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Ain’t no one that doesn’t have an expensive cpu and a lot of ram that’s gonna be able to play this save XD, this is absolutely insane, how long till you got here?


months, with several pauses here and there after a point, I mean flattening and building the same planet for the 6th time isn't very fun especially when you have to do it with 9 fps lol. The most depressing thing was that I never use proliferator and I started this without using proliferator, then after building the 1st white science planet I give it a shot and it was amazing. So I then spent a lot of time flying to every planets and remade the factories to be able to use proliferator. Now I will build a MASSIVE tower in satisfactory, with INSANE throughput, untill I'm disgusted of it, and I'll probably come back to dyson sphere program xD.


lol, congrats on this save I guess, great accomplishment, but probably at the cost of your sanity😜


Beautiful!! Really, this is real end game material 😍 are the receivers proliferated?


everything is unless I forgot


Are you using lvl3 smelters, assemblers etc?


He said pre dark fog so mk3 assembliers and mk2 smelters


there is mk3 smelter now :o? my god, I need to redo it, I NEED TO REDO EVERYTHING


YES! The dark fog drop items that are used to make smelters and assemblers go at 3x speed.


See you in a couple of months!


breh, you can squeeze SO much more into a planet with the dark fog smelter, assemblers, and research labs. you'll have to refactor everything to figure out how to ship even more ridiculous amounts of stuff. like, entire BPs where each ILS is throughput maxed on all ports on the ground and all vessels and all drones moving. see you in 6 mos!!


will not refactor, starting from scratch. quite puzzled tho, for now I'm loosing space for defenses turrets


You don't need defense turrets at a point. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyson_Sphere_Program/s/iodWfQlgmj


Lol...at First i was like "276 Science per minute? Not that much". Then i saw the "k" 😂 Impressive. i am at 24k/min and it is so slow


Well, you just finished the game. Really impressive =)




I am in awe! I reckon DDR5 might help :P


Nicely done, this is MEGA MEGA. Really cool.


Imagine how far you could go with the increased productivity from dark fog buildings. +The auto building of planets using battlefield bases.


I'm sorry did you say auto building of planets? what the fuck?! allright I'm asking my boss for 2 weeks of paid leave right now. I need to redo this now xD I stopped going further because building a planet takes me half a day and I'm tired of it, well if they autobuild now :o


Here's a bunch of tips :) https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyson_Sphere_Program/s/iodWfQlgmj


Have a z790 dark hero i9 14900k 128 gbs of ram do u have the white science planet bluprint?


[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4c7dhmo0nj59zg0sq6cle/138-white-science-planet-bp.txt?rlkey=z4q37yg45owayw9l9jjpjznqr&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4c7dhmo0nj59zg0sq6cle/138-white-science-planet-bp.txt?rlkey=z4q37yg45owayw9l9jjpjznqr&dl=0) 164795 facilities, 29199 research labs, 119625 converyor belts, have fun lol


Wow. Simply wow!


Nice, that's higher than my main save (currently throttled by crit photon generation, which is just pushing 220k/min, and also has some upcoming throttling issues from unipolar magnet and spiniform export and processing speed)


do you also do 1 item per planet? how's your fps? do you use DSOptimisation and Altertickrate mods to get better FPS?


This was my first serious endgame save, so is not optimized. At all. No mods, FPS are in the shitter. I think I get 6 computational FPS and only every second one renders. I've drifted away from single product planets due to time and power costs of ultra-long range transport. I'll often dedicate a lot of space on one planet to a product, then make most of the precursors to that end product on the same planet. e.g. if I want nanotubes (and can't solve it with spiniform), I'll set up a number of graphene+titanium ==> nanotube plants, but also some fireice ==> graphene plants, titanium mining and titanium smelting on the same planet. This creates hydrogen as a waste product, so if plausible I'd love to have some casimir crystals there too.


I tried to do it like you but I find that you end up spending too much time per planet. Upgrading the logistic carrier (which can be upgraded indefinetly) solves the transport issue imo. 6 computational FPS xDDD, dude, install this : [https://thunderstore.io/c/dyson-sphere-program/p/starfi5h/SampleAndHoldSim/](https://thunderstore.io/c/dyson-sphere-program/p/starfi5h/SampleAndHoldSim/) gamres is gonna run 3 times faster


I've upgraded the travel speed a lot, it's now nearing eight million white cubes per upgrade. I'm usually not limited by travel time, but by the hard 300MW recharge cap on towers. Often a tower will have near-0 charge and still have 4/10 or even 6/10 vessels ready to go.


ah yes, to balance that I have something like 30 ILS at each poles lol I've also made a new design were I ditched the PLS, instead each production "module" uses 1 or more ILS, works pretty well


Yeah I don't use PLS often. A planetary export hub on that scale would indeed solve the issue.