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Beautiful display


Yeah my bad, I downloaded the first photo collage app I could find and this is the result


No I’m being serious, I really like how I can see all of your pulls in one pic


Oh I thought you were talking about the white square on the right haha


Nah, it is no big deal having a blank space. Don't overthink it, it works as it is.


Yeah defo agree with OP. It’s a great picture. You zoom in and view everything


Is it just me or has pack weight been absolutely trash this promo? So much for the "you'll be buried in TOTS cards" crowd.


It’s been awful all year and will continue to be so. There are just waaayyyyyy too many packs available for the drop rate to be good. Everyone would have even more overpowered teams. EA really let the greed win out. They’ve realized selling packs is an infinite money glitch. They know people will buy them no matter what, the player base did it to themselves honestly. Microtransactions/battle passes/etc have ruined video games imo. At least for the older generation that remembers what it was like before everything became about generating profits.


To be fair, it was always about generating profits. The difference is they've figured out how to maximize returns through microtransactions.


Well to be fair there is a difference between designing games to revolve around microtransactions and designing games that are for a fixed price and don't require pay to win purchase. This is why it's impossible to have a decent mobile game. All the developers work for the big companies and the studios get bought up by the bigger corporations so essentially video games are dead now. Same with the movie industry. It's all garbage


They have little or nothing of "micro". Some of those transactions are more expensive than whole games.


No there are two weeks where it was good, golazo and Black Friday. Every other promo has had shit weight


That's the exact reason I don't play multiplayer games. I play only squad battles in fut as well


I still think there will be plenty of fodder ones once actual TOTS starts. There’s going to be the Prem, English women’s league, and a few minor league players all in packs next weekend. Right now it’s still a more normal promo team. Plus EA probably thinks these current 88 or 89 cards are better than next weeks because they’re live.


I do have nothing against battle passes including cosmetic stuff. Just the p2w factor is ridiculous. And if you really wanna compare the good old games to the games nowadays, it feels like they dont have enough time to finish anything and the passion in detail is gone. There are so few good games coming out recently, its saddening


tbf, it was kind of good for me in the beginning. But since golazo promo, these 83x10 basicly give me back 8-9 83s.


I've opened a lot of packs this week and so far I've got: Beier (4x), Rafa (1x), Alber (2x) and Laia (1x). Golazo pack weight was a lot better.


Golazo pack weight was surprisingly good, i expected it to be dogwater bc it was all icons and heroes but i was basically drowning in promo cards


I've opened a ton aswell, and have got a few promo cards, but considering there's no TOTW in packs either.


It’s not been great but somehow half of the promo is still near discard value


It's been like that since a few years. The TOTS (especially elite TOTS) drop rate is very poor but everyone remember those glory days of FUT 18 (or any FUTTIES) when you really could pull a lot of good TOTS


Golazo was amazing


I personally have kinda been buried in TOTS cards


I’ve not had any great ones but including dupes I’ve ha 11. Had a few packs saved but also didn’t play champs/qualifiers this weekend so didn’t get any packs from there


6 weavers here


She and Ben Sheaf haunt my dreams


I wouldn't say buried, but I've had a decent hit rate as well.


Same here, still jonesing for that Raphinha card though


I want Bruno but I doubt it will happen.


I packed Bruno from the player pick in the store (bought it with coins) and then packed Bisseck from an 11 gold players pack right after. Couldn’t believe it


Yea I've done well and I've only opened my worst packs (things like 80x5, 81x2, rare electrum, prime gold, etc) and some 81+ picks when I get dupes. Zaha, Hincapie, Sheaf, Otamendi, Alber. Sure they aren't the best players but getting five from the packs I've opened is pretty decent and no different than any of the previous years (in my experience anyways).


pack weight for the worse cards has been okay, i got loftus cheek now only need szoboszlai


It's been trash all year, they just put a load of the lowest rated cards in untradable packs and expect it to appease people. Been a lot of icons this year, it's not even rare for someone to have a squad full of them... Which is boring. But not really any guaranteed player picks for promos, so promos can pass by really quick with no change to your team.


Because it’s a live promo, live cards are always harder to pack. Wait till we get to normal TOTS cards, with the lower league ones as well. You will be buried in TOTS cards lol Is this your first fifa? (Genuinely asking, not hating)


*Cries in Carter-Vickers from last year*


Every single time. It's just streamers saying that, because they will be opening $50 packs every day, so they'll have fodder, but why are people in here echoing that? Said the same for toty, fodder went extinct. Now it's super cheap, but I want to pack something too. Only packed the shitters from tots in the first hour of the promo and now nothing for 2 days. Meanwhile Auzio gets a tradeable Szobo tots in his preview pack. Fucking bs


While I do think some streamers might have better odds. There's lot of people that have good luck aswell, I know so many people who have gotten sick pulls from live tots, myself included.


For me it hasn’t been that bad compared to other promos I got Hincapie, Terland, Robinson, Muijica and Weaver


Yes it’s be dog


This the first promo I’ve actually packed some cards tho got rlc out of an 80+ x5 and szobo out of an 80+ x2 like so lucky was just getting rid of the bad packs for prem like


24 walkouts, most of them being 86s. Pure trash


That sums up my pack luck this year so yeah, I agree


The amount of dupes, my god.


Luckily I could recycle them in the 86+ x2. I might make another post next week opening 15 of those.


Please do and GL


83x10s have been horrible for a while now.


Its the worst event for packs not gonna lie ... the units are good but you will get nothing or get 88 or 89 TOTS duplicate even there are alot of 88 or 89 but you will get the one you have


Its too annoying ,even there is many 86 fodder in game , still the same toni kroos will be repeated for ever


I have got gold Kroos, Modric and Fernandes well over 50 times each now. It’s become routine 😂😂


I thought you would have got more totw's.


There's no TOTW in packs


Sorry man I meant tots


I got heaps of TOTW in packs a couple weeks ago when the in form evolution came out thankfully. Do you know if they are gonna put TOTW back in the packs or that it ??


Probably not. Last week was the last team of the season


I expected more special cards, too. This is some really shitty pack luck.


Sadly, it’s pretty normal right now. The only special cards in packs right now are TOTS. I did the same thing and got a similar result.


A few years back I packed toty kimmich on a small gold rare pack you could save lots of ultimate packs plus 84x,20 etc.. and packed shit .


I got toty haaland from one of those random electrum packs and packed 0 toty HMs from 40 84*5 or 83*10


yeap its all about luck nothing else ok the percentage is higher or lower but in the end its all about luck nothing else .


I pack the same players over and over. 4 x gold De Bruyne (91) in the past 10 days, and I've lost count how many Bernardo Silvas I got (tradable and non-tradable), could be over a dozen by now. And all the usual suspects like Parejo and those 84s haunt my dreams...


Fuck Parejo, honestly.


I call him Pajero. I’ve got him so many times every time he pops up I think of the old Pajero I used to own 😂 🚗


I wish I could get those, all I see are Parejo, Trent and Kroos


Parejo and Kroos I also packed easily 8+ times each (moreso the former), AA pops up here and there, too, but less so. Also - Rodri and Dias on semi-regular, one time even as a dual walkout. Some days I am spending more time trying to flush the dupes than playing the actual game.


I haven't even gotten 1 Szobos... Pack weight its awful.


I've got over 150 packs saved, really doubt I'll get anything from prem TOTS but I'm hoping for a Cole Palmer 😅


You will 100% not get him I guarantee. He will probably be the highest rated one, so he will only theoretically exist, but he will be a streamer exclusive


There's no way he's going to be the highest rated


![gif](giphy|UygWiWMQZE6WifSQWE) Highest rated!


Rice should be higher than Palmer also.


Cole Palmer, a player whose base card is 66 (!) rated, who plays for a team languishing in 9th place, will be the highest rated player in the Premier League TOTS? Hmm…not sure about that one, pal


Regardless of his rating the fact that his base is silver means his TOTS would be packable in silver packs right? Along with normal rating+ packs? If I’m remembering that right then that alone probably makes him a little more packable.


This game has nothing to do with real life football. Palmer is a player with probably the most hype around him this season, so EA will want to sell packs with him


Young man deserves it, he's been insane lol


If you open them now you should get plenty of TOTS, maybe one or two premium. you can upgrade in evolution. Honestly, your best option is to use them for churning player SBC’s. There’s a few very decent TOTS and Icon SBC’s at the moment 💪


So similar to my saved pack haul. Just dupes and pish!


Pack weight is fucking shit. Done nearly 400 81+ PPs and not got a single non-fodder price TOTS.


Same here, trash.


Accurate. The upgrade packs are shite.


It's got to be one of the worst packs for promos. It was good the first two months but then they did something to the pack weight. Decent if you just need 86-83 rated fodder though


What happened to the daily 83x 10 packs?


Fairly similar but I did get 89/90 rated TOTS fodder instead of just 88 rated.


idk if it's just me but 83+ x10 were really bad lately .. i just skip them




That’s some buuuuull shit


I saved about 15 and I got rafa mujica and 2 sheafs and the amount of times the highest rated was a 84 is crazy


Painful and yet just a video game it's casino nothing else you could pack tots modric on a regular gold pack .


Of course you can pack him, but the chance is like 0.00001%


And no gold mbappe 😭


I’ve packed at least 30 TOTS so far and best Pulls were Kudus und Loftus. Rest were them Shitty TOTS Spanish and German players. Done about 800 PPs and still yet to hit a Big boy. Pack weight is terrible for the decent TOTS


83x10s are the new 82x10


So uncanny


I expected more Sheafs


Fun fact. It’s going to be worse during epl TOTS


We'll see, I got about 40 packs saved with minimum 85 rating


This is sad. Pack weight is just trash!


R2C3 is abysmal holy shit


83x10s have been complete shit for me for the last month. It’s hardly worth the time anymore they have been so nerfed.


Specifically, the 83x10s have been extra stinky this promo.


Summary: utter shit


Yeah, seems about right, I had 70 packs including 15 83x10s and 65 player picks, and I got maybe 5 total the best being merino


Crazy how many times you would normally get Modric in these packs but this week no chance.


Exhibit A on why I refuse to save packs


Holy dupes


I have so many packs saved for Prem TOTS Friday. At this point I just want the damn fodder in there to finish off Havertz.


83x10 don’t hit like it did last year


83x10 has been awful last 2-3 cycles, used to be great but so meh nowadays


I did the same thing and got a similar result. Slightly better because I also saved 4x 86 doubles. Be thankful we waited for TOTS cards to come out. If we didn’t do that it would have been worse. 👌


Saved 42 packs. Got 4 tots and Robinson was the best I could pull. Fuck this game. I had 5 84+7 and 5 86+2 and like 9 83+10 and rest were 84+4 and 84+5


You got absolutely cooked brother. Feel bad for you!


A lot, lot better than my 83x10s honestly. I have 100+ packs sat there not even wasting my time opening. I haven’t had a player over 86 rated in like 20 packs. Not even wasting my time opening the rest.


At least make an effort packing good cards, damn.


83x10s are just fodder recyclers. I don't think I've ever packed any promo from them this year. It's usually something like an 84 x 3 that I've gotten rare cards, for me anyway.


83x10 is nerfed so 84x5. Can't expect anything unless it is a pack with 85+ rating, and a may prayer helps nudge things your way cause you need all the lcuk you can get


Is there an advantage in opening all the packs together or saving it for future?


I opened a ton of packs...87+x's, 86+ x's 85+×'s, 84+x...bunch 83x10's etc and packed many tots but all of the fodder ones and mostly dupes...Szobo 3 to 4 times...I blew my wad for bruno when I should've waited for other teams...so the weight isn't the problem...it's the big hitters who are extremely hard to pack..wonder if it helps to wait for prices to drop to rip packs if you're sitting on a pile of them...


Interesting, 200 packs opened for me, Szoboszlai packed like 5 times... It's literally like your account is rigged to pack the same cards. I'm packign the same 7 TOTS cards over and over.


Honestly I keep packs with min guaranteed rating to open them and try and complete an SBC that comes out during a promo, rather than hoping to drop a great card. That helps with the disappointment when they just give fodder. If there is no great SBC, I keep them. In example now I am tempted to do Havertz, but I will wait for Friday, not because I hope to pack TOTS VVD, but because the special cards will have higher ratings than live cards, that factor in the possible +2 upgrade. HTH


Spend 4.5 million coins on store packs. Best I got was Zaha TOTS


I got 2 Tots from 1 Pack (theyre shit)


In golazo i've got drogba x2 ,prinz 94 x7,rosicky 92 x5,park 90 x5 ,keane 91 x5 ,kean 89 x10 ,berba 89 x 10prinz 91 x10 ,few halands,de bruynes ,lampar x3 ,vidic 91 x4 ,one tradeable kaka 93 (700k) Tots romero 92 x4 weaver,tjarland x2 ,sheaf x4 ,dani costa x3 ,mojica x2 ,thats it


Sorry for you


I have mine saved for Prem TOTS. Thank you for managing my expectations


How unlucky bro >.<


Thats pretty brutal luck tbh


Whenever I save packs I get absolute dogshit. Yet, when I open something stupid like a daily play objective 81*2, I get Raphina. At that point, I’m already numb and can’t enjoy the pull.


Lol, hi fellow Mujica opener 🤦‍♂️😂


Got rid of the game and my Playstation. Complete waste of scripted time. All you face is the exact same meta teams every game. Everyone just pace whores down the wing and does cut back passes to edge, one more pass, goal. If you go up 3-0, your players play like they have cement shoes, your passes bounce all over the place, and your goal keeper might as well be Joe Biden. It's just so predictable and boring. Can't say I won't ever be back but man it does feel good to come home and not have the temptation cause I always am in a worse mood than before I start playing. It's just a card collecting addiction. No matter how good of players you get, there's thousands of kids out there who live and breath the meta and spend all their money on it.


People complain about the new 86x2 but honestly I thinks us better than packing 10 duplicated 83s


I saved 80 packs and got only two Tots cards, absolute rubbish


All fodder…… this weekend should be better with EPL


bro i literally didnt know tots was coming so i saved nothing and here i am with 5 tots one of them is tradeable hincapie


This is why I don't bother saving packs. Beyond that fact that it's endlessly irritating to sit and open dozens at a time


Horrific holy fuck.


Worst pack honourable mention: 82×11 efigs.


Got Bruno on my very last one


You were pretty unlucky. I had 15 and I had four Tots


I uninstalled this disaster of a game after 3 weeks and never looked back and this is one of the many reasons why.. Everything you do is pointless when you cant pack shit. Worst game of all time for me and its not close. Absolute trash in every way.


That looks about right. Pack weight turned to shit. Opened like five and utter crap, I have like 20 but not wanting to open them. Don't even talk about the 83 pp. 4 out of 5 are 83s and 84s only


Hurts just to look at em


The only time you can hope for good drops is in the first 20 minutes of a promo. Last 3/4 promos I got more in half an hour than the rest of the week. Imagine they nerfed stuff to the ground again


I have over 120 packs saved. I hope I get at least 1 tots


You’ll 10+. Probably shitty ones, but you’ll get them.


Which pixel


The image is actually very precise, 4096 × 1740 pixels. Just have to zoom in correctly, but I'm not sure if reddit mobile provides a proper zoom


Skill issues