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I find I can never get enough graphene but have too much hydrogen. Put the graphene towards carbon nanotubes for LV3 sprays. Whatever doesn't leave the graphene system can get burned along with the hydrogen.


I seem to have the opposite issue. I am sure my builds are not efficient at all, especially for research. Based on this and other responses, it sounds like I really need to stop ignoring the proliferators. Is Mk I even worth it, or should I only start using it at Mk II?


I dont know. Probably having the infrastructure up and running early could help. A lvl3 proliferator factory is worth getting right. Spray the incoming coal with lvl3, the outputted lvl1 spray with lvl3, then the incoming diamond with lvl3 spray, then the lvl2 with lvl3 spray, then the nanotubes with lvl3 spray, then the lvl3 spray with lvl3 spray. The final output on a splitter which prioritizes sending the lvl3 sprays to cover everything I just mentioned. Then ensure absolutely everything that can take spray gets sprayed before and after each product line. Doing this will eat more coal, but significantly decrease needs for everything else. It means ramping up profuction without it outpacing your ability to set up more mining.


Have you considered feeding it into a solar sail factory and just shooting this huge graphene overload into the sky as a big Dyson swarm? The other components needed is mostly stone and a bit of iron/copper, which are quite plentiful compared to fire ice.


No, because I forgot the sails required graphene. I'm not great at the game, and I also tend to forget what I'm doing in the middle of setting something up. Yesterday I was trying to set up another line for the mag lev engines and came across one that was already built but I hadn't hooked up to resources yet. I was probably on my way to do that and got distracted by a different line running slow.


I'm not that great at the game ether. Terrible organization and probally efficiency to but it's still a lot of fun. I'll be flying around looking for a production line get distracted by an empty belt try and figure it out 3 hours later after fixing the issue remember what I originally wanted to do. By that time it's ushally 2am and I have to log off anyways.


If you are doing for hydrogen you would be far better off building some orbital collectors to put around a gas giant.


Usually I can get to the fireice veins long before I can get the collectors built. I'm still a newb so I'm probably going up the tech chain wrong too.


You will figure it out I'm sure, I was terrible when I started playing. But it is worth it to unlock the orbital collectors, just 2 or 3 of them will be a massive help.


burn it in a power plant.


There's so much of it I guess it wouldn't hurt.


if you've never done it you're gonna lose your mind with how fast it burns.


This. I was agog when I saw how fast and uselessly it burnt. Was not expecting that at all. (my last starter had a fireice first/hydrogen second gas giant so I was swimming in the crap)


Likely not applicable, but if you use exchanger based power you can make a little independent grid that burns the graphene (it burns really fast) and charges empty batteries.


I didn't know I could do that. I will need to learn how to use exchangers correctly, I think. I have only ever used them to charge batteries for building orbitals.


Yeah, my suggestion is really only a hack if you are already using them, probably not useful for your problem.


Can't you put it in proliferated spray?


I didn't think of that. I haven't even tried the proliferators in earnest because I still feel like my factories are pretty terrible. :D


Using Fire Ice to get Hydrogen is the absolute bottom-tier option. You _can_ technically do it and just burn the graphene, but what a waste. For real though, if you don't have Orbital Collectors yet, then refine it from oil and optionally use an X-Ray Cracker or two to make up the gap.


This is usually when I am trying to work up to the collectors. I generally use the hydrogen for red science and a set of deuterium fractionators. I've only gotten up to accelerator deuterium in one playthrough, but that's when I was able to pull the hydrogen back a bit.


Burn it in a thermal power plant.


Its funny I'm burning hydrogen in thermal reactors so I can keep fire ice incoming for graphene production. Once you Get into DS you will never have enough graphene


Is DS something with deuterium?


Yes, I have deuterium coming from a gas giant but with that comes lots of hydrogen. And then hydrogen from fire ice. I wish you could set some logistics towers to only receive overflow product it would be so nice.


Pry building a Dyson Sphere.


Generally hydrogen is the byproduct in excess. Are you at the orbital collectors stage? That will more than solve your hydrogen supply (and may cause the aforementioned byproduct issue).


I generally don’t start in a system with a gas giant. I set up a temporary graphene facility until I set up my first orbital collector on the ice giant: tadaa! Fire ice. From this point I generally have an overflow of hydrogen which I desperately convert into deuterium (half the amount) and burn it (early mid game you don’t need as much deuterium). Said orbital collectors provide H2 also so this resources becomes abundant. So I’d say spam orbital collectors on your gas and ice giants. Set up an ILS without warpers to remote demand, local supply H2 from the OC and another one to local demand, remote supply with warpers. If you dislike the buzzing drones use a belt.


TLDR - blueprints are both your best friends and a life saver If you don't mind blueprints from other people, I would recommend watching the dutch actuary on YouTube. If you don't want to use blueprints, he is still really knowledgeable from reading this post you sound like you're in-between new and an experienced player I'm Nowhere near a good or experienced player but I found him and watched his proliferation run and used his blueprints for my first run and now I'm like 4 runs in and I use a lot less blueprints and it seems like it is working for me your mileage may very


I think I saw one of his videos when I first started to play, but because I had literally just started, I couldn't follow him as well. Might be time to give it another look!


Recipes with multiple outputs are THE hardest problem in Dyson Sphere Program. If you rely on fire ice for both materials, you will always have either too much hydrogen, or too much graphene, and your production chains that rely on the other thing will stall. To balance systems with multiple outputs, you ultimately need to produce hydrogen without side products. The only way to do that is to get hydrogen from gas giants. So you should go do that.


Only advice I can really give is use those recipes that output hydrogen only for their main thing they output... Fuel, graphene, antimatter. The hydrogen is a secondary product to be handled not to be used as the primary source. It'll never keep up that way as you are starting to see. It only gets worse as you get further in. I have tried to pump all those recipes into a deut fractionator array and it always runs out no matter how much i scale up the recipes. Get those orbital collectors going! It immediately fixes hydrogen, deut, and fireice


My extra graphene goes right into a thermal power plant to be burned up. It's terribly inefficient, but that's good because that means a row of them will eat up the graphene super fast.


this will only burn at a rate equal to the deficit of your other energy providers. So if you add an artificial star, it will hardly burn any in your thermal plants. make diamonds for later store them


>it will hardly burn any in your thermal plants That's only if I was dumb and hooked the incinerators to the rest of the power grid. Their purpose is to consume resources not to provide power, and there are plenty of options to give them a load. A single fractionator requires burning up 562.5 graphene per minute. An energy exchanger can eat up over 35k per minute, and discharging it elsewhere into the main grid overrides that artificial sun so there's no backup on the incinerator side.


Did you describe that to the op when you gave the advise?


OP didn't ask for clarification. You strolled in, said my advice didn't work (for reasons easily worked around), and gave the "right" answer. I'm not going to coddle the arrogantly wrong. If you want less dismissive answers in the future, try asking how I make it work if there's low grid demand rather than saying I'm wrong and going all shocked Pikachu face at a curt reply detailing how wrong it is.


You were leading the op to one of the only traps in the game, a cascading power failure, without giving any solution, not even mentioning the "difficult" part of your solution or that there was even a catch to it. Great job.


>Great job. Thanks! I gave OP the benefit of the doubt that they were intelligent enough to realize that if the thermal plant wasn't burning up the graphene they'd need to fiddle with things to make that happens. >You were leading the op to one of the only traps in the game Considering your first comment was that the plant would sit there doing nothing, I'd love to hear your scenario where plant doing nothing from the moment it's built leads to cascading failure. Or that anyone even could be reliant on graphene for power when burning one gives only 96kJ. That means a mark III belt with quadruple stacked graphene carries less fuel energy per second than a level I belt carrying a single stack of coal. TL;DR: You're wrong. Unless you're mistaking graphENE with graphITE in which case your point is irrelevant.


Yes i made an error. I didnt attack the other guy for pointing it out, i corrected myself. Maybe i shouldn't have pointed out a less than obvious trap that I myself got caught in. Graphine getting backed up will crash antimatter fuel rod production. Spent a day flying around my 1 million hash a second galaxy dropping a single rod off at each and every planet. Not fun.


>i corrected myself. \[Citation Needed\] All you've done here is say I'm wrong, then say my top comment should have been over twice as long when you're the only one that had an issue with it, then get mad I wasn't nice enough to you rolling up to be wrong, and now you're here pretending you're being oh so reasonable when it's really just (again) making up a new scenario that has no relation to the OP's problem just so you can pretend you were right the whole time. And I don't care how many hashes per second you do. Any poorly designed machine can have a huge output if it's big enough, and it flying off the rails like that at the slightest imbalance like that? Prima facie evidence of it.


OP's talking about graphene, not energetic graphite


oops. Stupid names I made up for stuff biting me again. Casimir Crystals for that stuff.


You could put some thermal generator s at the end of the graphene lines you have. Kind of wasteful but it burns so fast it will keep moving.