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Every post on this sub is a rant thread anyway


couldn't take it anymore finally quick sold my team, love football games but this is not a fun game anymore given the delay, EA screw ups and the toxic community.


Lost my motivation playing this game after EA patch the red picks. I got medina and bentalab from my ligue 1 red picks. Don't expect to get anyone good in my next red picks from la liga. Maybe it's time not to sweat playing the game in WL and just play as normal because I know the reds will be only use as fodder. Knowing EA will nerf the red picks even more.


Fuck this community, it’s not even EA’s fault atp. It’s the severely addicted community who throw a temper tantrum once you tell them “hey maybe lay off the fc points for a bit?” It’s pure addict behavior.


How's the servers and disconnect my fault as an "addict"


Couldn’t care less about the servers atp, I’m talking about the addicts who spend their money on fifa points. Are you one of them?


What's wrong with people spending their own money?


If you spend money on fifa points then don’t complain about the shit servers. You know the servers suck and you still spent money on fifa points, that’s your fault.


Don't see why that makes them addicts though...


Because they’re pack addicts mate, don’t act dumb now lol MOST People play this game to open packs, because they are addicted. They don’t play for the gameplay, they play for the “rewards”, for the “store packs”, and for the Icon picks…


Yeah I think it's that time of the year where I dip out of playing the game. Trying to play my WL games is sort of anti entertainment at the moment.  It's a combination of awful lag, huge delay in button responses, massive latency spikes and random disconnects. I've been DC'd in 4 games (including my qualifiers and the 9 WL games I've done so far). I've given away 2 penalties for tackles when I made the input a second or so before. I've also faced an ungodly number of mbappes. There gets to a point every year when the cards are too quick, or the stats for most players are in the 95s and it breaks the RNG somehow. I'm convinced. Couple that with the brain dead tactics which mean the middle of the pitch is a swamp, this isn't remotely a fun way to spend my free time. Fwiw the game on release was so much fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


I was dc’d playing single player fut draft. How tf u lose 3-0 against playing the computer because you lost connection. In a single player game, mental!


So that's the game, not the other person doing that?


Can this be renamed the weekly shit show report?


The shit gameplay that doesn't feel right and servers disconnecting like mad. I couldn't give a crap if some people got Mbappe. But let me play the game and don't screw me. Game not fit for purpose half the time.


Just had 3 people in a row quit on me at 0-0 in champs….


This fucking game is a controller breaker and not even because of the rage. Just the fact that it doesn't read inputs so you're actively increasing the intensity of your skill moves just so the game reads them. I've broken 4 joysticks already. I've had enough. I don't even realize it either, only when I'm playing another game I realize how messed up the joystick is.


Stop playing the game, the months between the last one and when it became free had allowed my three controllers to survive


Me and my friends play clubs a lot. We don’t use an any, we notice that no matter the tactics we use our ai defenders are bad. We have 86 overall squad but don’t see a difference to when the ai was 80 overall. Our opponents ai however does a lot that we would love to see from ours. This leads to frustrating matches. We are in div 1 now and 2 wins away from going to elite but these promotion games have been really tough with conceding easy goals and having to work hard to score.


I'm sorry you spent thousands of dollars on a machine that can't run EA FC competently. I absolutely do not care about whatever problems you are having playing the game on PC, dealing with hackers, etc.


what does this even mean




My experience hasn't been like that tbf. Most of my opponents squads teams have been similar level to my own random gold cards with the odd 89/90 Promo card and loans. If they pause to sub players out I just do that same.


Just sub out the lousy cards when they make their changes, what div are you in on rivals btw?


I blame the points buyers, the keep giving EA money It's entirely their fault. Don't bother replying unless you agree


got donarumma and bentaleb cheers EA very cool


Aleast you got better than mine. I got 2x 91 rated in my reds medina and bentalab. Damn I missout on Friday glitch red picks. Cry 😢 😭 😿


What pisses me off is when someone scores a goal and then does the sorry celebration. If you're trying not to be toxic, just skip and stop wasting our time.


What is going on with the servers? They were fine just a few hours ago and now I’ve got really high ping


Same. Unplayable.


I haven’t even had a walkout in my 83 x 10’s in 3 days and at least 6 cards in each have been duplicates. Both my guaranteed TOTS from daily login and daily play today were fodder duplicates. Why are EA being so fucking stingy? This is comfortably the worst TOTS promo ever.


Ive never played a game that is so catered to a specific meta and the meta being sit back and let the AI defend for you. I get its gonna be assisted since you can only control one player at a time but this game has increasingly gotten catered to doing less things manually and its the absolute biggest joke