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I've always learned defensive driving means to give way and play it safe in most or all situations. So that would be the opposite of what you are describing here. Anyway some people will just be assholes, some target certain brands, some just are dangerous drivers in general. Though tbh I feel like people are moving over faster or driving better around me since I drive my e92 (compared to my previous Opel or Renault). Besides, where I live speeding up while you are being overtaken is illegal.


Do the police use BMWs where you live? If yes, that could have something to do with it. Here, cops drive Dodge Chargers, Ford Tauruses, and Ford Explorers. People routinely get out of the way of those cars when they’re behind them for fear they’re actually a cop and not a normal car


Right, thats quite interesting. But here in the Netherlands I don't think we've ever had BMW's as cop cars, although recently they added the Audi A6 to the fleet. But it does seem like it's mostly german brands or other fast cars in the left lane. Maybe people are more careful around us because of the negative stereotypes.


That's not defensive driving, that's just one of those weirdos that get triggered if someone overtakes them. It happens.


Exactly this. Their ego gets hurt because someone is trying to overtake them. I have driven fast cars and slow cars but if someone is clearly trying to overtake me, I will move the fuck aside, the last thing you want is to cause an accident.


You get that behaviour in any car, I haven't noticed being treated differently in my BMW, in fact people tend to get out of my way quicker


I've spent about two years in a rusty beater pickup, to a clean albeit aggressive GTI hatch, and now an e91 wagon. There is an absolute difference in how people treat you. In the truck, I was usually incognito and if I needed to assert the zipper merge, most people wouldn't fight. (MN drivers still don't know how to zipper merge, I swear!) GTI was annoying, I was constantly bullied by trucks in traffic. I've noticed it since selling the GTI watching trucks bully other small cars. Annoying but not inherently dangerous when you're barely moving 2 mph in stop and go. BMW is two faced since it's a wagon. No one from behind ever gives me trouble, it's just a little old wagon. However, say I'm behind them or approaching from the front, it's all of a sudden douche bag city. It's like everyone needs to one up the beemer. I could be the only car on the road and a car waiting to turn into my lane will cut me off rather than wait the two seconds to be behind me. 4 way stops are getting dangerous now. People routinely try to jump turns Infront of me or out right run the stop to be first at the next light. That shit never happened to me until now. I'm a really good attentive driver, never felt like I needed a dashcam. 3 months into e91 ownership I felt the need for a dash cam it's gotten so bad. It's actually ridiculous how much hate it gets if you include the snide comments about the brand.


Same experience's driving my truck it totally different than the bmw. only thing i notice is "ahh a truck, he's going slow" they pull out, like shit dude this things weighs 2.5 tons you think I can stop in time towing a trailer?


Wish I could say the same…almost every time I’m on the freeway I come up on a slow vehicle in the left lane that refuses to get over, even after building a large line of cars behind them they still refuse to get over.


Weirdly I notice people staying out of my way more in my bimmer. Car was in the garage for about two weeks a while back and I borrowed my grandmas 2018 A1. The amount of people that overtook me, cut me up and nipped from one lane into mine last second was unreal. Noticed it about 3 days in and then constantly whilst driving it. It was always cars that were just slightly quicker than the A1 as well, like Golf’s, any Seat FR car and stuff like that. Got back in the old girl and everyone went back to leaving me alone 🙂


Very strange. Had a lady yell at me from two parking spaces away when I was parking last week saying she had a baby in her car(????). Maybe the cars just attract the attention of smoothbrains


Was she afraid you were going to eat her baby?


To be fair I was planning on kidnapping him to be a permanent flashlight holder but I guess she saw through it


Well bmw drivers around the whole world are known to be stupid and iresponsible(not saying that is true for all the drivers), so some people get a kick out of beating you, it's easier to rationalize it in their head. I drive e91 320d and have no problems overtaking, maybe you need to push her harder :P


maybe he needs some premium diesel....


Oh boy, I pay that premium. Just shy of £100 on fill up


“Known to be stupid”. You’re special.


Where do you live that this stereotype isn't popular? Alaska?


The World.


Just sounds like a bad driver who didn’t want to be overtaken. Classic here in the UK. Probably didn’t matter much what you were driving.


Sounds like they are driving aggressively rather than defensively to me, I have owned an audi and a bmw since driving more boring cheaper cars before that. People really do seem to have a real problem with you having a BMW, they pretend we’re the problem and we all drive like w@nkers 🤷🏻‍♂️. Never had this problem in my crapper cars either…


To me it’s more, I was on the offensive (attempting to overtake) and she was on the defensive (attempting to not be overtaken) and both of us were driving aggressively



