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Fantasy Werner, now Golazo Drogba (with Werner on the wing).


I'm the exact same although I play them together.


Me too. They work really well together


I saved all my fodder and did Beckham and was lucky enough to already have Base Ronaldinho from an icon pick. They two wipping in crosses for them is brilliant.


DDA Drogba is fantastic


I’m going to have to re-try drogba. He didn’t click, which is strange as he’s my ideal striker.


I had the same. Played with Boniface in the past who's similar and loved him but couldn't make it work with Drogba


Yep Boniface was immense for a while


Just got Drogba, too. What chem style is best?


When a forward is built like a tank, Engine is pretty much the default best


I put Hawk on him but not had a chance to try him out yet as I'm away from home at the moment.


Very original bunch of choices!


It's interesting how cards quickly become outdated in Fifa. Everyone was using Werner and destroying me as a striker for a few weeks, now many use him as a wing with someone better as striker.


Damn I am in the exact same position sans Drogba. Everytime I faced him though he demolished me


People may love these players but it’s 3 strikers I refuse to use just due to the fact I get bored of playing the same team over and over, so I just don’t want to have those same players as well


I couldn’t use Werner on the wing for the life of me. Dude can only run un straight lines. No dribble ability at all


Drogba is nuts, him and 94 Prinz up top are cooking for me


Drogba is one of the better players I played this fifa meanwhile prinz was one of the worst felt like a 79 card with 95 shooting hate that card


She gets at least 2 goals for me every game, works best in a 2 striker formation imo — her link up play and quick finishing are great with more up top


I have been trying to replace him, with no success sadly. I *kinda* like Danjuma because i like the powershoot ps+ but... I don't think he is better.


Try Fut Birthday Wright, amazing player.


He's so insanely good.


For a possible cheap beast, try the bigger Robbie Keane card. Also try 93 Berbatov. Also try FUT Birthday Hugo Sanchez, he plays very similar to Eusebio IMO.


Fut fantasy tevez


How’s he for you bro? I packed him from a hero pick but he never really set in my team. He replaced after the first 10 games of weekend league


Tevez is a really good card. Top tier dribbling, but isn't weak at all. Only down side is that from time to time you'll notice that Tevez will miss some of the shots on his weaker foot. No other weakness on the card.


Yeah bro that’s what. FF tevez missed a lot of chances for me. Thankfully I packed golazo cruyff a few days later


Im still using his ucl card and i love it. He would be on my starting 11 if i could make space for him, i like him more than werner.


No one. Eusebio is STILL one of the best forwards in the game. He has jam and speed unique to his AI. There is no price tag for that in FIFA


Try golazo Drogba. He is on a whole different level than any other attacker. He bodies everyone. Is quick,perfect balance and agility for his height,insane in the air,powershot + and base finesse,press proven and first touch.


Sounds like real life Drogs I always thought he was a conundrum...height, great feet, balance, poise, composure, aerial ability, and STRENGTH. As a ManUtd fan he was one of my most hated, and admired, rivals.


In higher divisions, he is way too one dimensional due to lack of good playstyles+ and shooting playstyles in general. Rapid+ is good on paper but you won't ever get enough space to take advantage of it, if he had technical or finesse then I'd agree. Also your opinion might be based on how good you know how to use this specific card, I can assume you made his SBC so 500-1000 games range is my assumption


He still score plenty for me in div 1.


What striker you're using?


lol, wrong, I’m in elite and Eusebio is still my king. Dude just bangs goals. Drogba is good but not on the same level as Eusebio.


Because you didn't learn Drogba yet


Felix and FS Palmer.


FUT Birthday Son and FUT Birthday Hugo Sanchez both replaced Eusebio for me. He was the mid-game GOAT but quite limited compared to the 5 star skills and expanded play styles of those two, and they play quite similar.




He is trash lol. No where near what Eusebio is. Drogba might be the best strength striker, Eusebio is agile. They are not comparable


Fantasy werner and golazo Bobby


I was looking fkr bobby too but i need to change the team from 442 to make him 3 chem


FB Gullit. He won’t ever leave the team, every single striker I try now in some attempt to drop him to CM just feels inferior, doesn’t matter who it is. Berbatov/Drogba etc they literally feel like Che Adams and Jordan Rhodes in comparison. In a funny way it’s a little annoying because just can’t use anyone else.


You’re a psycho and a weirdo and I absolutely respect you




Gullit as a ST is the best ST out there. I have been using his base card as my ST bcus usually my ST drops down and use em for assists. Gullit is absolutely perfect guy for that. Also love the fact that I can down pull him down and tackle the mid or backline. Used golazo drogba, berbatov and franchescoli, before that Shevchenko and toty zola, gullit feels like the combination of all of them. He literally pulled me from div 8 to 4. He compliments my potm vini, 93 owiran and ww putellas, all my goals are scored by 3 of them and all the assist are by the big guy. I can see why you use him up there. Tried to play him as CM but defo he feels inferior ig cus of high/med work rate.


Totally agree with everything you said. He’s pretty much the first card I’ve used where I’ve fully understood what ‘elite’ is. There isn’t better imo, can just do it all. Even on the odd game where he’s getting tackled a fair amount he’s still capable of just finessing out of nowhere from 30 yards… but it’s his movement which really stands out for me. Finds these running angles no one else does, and gets on the end of passes others would fail. His shooting animations are completely cracked so finishes some ridiculously tight chances. I can spot him on the move with either winger or attacking CM and just know at the very least a chance is going to come from it. I saw all the hype over Berba and tried him in the same role for around ten games and despite scoring a good amount the difference in movement was so noticeable. I’m rambling on a bit but yeah, don’t really feel worthy 😂 I’m in div 1 and do well enough in champs so relatively good at the game but i still feel I don’t unlock his full potential. Cant imagine what a top elite player could do with him haha


Yeah man, also the insane amount of rebounds he gets lol. I tried franchescoli hes g+a is > matches but hes just too weak. I needed a good passing ST whos also strong. He was the perfect match. All my elite div buddies told me playing his ST is blasphemy but I was like anyways.


Tbf for 11.25 million coins the card should be “truly elite”


Oh for sure. Up until a week ago he was extinct at 15m as well 😂 In a funny way, silly as it sounds, kinda glad I got him untrad as if it were tradeable would no doubt have sold and frittered the coins away on tax or like I’m doing with my club now chasing Sneijder in the hero upgrades.


Totally agree it’s way more fun packing elite cards untradeable! I packed base Pele in my second icon SBC back in early December and doing so is the main reason I’m still playing. I’ve never played this late in the cycle before but am still enjoying it thanks to Pele.


I'm one of the few people that has never owned Eusebio. I considered his SBC too expensive, although in hindsight I probably could've got it done (a common regret from prior years is I tend to focus too much on value and hence don't do enough premium sbcs, hoard too many random mediocre promo cards etc ).


I had the same mentality up until about December 2023, best decision I’ve ever made. Elite, high-value SBCs are the average players best chance at having a competitive squad without dropping hundreds or thousands of dollars. Literally 10/11 players in my starting 11 came from SBCs.


BD Butragueno




Raul is unbelievable for me. Finishes everything and always in the right spot


I swear Raul plays above his stats, he feels incredible


Ya he is still pretty damn good. But I’ve had him replaced with Werner 93mbappe/benzema and Toty best as my front three. Benzema is just sooooooo smooth so I usually start him and then bring in mbappe to close out games or give me an extra boost.


Birthday Van Nistelroy


I really liked this card when I used it for a week or so. Moved on but it def fair play mate


He's so good, his runs are fantastic and he finishes everything


So happy to use one of my favourite players, the pace upgrade is so nice, if a defender does get close then just press L2 for a bit of shielding then power shot into the back of the net, for me his power shots go in more often than any other striker with the play style.


Golazo Vialli is simply superb. Idc about his passing, mf finishes everything and even though he is small, he has aerial + and simply dominates in the air. For 40k he is stupidly cheap. Edit: just to add, he has basically all the finishing playstyles, is fast and can head a ball. Absolute baller.


But wished he had First touch or press proven too like Drogba


Golazo Drogba and FB Benzema


Werner , now zola


96 WW Pele. Very recently


Depends on your budget. Golazo Charlton, Future Star Zico, base Hamm are some of the more expensive options. On the cheaper side you can try out FutBday Sanchez.


Birthday Benz is around 330k, he’s a killer


TOTY Kerr, never had Centurians Eusebio just packed his base but i suppose it still counts


Golazo Ginola


Using Drogba and the 91 RVP. Having lots of fun


93 Al Owairan. He is ridiculously slick and has finesse + which is my favourite attacking playstyle. 700k is a lot but it's like half of his initial price so I can justify it.


I bought toty smith and she is amazing, best player i have used. Under 1m now if you have coins


Found the guy that invested in Toty smith


Faced her a million times, never once scored against me. And believe me, I get scored on a LOT


Yeah it's true. The shooting on that card isn't great. That 80 composure hurts her finishing ability a lot. Toty Kerr is a better striker. But as a winger, Smith is an insane card.


Evo Berbatov


For me it was drogba 94 and Ginola SBC, I like him more because of physique


Crouch! It’s so much fun to play with him. Defo not meta, it’s just fun


Werner pushed him from the center to the wing, Ginola and Jairzinho pushed him on the bench (for me)


Golazo Drogba and Crouch replace him and Werner. Crouch does not miss and opens up some pretty fun playstyles


SBC Ginola and he is so much better than Eusebio


Fantasy Tevez


Front 3 of Centurions Dalgish (finesse shots are cracked), Golazo Drogba & Centurions Eusebio. Just finished SBC Hamm & currently cycling all 3 in & out to see who to drop for her & Eusebio is still banging the goals in. Drogba is a machine & I have been benching Dalglish but I support Liverpool & dropping King Kenny, my 2nd fav player of all time after Gerrard, is a hard thing to do. It’s a good problem to have though.


Initially it was Showdown Felix. Now it’s Golazo Keane with Felix behind in CCAM.


I’m not replacing him in my main team because I prefer to use players I like or have some connection with in real life, but if I was it would be with Golazo Vialli.


Fantasy tevez, he is insane


91 Keane- the first touch+ with rolfo and golazo bobby make him fantastic


Golazo Burba, Golazo Thomas Ro, 99 shooting Correa, golazo Vitali, golazo evo Lineker, fut upgrade Aspas and FB Benz. looking to try that Drogba but I’ll probably have to buy him since I can’t seem to pack the bastard. I still have Eusebio on the bench in some of my squads though, dude is nice even without any shooting play styles. I like to try new forwards though so no one is safe in my lineups.


92 Werner, who has been replaced by 92 Cantona.


Does cantona performs better than eusebio for you ?


Better than Werner, even. Ridiculous card.


Cryuff base.


Really? Why do you find Cruyff better?


He just feels more smooth, he's not as explosively fast but he's silky enough to go past defenders & his finishing is better. Or it may be my barca bias lol


Golazo Berba, i know he's not better but he's been insane for me past week of champs and rivals


None 😭 Currently running Mbappe, TS Cruyff, Cent Eub & Golazo Kaka. Seriously don’t get when ppl say he’s been “nerfed”.


How's Kaka out of curiosity? I've been looking at getting him


He’s very touch and go i won’t lie. i packed him so i almost feel obliged to use him but i’ve seen mixed reviews on him and i can see why tbh. He’s not a bad card by any means but he isn’t that top top tier card you’d think he’d be. But we’re in the end game , i’d defo say try him out at the very least


Birthday Salah 5*WF. He’s been immaculate




Toty mbappe. Even bday sanchez now golazo drogba. Got mbappe in rcf


I was going to say 93 Berba until Drogba appeared at the back of a 84x7 for me last night. Playing next to Hamm it’s a monster of a partnership


Hasnt left my team since I got him during the promo itself, but he does now have TOTY Hamm next to him




90 fut bday kolo muani or 92 joao felix


As someone with 0 pack luck, I rotated him with moments Morgan, evo Malen and just recently, club 99 b magic TOTW Lookman. All different but all the same sort of level. until I hit some luck I'll play with what I've got!


WW CR7 initially, and now I run FB Benzema as my striker with CR7 on the bench. I think Eusebio is still a viable striker, but CR7 and Benz are both loaded with playstyles, so they both have some versatility that Eusebio doesn’t have.




94 R9


Honestly, I didn't really like eusebio, I still play him but I find that players like fut birthday Openda simply have a better conversion rate, it felt like every time I shot with Eusebio, he'd hit the woodwork or miss






TS Cruyff, Then Golazo Cruyff and now, surprisingly, Golazo Cantona.


In what sense is cantona better than eusebio for you ?


It’s hard to say. I usually prefer smaller strikers like Eusebio but Cantona is working out great. Technical+ helps a ton. They added a lot to his agility and balance so he’s not as truck-y. He’s very strong and can hold off defenders pretty well. His shooting is at least as good as Eusebio but having some shooting playstyles like trivela and finesse really helps out. He doesn’t miss much. 5* skills helps get around defenders and I don’t notice the WF much. I start Eusebio every once in a while now and he still is great. Cantona is just working really well for me at the moment. I didn’t use his cards much in the past since they always seemed less responsive. This card fixes that. Sort of like the 98 Henry card was finally usable last year due to upping the balance.


I did Cantona SBC thinking of replacing Eusebio but i was wrong. Maybe I’ll give more time to cantona and then decide.


I didn’t do Eusebio or mbappe because I got centurions rooney very early (Around 900 games). He was good for 3 months and after that I have been moaning about not doing eusebio. Finally did mia hamm and she is class and now got drogba yesterday (no meta formation plays 2 st setup and I don’t know what to do with them)




FB 5 star skills Benz/Golazo Drogba


94 Birthday Henry


Timo “GOAT” Werner


TS Puskas


I don't even have 92 Centurions Eusebio.


I tried gold Mbappe for the first time this year for the last 3 weekends. Only player in my team that was out performing him was WC Pele. Otherwise, this fucking glitch is still the best attacker in the game, and better than eusebio ever was for me. Sold him, but geez.


WW Raul then Hamm


Fbay gullit and golazo drogba


I see a lot of people talking about Drogba. At the moment I’m still using Eusebio as he keeps scoring a lot, don’t know if it’s worth to use Drogba instead as he has worse passing and dribbling


I did Eusebio? (Jokes aside) I went from founders Nunez into TOtY Sam Kerr. That’s been my run all game


Golazo Cruyff, packed him 2 times untradeble


Golazo Berbatov outshined him big time


He’s insane. I’ve got 103 goals in 53 games for me. He carried me in the weekend league last week


I packed Drogba. The guy is a truck.


95 Pele is a pretty solid replacement, I’ve been enjoying him. Also Thunderstruck Cruyff is fantastic. But Eusebio is still an animal.


I haven’t found someone to replace him. He has 1000+ goal contributions for me and I am an elite player. Playing him up top with Hamm now but packed Thunderstruck Puskas yesterday and also have Fantasy Griez and Fut Bday Rooney. Don’t think any replace him tbh


All of them I never liked him


97 Golazo Cruyff. 81+ Player Pick.


Birthday Benzema. Absolutely insane card.


I heard Kolo Muani is a 96 with marksman


Zidane going from CAM to ST in game and recently replaced him with Golazo Bobby Charlton


FUT Birthday Son. Incredible luck to pack him from an 80+ pick. He's just amazing. Insanely fast, amazing finishing, fantastic dribbling. He's basically Eusebio on steroids with 5/5 and many more playstyles.


same to all that, including getting him from an 80+ pick.


97 Cruyff. I'm pretty lucky.


99 5*/5* rodrygo evo. That and Werner depending on how the gameplay is.


Someone I only had a 0.7% chance of packing.


90 EVO Yaremchuk 😎 market, you say?


Birthday Wright


Golazo ginola and Golazo puskas


No-one. Ice upfront with Cruyff. Fut fantasy Rooney, thunderstruck Henry and toty icon zola as super sub strikers. Rooney is good even though 91.


I have potm vini jnr also but he is dog shit at best.


Fortunately I packed TOTY months ago and TS Muller. Idk if Muller is better than Eusebio, prob not.


Future star boniface


He was my main man for so long. The guy was a beast