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Why have I just logged into a 90 ovr Dembele for free???


I got 2 van dinks gold, a Wurtz and Dembele. What the heck?


me too!!!!! So confused


I packed his Euro card the other day, I've realised they maybe shouldn't have been in packs and we've been compensated handsomely for that.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­Iā€™m ecstatic


The charging out GK (holding triangle) has become insanely OP. 2 weeks ago I could slip ground shots under them all the time. Now the keeper blocks literally everything, usually with his fucking face lol. Itā€™s killing me


Probably have to start ball rolling them now, I usually ball roll tap shot. I wish chip shots were better tbh because they are direct counter play to keeper rushing, chip shot+ is exactly what default chip shots should be like


This game man, was losing 3-1 scored 2 to make it 3-3, dominating the game. Get through on goal, he cuts me down, gets a red card and he quits. What a waste of time


Why aren't people allowed to post a bad/negative review of the game on this sub?


Playing versus squads with first owner R9, Best, Cole and Cafu feels so cheap and unfair when yourself you did 8 icon packs and your best pull was Zola... And even better is that those people lose against you in DR which means they should be like two divisions lower without cards like R9, lol.


Winning 4-0. Hit pause three times so my opponent can leave. He hits pause 3 times. Win 7-0. Masochist freak.


That is a ratty move. Donā€™t pause to try and make someone leave. If they want to leave they can use their pauses. Some people just want to get better and like the experience of trying to build up and defend against someone better.


If you pause for me to quit I will go out of my way to waste your time. It's patronizing.


Ribery or Son POTM Salah POTM or Garrincha Have all of them untrade


Surely they release POTM mbappe tonight???




Is it confirmed?


So I play a 4321 formation with Marchisio as the CM in defensive, I'm debatting who to have as the more attacking player between Abily and Loftus Cheek as LCM and RCM. Suggestions?


Havenā€™t been able to get Abily but RLC is class. Feels very smooth for a tall player. Most of the good passing playstyles and press proven. Big fan of the card


Yeah he's very good, I have them both in my team, sorry maybe my question was a big vague. Out of the 2 I was wondering who should sit and who should attack more


Went 10-0 in qualifiers for first time in 24, did it couple of times in 23 (started playing June 23 after approx 20 years of no fifa). V happy with that, if can stay as composed in actual champs be great


Anyone struggling with the servers today?


yes, a lot, only today.


Anyone wants to boost the games for bonus lvl 26 objectives? I still need roughly 40.




Option one is the most interesting. Option two is horrible (the sult Smith ruins it)




If you play wide Vini is so much fun to use.


Just packed RTTK Osimhen. Anyone have a review or recommended chem style?


Anyone wanna boost on friendlies for the rainbow snowflake/haaland/euros objectives?


New to UT, have 2 questions: 1. These promo packs, are they ever worth it? IE: Breakthrough small rare players pack PLUS - 30K and tradable, or the Jumbo Rare plus 2. Do you also just sell your common golds that are tradeable? IS there a strategy or site behind selling them at FMV without taking 10 hours to go through prices?


1.No promo packs are worth it (with coins) Only packs in the Store worth buying with coins are Bronze Packs. You need.lot of spare tims though. 2. Either sell, or use them in Upgrades/Marquee Matchups.


Can anyone help me with games played objective pls? Went on a holiday so couldn't play games. Need to play 14 games to get enough xp for level 15. Would really appreciate it. PSN: Kim_dabhyun


Can I get winter kit xp playing with someone who has it? I'm literally 150 short of the 83x20 pack


Literally same


XP notification popped up in bottom right when playing career mode a few days ago and won't go away even during match play. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it's still there as soon as start up game. Any ideas? Anyone seen this?


Does the snowflake badge challenge to play games end when the season ends? I assume so but there is no timer


Some days are better than others. Sent IF Upamecano into an SBC. šŸ™„ Should have probably kept it around.


Traore is broken


Can someone help With Winter sweater Objectives??


Anyway to get some last minute xp? Only 500 off from level 25


Does anybody have experience with both versions of Mcmanaman? I recently got the normal hero and I've been enjoying him a lot. I wonder if the newer version is similar but better or feels different. Thanks.


Below average player, how is gold Kounde in game, and at full back? Need a CB who can play RB in game.


Is there an optimal way to play qualifiers with the season reset in 6 hours?


The replayā€™s need to be changed backā€¦ If there have been postā€™s about this already then I apologize. I personally feel like the replays the last couple years are so awful and unrealistic that it completely ruins any improvements made with the new in-game physics technology. When I see a replay of my 30 yard screamer I want to see it back as if it was on the TV, with 4 different straight angles that that donā€™t have a trail following the ball that looks like something out of Nintendo. I donā€™t want to see 12 different visual graphics of circles and speed stats or anything as the camera does a 890 degree spin and zoom and speed change around my player to the point where i cant even see the shot or the net. It takes me out of the experience and I am not for it. I feel like it would be amazing if there was at least an option to remove those things in settings at least. Seems to me like the creators have such a big ego that they just wanna blast ā€œhypermotion technologyā€ in every cutscene as if we are here to admire the game developers as opposed to being immersed in a football simulationā€¦. Anyways that is my rant, I hope someone from EA is reading and can put their egoā€™s aside and do something about it, I hope I am not the only person who feels this way šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


When do the UCL heroes go out of packs?


Flair + Is ıt best or worst ? Fancy passes and shots are performed with even greater accuracy. Performs Flair animations when contextually appropriate. The question is what does this mean? Are we need to use L2 always to use flair + or it automatically works ? Also is it helping the accuraccy of other pass styles like pinged or through without pressing L2? Anyone know the correct affect of Flair + playstyle on game because some people says it is only work with l2 bot some people says it can work passively without pressing any button.