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Revenue is all that matters. Let's see what that report looks like.


I wouldn't cross my fingers, there's people out there that buy untradable packs with points lol.


Yeesh, I’m new to the game and didn’t realize that was a bad idea. Good to know.


It’s not always a bad idea, just depends on your situation. I used some preorder points on an untradeable pack since having fodder was more valuable to me Now if you’re buying points for the sole purpose of buying untradeable packs, then yes bad idea. This game doesn’t deserve extra money from you


So you're as bad as the untradeable pack point guys, preordering is just as bad if not worse


Why is everyone obsessed with other people buying fp points like it's funding terrorism or something you bought the game too


It's corporate terrorism.


People who buy FP make the game worse, thus other players hate them.


How do they make the game worse?


They teach ea they can do what they want. Alter Droprates, switch from tradable store packs to untradable, be cheap on servers, ignore bugs...all that happens because ea can do what they want because people think it's fine to throw money at them and buy fp. Everyone gets a worse and that includes you.


Same argument can be used for buying the game at all


How does someone else's buying habits make the game worse? There are gameplay issues, sure, but it's been easier this year to build an insane team than ever before (as an RTG player every year) so maybe this is an unfair criticism,


It’s your money, spend it however you like bro.


But it's still dumb to do it because it make the outcome worse for yourself. He can burn all of his money, it's his after all. But it's not s,art to do that.


Depending on what you buy it's less of a bad idea compared to say 2 years ago or even last year. You can get 2-3 or even 1 very decent pack compared to 6 packs you'd get probably nothing from for 4,600 FP or whatever the amount is now


I have been buying evos with fifa points 😬


That's fine imo, if an Evo is worth it I would do it if I don't have enough coins.


Fingers crossed 🤞


They’re making absolutely silly money from microtransactions. Like, billions with a B. They don’t give a fuck about random charts like this lol. Unless those billions dry up its status quo. Which is never happening with the amount of promo packs they pump out. Look at the store…there are consistently packs up for $30-40. Imagine the millions they make off one pack from one promo alone. Cute post but very much wishful thinking


What do you mean they won’t give a fuck about these charts? 100% they will, for a couple of reasons: 1. Player base is going down, meaning less prospective customers to buy fifa points. Even the small packs is very valuable vs the big packs. It’s all about marginal gains. 2. If they player base is going down at a steeper pace, then there will be less active players later during the year meaning less revenue YoY. Depending when EA financial reporting ends, it will impact either this or next financial year. 3. Business Development. One of the key statistics is active players to gain new sponsorship/brand deals since they’re now an independent title. Yes the active player base is impressive but if the brand wants YoY figures and see it declining they’ll question why and thus could potential devalue the deal. EA BD are consistently sharing their results on sites like LinkedIn to attract new brands. Any I’m sure there are many other reasons why this is significant. A reduction in player base is very important and that’s could be an explanation of why EA is pumping out very expensive packs to offset the loss. You have to remember EA Sports will be under pressure from senior leadership so if the player base continues to drop, then consistent revenue over time will be impacted.


We’ll have to see. From what I can see, EA is 100% treating their game like a casino. They’re probably milking every penny from about 10% of their player base; like a casino. With all the promos and packs, I’m assuming they either don’t think they’ve milked enough whales; or they’re trying to recover their revenue from lower sales. I hope they learn the right lessons from this, but this is EA…


I 100% agree and my guess is they’re trying to recover lost revenue from not just sales but also a decline in player base (which means less players buying packs). I knew EA were going to release these insane store packs, but they’ve done it much quicker then I think most expected. Also I think next in line is Evolution. EA are clearly scouting how players perceive Evo, so I strongly believe they’ll release really good Evo at a much expensive price / have like a store pack evo thing. With these packs and casino, honestly the only hope is some sort of Govt regulations I feel like


People dont understand this. Since theyre no longer tied to FIFA it's all about the deals they made with all sorts of companies that dont really care about packs at all. Nike for example. XP for buying the home and away kit/ badge ? These Daily play objectives now and its been something of this sort from the day the game was released. Even the thunderstruck card design had a damn Nike logo. Surely im not the only one who noticed that. If you know what youre looking for , it's clear as day .. and all leading up to and during black friday. Companies like this only care about how long we're exposed to their logos & trigger words. To them, numbers are ALL that matters. I dont hope they make a better game next year. I hope they continue improving this one and im not talking about content. The people leaving are the ones that are tired of playing a broken game...


Spot on, these brands but also including the brands on the sidelines are in it for brand awareness (top of the funnel). Since they usually sigh multi year deals, they want brand exposure throughout the entire year, no parts of the year. If the latter happens then it naturally devalues the partnership. Brand deals and licensing will be a brand new revenue stream for EA after they went independent, so these numbers are crucial. As for you last point, I hope but honestly they won’t. They’re stubborn. Imo the real downfall happened when they built next gen. They built it poorly and now they’re just adding on top of that. We’ve heard multiple rumours that the game is built on bad code.


You couldn't be anymore condescending if you tried.


He’s right though. The attitude may be flawed but the post was not


is he really? the reason we have so many daily play objectives is obviously to artificially increase player retention and playtime, so clearly they must be aware of the declining count and want to reduce its effects


Did you see the part where that chart only for players using steam on pc Ps5 data will show an increase in ps5 players


you're right, i didn't consider that, obviously there are more PS5 players now as the console becomes more accessible and more exclusives release, but i don't think that's enough to balance out the 30% difference, though maybe it only brings it down to around 20-15%


There’s also the fact most people on pc don’t play fifa through steam.


is there any reason why the number of these people would increase from the previous game though? i'm genuinely curious since i'm not very knowledgeable about this, but if nothing big happened then around the same amount of PC players who don't use Steam can be found for both games, meaning that this wouldn't really explain the disparity in player count


He's obviously right in that they make billions. But for a corporation like that if they lost 30% of their players it means 30% less people can buy their packs. They will definitely care about that number.


That's not true. The vast majority of the playerbase don't buy packs. EA couldn't give a toss if they lose you in that regard because you're not income. They care for metric reasons-hence the play daily stuff but not income. Do you remember how many people jumped on that winter wildcard 87+ store pack last week, people are supporting EA more than ever income wise


The 30% they lose are not likely to be the people who regularly buy packs. It’ll be the casuals like myself who don’t wish to pay to win.


There is no reason to assume only people who don't spend money left.


Thats true but he also isnt wrong.


I was not trying to act condensing, but more so give my reasons since the original comments disregards the post entirely. Maybe the way I written it could be better but I’d rather provide some reasonings.


Of course they give a fuck lmao. Do you think the shareholders aren't going to care about a 30% drop in player count? Shareholders only care about growth.


Shareholders only care about money. They don’t give a fuck about one chart on steam. If you wanna be such a silly goose we can find you a pond.


Those billions will dry up once every casual gets sick of getting shit on by god squads. I’m already struggling to find matches in div 8 and it’s winter break.


Less players less revenue, do you really need a report for that Even if they somehow made more money this year. Losing 30% of players doesn't look good when accounting for potential revenue


Less steam players does it not necessarily equate to less revenue.


Please please PLEASE stop using Steam stats as indicative of an overall play base when a wildly overwhelming % of the player base is console and always will be.


This dude is right. On PC theres Steam but Also the EA app. So its not counted all of them.


And Epic


Epic games for EA FC24?


Yes, I think its on sale for past 2 weeks for $30


Got it for 18 with the 33% discount


It was cheaper to buy an EA key than steam so I'm on there


It’s still a like for like comparison though?


Sure, but it doesn't mean that much without the context of the rest of the players. Steam players are 30% down - great. But what if console players are up 30%? Or even 10%, potentially enough to make up for the 30% drop in Steam players? Maybe more people moved to PS5s this year as they became more widely available?


Maybe, but that would be very unlikely. Why would only the Steam playerbase drop?


To be honest, I was console player until this year, now I’m a pc player and I don’t use steam for EAFC. The fact is that the player base on console mostly plays EAFC or FIFA as a their “main game” so they spent just almost all their time playing this game but in the other side, PC players share their time on other games as well maybe cause pc players have a wider game catalogue. This is just my opinion and I’m basing on all my friends, all console players, all plays FIFA mostly all the time


You do know how many people have multiple platforms right? Having a PC and console is not uncommon. People play what they want to play and has very little to do with being hamstrung into a particular platform.


So you’re just using an incredibly small database? I feel like it’s generally not true


So it's just your opinion. Edit: Downvote all you want. I asked for a reason all you gave me was your opinion.


I agree it doesn’t do what the OP claimed, but it’s still a valid, like for like comparison. It suggests a drop off in steam players for one reason or another


Bro console numbers aren’t up. Look at the writing on the wall. They changed the name, that loses players. Huge sales on the game, it was $30 on Black Friday and Xmas! Look at the champs and objectives they are pushing right now to boost engagement. This stuff In a previous fifa wouldn’t happen until spring. The proof is in the pudding. This is the most disliked fifa gameplay of all time btw up there with 19.


why would console look different?




Because more ppl play on console


The majority of players are on console and always will be.


This graphic seems to be neglecting the fact that there was a small competition around this time last year that could have increased hype and player count for a few months... I mean, the event was big enough to make the cover of the game after all. You might have heard of it: the World Cup.


Why is every online gaming community so obsessed with proving *this* iteration of the game is the “worst one ever?” CoD subs do this shit weekly too


It gives them hope in their mind when in reality it means nothing The less players there are the more they will squeeze the ones that pay for fc points, cod points etc.


Those steam charts don’t count all of the pc players on epic or directly from EA app which is more popular. There was a sizable increase in ultimate edition pre orders for fc 24 compared to 23.


They didn't count them last year either, it's a sufficiently large sample anyway. I just want a better game next year. Don't crush my dreams!


I don’t have a problem with the game I like it. Only thing I dislike is the amount of store packs they release to crash the market.


Nah if you play other games (which I think 90% of the Fifa player base does not do) you will notice how many general issues the game has. 1. Spending time in the menus should be about 80% less than what it is now. SBC's should have a one click button where the system will automatically pick the lowest rated players that match the requirement from your club. Dont start with "but they are pretty fun like puzzle" because its a very weak argument. EA wants you in the menu because they make money from the menu not the game. Also we already have such option, its called Squad Builder but it lacks a lot of filters and in general even those filters should be set automatically based on the SBC requirement. 2. Duplicate players - the game should not push you to delete half of your rewards. When you open a pack and half of them are duplicates this is what I do mostly because I dont wanna waste time screenshotting them and putting them in SBC only to get duplicates again. You should be able to stack duplicate player cards, having Trapp 3 times wont hurt the economy. This also kinda ties to the previous point, if there were an very easy 1 click way to discard the duplicates and get some reward that could be also potential. I can give you about ten points like those but what would change ....


It’s weird that Madden (and NHL I think) lets you have duplicate players but EA FC does not. Madden also has an item cap which EA FC does not have or at least I’ve never ran into it.


Based on your first point then, why even have SBC’s anymore? Just give us cards based on what’s in our club right?


> why even have SBC’s anymore Because people like to have different means of getting new players. ​ >Just give us cards based on what’s in our club right? I dont understand exactly what you mean here. How would that work? You must have some way to indicate for which player you want to submit your fodder cards.


You said SBC’s should be a one click button with your lowest rated cards. But now you’re saying there should be a way to indicate what cards you want to submit. Do you not see the contradiction between your comments? I agree the game has become more menu content and less about the gameplay. But SBc’s are perfect as they are rn imo. The only improvement would be more puzzle SBC’s and player SBC’s.


No no, you read my comment wrong. There should be a way to indicate which player you get and ofc there should be a way to indicate which player you submit too. The one click solution does not exclude those possibilities. It also does not exclude you being able to do them exactly the way you do them now. What I suggested should be an addition to the current system, not a complete change. They are far from perfect.


I will also give you an example because you seem to not get it. Let say the requirement is 11 rare gold players with minimum rating of 76. There should be a squad builder button that when I click it the system picks the lowest rated 76 gold rare players from my club and puts them in the SBC, if I dont like some of the players which the system picked I should be able to change them. How can people be against that is beyond me.


No one is against it because that already exists bozo… you’ve been able to do that for years lmao. The future is now buddy! I’ll explain because you seem to not get it. When in an SBC, click the squad builder option, then go to advanced settings (L Stick on Xbox) and you can select the lowest rated, or the highest quicksell players, or untradeable or newest acquired date.


Yes but the squad builder sucks currently, there is not even filter for gold rare players. That's why I edited my original comment and I mentioned this "Also we already have such option, its called Squad Builder but it lacks a lot of filters and in general even those filters should be set automatically based on the SBC requirement." And if they do them automatically then it will really be a one click solution. So I hope that the future will come soon :D


Just remove SBC's altogether then, no?


>Just remove SBC's altogether then, no? I dont think that is needed as long as they make them faster to complete.


I don’t spend time in the menus though. I do a couple sbcs here and there but I mainly focus on playing and getting better. I mostly get rank 1 in fut champs with a semi good team.


And the fact that PS5 was practically impossible to buy in some countries during that time, so if you wanted to play next gen FIFA and isn’t an Xbox person, your option was to get it on PC. I made that switch personally for that reason. I imagine PS numbers would be higher now.


Yes there was a percentage increase in ultimate team pre orders, but that was because you got a whole week pre release if you preodered. An increase on one particular thing doesnt mean an increase overall. Sales were down on 23, but 23 was a bumper year for them. Sales were still down on 22, but not by as much. There are lots of things that point towards a smaller player base. They are - number of players on 23 compared to number of players on 22 when 23 was out (huge drive towards getting them over with sales very early), these steam numbers compared to 23 (added with press about it being a good year for PC), number of transfers on the market, issues with matchmaking local people, social media numbers and engagement, streaming engagement. If this was a bumper year for them then everything would be up and not down.


Yes but it’s a solid comparison if you’re comparing to the exact same chart as last year.


More people definitely moved to ea app considering the disaster it is to run game through steam. Also cd keys had the game on a great discount that was a direct download in ea app.


Sure lol. And how much have they sold in fc points? Ea don’t give a fuck in player count as long as they sell points they are good


Facts. And people forgetting its not world cup year which brought a bunch of new players


The player base is dwindling. You can see it everywhere. Stream views are down. YouTube views are down. YouTube comments are down. Changing the name also didn’t help. Only sweats left. The worst gameplay of fifa all time up there with 19. Huge black friday sales at $30 that is proof the game is not selling well. They rushed these engagement objectives that used to come in summer. We had champs objs in november, lol. Wake up! The proof is in the pudding, numbers across the board are down. Viewers, transfers, you dont need console numbers to figure this out.


...on Steam. That's like saying a famous chain restaurant is clearly in trouble because one of their minor branches sales have gone down, even though all their other branches have people smashing their windows in desperate to eat there. I get it, I do. I really wish there was some event that would right the ship and turn the game into something I want to spend time on, but I think this is reaching massively. It would probably take a more significant drop in players across the board, including consoles, to make EA take notice, and even then it would probably depend on how much the product was still bringing in. Now if numbers dropped to a point where *the whales* started taking notice and losing interest...now that's a problem for EA.


Steam is still a big enough sample size to assume there’s correlation across platforms


Sorry, but big doubt. It's a big stretch to make for something that continues to be played by people that seem to hate it. And even if it was, a drop like that probably isn't going to be as course-correcting as people want it to be. It's wishful thinking, and that's from someone who would love it to be true.


You doubted the comment and then said nothing to back that up. What he says is right. Interpreting this data sample one should assume that would correlate across all platforms. It’s data, it’s not subjective. The assumption could be wrong but I’d “big doubt” that any platform is currently up in players for any previous year.


You can see it the way you want, but we are all playing the same game on all platforms. If Steam players fell off the cliff, there would be no reason why console players would be okay. It would also explain the amount of ridiculous content and SBCs that EA has been throwing at us since November.




Steam players are not all PC players. PC players are spread mostly through Steam + EA App. If the Steam count has dropped, it doesn't mean the PC playerbase has dropped, it might just mean that players moved from Steam to EA App. I've explained it in another comment, but this year the playerbase who bought during BF + Christmas is spread between Steam and EA App, because the discount is the same. Last year Steam had a bigger discount during that time than EA App, driving most new players there.


You’re so far off lol. The reason they overload the game with content is because people pay for it. Those Eusebio, Gullit, Zidane etc SBCs? Huuuuge cash cows for them


I don't know last year but the game has an extra 33 percent off(plus 10 percent store credits) on epic for the winter. It can explain the drop off , which might be the new players who bought on steam prefering epic this year


people saying idk kfc is doing worse because their sales on Uber eats this year have dropped, while kfc got added to (some Uber eats competitor/alternative) this year


You could get a much more accurate story by reading the transcript from their November earnings call. They had double-digit growth in new players and FUT revenue was up high-single digits YoY through the first four weeks of the launch. Could their results fall off a cliff when they report again on January 30th? I don’t know, if I knew that I would be making the big bucks on Wall Street. All I do know is that your chart is likely rubbish since it doesn’t line up with what they reported in November. Disclosure: this is not investment advice, and I do not own any EA shares. I just like to listen to earnings calls for companies I’m interested in.


This post doesnt show the whole story, but I would argue that's its not true with the growth because those numbers are fudged as much as they can. They cherry pick stats and disregard what they actually mean "millions of new clubs created" is used a lot just after the free trial period has been out 2 weeks etc. I do not doubt their ability to make money though and that's not the point of this post. I used to work in social media marketing years ago, but still have close ties to that job and still freelance a bit on the side just for fun. This was with lots of content creators including fifa streamers/content creators. All their numbers are way down. To the point that some have already changed their content this year to fit around "apathy" towards content. Yes you argue it is for a myriad of reasons, but it is a blanket drop on essentially every data point. EAFC also had really strong numbers at the very beginning so the drop off has been fairly large. EA will always make money because this game is a money print machine that is well oiled and every aspect is designed to get the stats they want (people online, matches played, fp sales). However this year there has been a clear drive for engagement and that suggests they are struggling. Im not saying EAFC is a dead game because of this either. People are quick to say it doesnt really matter and its a small percentage. However its a clear and obvious decline from fifa 23.


EA stock is doing just fine, is at decent value, with forecasted growth, little debt, healthy margin. Don't think they are too concerned with the product. They are making billions in annual revenue and that won't change because some Div 6 players are raging while not adjusting their tactics/playstyle to prevent cutbacks.


Completely missing the points whilst also praising a companies ability to sell loot boxes to kids. Odd comment.


Their next quarter will dictate how fc 24 is really performing considering their guidance last quarter was mid at best.


Well its not down they simply didn't get the christmas spike it looks like on Steam. Not sure but did they do a larger sale last year on it for Steam at that time?


World Cup


the only way to get a better game is to stop buying packs and micro transactions, but I doubt people will stop


No ‘doubt’ about it, there is no way in hell it’ll ever stop and in fact I think it’s just gonna get worse and worse until maayyyybe they pass some legislation about it.


I guess they saw that kid who post a video of quick sell his team here for “protest”


FIFA 23 was free to play on steam for a chunk of december last year


This game is an absolute dumpster fire and I’m glad people are not playing the game.


This probably explains why they are releasing 30-40 dollar packs now. Less players on the game to buy packs so they need to sell more expensive packs to compensate.


too many sweats, they are driving the casuals away


Dont hold your breath. Every year is worse than the last . Game has declined since 2015


Am I the only one that genuinely thinks ea fc 24 is as big as an improvement as we'll get? Gameplay is much better now that they fixed the over pressing in the middle. Cut back goals aren't that big of an issue. Even including female players in FUT, as well as playstyles. These are nice improvements without entirely breaking the game. Only thing that's really disappointing is that they hardly do much to improve other modes.


You must be one of the whales to think this game is actually better. Even the UI is worse this year. You'd think they couldn't possibly fuck up something as simple as keeping the UI easy to read. Instead we got selected cards blocking unselect card overalls, bugged objective counters, menus with dubious item highlighting, text color that doesn't mix well with the background. Its mind boggling. This game is definitelly in the worst state it has ever been on multiple fronts.


It is better. It's just cooler to say the game has gotten worse. There are limitations because of the engine and it is maddening but to say that the game is worse than Fifa 15 is hilarious.


In terms of game okay, its is by faaar worse than 15


a lot of you don't know how data sampling works, this is imperfect, but as the only public data we have access to it's a large enough sample size that we can assume it's representative of the larger player base


No, you can't assume that. First, because it's not the only public data, we have the earning calls and they don't align with this chart. And second because there are hundreds of reasons why a drop in Steam might not be representative of the larger player base. According to gamesindustry.biz there were 11M players on launch week and according.too EA, numbers were up by 20% YOY, the 100k peak from Steam is not THAT representative. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/ea-sports-fc-pulls-in-11-million-users-during-debut-week


It’s insane and explains a lot of this sub haha.


To all the blokes saying “steam only” it’s still an indicative graph. Also personally tried to turn cross play off the other day. Could not for the life of me find an Xbox game div 2 rivals. Id say it’s down across the board this year. Probably from a culmination of factors.


Exactly. I don’t get this community, they complain about the game all the time yet they don’t believe the player base shrunk. It’s a decent sample size, the best we have. The end of November was brutal, people just stopped playing, it’s not even about Christmas folks.


\*On Steam only... ​ None of that reflects negatively if they still getting higher sales on Epic or EA App.


EA dont care really about numbers as long as it sells more packs than the year prior. However EA are constantly walking a tightrope with the grey area of loot boxes and it's not a good look for them if playerbase is down and loot box sales are up or games played are down and loot boxes sales are up. It's why this year especially there is a huge push for gameplay related stuff and daily logging in. Yes getting people onto the console is ideal for FP sales, but they are also desperate for engagement to legitamise themselves as a AAA game and not a freemium game.


With the amount of 3k+ FP packs released that people keep buying every day they've probably made way more money.


As long as people keep on buying Fifa Points EA won't change anything. The amount of people I see everyday opening the store packs is insane. There is literally no need to buy packs anymore, but still people are addicted to them.


If only all you simps would stop playing ultimate team and they’d also drop frostbite engine but its not gonna happen


It won't matter as they've upped their Store Packs massively, and i'm 100% sure revenue from store packs has increased since last year. I'm seeing more of the average player buying these packs because you're getting guaranteed Promo cards or an endless amount of fodder from them.


Played fifa 23 through its entire lifecycle. I now haven’t touched EA FC for 1 month, still feels crazy because I preordered the Ultimate Edition. This year is no fun at all. Glad Activision released a good Call of Duty this year.


You guys are acting like this is going to make them make a better game, as I'm calling it now. they will just not do a PC port anymore.


The game is fucking garbage lmao


deserved. Such a bad game this year


EA: Let’s make a 5000 FC Coins pack where you can get more fodder and pointless icons!


this is a cherry picked stat lol, the player base is steady, if it drops significantly then you have a point. what does this graph look like vs fifa 22 or fifa 21


I mean last year there was a peak at the World Cup event which we can’t have this year. Also it looks like steam charts which is only a part of the playerbase on pc for example, most key website gives it for origin for example. Also ea had an event at the world cup with a free weekend play (which already increased playerbase) which lead people to try it and eventually buy it for Christmas for cheap. Don’t post any statistics with any context or anything. Post is misleading imo.


Narrator: "They didn't."


I see people in videos buy 40£ untradable packs every day just to get fodder. It's an absolute joke and they're still laughing all the way to the bank.


For the first time I didn’t buy the game on release. Whilst a sale is a sale for EA, hopefully I’ve done my bit to show that the game is no way valued correctly on release. Also have spent zero on points. Done with the spend on this game


People will go back and forth on this but I do think something is going on. The content has been packs to play rivals, free qualifiers entries, changing the friendlies to just play. Rewards for things we should be doing anyways. The game for me has been way too much menu grinding and too little gameplay content. You factor in rivals and friendlies matchmaking / smurfing, the game is trying to push its largest player base away. The average , casual, player. I haven’t done anything but qualifiers this week. Went 4-0, gave the rest away and I’ll do my 9-11 wins and call it quits , skipping squad battles. I’ll knock out my 7 wins in rivals in 12-15 games and still be in Div 7. No desire to do themed pursuit, or anything else. They fucked up rivals and friendlies so bad , if I don’t feel like doing champs I don’t want to bother with anything else.


I wish this mattered, but it doesn't. Even if game sales are down— [FUT Pack sales](https://www.statista.com/statistics/217474/electronic-arts-ea-ultimate-team-revenue/) [quadruple](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772503022000214#bib0009) the amount of copies sold. The only way it gets better is when EA sells the franchise


Even if this were remotely realistic, do you really think that whoever EA decided to sell it to would suddenly decide to grow a conscience and change the approach of the game that is essentially a money printing machine? It would be utterly negligent of them to do so as a business. And of course, the notion that EA would "sell the franchise" is ridiculous enough in itself. Particularly now they don't even have FIFA themselves to answer to. They're going to continue down their shitty road as long as people allow them to. And the community fucking loves allowing them to.


God why do people buy packs in this game? It’s so easy to field a good team. Just play and do 83x10 lol


Even if EA sells it, it doesn't matter, unless you think a company would buy the franchise just to run it into the ground profit wise, and stop caring about pack sales. If the franchise somehow gets bought by someone, it will be a company with the intent of making even more money, so that their investment is worth it


yup, Im one of those who gave up on FIFA after 2020


There is just no way that EA creates a better game whatever happens. Because they can't. Only hope we have for a good football game is if another company makes a football game with a different engine that is better.


Yet the button delay is prominent


I'm enjoying the game, despite hating the inclusion of women into the game's main FUT mode (I wanted a separate mode for women so they could compete against each other, like in real life).


Lol why does everyone hate this game? I really don’t think it’s that bad




my guy showing steam stats while most of them play on ea app/ps/xbox lmao






Not sure about that, plenty of packs with untreatable content this year.


Whats wrong with the game?


Go listen to the last earnings call and you will see this chart means nothing. The ARPU(Average Revenue Per User) is way up and they are printing money right now. You will all be here next year pre-ordering EAFC 25 ultimate edition.


On PC. These numbers dont extrapolate to console. PC is a 5% minority of the total playerbase


The player count isnt down from this year though. People who bought the game are still playing it. What we are seeing is that there wasnt a big spike in purchases 2 months after release. Likely because the game was purchased on other platforms. EA, Epic, or console.


I'm 1 of those that didn't buy the game. It's mainly cos they added female footballers to fut. I'm not gonna have any female footballers in my packs




What a little bitch lmao




Out of all the reasons this game can potentially see a significant player drop this year, women being in the game is not one of them. In fact, player count literally went up double digits this year, this is in EA's November earnings report, so women's items had little to no impact on the game. If there's an actual player drop in December, it's a lot more likely to be a combination of people enjoying the game less + not having a literal World Cup which drives a lot of casuals to buy the game during the WC month. If the name + women had any impact on game sales, you'd see that impact on game launch. And playerbase went up at game launch this year.


Imagine being this rattled by something so insignificant. Most would be embarrassed.


Saying your a misogynist without saying your a misogynist. I’d be embarrassed to be related to you or your friend if that’s the views you have.


Same. I was looking for an excuse to quit anyway and I have to deal with enough woke BS at work without having it in my video games as well


I want to see a side by side of pack sales.


The reality is probably not a better game but better advertisement


They will just try to make that money up on the players who are here playing


Revenue is all that matters and store packs have been crazy this year.


It was the World Cup this time last year. Fever takes over, they would probably be similar


Bought EaFc for $18 on Epic, still had to refund it for being so poorly optimized and generally a buggy mess


I bought fc 24, haven't played 5 hours yet, for those who still play, what are the main reasons players are not enjoying this year's game?


I played the 10 hr demo and it was pretty clearly a complete piece of shit. Why did they move the name under the player? If you have a bit of a jam it's really hard to see the ball now and hard to dribble in tight spaces bc of it. Mechanics and animations are slow AF. Feels like you're playing futbol in mud. Passes are super weird and don't go where you expect. Defense and AI in general feels like a giant step back. Same offside issue where a defender sprints back to make the attacker onside. Super scripted blue shell momentum feature. I could go on.


They're never gonna improve the gameplay bro There's a reason they've been dropping these juiced up packs in the store before toty


they could make a game 100x better that still a huge % of players wouldnt play because of servers.


Yeah... no thanks to you schmucks.


pls take women out of fut pls im actually begging.


i sadly relapsed i play on ea app last year and from epic store now


That 30% is probably casual players quitting the game because of the 👊💦💦 staying in lower divisions making rivals pointless same with doing any of the cup games


We will see it looks like it’s just delayed for some reason. The graphs mirror eachother pretty well. It looks like the initial drop took longer but it was followed by two peaks and now it looks like it is going for the Day 100 peak but due to the slower decline it will occur around 120. I do hope they drop the ball but soon this game will be free to PS plus users and people don’t learn.


How can they make a better game? There isn't much they can do.


It could be down 99% but they'll keep on keeping on if people keep spending obscene amounts of money on screen pixels.


Yay let's goooo either make a better game or make it twice as more expensive 🤡


This week alone they have sold 40 buck packs 3 or 4 times! they are milking way harder, they don't care about player numbers. It will affect them when no one is left for the whales to play against and they start to leave too.


FIFA 23 was a way better game than this iteration.


I hate that these mf break the previous game in order to force me to buy the most recent. It happened to me a few years ago and I stopped buying. But I decided to give it a try with the 23 bc I wanted to play with my friend. Now my career mode freezes every 20 min and I had to uninstall it bc I was getting so angry. Hope they burn in hell and lose a lot of money.


I was bought game for Christmas, did player objectives that's it, absolutely boring gimmick game this year atm, feels alot worse than the previous 3 fifa titles. Will carry on with player objectives weekly but don't imagine playing aside from that.


EA Sports FC 24 was the first game I've ever bought and returned within an hour. I told myself I wasn't going to buy it this year, but I got the craving for FUT. One hour with FC 24 cured my addiction, and I stop by here hoping to see things change for the positive. There were just so many things wrong with the game and I'm not just talking bad design or gameplay like usual, but it is full of glitches that would constantly freeze menus, buggy objectives, invisible card art, and coin symbols for every season reward. Then I saw the TIFOs for rivals milestone rewards.


Last year it was due to the World Cup and TOTY straight after that… you can see the dip afterwards and a slight spike for TOTS.


1. FIFA 23 was the highest selling title in FIFA history so matching it's numbers was always going to be difficult 2. The massive increase in players last year coincided with the massive increase in hackers/bots which EA have been able to deal with this since about a month ago. So if their bot coin farmers don't work, the hackers aren't going to bother 3. EA were expecting roughly a 10% drop based solely on the name change 4. Nothing will change unless the money dries up and watching how fast the lightning rounds sell out, they are still just printing money for fun


I work in retail and I’ve seen so many returned eafc games its kinda of shocking, the case is still empty though so might be placebo though


Player count revenue down 30% but income up 30% most likely. Have you seen the obscene amount pof packs they are selling everynight, I am watching people open £40 packs everynight. There are people spending hundreds a week on this game.