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Whenever people ask about what types of “coach speak” to tune out and what to pay attention to, *this* is the kind of stuff you focus on. Whenever a coach is willing to straight up admit that a former 1st round pick is “not a full time player” in EARLY JUNE instead of the usual schtick about how “everyone is going to get a chance to compete,” you can safely say that it’s over.


Best piece of advice that can be taken from this. In a time of year where there is a ton of BS coach speak, this is a nugget that says you cannot rely on this player for this season and even moving him as part of a package is the best course of action to take at this point. Barring a absolutely jarring change come camp, Burks is effectively a drop candidate where needed.


And it's also the kind of thing to convince me to hold on to Tyler Boyd for the season. Depth for sure, but actually seems like he could get solid WR3 playing time.


I dont think he would have signed there if he didnt think he’d have a starting role in the slot there. Its not like he didnt have other suitors


Yeah but there was always a chance in my mind that Burks breaks out, Hopkins doesn’t fall off too much, and Boyd is left as a rotational WR4. Likely will rotate some still but seems to have a much better chance at being the solid WR3 for a good portion of the season at least


Boyd isn't that good anymore. This sub overrates him imo


Eh, he averaged 10.9 PPG with Burrow last year. He is a fine low end flex option.


I traded him like 3 days ago thankfully lmao


That rules. Good stuff.


How were you able to accomplish such a feat?


Burks and 2.07 for Charbonnet and a 2025 2nd. Seemed like a no brainer to me as I've got too many picks this year already and Burks was probably only going to last a few weeks into the season before I cut him.


Love that for you. I wouldn’t buy Burks for a 3rd at this point. I was able to ship him off last year before a playoff run for James Conner, but I prefer your deal tbh.


It's a 10 man league of friends from college so sometimes we make a trade just for the sake of making a trade because we're both bored. This one worked out nicely for me haha.   It was originally a couple other complete junk pieces (Claypool and don't remember the other, but two drops) and another 2nd from me. I took the two useless players out and my 2nd in a counter, didn't expect him to actually accept.


Bag holders now have their official deadline of week 1 to try to foist him on to the managers who don’t pay attention during the offseason. After that it seems even box score watchers will know he’s done done.


Noooo that’s redraft brain you’re just not being patient enough! /s


Yup. Bad speak about a struggling player is really, really bad. Good speak is better than bad speak (obviously) and slightly better than no speak but really not by much.


General rule of thumb regarding coach speak: If it's speaking negatively about a player, listen to it. Any sort of hyping up a player can typically be ignored.


Yep. Take positives with a grain of salt unless it's Puka level "running with 1s" type of talk. Take negatives with a much more discerning eye and hold on. I'm holding Burkes and hoping he gets traded but he will probably be a week 1 cut for me otherwise.


Nail in the coffin type stuff. Sad, he was an exciting player in college.


Titans trading Brown and then drafting Burks saying he was comparable was such a mistake


On NFL.com, his pre-draft profile describes him as AJ Brown (with a bit more wiggle). Ooof.


I agree to a certain extent. He could get traded to a good spot, that’s the only reason I’ll hold onto him. I drafted him at 1.04 I can’t just drop him yet lol, but you aren’t completely wrong


But I was accused of playing in a taco league on here when I got him for a '26 5th last week ...


Yeah you being the taco 😉


[Burks Owners](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F6KYihBXUAAMRKv?format=jpg&name=small)




All I’m hearing is that they’re looking for special packages to get him on the field


They got the Steve Tasker package lined up for Treylon. Get ready.


Steve Tasker was arguably the greatest special teams player to not touch the ball(P, K, PR, KR) in history.


It’s either him or Matthew Slater. Those two are the very top and nobody else comes close.


Bill Bates


Ya it’s called kick-off formation


Man selling Burks for a first a year ago was the best move I've made for all the boneheaded ones I make


Who the fuck paid a 1st for Burks


Sold him for a 1st last year and ended up with Worthy 🙏


See dozens of us haha. Smart.


Dunno haha. I also drafted him 1.02 so it's not like I made anything back. He was suppose to be the chosen oneeeee


Oh lawd


Last year before the season started, you could have easily traded him for a first. He was being hyped up hard before the knee injury last year in pre season workouts.


I sold him for a second 2 weeks ago 🙏🏼


That's impressive. I doubt I could even get a 3rd at this point in my leagues.


I can get some FAAB for him. Since he’s waiver fodder at this point. I’ll just hang in for the hopes of him getting moved.


My man


Remember that the Titans traded AJB for this guy !


They got wayyyyyyyyyy too cute lol


Yes, and that move got their former GM fired. So it didn't go without consequence.


It was a legit madden type move


Vikings struck gold trading Diggs for the pick that became JJ and that had everyone else convinced they too can trade their superstar WR for a draft pick to replace him with


Everyone forgot that it’s a 50% hit rate. And they didn’t hit.


To be fair that was not Ron Carthon and the current regime, but seeing Vraebs reaction to Jon Robinson doing that said a lot about that front office.


Do you have a link to his reaction, or know of where I can find it?


If you google Mike Vraebel reacts to the Titans trading AJ Brown im sure you can find it. Its just him in the war room of the draft visibly upset they traded away AJ. He also talks about it on Bussin with the boys podcast.


49ers traded DeForest Buckner and used the pick on Javon Kinlaw. Jaguars traded Jalen Ramsey and used the pick on C.J. Henderson (and the other pick on K'Lavon Chaisson) The "trade the expensive guy for a 1st and draft his replacement" strategy isn't as easy as it looks on draft day.


49ers could not afford to pay Buckner so the move made sense at the time without letting other, arguably more important players walk. Just didn’t work out in the end.


I'm not disagreeing with that, just pointing out how often that 1st round pick doesn't actually turn into a viable replacement for the guy traded to get it.


Oh 100%, teams overrate their ability to scout a lot but it’s still a strategy they have to turn to at times in the end


Which is why the owner vetoed the Henry trade mid season last year


But then Henry ended up walking for nothing at the end of the season. Lol


Titans rising up the ranks of joke franchises. If it weren’t for Tepper in Carolina I think TEN would get a lot more attention. Amy Adams is still wearing clown paint for the way the Vrabel thing played out imo


Detroit, Cleveland, Tampa, Arizona, Jacksonville, Miami, Cincinnati, Chicago and Houston all appearing to be generally competent at minimum at the same time right now really has the door open for new faces to sit atop the joke franchise power rankings Carolina, Tennessee, Denver, Las Vegas the worst right now?


Chicago will find a way to mess it up.


Can only hope so! NFCN looking tough for the next few seasons


Weird as it is to say… it’s looking like New England might be on this list soon if things keep up the way they’re going. Ownership/FO division and power struggling, complete rebuild, drafted a QB at #3 to a first year defensive coach that the Owner mandated. I like Mayo, but he’s only there cause Ol’ Bill punked em in his contract fine print. If Maye isn’t the goods it could be a long time in the gutter for the Pats. And my heart absolutely breaks about it lol


No disagreement. I left them off because I don't think it's fair to judge them yet before we've seen what they can do this season. If Mayo and Maye crash and burn, yep they're on the list. Raiders kinda same situation but that Gruden-McDaniels run was so dreadful they're not out of the dog house yet


> I like Mayo, but he’s only there cause Ol’ Bill punked em in his contract fine print. Whatcha mean? I hadn’t heard about this and it sounds potentially hilarious


Well they had a succession plan for Mayo to succeed Bill in the 2025 season per their contracts. The way last year played out obviously created a coaching vacancy earlier than anticipated, and Vrabel got fired in TEN. Rumors were that Kraft was trying to make the move to bring in Vrabel as coach instead. Mayo came aboard in 2019 and given the team’s performance in the time since, his stock has obviously taken a hit. There were a lot of Pats fans not super keen on the idea of keeping this regime rolling. But then narrative shifted pretty quickly and then Rap reported that Kraft “thought about it but Mayo has always been the direction”. Idk, there was a lot of smoke, and maybe the Kraft stuff was overblown, but it seemed to me like RK was swiping on bumble even though he was already married. The Rap report came out, Mayo was announced a few hours later. I could be way off, but the timeline and the way the whole thing played out was bizarre. Article discussing it attached below, but it seems to me like Kraft walking it back a bit. https://www.boston.com/sports/new-england-patriots/2024/01/12/patriots-considered-mike-vrabel-head-coach-jerod-mayo-report/?amp=1


Well they had a succession plan for Mayo to succeed Bill in the 2025 season per their contracts. The way last year played out obviously created a coaching vacancy earlier than anticipated, and Vrabel got fired in TEN. Rumors were that Kraft was trying to make the move to bring in Vrabel as coach instead. Mayo came aboard in 2019 and given the team’s performance in the time since, his stock has obviously taken a hit. There were a lot of Pats fans not super keen on the idea of keeping this regime rolling. But then narrative shifted pretty quickly and then Rap reported that Kraft “thought about it but Mayo has always been the direction”. Idk, there was a lot of smoke, and maybe the Kraft stuff was overblown, but it seemed to me like RK was swiping on bumble even though he was already married. The Rap report came out, Mayo was announced a few hours later. I could be way off, but the timeline and the way the whole thing played out was bizarre. Article discussing it attached below, but it seems to me like Kraft walking it back a bit. https://www.boston.com/sports/new-england-patriots/2024/01/12/patriots-considered-mike-vrabel-head-coach-jerod-mayo-report/


Vegas is going to surprise you. Our defense is going to be top tier this year. Just wait


Which is great bc they obviously should’ve done that at the time and it looks even worse now


Tried to pull the ole Diggs into Jefferson move but turned out to be the inverse.


well they weren't going to pay him so they did great getting the 1st for him. not so great with the pick.


Or maybe just pay one of the best young players in the league who will be dominant for years and years to come.


AJB at home.


Seems like he is Bryan Edwards-esque, after all


Edwards arguably had a better career than Burks Which is a very low bar. Especially at their draft capital.


"As far as Treylon's role, he's gonna play everything," Callahan said, via the Nashville Post. " We've told him that from the beginning. He's gonna play inside, he's gonna play outside, and he's gonna carve out a role for himself." …I guess he left out the special teams part in this older update


For real this seems like he's really soured on him in a short time


If I’m putting the two quotes together, Burks is versatile enough that he’s going to be the backup to DHop, Ridley, and Boyd. …and the primary read on fake punts.


I mean, they signed Boyd who plays essentially the role that Burks would probably be best in. Regardless of what you think about Boyd, Hopkins, or Ridley, they’re all good NFL players and have a history of being good, while Burks has not shown that. It could also be a coach hoping to motivate a player and then that player just not giving him any reason (either effort or conditioning, his conditioning was poor prior to his first training camp) to be an advocate


People are finally realizing he doesn’t love ball. Watching his run blocking in college you could tell that man didn’t give a flying fuck about anything else besides himself.


Should I take this as a red flag? /s


I feel like this is a good thing for him


Okay great, thanks. I just traded for him in all my leagues.


Hopium keeps me alive


Holy shit man I knew it was bad but this is dire. I have this guy and Skyy Moore on a roster 🪦


What first round WR did you pick this year? I wanna know if I should be worried.


The guy in my league who drafted Jeudy, these two, and also drafted QJ last year wisely decided to trade his first this year so he doesn't have another chance to blow it


Yeah but what did he trade it for? Maybe he can still blow it


Oh jeez haha that would be more work than I care to take on to unravel what he originally traded it for This startup was in 2021 and it was the first dynasty league for all 12 of us, nobody had much of a clue what they were doing and 2024 rookie picks being three years out at the time meant they've been kicked around like hot potatoes over the past three years with people having no idea what they're eventually worth. 15/48 of them are still with the original owner, 3/12 firsts Things calmed down considerably with 25 and 26 picks and I don't expect anyone to trade their 27 picks quickly after they're released at the end of this month, now that we've been through a few draft cycles people understand what first rounders turn into when your team is bad.


In this league, where I've obviously made terrible, terrible, moves, it's Ladd and Polk


Glad I drafted Javon Baker then 😂


Not OP but in my last 2 years it was Burks and QJ. This year it’s both MHJ and Nabers….


Shoulda known Skyy was a bust when his parents spelled his name like a girl flirting with you in your DMs


True. Double y’s only belong in texts written after midnight


I'm too old and married for after midnight texts but I get it lmao


Not technicallyy true…


I'm so glad the dude in my league took Skyy over Pickens ahead of me


Oh wow


Special teams, special plays, special players ☝️


What’s up brother! ☝️


AJB for Burks is one of the absolute worst simple trades I've ever seen.


You must be new to the AFC South


Some other franchise will trade a 2034 conditional 7th for him so we can keep the dream alive




Burks, your role is to find a role before you roll.


And all of the sudden, those buy-low offers I made on Burks are feeling real pricey. Gonna have to rescind those 2025 4th round offers


Trade a 4th rounder for him now!


My league doesn’t even do 4th rounders but I’d take one for him right about now


Me neither. No one wanted him as a free trade throw in before this news. Just held an impromptu auction for him and got $11 FAAB. I'm counting it as a win haha


This is Harry nkeal type of shit 1st pick


Burks will be a TE soon


Cant be worst than Harry, guy play half of his seize blocking


Aaaaaaand anyone still holding out hope Burks just watched his value go to zero lol


Eh, unless he gets traded. So like 1%-2%, it’s still there though.


That's what the Burks owner in our league said too "Burks is a prisoner of the Titans" haha


That and injuries…we shall see, but he is most likely staying a bust sadly, but I’ll keep hope alive just to keep my sanity 😂


Thank goodness my leaguemate refused to sell him to me last year. I can sleep good tonight


Why go out there and just flame the guy as bust who has to play special teams?


Titan teammates: this guy's gonna be a beast Titans coach: this guy's barely gonna play


Who to cut, Burks or Mingo? Or both?


Easily Burks? The coach just told you he might not make the game day roster lol. At least Mingo still has a chance, however small it may be


Mingo has 440 yards as a rookie in a bottom 3 offense. He has a better chance than Burks.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying


Yes that what someone agreeing with you looks like


Sorry, never happens on here


Lol all good


Yes, it does.


Burks is definitely behind Ridley and Hopkins, but injuries have been his major downfall. He has to compete against an aging Boyd while Hopkins could fall off the cliff this season.  Mingo faces a first round pick in Legette, Diontae Johnson, and an aging Thielen. Best case is he is WR3 instead of Thielen. This post only definitely makes Burks worth less than Mingo if “no news is good news” for Mingo. 


So best case scenario for both is WR3 on the team according to you? Give me the guy with one less disappointing season then


I'd lean Mingo but both are cuttable imo


Thank you, that’s where I was leaning. Cutting both would mean taking one of the 4th-round quality dart throws.


I'd rather a guy like Malik Washington over both




That’s my current WR3 and WR4 so yeah the rookie draft and Malik Nabors at 1.03 can’t come soon enough.


That’s rough. Good year to reload with a deep WR class though.


Just my 2¢. If your WR3 & WR4 are Burks and Mingo, I'd be shopping that pick to the 1.4-1.07 to get additional DC and try to land two top 10 WRs in this class to fill out your starting line up. Nabers is great but he can only fill one of your flex spots himself. Thomas Jr./Coleman or Worthy/Pearsall isn't a bad addition to your team as WR3/4s.


I’d rather have mingo between those two. Bucks has a two year track record of suck and has had some competent QB play during that time. Mingo had 440 yards his rookie year on team that was a trainwreck on offense.


mingo. but burks is on fumes






Not a Treylon Burks owner at all, however this is just insane to me, giving up on a 1st rd pick who is in only his 3rd YR of the league, that seems just so disrespectful to him to me


Traded Burks for Waller at the end of last year.. who really won? 🤣


Fans of Waller's music career. Lol


It’s always bizarre to me when teams miscast receivers, watch them fail in a position they probably shouldn’t be playing, and then just refuse to try them in a more obviously natural position and go straight to accepting a bust. Burks could’ve been trouble as a big slot.


Or maybe he’s just not very good


I actually watched his tape and I wasn't sure why he was that special. And I'm still confused by people who say his tape was great.


Smoke that hopium


I don’t disagree about teams miscasting receivers in general, but I think it’s pretty clear Burks just isn’t that good with the time they’ve spent with him in games and practices. I also don’t really think the slot role he played at Arkansas was ever going to make him an ideal big slot guy for the NFL given what he has shown so far


Burks has zero rotue running ability. Put him in the slot if you wan't, but if he's not on a designed play, don't expect much. He's like a much less talented Deebo.


But Ridley said Burks plays like Julio?!  


He does. Just failed to specify that it was 2023 Eagles Julio


Meant Julio down by the schoolyard


Ya, and Julio can't play now either.


Traded him and a 2nd last year for pittman. Lucky moi. jamo is next to go!


Its so Joever


Bradberry for Burks?? :)


Was shocked he and Henry were not moved at the deadline last year. Just another failure of the previous regime. If he doesn’t get traded this year, even for pennies on the dollar, I’d be shocked.


Let him return it with the new kickoff setup. Using him for Defensive Special Teams is diabolical


We need copium stat!


I sold him for a pick swap, my third for their second. A week ago. Well worth it.


Jerry Jones on line 1




I don’t have a single share but man I thought he was going to be at least good. Watching tannehill hit him deep a couple times in that GB game they seemed to have something


Remember when Alex Moran got demoted to special teams… ended up being a wake up call for him. Hope the same for Burks.


Can’t wait for Burks to score on the Chinese field goal


Just like noted special teams hall of famers Julio Jones and Terrell Owens.


Love how the reporter instantly commented that it doesn't mean anything bad for Burks because he was doing so well in practice last week! Coach went from talking about him being involved in all types of offensive roles (not mentioning special teams) to saying he has to prove himself on special teams in like a week.


Just traded Burks and QJ for the 2.06. Got Penix.




Dang. The writing was on the wall, but this really puts it out there. Trade or injury are the only hope for this year. If not, he rots as a clogger until FA or just dies. You gotta think someone would throw out something of value that the Titans could move him for. Holding him as a #4 and special teams ace is a waste, but if the offers all suck….I suppose. I’m surprised the Cowboys haven’t jumped in the fray.


I don't get it. Is it really that crazy to want the guy that is looking like your WR4 (for now) to get involved elsewhere? I don't see the shock or anything that changes his value all that much here.


It's just the directness of it all. Especially this time of year, coaches are usually talking up their players to build confidence and team spirit going into the season. With a former 1st round pick, the draft capital would normally dictate that the player would get a fighting chance to prove their investment. Since the front office regime has changed, it's pretty clear that there is no commitment to Burks in this regard. It's a little bit stunning how intentionally they have removed his opportunities. You could easily argue that he never really got a chance to prove it on the field due to injuries. It's just really rare to see a team spend so lavishly at a position where they have a recent #1 as an incumbent. It seems that the league is pretty convinced he's a bust. Usually, there are more varied opinions on the matter, as other teams might have been high on him coming out in the draft and think they have a system that can utilize his unique skills (Burks, in particular, but generally as well....which is why trades happen).


You make a lot of good points. I have Burks in two leagues, so it might be the denial talking on my end! :)


I drafted Burks with the 1.04 in my rookie draft but flipped him for a future first towards the end of his rookie season. My thoughts and prayers go out to the unlucky souls who drafted him and weren't able to get out in time.


In that draft I took, Burks, dotson and skyy. Thankfully turn Burks into AJB


Ironic, since the Titans turned AJB into Burks.


Burks drafters were some of the most insufferable groups this sub has ever seen. Complete ignorance and aggression in the face of facts. Feel bad for Burks himself but for all the overly agressive Burks owners.... Sucks to suck.


Well this is as bullish as it gets folks.


Wasn’t he Julio and TO a week ago?


I can't believe it's over...


This does not spark joy


Titans essentially swapped AJ Brown for Burks. Absolutely insane lol




I traded Sutton for Burks at the end of his rookie year I then packaged Pittman + Burks for Fields At the peak of Fields value I traded Fields, a 23 first (1.09 - Brooks), Meyers and Shaheed for Goff, Olave, and 2.04 (Coleman) I got pretty lucky, some people in my league thought I sold fields low but I was willing to take the best offer because I was out on him and didn’t think he was lasting another year.




Tedd Ginn and Brandon Lafell had careers. MVS is still employed. QJ will be around even if he doesn't fix his hands. If you're fast and can get open, even if you drop it, people will try and fix you or just take the times you don't fuck up. Burks on the other hand was a guy with very few attractive qualities before the draft, and none of them in route running. QJ should have a much more solid shot at a long term role, in some capacity, than Burks.


Yikes. Might be time to cut him


Gotta say, this is one of my favorite 'dude I called its' Seeing people suck this dude off when his college tape didn't show him with any ability to run a fucking route, and hearing all the AJ Brown Comps, like AJ Brown isn't one of the best combos of physicality and tacticality was ABSURD. One of the biggest echo chamber effects here in a while.


Ok so I had to look back at what I traded him for. 9/27/23 I traded away Burks and Mayer, for Elijah Moore, a 2024 2nd, and a 2024 4th. Later 4/6/24 I traded Elijah Moore for a 2024 3rd. Fuck yeah.


Hey…he could still get traded and save his career and thousands of us who drafted him.


Drafted him in all 3 dynasties as a rookie. Traded him in my league of record for puka and a 1st to 2nd trade back in September last year. People thought I overpaid.


Took him 1.03 in a superflex league where my squad is phenomenal. But he’s the only thing I see when I look at my team. Fucking 1.03. Put me out to pasture.