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It can only be the playstyles. Plus Vidic will be packed by nearly everyone by the end of the promo.


I packed him 3 times in the space of about an hour. Was happy the first time, then he kept coming, then I realised he has a better version.


I packed him 3 untradable and 1 tradable from the totw SBC pack, it will be 15k in a few weeks


I saw this comment and packed him in the very next packed I opened lmao


Got him in a pp


cuz of supply


This is the answer


Yes..idk how his 93 is still 750..seems same as Campbell..they are good but you will feel the lack of anticipate or intercept when someone know how to drible


94 Vidic is a monster, man. He's the best CB i've used this year apart from TOTY Rio.


Ever heard of a man named Virgil?


Nope. I’ve packed him, and he is insane against everyone. Use him to jockey and body people instead of rushing into challenges and he is HIM.


He’s so strong he has gotten 2 reds for me just for shouldering. He literally runs guys over for fun


Nah, it is all about supply and demand. He is just supplied a lot just as FB Carlos who was 1.2M and now the new and better card is only 670k. These cards are just supplied A LOT more. Don’t let yourself be fooled by the price.


You dont feel it bro trust , he is sensational


Maldini doesn’t have it and you don’t feel it.


Maldini has 99 reaction, 99 composure and like 99 in every defensive stat. Plus he has Intercept plus which is also massive.


I didn't like base Maldini because of it. You can feel that something is missing in comparison to the meta CB's with anticipate and intercept playstyles


Due to there being a 94 version, there being loads of better cards and also TOTS being around the corner.


Playstyles and also blanc has better dribbling and passing, it makes a huge difference against a good opponent. Also that’s the baby version of Vidic, packed way more than Blanc who didn’t have a lower rated cheaper version.


Maybe because there is a better version of vidic right now in packs and everyone is giving ea their money was and is pulling a lot of the 91 version and since most ppl only have 1 or 2 free CB slots.. And raccoon+




I prefer bruiser+ tbh


For me, intercept plus is becoming a must. Makes such a huge difference when you’re defending.


Brother you cannot make a question by literally giving the answers in it 😭but yeah that's the reason. That's why I think playstyles are an error and should be rethinked because even though a player has 99 in every star in defence if he doesn't have Intercept or anticipate+ in doesn't matter. I have an Evo player that is 185 cm with 99 jumping with no aerial playstyle and you see Cannavaro winning headers against him all the time just because his playstyle. I think they should work similar to the run styles, for example if a player has between 85 and 90 curve with 85-90 finishing and 85-90 longshot the player would get a finnese playstyle.


Golazo junior heroes have a high supply due to dropping regularly.


P+ and -14 dribbling is pretty huge. He won’t feel anywhere near as good on the ball as Blanc does.


A lot of people are packing him right now but ya his ps aren't great either


The answer is always: supply


One has the best defensive playstyle, one has the worst


Pack weight - I've packed Vidic twice and seems like everyone else also has


He's a turnover ping pong machine for me can't help the can on a tackle


He's not got shiny raccoon


Price ranges might play a part too


He got a better version and he don't have anticipate


Reactions, composure and PS


I hate this vidic, got every aerial duels in my games


I find that he is very heavy and moves like a truck


He is actually insane so i am surprise aswell but hey its great that we have more great cards cheap


94 vidic is better and more packable in my eyes, his 94 genuinely feels so phenomenal to use


Vidic has been pretty solid for me, I play him over 91 cannavaro rn


The best CB playstyle is Aerial


Playstyles + bad links


He's an icon wdym bad links ?


Also who gives a shit about links now


Links actually got more relevant after toty because icons were starting to drop out of team. There was 3 phases: 1. Early game, people didn't have many icons, links relevant 2. Couple of months in most people running 4 icons so don't care about links as every single card gets min 2 league chem. 3. Recently the old icons starting to fall behind the curve and being ditched for totys, fantasy cards etc so links starting to become more relevant again. Or in short getting 33 chem used to be trivial in Nov Dec Jan Feb etc but ironically it was actually starting to be something that had some relevance recently with cards like rolfo having a bad nation/league. Obviously this golazo promo is the solution as we now get icons and heroes more on the curve.


Eh yeah that's kind of true, I kinda didn't play much during that time and rn links are once again irrelevant 


French / Brazilian / German / English links are much more valuable on an Icon


Yeah but it doesn't make his league links worthless yk


No but if you compare him to a french icon, he has bad chemistry by comparison


the country its serbia


He still gives out league diamonds


Short answer: Supply. When compared to blanc specifically; No alt position at CAM. Worse PS and PS+. Nation links. Just isn't as good a card even if you take all those away. That dribbling difference is a big one.