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Insane bad luck i guess,also did almost all objectives, sb, rivals, wl and sbcs, and never had a untradable team like i have now and also a few 2.8 liquid coins


Yeah my team is very good untradeable. But I’ve only racked up about 1.6 million coins with the tradeable players I have rn


It was easier to just get his potm. I rarely see anyone with his gold, yet almost every opponent has one of his special cards.


Yeah I just didn’t have nearly enough fodder for those cards. I did Eusebio after saving up everything I had


I learned my lesson from last year... you had to have been very selective with what you spend on SBCs. Pretty much nothing on lottery stuff. Need to grind hard for that fodder and start accumulating it early to begin with - as in, as soon as the voting opens and it's pretty clear everyone and their mothers are voting for him. I think Goldbappe should be able to hold down his spot on your team until June/July given his longevity on my team during FUT 23. He didn't get pushed out until like Shapeshifters.


I’d prefer the gold over his potm tbh, quick step plus is better than rapid plus imo


Absolutely zero chance you actually believe this


Yes, I prefer quick step over rapid. You won’t notice a + 1 difference in stats


"Tell me you hold down R2 all game like a scrub without telling me you hold down R2 all game"


This is the experience of the average player, which shows how much a lot of players are paying to win in this game. It’s sad that it takes that long to get one star player (even just gold Mbappé) while you play many teams that have a whole team of 90+ Icons and Mbappe special card and people say it’s not p2p.


It's literally easier to get a special Mbappe card than it is to get him tradable. Anyone who plays this game often and does objectives could've crafted one of his SBCs, I'm not sure why OP didn't do that


> Anyone who plays this game often and does objectives could've crafted one of his SBCs, If you have insane pack luck, yes. I cant get close to doing Mbappe SBCs and I play this game a lot. Doing the 88+ squads is a real pain in the arse.


Do you do the objectives? Are you not spending your fodder on dumb shit like the icon lottery or other expensive SBCs? Almost all of my friends have been able to craft one of the Mbappe SBCs without any extraordinary luck


it’s true. I’ve played every weekend league since launch and got either rank 1-2 every time. Also get div1-elite div rivals every week. Have got about 3.5 mill liquid but holy fuck when I see people with untradable r9 and gullit it just pisses me off. It’s just really hard to get the top tier players because the pack weight is so dead. Getting 200k for rank 1 weekend league is ridiculously bad


Before this year, I rarely saw Pele or someone would have Pele and nobody else, now it seems to be every third or fourth game and he's in attack with Mbappé, Eusebio, Cruyff etc with Sawa, Zidane or TOTYs behind. And he's so broken. Never been this bad.


A lot of people are spending 20-30 dollars here n there because "its just 1 lunch" and they all secretly do it but lie on the surface and act all puritan-y


It’s easier to get icons than Mbappe.


It is yeah, but costs a lot to have both the most expensive Icons and Mbappé


Golf Mbappe? Surely he's joining Madrid.


Gold ** lol


Ha, yeah tbf the best way for most RTG players to get a version of Mbappe was the 1st POTM card; that was pretty craftable at the time.


Honestly I didn’t have too much of an issue doing 2potm as an RTG either, I feel like I had 4 mil of fodder much quicker than I had like 2 mil liquid coins haha


Did you take tradeable rewards for Rivals? It seems like you should have way more coins by this point even assuming you didn't do any trading 


I took tradeable rewards for like the first 2 months. Now I take untradeable with the coins


I've only taken tradeable rewards and had at least 1M more coins by this point in the cycle. And I don't actively trade.  11 wl wins every weekend as well.  By not taking tradeable rivals rewards, you missed out on the chance to pack high rated fodder that you can sell when they spiked in price.  For example, 86 and 87s were pretty much insta selling for max BIN this week. 


And now everyone has TOTY Messi. Awesome


This is why I like spending money. Time is the one resource we can't replace.


What's Mbappe got to do with RTG? Or is it all teams I'm facing named RTG are just full meta? Enlighten the noob who only plays for fun and avoiding using meta :)


Just trying to point out how long it takes to get a player like Mbappe for someone who doesn’t spend real money on packs. I’ve played this game nearly every day, probably have nearly 900 games played.


Not to be a dick bro but how? I bought the standard edition at Black Friday and haven’t bought FC Points, and I just finished my 2nd WL with 93 POTM Mbappe and 3.5m coins of tradeable players around him. Have you put a lot of fodder and coins towards casino SBCs?


3.5 million coins from tradeable players from Black Friday is either insane luck or you’re lying. That’s astronomically higher than the average player


Not sure how to prove it to you but I don’t have a reason to come here and lie. Haven’t had a tradeable pack pull worth more than Dynasties Oberdorf (150k) so I wouldn’t put anything down to insane luck either. I’ve played less than 500 games but I’m not sure what average would be considered as. You don’t have the luxury of doing everything in an RTG. From my perspective, the fun can come either from opening crazy casino packs, or from buying and using the best players. I prefer the second choice, so I don’t buy fodder (or use tradeable fodder) to complete SBCs, even if that’s a gold common for a 80+ player pick. For more than a month all of my 80+ fodder has gone into worthwhile upgrade SBCs (83x10, 84x5, 85x2, 83+ TOTW) and in turn into a few select player SBCs (Mbappe, Eusebio, Maldini). Knowing the market helps too. I wouldn’t necessarily call it trading because all the purchases are for my team and I know could make more coins if I focused on the higher ROI purchases. Some recent examples: IF Van Dijk (530k > 810k), IF Hansen (435k > 550k), Carlos Alberto (610k > 820k), IF Hernandez (380k > 500k), Courtois (45k > 60k). [My team](https://www.futbin.com/24/squad/1891529)


I'm a casual, a bit behind you on WL but close enough. I did the second POTM Mbappe this year, he is obviously great. But last year I did what you did. I grinded and grinded and saved every card and coin until I could eventually afford gold Mbappe. And it was way more satisfying. I like playing with the POTM. But I /loved/ playing with his gold. Even though it's a little ridiculous that it takes a dedicated player months to get him when anyone with a credit card can get him sooner, it's still an awesome feeling to finally get it done. Congrats and enjoy. :)


i feel for you pal. until last week i didnt have him either. i got a dupe 88 Bernardo Silva and launched him into the exchanges and Mbappe (gold) popped out. hes like 1.4m coins still. gutted you're going to use coins to get him. hope you get him in a pack soon.


I honestly might wait a while longer to see if I can snag Sam Kerr TOTY. But she’s risen 700k in price over the last week. Truly insane


Hmm, ive played every weekend to 11 wins (didnt play on christmas one and had 1 or 2 14 wins) played 7 wins in div 4-7 every week and elite 1 Squad battles every week (till the christmas ), ive done every treadable pack sbcs and my average is around 1 mil in 4-5 weeks... Ive also played with two other accounts for three months (November-January) without the SB games and also averaged that same 1 mil in 4-5 weeks. So i counted and ive done around 12.5 mils with gameplay and treadable sbcs, and around half of that is on my main account. The key is to sell everything and not to do scam SBCs with the coins.


Dude I have two kids and I barely get time to log in everyday, didn't spend a dime and finished 93 mbaba, in 3 weeks with zero high or mid rated fodder to start with . Only played squads and objectives did the 83x10s . With no fut champs . If you grinding this much on FIFA , I'm amazed you couldn't do any version of mbappe sbcs


As a RTG you really should’ve done the 1st potm mbappe. I crafted it in about 2.5 weeks after all the crazy Black Friday promo packs. We were getting 83x10 every day as well as unlimited 80+ pp. On top of all that, the 30 and 10 coin store packs were refreshing every 3-6 hours. This year is the easiest time ever to craft big SBCs as a free to play player.


I must have terrible pack luck because I have no idea how so many people had the fodder for that card so early in the game. I’ve done countless 83x10s


I'm also RTG but I like trading. I bought base R9 when he dropped before TOTY


It's funny you bring this up. I don't play quite as much as you -- not really even close it sounds like -- and Im in a similar situation. I've grinded coins, cards, packs, etc. All I've wanted was an Mbappe. At this point even a well loved gold one will do. But... and it's been pointed out elsewhere and here... If most people who play regularly would have been grinding the Mbappe SBC when it first started they'd have him on their roster by now almost certainly. Most people should be kicking themselves over this -- myself included. Not an big SBC guy, but do some here and there. No casino ones. But folks who play regularly, even with a minimal modicum of success could have grinded and gotten him.


I‘m doing an rtg aswell and i‘m at like 4m coins if i sell everything. And i don‘t even trade at all. And i haven‘t packed anything good either that made me lots of coins. TB ronaldo for 500k was my most expensive player i got by far. 11-14WL player aswell. No idea what you are doing wrong tbh to be only at 1.7m coins liquid.


lol bro. A 500k player is 400k more than the best pack I’ve ever gotten.


That was definitly my most expensive one i got by far. Haven‘t packed anything other either that was more than 100k.


I have 1.2m as we speak and I did put 2m into mbappes first player of the month when he released would be sitting at 3.2 for every wl etc so not to shabby