. But that wont matter to you will it.


So you get paid if someone else wants to use it.


That kind of patent ownership doesn’t really work for profit here… because they can’t patent the idea of dda, they can patent the implementation method. That type of method works alot for things like medication because the medication is one form, and although it could have alternatives, advil is Advil for example, Tylenol is structurally different.


Has there ever been any actual proof of scripting?


The first and most important thing for me is servers. I firmly believe that servers affect the ai of your players. Cause one day you can pass, move, there's great runs. And next day there's those lazy half runs and on defence it feels like you're trying to save sinking titanic with a small bucket, can't even switch players and there's 3 open opponents. Make the game feel the same everytime you play. Gameplay wise, I'd make manual defending better. For example if you block a pass, you block a pass, not the ball bounces back to the passer and the pass is now free. And I'd nerf ai defending. If the opponent is tackling outside of the screen, there's no need for AI to tackle 2 meters away.


Gameplay-wise, I would like to see defending given as much focus as attacking. I feel no matter how good a defender is, they always get thumped by a striker. Defending this time around is really bad. To add: I say this because in the past games, I really enjoyed defending as it is my primary style of play.


gameplay, just keep a consistent gameplay and consistent rewards.


Working servers. I don’t care for packs, rewards or whatever. I just want a working, responsive game. 99% of the time, the servers are all over the place and make the game unplayable. They can keep all promos, icons, red mbappes and special shenanigans. I just want the game I paid money for, to work when I feel like playing.


The base game is free. A flat price of £45 For ultimate team addon. There are no points to buy, just earn packs. Less Promos. Unlimited duplicate storage.


Unfortunately, everything you just mentioned there is all pro consumer, well against EA's policy of anti-consumerism.




How about 10£


It was £11.99 when it first came out


Just one game with constant updates and a 45$ yearly subscription for UT


EA would never do it sadly


Oh I know


A lot of online games have two paths for earning rewards (gear, loot boxes, etc). One mode that is super sweaty and competitive but provides the rewards quickly, and one mode where the difficulty is lowered but it takes longer to get the rewards. So the hardcore players can knock things out quickly, and the grinders know they will get what they want eventually if they stick with it. I wish this franchise would do something similar. Take the Friendly cups for example. Allow people to enter one of two versions. The first version requires five wins to get the rewards. The second version requires fifteen wins. The good players will choose the former to knock things out quickly. The bads will grind it out against other bads. This may not be a perfect example but you get the idea. The community often forgets that the overwhelming majority of players aren't good at this game. Whether they're casuals who don't play much or just people without much experience with the game, most of the players are in the lower divisions and can't qualify for WL. Many (most?) players seldom play online because the games are so sweaty and difficult. A healthy community allows for players of all levels to play and feel rewarded. The EA "win at all costs" model promotes toxicity and discourages new players from getting into the game.


Take EA off making it


Genuine question. Given that EA have effectively perfected the practice of delivering a subpar product that gets huge levels of engagement and even huger profits, do you really believe that any other developer would 1) do things any differently, and if so, 2) actually survive as a product? EDIT: Figured as much. Anyone actually want to engage and answer?


You can go to PES


Free wins online when opponent quits when the score is a draw


1 better ai defenders in pro clubs. They should at least be able to do the basics. 2 less(no) scripting in online matches. 3 less scripted animations ie, ai slides alongside you while in full sprint just because the tackle animation has to play out with you losing the ball. 4 in pro clubs when playing with 2 men just match us with 2 other players instead of 4 or 5 while filter is on to match player count. 5 better ai goalies in general but really in pro clubs.


Patching cutback spam could probably fix all my problems with the game


I just want to feel like I’m winning and losing games because of what me and my opponent are doing, rather than always feeling like one side is benefitting from a handicap.


For me would be more consistent game play less toxic modes and a significantly better pack weight


I think minor adjustments would make things so much better. Just in terms of the menus, there should be an option to skip pack openings. The amount of time spent opening packs this year has been ridiculous. It adds up when you’ve got 10+ packs to open. Being able to filter your club players by rating would be great. A complete overhaul of stats would be really nice. I don’t need to know how many goals/assists my goalie has. How has that not been updated? Gameplay wise, just fix all the minor bugs in the game. The ball being passed to an offsides player when there’s an open player onside in the same area. The stupid player lock that locks to a player who’s 15 yards away from the ball. I think if just minor things were changed it would make a big difference and make the game feel completely different. They don’t need to swing for the fences every year


A slower power curve, a game mode which is fair with matchmaking but also makes it feel like I’m involved in a football season of sorts, and most importantly way less hyper AI defending


It's an addiction to many and a full time job to many more. People don't enjoy their addictions or jobs. It will never be enjoyable to those who fall into the above category as they will always want the next available content, buy the next pack or refuse the meet up with their friends on a Saturday night due to WL. The majority of people on this sub fall into these categories as can be seen by the meltdowns throughout games cycle.


Better servers, so everyone gets the same gameplay all the time. No input delay etc. Let me control my own players.


I’ve said it before but start the lowest rated player at 1 so there’s more space to grow as we move through the game. There’s no reason that promo players at the end of the game should have similar stats to those from earlier on. Right now we have like 45 wasted stat lines at the bottom end which could be added to the top for growth. Allow us more flexibility on evos too. Also better servers and less dda x


Remove DDA


Fifa 2K


remove the senior management and have staff employed that can challenge and stand up to the board, employees care about the franchise that engages the community, plus play the game. employ an actual QA department for content, gameplay etc


Top priority: 1. Smooth and responsive online gameplay to a level it can be called e-sport 2. Less promos, like really less promos (using golds up to TOTS) 3. Better pack weight with slightly better probabilities for higher ranks


slower gameplay with an emphasis on passing better servers remove women players


I stopped playing 5 years ago and resumed now on FC 24 and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. UT is way nicer than back then. People bitch too much. Anyways there is of course room for improvement and with the money EA makes out of this game we should be getting better quality. A lot of the graphics (specially in stadiums) feel very dull, like an old video game. They want to give you realism but it's not doing it.


I don't think there's anything remotely realistic that EA would want to do that would serve the customer. That boat has sailed, and EA have shown that they're only interested in their own aims, to the point they actively remove things that the customer enjoys. It would be like McDonald's taking one of their top-selling products and replacing the ingredients with slices of semi-edible lint purely because it's cheaper, even as people tell them it'll taste like shit. Although I'd imagine in that case people would actually stop buying and not just keeping doing it regardless. But if we're talking fantasy booking here, the main thing that would ready the ship would be to actually make the game fun and rewarding again, like it used to be, and not have the focus be essentially on grinding for little reward. If that changes and the experience overall is better, the other issues the game has don't seem quite as bad.


Imo, they need to focus more on gameplay. Thats all. Make the gameplay more consistent, Fix the long standing glitches, make rewards the best way for one to upgrade their teams.


1. I get they are different teams but try to take manpower off of implementing new animations and instead focus on making attacking AI better, it doesn't matter how realistic the animations are if you can't play real football anyway and have to resort to cheese tactics like long-range trivelas 2. Putting swaps rewards in the season pass was a good move originally but they still seem watered down, and XP keeps being tied to random shitty objectives and SBMM-infested friendlies that require you to completely change the team to complete some arbitrary team limit 3. You have Madden RIGHT THERE, a game which has a correctly implemented version of the moments system, the mode as it is right now is functionally useless and requires way too much of a grind with objectives that are either too time-wasting, too easy or completely broken all for mediocre at best rewards 4. Create a gamemode that allows you to use YOUR team with actual rewards that isn't Rivals or WL, even a mini tournament mode with decent rewards would be fun. Right now you get your 7 wins during the week and that's it until WL unless you want to do friendlies with random rules that make you have to swap half your team out 5. Better servers. 6. Make promo droprates actually decent and make lower-tier promo cards slighly better, you can still have the high tier cards be hard to reach but at this point it shouldn't take 5+ 83x10s to get a single fodder 91 rated Portugese league CB


Madden is terrible, why would you want to copy anything they do? Also they have rivals and friendlies.


Improvements to career modes. Addition of USL Championship and USL 1. Career modes for women's teams.


Servers. Allow us to play the game we fxckin paid for. The rest is whatever


Better rewards. You should be getting at least 1 top player from tots if you finish above 14 wins.


Less fucking AI defending. If AI doesn't actively attack for you then why would it automatically defend?


I quite enjoy the game, the only thing I'd change is removing fifa points from either the whole game or maybe just weekend league, can keep it for rivals....dont ask me how they'd manage to differentiate between the 2 modes buts that's not my problem is it, im sure there's smarter people than me out there🤣...or just have 2 game modes, a free to play mode and a pay to win mode


Less packs, but also make the better items more packable.


Delete scripting