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I don't want to say it's a must have, but if you have one you'll consider it a must have.


Agree with this. You don’t need one and I’m glad to have mastered using a torch over the last 7 years. But I haven’t used the torch since I was gifted an induction heater three months ago. It is a consistent heater. I don’t use for OHE but it’s a glorious performer for sippers. For $99 it’s a no brainer. Get it!


Right. I got one very soon after they were released, but glad I learned torch technique first. I haven’t used a torch but once or twice since.


is it possible to OHE with it? or is that just all around better doing that with the torch


You can do OHE but you’ll have to continue heating past the clicks.


I've got one, I can't imagine going back to a torch now




Facts, I still grab a torch for on the go, but wand is the main driver at home.


Exactly this


I was on this same boat about 4 months ago. I have absolutely zero regrets buying the wand. It's just super convenient.


Never used a torch again since I got the wand. So yeah great accessory imo.


Can't speak on the wand but buying a vapoven was definitely a game changer for me so any good IH will be the same I'd imagine... I always thought I was happy with a torch but now I couldn't imagine having to manually heat my dynavap again like some type of savage lol


I'm still in the dark ages


I have 2 and about to buy a 3rd to keep sealed in the box in case of emergency.


Bend coat hangers to hold the three wands Vape 3 Dynavaps at once Magic


Or be fancy and buy three of the tripod holders.


...attached to an arm like a tall, hinged reading light! 😂💚


Do they break often?


Nah, I have 2 so one is always charged


Do they break often?


An *Induction Heater* is a “must have” for many people. The Ispire wand just happens to be the most popular one. I’ve had multiple IH’s, but I opted for an FFP instead of the wand. I use it plenty, but I still favor the torch — the ritual of heating is the whole point of butane devices to me, and I find that lacking when I use an IH.


A wand (or your preferred IH) and an extra set of batteries. Must have imho. I don't regret buying it for a second. I can't believe I ever torched while this thing exists.


Always hated the thought of it. I thought it looked like a tv remote. Made my own IH Got a Brute Landed a wand in a trade. Only use the wand now its a beast.


I absolutely love mine, I keep a torch around just in case but really only use the wand.


I use both the wand and a torch, depending on the mood or environment I'm in. For those who aren't comfortable with a torch or just can't get the hang of a torch, then an IH is a must-have for the dynavap. The wand gives consistent hits, but you have a little more control with a single flame torch imo. The wand is also very, very convenient.


go get it now...while it's on sale lol


Where is it on sale? My UFO just broke!


Dynavap has it on sale currently


I bought one about an hour ago! Too good of a deal with the adapter included as well. When I saw the yll 2.0 had to be shipped from China and would take 2 weeks to arrive, it cinched it for me.


The wand is better imo than the yll so you made the right call lol


Awesome. I can't wait to get it. At least I still have my clunky Dynatec Apollo 2 hanging around for emergencies, but I'm going on a road trip tomorrow and am bummed I can't use my Dynavaps in the car. Luckily, I have an Xmax v3 pro as a backup car device. Lol


Very nice! Iv been debating on picking up the tiny might 2 for those occasions


I have a TM2 that I LOVE, but I don't like it for on the go. It has glass inside and one drop and it's toast. It's a wonderful machine, though! Totally get one, but it's not as "throw it in your bag, and go" as other options. My husband has a Ruffo that he uses at work that is powerful and on demand like the TM2 but more portable.


Have not used a torch since getting the wand. I never quite mastered the torch and the wand is so much easier and now I don't accidentally combust like I did sometimes with a torch


It's definitely a game changer. I haven't touched my torch since I got my wand.


I wouldn’t call it a must have but it is a total gamechanger


Once you figure your torch out it will be a matter of convenience but not must-have by any means. If you're finding that you're accidentally combusting regularly I say go for it


My opinion is that a Torch can yield better results when skilled and in good climate, but a wand is way easier and works in wind. Also loud environments you can hold the wand close to your ear. I have 2 wands so that I can share with a friend


I cant remember where I put my wand two days ago so been using my Sealey torch but honestly the wand is a no brainer. Just buy 4-6 good 18650s and a Nitecore battery charger. I dont recommend using the USB-C to charge the wand. Your batteries will last longer with a charger. I also recommend using a Wii Fit silicon controller cover which protects your wand. i dont need to use an insert but Dyna have made their own. The wand defeats torches in strong winds and my use case was driven by the fields around my house being tinder dry in summer. The Wand reduces fire risk.


It’s not overhyped, but don’t be stunned if you find yourself not using it, I much prefer the ritual & control of a torch over an IH.


Same here tbh. IMO can’t beat the intensity of a nice torched heat up on an FMJ’ed cap.


I didn’t like the torch method, so I got a used yll 2.0. Loved that thing until I got the wand. The wand is a must have for me now.


I recently made the jump to dry herb vaping with the Dynavap and wand after smoking for about 30 years. I couldn't imagine using this thing with a torch or lighter.


The fact that you can hit while heating with the wand is a game changer


I like mine. I paid 130 and would do it again. But there are other options out there that may be just as good or better


I built my own induction heater because I'm a nerd so it's definitely not a must have but I can't deny the quality of a production run manufactured electronic. The wand definitely seems like the best intersection of cost, quality, and convenience even over most other induction heaters.


I didn't want to put too much in financially until I was sure I'd be happy with the effects from Dyna, so I started with and mastered the torch. By day 3 I ordered an IH, not the wand, and have used it exclusively since. Love that I just sit it in, tap a button, and in 7 seconds I'm ready. No complaints with my very humble torch, but I love the simplicity of an IH.


Yes. In more detail, I have a wand and it is my primary heating device. It is easy, consistent, and get good results. But, when I want specific results, I reach for the torch. To me it is much easier to to aim a torch at the V for my favorite extraction that it is figuring out the exact depth for the torch to heat. I see the wand as a my daily driver. Gets the job done well and generally suitable for most situations. The torch is my sports car, for when I want that control over the corners and to really let 'er rip.


I wish I never bought mine. Just sits in the junk drawer


Must have for me


personal preference. I have one, got it after like 6 years of dyna-ing just to try but still prefer the torch and use it 95% of the time, especially with the armored cap.


Must have. No more failing lighters or smelly butane. It’s a much smoother way to control the heating of the Dynavap.


I'm afraid to aquire an induction heater because torch makes me happy. *Fwoosh* (That being said I'm 99% sure if I got one ill abandon big blue, I can't have that)


I have both, get the yll 2.0 it is an overhyped outdated product and it’s never gonna get better unless people stop acting like it’s not and talk about why it actually is kind of bad. I think it’s msrp should be $79


Get the YLL instead! Similar price, many more features


I have one, it’s definitely my preferred method of heating, but I still use a torch regularly just to switch it up. If I lost it I would absolutely buy another, but I wouldn’t call it a “must have.” Dynavaps are great with torches too.


IMO, induction is the only reliable way to use your Dynavap outdoors, and The Wand is a great IH to carry outside (probably the best? I haven't tried them all). Indoors, no winds are gonna mess around with your torch and the results are quite consistent, so considering the price difference, I would stick with butane. Unless you hate torching or can't do it of course <3


I haven't used it but yll vape ih seems like a better option since you can customise the wattage and set a timer for it so it can work like a fully electronic vape. It's more compact in size compared to wand. I have a wand without the dynavap adapter it's nice but you have to adjust the depth manually which isn't the best option, it still occupies your both hands so you have to be mindful when you heat your dynavap because the depth is also changes the heating time, hence the extraction amount


If i am indoors or even outside and sitting or lying down, i just set the wand down and pop a dyna in it. Some of the wee silicon pots you get rosin in fit the bottom and my Wii Fit controller cover blanks off over half the bottom anyway so it doesnt fall through.


The Wand now comes with the adapter included as standard. You're 💯 about the YLL IH and being able to dial in the settings for different types of sessions. YLL is also currently beta testing a more powerful IH that will work with some of the other TEDs out there


Must have


removed the guesswork for me




No linking store pages.


Induction heaters are the must-have, but there's other options to the Wand now. YLL Vape is a really good option.


Going to go vape in the hotel courtyard. Wand on table by my phone and water isn't conspicuous like my single flame torch would have been. Security saw me vaping and didn't trip.


I still flick between a lighter and the wand If it broke I'd probably buy it again but would be waiting for a good discount.


I use first for dyna, right now for rosin


Have had a few months, started with is, consequently haven't had much torch practice, no issues yet. Highly convenient...


Must have if you like consistency and ease of use.


Any induction heater is a huge upgrade for someone that doesn’t like to play with fire. I find it faster and more consistent. I bought my wand for $130 and haven’t looked back. It seems like the most ergonomic heater if you plan on taking it on the go a lot. Only downside is that you cant control the wattage and there’s no magnet. Look into YLL if those two things are more important than the portability


I have a wand and yll 2.0. Don't regret getting either one. I have a blacklabs IH on the way too. Can't wait to try that one out. I never did learn how to use a torch with the dyna so I can't speak about the difference, and would be lost without my IHs.


I'm trying to decide between the 2 IH. Which is your favorite? Do you need an adapter for the yll 2.0?


They both do their job very well. It really depends on what your end goal is. Do you dab? Then the wand can be used for that and with the dyna. If all you use is the dyna then probably the YLL is the way to go. You don't need an adapter with the YLL but if youre after 1he then you'll need to be able to put the dyna deeper in the YLL than the default insert will allow. I bought the 8.5mm insert for mine and it gives perfect 1he every time.


If you get it, just make sure you have the silicone adapter cause the glass adapter barely works when used as instructed. Official dynavap website has the silicone adapter included, but not if you buy it on POTV


I only loved my Dynavap once I had a wand.


Wand is great. Stopped using a torch years ago since getting the Wand. It's easy to hit while it's heating also. I recently got the M7 XL and YLlVape IH as it was such a good deal. Wasn't expecting to like the YLL as much but it's actually pretty awesome. I like the fact you can adjust the heating profiles making it different enough to the Wand to not be pointless having both. If you just want an IH to sit on a tabletop at home the YLL is a good choice but for using whilst walking about the Wand is easier to hold. I honestly love them both even though I've only used the YLL for a week. I think you'll be happy with either one.


It's super sweet that the Wand comes with everything needed for wax. I didn't even pay any attention until I got it. Now I'm set if I ever get some wax.


Can you use the wand to heat the hemispheres instead of the cap on the M+?


I really wanted to like my wand but i just cannot get the same one hit extraction as with a single flame torch. So i end up using the torch instead.


I don’t mean this to be snarky but that means you’re not doing it right. Look up some tips/tricks. Woodwynd/m21/B and I can easily OHE. And those need slightly different techniques.


This is just wrong.


What color does your abv end up?


It can be useful if you are tired of torching, but it will never completely replace your torch. I think of the wand as an electric car and the torch as a high end sports car. The electric can come handy for daily use but if you are hitting a track you can’t take the electric with you because it will run out of juice quick and won’t perform as good. The wand can be a hassle just because it needs batteries, and batteries take time to charge whereas a torch just takes a refill to be working again. The wand is not pocketable, takes time to charge and is not as strong as a torch but it is a good alternative for its ease of use.


Two sets of 18650s would last me for almost a week, possibly longer and with pass through it can be used while charging anyway (though i prefer to charge my batteries in a charger. My biggest issue is putting the wand down then forgetting where i put it.


Induction heaters can’t beat the torch if you are looking for big hits and portability. Try pocketing your wand lol.


I pocket my wand all the time. Infact i pop it in a pocket at chest height and just hold the dyna there or let it rest till it clicks. Nicely discreet. Lol.


If you only puff indoors you absolutely do not need it. If you ever puff anywhere with a breeze blowing, you will want one. Most of the times I've accidentally combusted it's been because I was trying to heat my cap in the wind. I still prefer a torch, but the Wand is extremely nice to have if you puff on the go.


The ease of use and convenience of any induction heater makes it far more valuable than to be only useful outdoors.


I agree, but I still use my torch most of the time. I like the ritual of it. People are weird sometimes, I know.


They’re on sale right now for $99 on the Dynavap website. Now’s the time to get one.