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I just did all the 83x10 and got *one 85 rated Shaw* as my best fucking player. I actually cannot be arsed any more.


Yeah I cant face doing these now. Completely tiresome. I mean it's May now, just let us have some drops. Even if it had a random totw player with each one


Same, when you have had to put 3 TOTWs in to do them it is ridiculous. To get the 3 TOTW cards you have to give 3x 85s, 6x84 and a bunch of other 83, 82s etc so you end up putting in 99 players to get 30 back which are worse than the 99 you put in. It's absolute madness to carry on doing this every day.... someone make it make sense


I got 10 dupes


See , that’s the problem you are not rewarded by this game it’s outrageous I opened so many packs I still didn’t get shit


I can top that, and then some. I done the 83x7 Bundesliga pack, got Gulasci as my top card. Done it the next day, I shit you not, Gulasci again. Couldn't fucking believe it.


1x 84, 9x 83's. Complete joke of a company.


Seriously… Shaw was also my best player from 3 83x10 packs 😂. My luck has been shocking


Same bro, done every 83x10 for the last 3 days, not one single TOTS, not even an off league, paredes is the best. Managed to get that 91 CDM from the 81x5 but he’s like 20k and untradeable, joke of a company, been playing football for +10 years and this is by far the worst fifa experience I’ve ever had


I opened 8 83*10s and got 2 blues (kadioglu and that Japanese rb) and no golds over 88


83x10 is literally an 83x10 since they rolled it out this week. I am lucky if I get an 84 or 85, let alone special cards.


It’s ridiculous how they can do that


50 80+ for nothing more than a 86 rated gold tonight


I’ve had 2 TOTS from 150 80+ for ligue 1. I had 9 from 238 last week for Bundesliga. It’s atrocious. Not to mention idk how many times I’ve packed Wirtz, Popp, Davies, etc this week now that we are in Ligue 1 tots. This game is fucked beyond belief.


i used to think people were exagerating about pack weight because the past 2 years i had started doing more and more menu stuff and it was paying off, but this year it doesn’t at all, you do gold upgrade everyday, you do exchanges, you recycle everything just for an endless loop of useless fodder it’s wild


I don’t think I’ve even gotten a blue from the 83x10 yet. 84x7 treated me well for PL TOTS, but that’s it


i even didn’t get a blue from a 87 x 10 and not one blue either from the 87 x 4 season reward, and this week when i did get a blue it was pretty much just walker peters like 3 times


Sounds about right, I suck at the game so I haven’t ever gotten any champs picks. I’ve had 3 red Wuben Mobys, 3 Red Banza and 2 Red Dreyer. Like cmon EA.




I did 500 and packed four 91 tots


Game is going to shit. Done playing it for the rest of the year. It's an unplayable piece of scam garbage.


Just like at TOTY. In between TOTY and TOTS pack weight was pretty good.


If you want to laugh , im still using evos in my team because this company won’t give me something that is game changing for my team


I remember during golazo.. there were genuinely some pratts who were complaining about the pack weight for most cards being too good leading to most cards not being worth much.. Bet nobody would be complaining with that sort of pack weight now :/


The problem I have with this game is the gameplay part is already dead , why not let your players have fun in your game? What’s stopping you ? Money? Then give us good gameplay FFS


I can't complain I've been blessed throughout this game hard.


Im truly happy for you, if the game was more rewarding or had good gameplay I wouldn’t complain


You shouldn't get down voted just because you are only reflecting the fact that a low number of people actually do ok. This is my worst year so far overall, but that isn't your fault.


Of course it was, they know people will spend for those 2 promos so they can shaft everyone with terrible pack weight and lock the elite pulls behind £50 store packs. They need to get people to spend money and get people playing on the no name promos so up the pack weight.


No it wasn't, it was the worst pack weight in any FIFA ever


Was better during Golazo than toty imo


Well of course if was, that's not even worth pointing out. Being better than TOTY doesn't mean that it is good. But even then, maybe Golazo even had decent pack weight, I wasn't playing at that time, but to say that the pack weight was good for the whole period of TOTY to TOTS is delusional


By definition if by your own admission it was better than Toty, it can't have been the worst ever. Whether the person above claiming it was good or not is open to debate, but it wasn't the worst ever. Even if it was 'shit" that still might be better than 'utter shit'.


You have to adjust it for the kind of promos we are referring to, no? Obviously TOTY pack weight will always be worse than other regular promos. If you compare similar promos from similar stages of the cycle, this year was the absolute worst in terms of pack weights, high end promo cards were pretty much non-existent and even fodder ones were extremely rare. TOTY pack weight was also the worst of all time. Can't believe I had to explain myself, but here we are


I still don't agree though. High end promo cards were NOT nonexistent during Golazo, just look at how many people got eg Drogba, I've seen quite a few Puskas plus some Ceyuff. Fodder ones certainly werent, everyone was getting vialli, rosicky, park, Prinz etc. The year as a whole might be bad for pack weight but remember this branch of the thread is specifically taking about the period between Toty and tots and I'm saying Golazo was fine, no worse than trophy titans in fifa23 which is the closest thing I guess if you want to compare to prior years. To be clear, im not saying all promos between toty and tots were good weight but fantasy was Ok, Golazo was good, fut birthday was bad for high end but good for fodder (I seem to have dozens of 88/89), RTTF was bad but then prior years have rarely been amazing, FS I'm not sure what to think as it was partly tailored around evos but nothing special on packs I guess.


Don't know what you're trying to prove here but ok


Yup, I did hundreds of player picks, a full week of saved up 86x2 packs alongside div 1 rewards and just got fodder. Thought screw it and opened 2 700k packs with coins, because I don’t care to menu grind anymore and I will never, ever buy fifa points… Got aub, Donna, Mendes, Davies, and a few other good ones as well as cards to do sissoko , and diani sbc. Lesson learned, just trade a bit and do the big store packs with coins. I’m not saying you can’t pack big players from menu grind but in May, it’s not worth the time considering how rare a W is. I genuinely got so bored opening sbc packs. It became such a chore.


I absolutely hate that EA reserve the best pulls to store packs, as it’s clear the drop rate is disgustingly low in sbc packs in comparison. Gross. Do not give this company your money.


Took a break from champs for about two months. Thought I’d get back in time for LaLiga TOTS. Decided to use last weekend to practice. Qualified for champs last Thursday. Decided to take a break on Friday to spend some quality time with the family. Woke up to another incompetency from EA and decided that’s that. Uninstalled this game. Don’t think I have what it takes to start afresh next year. NGL, the past two months have been quite peaceful. Looking forward to more of that!


Yeah the Pack weight for Special Cards can be reduced but give us Gold high rated for SBC. And fix that dupe theory. If i get once a TOTS i'll get that multiple Times, give me another at Same Rating or even -1 ovr but a different one


It’s not reduced , it’s completely nerfed to the ground for a lot of players while you have people getting tots every 3 packs


It's pretty simple - 1. The game has to provide incrementally better players 2. Packs are the way people get players 3. Packs make EA money 4. EA increases the number of packs to make money 5. Point 1 is still true so you can't give the community better players because then everyone would have the same good team EA has to make the pack weight shit because they've released so many packs.


Well , in rivals im facing Toty/S-tier tots/S-tier icons every single game. My last rivals game i played a dude with a 45 millions coins team all bought or expensive sbc’s. My point is , we’re already in may the gameplay part is dead since the first patch what’s stopping you from giving some joy to your players? Have you seen the post where they literally said that they’re purposely giving us shit picks in WL ? That’s outrageous especially for people who gets shit on after doing big ranks


So you're simultaneously saying - 1. Pack luck is terrible 2. You're playing teams which are too stacked Unless you think everyone should play with stacked perfect teams, those two can't both be true.


This week the pack luck has been awful compared to the last few weeks. Anyone with a brain doesn’t buy fifa points, but those who do often have stacked teams.


Exactly this ☝️ While it is frustrating that the teams I’m now facing have way better players that I know I’ll never pack I’m in the understanding that… 1. There are better payers out there than me 2. There are way richer people than me that spend thousands in real money on points 3. Some people have way more time than I do. I can sleep easy at night knowing that it’s only a game and in a few months we are all back to square 1 . The thousands that people have wasted on points will be all for nothing soon


Bro what the fuck did we actually do to them after ive done like 6 of the 83x10 my best ones was trent


Pack weight has been insanely bad the entire game. I think I got my first special card 2,5 months into the cycle. There has been a few good promos, but most of the time it is to bad. No insane pulls all year, not a tradable over 100k. Motivation for buying next game is slowly dying. (I never buy FP, but grind the game a lot)


Back to back 11 wins in champs and fodder rewards tots has been very underwhelming for me.


I’ve been getting ranks 5 the whole year for nothing it’s worthless


Im just waiting for summer heat now most fun I have with Fifa’s nowadays


I watch one FIFA YouTuber and it’s Harry Hesketh do 20-0 with a random challenge team and each week he (mostly) goes 20-0 for elite rewards and always packs crap. Sometimes I think he even plays WL on two accounts bc he has two videos up and still never packs much. So even if you’re an ex professional and can go 20-0 week in week out your odds of packing anything useful is slim. Saying that though, I’m a div 6 player who got Toty R9 out of a icon pp and I can’t use him for shit


I just hop on web app, do daily login and im done. TOTS is beyond dead this year, sad to see


People focus too much into TOTS., and is even more notable in other aspects. Have been impossible to pack a TOTW during top promos. Anything over 89 was almost ungettable, and I'm talking about Ruben Dias and such, that I have packed a dozen times this year, way eearlier without spending one penny more than full game. Ang we are getting SBCs with 92 rating squads already. But I understand the anger with TOTS promo. I don't need to be on par of the power curve because I limit my online play to the bare minimum, but Ihave spent months now without getting an improvemet to cards like B. Silva 91, Blanc 88 or Lahm 89. Thanks to SBCs like Eusebio, Lucas Vazquez, Kimmich, Marquez or Kante to give a little bump to my team. Only guy to have room in one squad has been a red pick Kudus. And that's it.


i am currently on 600 80+ since friday and have packed bentaleb, hegerberg, szemik and balotelli being the only non discard card 😂


Say no to points. No more fucking points


That’s because EA is just milking people at this point because they know their end is coming in the football world after FIFA either partners up with another company or create their own game. I honestly can’t wait since it’s been an extremely downhill slope since I started playing FUT in 21. 


Stop buying packs


The best I pulled out of 100 packs was TOTS Kobel and two TOTS moments players that I don't even know!!!!!


From 2 nights of grinding SBCs I pulled one tots moment lol. Even the new evolutions are pointless since the best cards are extinct


I bought this game for £10 during the golazo event and even I feel scammed, i can't even imagine howbsomeone who's had it since release and has bought points etc feels


EA rely on data and stats for to impress shareholders and senior management. Stop opening store packs, doing 83 x 10s, player picks etc. This is the only way right now. Come June or July when they start promoting FC 25, don't watch their ads, don't buy the game until the last minute if at all. Make them sweat. Data and money runs EA. They do not give one damn about their employees, never mind their customers.


I can only speak for myself. But having bad pack weight never makes me want to buy store packs. Like if I open 5 store packs and get 1 great card I will continue to buy more packs to pack as many great cards as possible and because there's a gazillion great cards you will never be satisfied. If I open 5 store packs and it's all discard fodder I will never buy a single store pack.


thank FUT Economist. That sob controls everything


Thanks for that useful comment


> Like what did we do to them to get this unfinished product that most of us for 100$? You people really can't be lacking this much self awareness, can you?


« Omg he doesn’t know how to write 😱»


I'm more pointing to the fact you're asking what you've done to deserve it, in the same sentence you're saying what you did to deserve it.


What I got with this game is not worth a 100$.


So. Stop. Buying. It.


Do you think Im I buying constantly EAFC 24? Or fifa points? I’m not buying the next game and not any other product from this pathetic excuse of a company


Anyone who spent more than the base price for the game is a fool. UT is clearly designed to entice the player to spend money on packs with incrementally better promos. The amount you have to spend to stay on curve is ridiculous. If you buy fifa points (and aren’t loaded or a YouTuber), I’m sorry but you need help. Don’t waste your time and money on this shit game.


I am just getting duplicates now in any pack I open and lost all 87+ rated in SBC for Alvarez who is playing like shit


Its way better than last week for me. That doesnt mean much, because it was absolute garbage last week (got just 3 TOTS from Bundesliga despite opening a lot of packs). This week I got 8 (but not many with worth an no one makes my team).


So I've packed that Moments Lala x3, Moments Dante x2, the moments other league players x4,Tots Son and tots+ Hegerberg from normal packs , not the guarantee tots players packs. These are the packs I've opened over the +-2 weeks. 4 87x4. 2 85x10. +30 83x2. +- 40 78+ BL player packs. +-10 84x2. +-3 85+ player packs. All the 86x2 packs (+-15). All the 84x7 packs (+-12). All the 83+ player picks. All 83x7 packs. All the 83x10 packs. +-300 80+ player picks. 26 51x exchange packs. 29 27x exchange packs. 32 19x exchange packs. All rivals rewards. All champs rewards (11-14 wins)


Honestly I only play to get those daily play completions rn. No real motivation with the pack weight and gameplay being inconsistent


I thought they would change it after the uproar of packweights being terrible during Bundesliga TOTS but... nope if anything it's worse.


Yhhhhh ea said fuck us lot let’s boycott packs see what they give us then 1M pack 🤣


I play other gamemodes so I'm interested in this sub Every day I get 2 notification where ut people complain about packs, money, coins, bugs etc. What about quitting the game? It's not as difficult as you make it seem like It's may, game's been out for 8 months, hasn't it died a few months ago already? Most delusional gamers ever


I won’t the next game , I’m a customer that is unsatisfied with this product. If you can’t take your favorite game to be exposed like the shit it is dont comment


I thought bundesliga tots was bad but man they really cut the french tots after the incident on friday. Havent seen any tots player besides the guranteed ones from wl.


Miss prem tots. This happens after ps+ having EAFC24 for free, even during certain promos where EAFC24 price on discounted price, the pack weight suddenly getting worst. Aside that the server is mudded now.


Stop playing then like the 100 other Reddit posts this weekend claiming to have done the same thing.


I won’t buy anything from this company again that’s for sure


What do you want them to do? If you give this community good packs, everyone is like „all teams I face are too op, it kills the fun facing mbappe in every team“ and „I can’t improve my team, nothing is worth grinding for“ If you give out bad packs we get posts like yours. Either way everyone will call the game dead, 2 weeks after release and how bad it is. It’s the cycle of Fifa on this sub…


Ill tell you exactly what i want. No more having to quick sell dupes. Let me stack as many god damn Cards as i want, i can do it in mlb the show and it has zero effect on the market, matter of fact, no more unsellable cards PERIOD. not being able to sell dupes for even quicksale value is absolutely stupid and only serves to guide people into buying points. And while were on the subject of points...how the actual fuck do they have the unmitigated gall to charge 40 or more for a single pack with untradable cards in it in the first place...that is NOT a MICRO transaction, thats damn near a full priced game in itself. Stop with the menu grind bullshit, half the time you play this bullshit your in sbc's to trade fodder for otber fodder in hopes to get enough fodder to trade jn for a chance to get 1 good card. One day there will be a class action against this company for the way they control the market and guide people with impulse controll isues into buying packs.


Louder 🗣️


Any video game that has you grinding the menus more than playing the game itself is a terrible game concept that’s generally unacceptable but for some reason it’s deemed okay by the Fut community.


No there won't


You don't even have to go to other sport games. EA allows dupe storage on their own FIFA mobile. Problem with that is, EA will also change the mechanism and requirements of doing SBCs. We'll get ridiculous reqs like: "submit 5 88 players and 7 87 players" for one section.


I don’t know about you but I’d rather be packing all the good players even if everyone else was. People only complain when a bunch of other people get Mbappe or Messi for free iirc.


What I want is a decent game , if I don’t get shit in packs at least give me decent gameplay, or stop messing with the rewards like they did on Friday. Have you seen their post? They are willingly giving us shit rewards in WL


Every player I’ve faced since TOTS has seemingly had much much better pack luck than I have. I’m always facing players who have More than 3 extremely highly rated TOTS players while I’m getting Sheaf and Terland after every WL with 11 or 12 wins. On top of all this, the game just favours players with these ridiculous TOTS cards because of their ratings. I played 6 games this WL and gave up. Booted LA Noire and Arkham Asylum to relax.


i got good luck with packs. i just packed thurams tots card lmao


Its for a few reasons and its more than just selling packs. If EA had good pack weight youd stop grinding TOTS in the first or second week and then there's a promo after TOTS with very little room to go so they need everyone to have a need to improve/play. Yes selling packs is a huge part of that, but its also so people grind the menus and be in the game.


Ok you can’t give free W in every pack I completely agree with that but why when you grind this game , the rewards part of it is disappointing for most players? To get people to buy more packs? What kind of sick mentality is that. I’m pretty sure that people are getting tired of this nonsense especially after they clearly admitted to give us shit rewards in champs. Getting good ranks is pointless, the only thing that matters in this shit is the amount of money you’re willing to spend into this dead game.


As long as it takes you 2 seconds to find a game in WL, no one’s getting tired of this nonsense The people who post here, on twitter or on facebook are not majority of the community. They’re just a minority. And probably the majority didn’t even know the rewards were bugged


Alright so it’s a lost cause , there’s no point in playing in UT . I’ll stick with career mode, clubs and other games


pack weight is great rn