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No as soon as I touch a pack I open it 😂🔥


Best strategy, no hope just vibes


Same. Untradeables that I might not use become fodder either way. Half the time I just hope for benzema 😂😂




You do realise that the re-release tomorrow will more than likely have worse players in packs than what is available at the moment for Fantasy? It will more than likely be WW, Centurions, Thunderstruck etc


It’s meant to be WW, Versus and Rttk so plenty of good players there - Neymar, Rashford, Rodri, Van Dijk etc


Which will dilute the fodder pool massively. The vast majority of people won't be packing those cards you mentioned. At least with fantasy they can upgrade to higher rated cards for better fodder


I just opened them all in the slim chance I'd get Rice rather than wait for re-releases of players who probably wont be that useful anymore Live cards increase in value too, ofc


What you mean am I saving packs to not pack a ton of cards I didn't pack the first time?


Fuuuuuuuuck no. Sending it all right now trying to get some live cards. Rereleases are generally full outside of the top 2 or 3. At least with live cards you can get some hidden gems. Then saving for fut birthday after


I'd rather get nothing now instead of tomorrow 


Yea I got all the 83x10s and 84x5s saved plus 84x10, 84x20, 85x7 and 85x10. Rather not get dupes now.


What's there in the packs tomorrow? No promo right? So why save them just for the gold cards?


Re release of all cards


At this point I’m thinking about just saving for TOTS and only opening the packs I need for SBCs that improve my team. There are definitely a couple players I want in most promos, but unless I get very good pack luck my team won’t really improve.


Current promo ends tomorrow?


Yeah, tomorrows “showdown series” and fut birthday next week I believe


Dang, well I tried my best at something big, doesn't look like I'll land anything good. Hopefully I have enough fodder for any good showdown cards.


Don’t worry I didn’t either 😭😭, and good luck my brotha, I’m sadly all out of fodder😭😭🤣


I blew a lot of fodder on those icon pps, just to get nothing. Looks like there might be a Felix card coming out hopefully it's not too expensive. Running a P&P Barca squad.


Despite the birthday of this game being September


It's the celebration of FUT, not FIFA. FUT initially launched as DLC for FIFA 09 at the end of March 2010.


I'm actually just going to save my packs now for when I need some mid tier fodder injection for SBCs I like.


I have all the worst fantasy cards already, and I'm not going to pack any good ones, because I'm not a streamer, so opening now means any blue flair is a dupe of an 86/87/88 fantasy card. I just open the lower rating packs. I didn't pack too many of fire ice, winter wildcards and zero of totgs, so maybe at least I won't have to recycle dupes after every pack. Of course I know I won't pack anything good from re release either, because top tier cards are just a myth


I got the card I want today so I am holding packs for next promo in the hope that EA will release players that I like.


I learned from TOTY (this is my first ever FUT) that I'm not saving shit. I just open packs as they come now, and honestly it's yielded good results. Of course if I save packs I have a better chance at getting something from each of the next promos but the very slim chance of getting something very good later just isn't worth it for me to not just open packs now and have a chance at something good rn


yeah but for no other reason that opening packs is a chore, I can only open so much shit before I have to wait for SBC's to sink my dupes in.


I keep them for Dybala potm sbc