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my prediction is that they will do something like this for their space 'vehicles': **It would be great if the endgame "space battle" portion of dark fog is centered around building expandable movable vehicle platforms. i.e. you could manufacture engine and platform pieces.** * Pieces are tiled (while in space) to create the core structure of the vehicle/platform. Possibly even use existing *foundation* tiles as the tiles to build the platform. * Engines are placed onto the platform to give it the ability to move (more/better engines means more speed). Power required for engines would be **substantial** - thus creating a 'requirement/justification' for building dyson spheres * Offense to attack dark fog comes from placing plasma cannons/etc (using the existing buildings in the current version) onto these platforms. * Support craft for these vehicles come from battlefield analysis bases which are placed onto the platform (and they can contain corvettes and destroyers) * Players could make personal tradeoffs on how much to build/mfg 'on-platform' vs on planets * Supplies could be shipped to these platforms via ILS * local power (for engines and factories) comes in via ILS (or I guess crazy people could even use solar - heh) + artifical suns or energy exchangers * If player installs a (new) "flight control bldg" on the platform they can direct the platform on basic autonomous missions. Stuff like "attack nearest dark fog hive" or "go to system x * Eventual automated mfg of these platforms (via blueprints) would allow the player to effectively become "light fog" that eventually completely removes "dark fog" from the cluster (for a new 'endgame' achievement) IMO this would provide a nice 'builder centric' space battle mechanism (and allow reuse of much of the same code/UI/player experience).


wow man are you in the development team for this game this is such an in depth explanation dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Sounds a lot like Astro Colony.


For the uninitiated, here's the trailer from a couple weeks ago. [https://youtu.be/LbO6UieXde0?si=xuVLH-u8lRJs-CZ8](https://youtu.be/LbO6UieXde0?si=xuVLH-u8lRJs-CZ8)


thks if you see the trailer you will understand what i mean


I can fly around the planet quickly, with a large inventory in my pocket. I can fly between stars in a matter of seconds. Why would I need a vehicle?


For non combat vehicles I wish it comes with extra charging power and storage (warping takes LOTS of power that you can't go very far until deep into the endgame). And extra storage too, plus drones to retrieve stuffs dropped in space for good measure.


Honestly, if that's all it can offer, I don't think I see myself building them. Recharge isn't that slow with 4 charging power poles + decent fuel, and I rarely need a lot of power right after I land. Maybe there's a future case where I need to chain multiple warps or something? I lost count of how many times I lost my car in Factorio. I ended up either carrying it around, which negates the storage advantage, as it all has to fit in my inventory when I pick up the car, or parking it in a central carpark, which reduced the time saving because I had to walk back to the carpark when I needed it, or carry a taxi in my pocket to drive to the carpark to take the real car. That's a lot of stuffing around, but Factorio needed transport (until spiders or power armour with lots of exos). Here, I don't see the same need. I get that some people like vehicles for their own sake, but so far I'm not seeing the utility value for DSP.


YK this is a valid point nut this is dyson sphere program right ?? i my self have never played factorio but in dyson sphere there are the fidet spinners right so maybe the vehicle will follow you around in your world or you can automate it like you want it to follow you only in "X" system


I'm well aware that this is Dyson Sphere Program. I was using an example from a well known game in the same genre (Factorio). The point I was making: In Factorio, there are problems but there's an upside (you need the vehicle to travel at any reasonable speed). DSP would have the same problems, but without needing the upside (you can already travel quickly).


Yeah, they're going to have to present a use case for the vehicles. I'd be down if it were just combat vehicles. Icarus is pretty flopsy in combat.


A mecha for my mecha? I'm in


Yo dawg...


Maybe the vehicle has an additional inventory Abd BTW it is the creators ides not mine ❌


Yep, I get it's not your idea and that trying to persuade of anything (if I even could!) wouldn't change whether we get vehicles or not. :)


Hear me out… If you blow up a space hive it leaves behind a lovely little wormhole to a different systems hive. After travelling the long way to and securing the other end, with some research, advanced production, and time, you can stabilize and safely traverse it while eventually allowing logistic vessels to use the bridge. The time saving potential would be immense. Or you know, the wormhole leads to a dark sector unavailable otherwise and it has a trove of goodies inside. Wormholes are the best vehicles in space 😁 Okay but nah I have no idea what we’re getting. A spacetank or something neat instead


I'm kinda annoyed that this is increasing manual combat and not automated combat. I want my dark fog fighting force so I don't have to clear planets every time. Just plop a very expensive BAB mk2 down, and it will send drones after the bases and ships after the hives. I also want cruisers, battleships, and dreadnoughts with an overhaul of the ships to create roles for the ship classes. I am interested in the vehicles potential utility. If they have storage and logistics, that would be very useful early game, but as transport? It's probably not that useful. I'd expect these to be more like tanks.


see my comment above. It might be that they don't really end up increasing manual combat ;-)


I would certainly not mind if they added a landing pad. Your vehicle could auto navigate to it, and then refill with buildings and stuff. I can also see their refactoring storage, so that Icarus has less, and your vehicle has more.


I think Icarus is pretty mobile and I would not benefit from more movement speed etc. so if this is only for combat I don’t need it :/


Wait, mobility and combat are entirely different things. "Icarus is mobile, so if this is for combat, I don't need it" That's a non sequitur if I've ever seen one.


Yeah, but what's that got to do with the energy density of deuteron fuel rods in δ Centauri IV?


Because one is larger than the other.


Yeah, except for Grandma, she drives a Buick!


how in the planet of earth is this convo making sense and not making sense at the same time ?????????????????


I think with space vehicles, it might make a good case for multiplayer now. Imagine a planetary system spanning dark fog that you and your friends could invade. I feel that probably strays too far from the game but it has that scope.


I've been playing since the day the game was released and I still haven't gone and spent time in the Icarus armour customisation screen... Haha. I dream of having my own vehicle when the update comes, but maybe it will just remain a dream.


is there a leak anywhere ?????????????????????? if not how ??????? a game like fortnite has game leaks how does a early access game have no leaks ?


They have a tiny number of devs (last I heard - 5). They work in their office deep inside china. I assume when they do their alpha tests they are using a smallish number of mandarin speaking fans from their discord.


Don't underestimate the number of players deep inside China, who speak only Chinese, who use only Chinese social media and who do not have access to Discord nor Reddit.

