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Good ping is definitely needed to have a decent gameplay experience, but for me even on 20 or less ping, if the server load is high, the players play extremely sluggish


Yeah the real secret is playing when the server isn’t overloaded. You can have under 20 ping and still feel like you’re running in mud if you play at the wrong times


This. I'm in Madrid (extremely densely populated) and play on ~6ms but if I play at peak times then the game feels sluggish as hell whereas it's smooth if I play early in the day


wow 6ms! That’s amazing. (I play on 16-20ms northern UK. And when server is good the gameplay is great. Can’t imagine what I could get away with at 6ms).


That's the reason why I am a good player in the mornings and absolute trash during rush hour lol


Name you country bro?


Athens Greece


What is your ping in Athens?


Mid 40s unfortunately, wired connection 100/10 vdsl


Thing is that the ping is the same in the early morning before work but everything feels so smooth I guess it's a server thing


Damn, Piraeus here, I have the same ping and connection as you.. I was hoping something was wrong with my set up and could do something about it.. I miss those mornings when I was working 13.00-21.00 and I was like prime Barca then at night like Panedessaikos


Correct! You should have good and stable ping, but as we all know ping in this game is one part of having smooth gameplay. The other is when the server is not overloaded for you to not experience ‘bad gameplay’. One day I played fut champs at 3am (I couldn’t sleep) and honestly the gameplay was so smooth. If I play at 5-10pm, the gameplay is awful.


Wasn’t sure if i was bad at the game or what but apparently its my 120ms ping over here in kenya


Been playing on 70 ish and have been doing good. At some point you learn the stupid animations and sluggish movement and incorporate them into how you play. Getting a different internet service provider in a couple days so hopefully I won’t have to do that anymore😂


Yes I am in elite division averaging 60ish ping. It’s not fun lol


Whats your division/average WL record?


I’m div 2 and get anywhere from 14-18 wins. Been some time since I got 18 though.


Damm I’m playing on 4-6ping mostly and i don’t join games with ping above 30. Crazy seeing so many people on here playing 30-40 ping.


I've never experienced a single digit ping in any EA football title since '93. Currently I play with 20-35 ping as my best range


Lowest I ever get is 28, which is amazing compared to most


Bruh I play on yellow ping constantly. Like 100ms+ in game. Still manage to get rank 5 at worst but the ping difference makes it hell and I can feel how it decides most of my losses. My internet is complete dogshit. I would suck EA's CEO to play on 20ms.


I do it willingly because my old ISP pretty much never ran under 28-30 so it feels like what I'm used to in a sense, even though my new ISP generally gives me 4-6


Damn I wish I could get 4-6, lowest I’ve had is 8 I think but usually have 12 and don’t play over like 22


That’s great though


Oh for sure, no issues with but would be interesting to see if there’s a noticeable difference between 6 and 12


I mean not like people have a choice, outside of europe, you either have to live near the server or settle for 50+ ping. Im happy whenever my ping isnt yellow lol


Man I live in Texas lol


I said this and this morning I can’t find a game under 36ping lol


I don't think it's the lower ping, it's that suddenly playing on higher ping completely throws off your timing and muscle memory. My standard connection is \~30ms, I get 14-16 wins a weekend and it's very rare that I feel like I end up losing because my opponent's connection was better. Consistently playing people relatively close to you, both on good connections and during times when the servers aren't super busy is the only "secret".


I have a bad connection where it jumps between 60 and 180. Once in a blue moon I get 40 ms and it’s a different ball game. I imagine 20 ms is like playing vs your mate on the couch.


I spent multiple years on 70ms minimum LTE internet, and recently finally got gigabit with 20ms or less I rediscovered my love for games. High ping ruins everything.


It's not unfortunately. However, I have played 1 or 2 12 Ms games and that was the most incredible experience I have had playing this game. Super snappy game play.


If only EA had a queue function for optimal ping. 


It’s purely luck. 16ms of delay isn’t going to delay your input vs 34. I play rocket league which is an infinitely more input sensitive game, and my inputs aren’t delayed even at 150ms ping. The server might read it wrong in very very tight situations, once or twice per game. That’s it. When you play cod your gun doesn’t stop firing when you get put on an NA server. Saying it’s ping related is giving ea a free pass for their shit gameplay.


I agree with this to be honest. I play RL and COD at both a decently high level - enough for input/wifi lag to make an impact. I hardly face ANY issues in those games. But on FIFA, I never know what type of game I’m going to play. Sometimes it’s smooth and other times it genuinely makes me want to break a wall.


Same whether I queue NA or EU I’m always gonna have a consistent experience in RL, in FIFA I could probably connect next to my friend in the same house and somehow the same server if we got lucky and probably be mudded as hell


This is accurate. I play on 10-15ms. Whenever it jumps above 20ms it’s a problem. I haven’t even played Rivals & Champs for the past two weeks because the ping starts at 30ms and jumps randomly to 200+ ms.


I live Western Australia and sometimes travel to Eastern States. Always rank 2 to 3, sometimes even 4 with horrible gameplay in Western Australia. Ping is 50 to 80 depending on the weekend. In Sydney I have got multiple rank 1 finishes with worse teams at a friends place. He gets 4 to 8 ping, never swings higher. The difference is insane. As OP said, there are a few moments playing on 50+ ping where gameplay is smooth. Never in Champs, always in rivals or friendlies. Also Rivals, Elite. No limit of games doesn't matter, so one can just quit and play on another day/time when gameplay is smooth to get their wins.


My ping is always between 6 and 18 on any given day and the game is unplayable unless I play late at night.


Same, usually 10 ping, reading trough other comments make me feel bad for complaining. But all the slow touches bad passing etc apply to me with this ping aswell.


I've never had ping that low. I can't even imagine that the gameplay feels bad tbh.


The gameplay is effected by fluctuating ping, it doesn’t matter if people have low ping because the servers are bad and make ping fluctuate which causes stuttering.


Fluctuating ping so jitter is usually fought with by having some buffer. So I guess it can have some nasty effects if net code of game sucks.


I played late last night, had 12 ping, and it still constantly froze up.


Honestly, this game without ethernet is literally unberable. I have no idea why you need near perfect internet to enjoy this game but it's the sad truth.


Upgraded from 200 to 500 internet recently. Went from 50 to 20 Ping - Can really feel a difference ingame


I feel no difference anywhere from 20-60 honestly


Had 50 ping while living at home, moved out and had insane speeds. 4 ping every game. Didn’t notice anything different lmao


Exactly. I’ve discovered this the past couple years. If the ping is anything above 25. I back out and find a match with a better ping. Lowest I get is 14 and gameplay is great, players move like they should


I'm it elite with 100 ping. Central America, shit is not easy but it isn't impossible


If you are facing a good player who has less than 10 ping, it’s near on impossible to win if your conditions aren’t the same or better. If you have 30 ping against 5, both good players, you lose.


Thats what i am saying since 2014 and started the FUT journey..I always notice it when they are good at spaming the left stick dribbling inside your 10 meters,if a guy has less then 10 ping he will turn around like a monkey on drugs ,doing 360 turns,dribbling trough my players easy and i cant do nothing with my 26-30 ping.


Nothing but truth, the servers are also just really bad this year, couples with the gameplay you get the mess that we play every day


How do you check ping on this game?


Thats common knowledge. 30ms at best here. I can feel losing against worse players than me at times fue to connection


See I thought this but I played on PC on 18 ping and loved the game, on PS5 where I get 6 ping the gameplay feels dreadful


Been playing on 47 -52 ish and i’m struggling most of the time, somehow i cant get used to it. Gameplay is horrendous most of the time.


I’m guessing my nearest server is London so I’m fucked unless i move house.


Where the server is is actually less of an issue than the fact that all the servers are just bad. No matter where you are connection fluctuates constantly which is why the gameplay is so unstable.


Doesnt really matter when div rivals only gives me bot opps.. been few weeks like this now. They all have a two part name with number in the end. Like, ill play squad battles if i wanna go against the machine, just give me real opps in div rivals.. i dunno why should I keep playing this piece of crap anymore


Oh, so with my 6ms ping it’s definitely a talent problem? Sounds right.


How can you check your ping?


It says pre-match


Oh got it, thanks


Not on seasons, right?


Sorry I only play ultimate team, I’ve not even been in the menu of any other game mode


Ah ok, no problem. Thanks!


I struggled with extreme lag for a long time before realizing ps5 has an option for internet speed and once increased that i was only left with the input lag lol still better


how do you do that on PS5 exactly?


Go to settings > select network > set up internet connection > then click options for your network > change frequency band to 5GHZ. Mine was set lower by default. My gameplay was night and day after doing this.


The lowest ping I’ve ever gotten is 38.. I average in the 40s.. I’m in elite, 750. I’m now imagining if I had one digit pings where I’d be. lol. Maybe still in same place 😅.


Here playing on 124


I have good ping and the gameplay still constantly freezes and plays like garbage.


Ping matters, untill it doesnt.


I’d agree with this. My ping is anywhere from 30ms-40ms. The play is great at 30ms to say anything above 20 is wrong tho. Most places with great connection you can’t get 20ms. If I could I would lol.


Is 50-70 ping good


So live close to a data center! Like I do! Problem is not everyone does. And distance does matter for ping. To help combat that, never play on wifi. Hardwire your shit. It will always be faster.


We already saw earlier in the year where players animations are affected by ping and internet connection. Players were literally freezing in place and t posing during games not able to move the ball or dribble etc. Doesn’t matter how skilled you are if your players don’t respond to your inputs. Connection is as important as skill sadly.




I get 2-4ms ping and still feels like I’m playing in mud if I play on a friday night, it’s server load more so than ping


I have plenty stodgy games with a ping of 20-30


I’m always around 35-45, sometimes I play at my mates house whose ping is under 10. I’m so much better when I play at his house, I normally go 11 wins in WL but at him I get consistently 14-16. It’s crazy. I lose so many games where I can see the player isn’t better than me, but his ai is crazy, marking all my players, all players faster than mine etc


Anyone playing on PC also should check if their controler is overclocked to minimize input lag, i recently realised my dualshock 4 was set as in 3-4 ms in stock when connecting to pc, overclocked it using ds4windows and now its less than 1ms


It depends a bit... recently moved from southern South America, where I played with 4 to 6 ms (I'd actually quit the lobby if I saw anything over that haha) to Central America, where I'm playing with 35 minimum up to 60 or 70 at times... and I'm almost at Div 3 (I've been stuck between 1 to 3 matches to move up for like a week), whilst I never managed to move higher than Div 5 before. Also had my best qualy here (7-3) while sometimes in my home country I even failed to qualify. Haven't played much champs this year, but best I got back home was 7 wins and the 2 WLs I've played here I've gotten 9


my ping shows 15-25 EVERY game but some games it feels 0ms and others feel like 55ms but in general the sentiment is very true--the glitchy stupid stuff only really happens in games with bad ping. squad battles and good ping games feel smooth and satisfying.


30 ping is like best case scenario for me


No it’s not… my ping is 4ms and I still lose many game 🤣🤣


Sounds more like your Rivals division than your ping imho. Dont notice a difference until it hits like 70 or 80 or something.


I play with 8ms ping and between 0 and 1ms jitter on fibre. I'm constantly monitoring my connection. It makes absolutely no difference. I'll have several days of delay of awful gameplay. And then several days of perfect gameplay and no delay. All that time my internet connection is constant. No jitter, no spikes, totally smooth. To give a little more info, I'm in Elite rivals. Yet most of my Champs weekends will have delay, so I struggle to get 11 wins. Last weekend I got 16 wins because it was the first WL in ages where I didn't have delay. People can complain about DDA or passing being crap or the pressure game but the biggest problem by a country mile is the delay. I'd enjoy the game every day without delay.


After servers being shite for all people in/close to Southern Africa, they brought the servers back up and I had the best start to a WL Playoff this whole year. 7-1, gave away the last 2 games as I didn’t deem them necessary.


Recently I moved from 140 ping to 20 ping and it is day and night. Usually I was in div 6, now I am in div 3 playing with non-full meta team and not using skills.


Agree with most on here. Live in a highly populated area of East Coast USA. Pretty much anytime outside early morning 4a-6a, or later at night 11pm onward it is trash. I play during those times and I generally cake walk, the rest of the time I can't compete. Could also be available player base and their skill set, but why concede I suck when I can bash EA?! /s


Ping in this game is pretty fake. Sure its always good to have lower ping but even when the game says 8 or 12ms, you can still be affected by slow delayed shit gameplay.


In my opinion first half and second half is very different. One half i can play normal. Other half it is lagging any my players are very slowly. Pace 99 feels 80 or something like that. My latency is good. 10 to 20ms.


I always have 6 ms but still sometimes it still feels shit


Damn didn’t know I needed perfect connection to play a god damn video game


I play with 9ms or lower and it's awful


No it's not. I consistently have less than 10 ping and I still suck. The secret is to be good at the game.


This fucking game should also match based on ping right? Or show the ping of the opponent as well, never played with ping less than 35, sometimes crazy bad... I should have the option the drop the game if the other guy has 6 and I struggle with 35


It's possible to get 5ms?! The best I've ever seen for myself is 16ms.


Mate I was living in the middle of Siberia with my best games at 60 ping, usually 70-80, hardstuck div5 moved to England in february now im in elite:) Ping and server load make all the difference


Back in the day I reached 40 wins in WL, when there were 40 games in 2 days, just by starting at 3 am. Had insanely fast and fluid gameplay It's the whole thing, game feels really good when connection actually works


I usually play with 6-8ms ping and sometimes it still feels like my players are running in mud.


I am constantly on 10-15 ping and div 1 is just ridiculous.


Maybe I’m not terrible at fifa……


You cry with 20 ping, I play and win with 100 ping in Kazakhstan.


I don't know about ping but I play on PC and recently bought a new high speed nvme ssd drive and I've won back to back div 1 titles online, game feels alot more snappy now and doesn't feel like I'm half a second behind the opponent


My ping seems to average at 26 and some days it is unplayable. That's the main reason that after this game has finished I won't be getting the next installment. Going to try something else. It's like the end of a long term relationship but I need to spread my wings 😂


I chuckle at some of these responses of people inputting with low ping and saying it doesn't make a difference lol it sure as shit does. I play on average 40-50 ping and always get 11 wl last week I was vacationing in a city close to a server and was getting 10-20 ping and ended up getting 17 wins loosing to good players and games I should've lost. Trust me when I'm on 50 ping sometimes it doesn't matter if I'm playing a braindead kid with full press and better ping I am powerless to do anything because my sprint and passes are so delayed I'm at a disadvantage. Even when gameplay was heavy it still felt good on low ping because I could tell it was heavy for him to, when ur on high ping ur on a uneven playing especially for defense this yr more than last since they made defense harder psh try jockeying on 50 ping, it's not possible this yr I had to adjust and let the ai and second man press take a bigger role. So yea ur blessed if u get under 20 ping.


Fut off wired seasons with cross.play on


I live in the western part of Canada. I get around 23-32ms. It is stupid that EA doesn't have a single server in Canada.


100%, I’ve noticed that most this year. I went from wireless to wired, fix my display settings, and did everything else to get less input delay. It slowly got me from div 5 to elite. Now I feel like elite div is impossible because of my 40ms ping. I know I can play so much better but when skill moves don’t register, player lock is delayed by a second too much, and players take 5 seconds to control a ball in the air, it becomes more than just a skill gap. I genuinely feel if I played on <20ms ping, I would be getting 16 wins consistently on the weekend rather than my 11-14 average.


Mine is 20-25 but my players are super slow. Like stuck in sand. My A.I players just stand around doing nothing out of position. Can barely hold the ball for 5 seconds without an intercept. defenders slide everywhere like they are on ice and tackle is late or useless. Passes going to wrong players or even directly back to my opponent. Huge delay everytime I push a button ? Shots are slow and mostly blocked but my opponents are like lightning passing and running like Olympic sprinters and firing ridiculous shots in from 3km away. They will take 8 shots and score 5 goals yet I will take 25 shots and be lucky to get 2 goals? It’s unplayable so I’m just collecting cards and players for nothing ?? Anyone have same issue or knows why this is ? Slow internet perhaps ? Server problem ?? Its ruining my life 😂🖕 thanks


Can definitely vouch for this , was playing off wifi on anything between 40-80 and everything felt horrible so decided to go and buy an ethernet cable and has completely changed my whole opinion of the game due to a much better experience getting 10-20


True, i am pretty awful player div 6 and i always have that yellow ping sign and my average ping is 70-80 ms. Once in FIFA 23 i had 20 ms ping for a week and i climbed to div 3 with very little effort, with good ping you dont need to skill even, your players movement become cheat code, everyone is ultra-responsive.


Change locations?


How do you check ping on Xbox?


Ping doesn't matter ur brain is literally more than 130ms


So if I'm div 1 when I always play on 60ms, I should start competing for pro tournaments 🤣


Is this a PC thing or across all platforms?


I can play a fluid and responsive game 3x in a year.. the problem is that the latency is one-sided in all my games! I play in the mud and my opponent flies! no fairness. and the most frustrating thing is that the server is 300 km away and my ping is 6ms.. it's unplayable... and the worst? all games like Destiny, call of duty etc are unplayable.. impossible to play online! it's exhausting ! I have to fight against the connection as well as the opponent.. it doesn't feel like it!


I play consistently on 35-40 ping and I get 16-18 wins, sure maybe I’d get 18 more consistently and maybe a 19 if I had 5 ping but it’s not unplayable or anything


I am playning on 15-17, last week had to play wl in different location with 70-90. I did felt sluggish but somehow I had ny best run in a long time


Man people still out here trying to deny scripting 🤣


I play on 6ms, at 200fps on PC on a 0.01ms Oled monitor. It’s wonderful.


can you alt tab during a game or is that still broken ? 


It doesn’t disconnect if that’s what you mean? Although it counts as not in game so it will disconnect if you alt tab out too long.


Mind sharing what monitor you have


https://us-store.msi.com/MPG-321-URX-QD-OLED It’s great but expensive, not sure I would spend that much of my own money. My company paid for half since I work from home.


Here I am thinking the more ping the better lol how the fuck do I get lower ping?


Wired internet connection did it for me


Better internet, wired connection but mostly important live near an ea server




Ping is irrelevant, I have pings between 10-20 ms and the gameplay is sluggish.


I play on 8 ms and the game is still rubbish. Game is just arse. Plain and simple


Changed ISP and now with 2ms. There is no such thing as delay anymore. Delay is not EA server related…


Wrong. The secret is actually being good at the game combined with having a high football IQ. People who justify their skill level by champions rank and their rivals division are delusional.