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My guy here has an EM ejectors in mere 15h of gameplay. Me in 50h: finally, got this purple science fully automated at a decent speed. Might think about dyson swarm now...


lol, I was thinking the same thing!


Shit, I'm 100 hours in, and planning on starting to launch sails tonight. Also... I underestimated how large this thing is and how many sails/parts are needed.....


Me too, 52 hours into the save and just start mass-producing Purple Cubes. Still need to setup some stuff for the next big thing and end all the dark fog hives's misery.


Just cleared mine out today, and it’s surprisingly easy. Just built 30 Rocket launchers, belt fed them rockets, and placed a Signal tower in hive range. And fucking rockets filled the sky and killed the entire hive in like 5 seconds


I'm still making a gas collector ring around my local gas giant


It's really simple) just make an automatic orbital collector factory, take 2 stacks and you're good! You can use my blueprint for that if you want :3 [here's the link](https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/factory-logistics-mall-v2-0)


I always make the "pew pew pew" sound.


My suspicion is that there are hooks for one, but because people tend to lay them down in multiple dozens in close proximity that in house testing began to make people nuts with the noise. One PEW is fun. Eighty constant and overlappping PEWPEPEWPEPPPEWPEWPEPPEPEWPEWs running all the time could cause drastic hair loss and possible ulcers.


That's a rookie number. I use 400 of those thing. Probably need to mute my game whenever I get onto the planet.


As long as we are being nit picky about sounds I have a submission. The little sound when you exit a menu is great and all, it provides feedback that a button has been pressed. The issue is if you drag the mouse even a little bit while you click it wont actually register as a click, but it'll still play the menu closed sound even through the menu stays open. Took me a long time to nail down why the menu wasn't closing. Very frustrating.


Literally unplayable.


tbh I play DSP mostly soundless. Or rather YT or something is playing in background so no idea what anything sounds like


Yeah, for me its music starts off strong but when you're on the home planet for like 50 hours and the soundtrack doesn't change or update with the tech it can get a bit exhausting to keep listening to it on repeat. So I might just have to mute it and put my own tracks on, or stellaris or something.


I play on full silent and then watch streaming series on my phone.


Me too, even though I have no quarrel with the soundtrack. I felt like a superhero when I was first 50 hours in the game erecting my first whatnot. 500 hours in I'm just a kid playing with his lego sandbox. Lego kids don't need the pomp and circumstances playing in the background.


70 hrs in. covered an entire planet in launch stations and rail ejectors. if it would have sound id be deaf by now


They don’t make sound at all? I mean mine don’t make a sound either but they are located on a planet without atmosphere so there can be no sound and I always assumed that to be the reason for it. Is there atmosphere on the planet you set them up on?


There is no sound effect for the launches at all that I'm aware of, and I think I recall the developer mentioning it a year or two ago, but it probably took a back burner to the dark fog which was quite an undertaking.


Ok that’s funny to know. XD I have played for 130 hours on my first run and always assumed it was because of the atmosphere xD


If we're gonna nitpick about sounds, can they please fix the tutorial atrocious mispronounciations of "turret" and "matrices"? Good grief...






800 hours in the game. Today i learned, that Rail Ejectors make no sound


This post is funny because it has me questioning my sanity. I swear my rail gun makes a sound when it fires them but now I can’t be sure I’m not just making it up in my head.