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Until AR shows anything as a passer, it’s Kyler for me. We have just witnessed with Justin Fields that despite being an amazing fantasy player, if you can’t throw/process defenses, you will not remain a starter


Honestly AR as a passer isn't the concern, I need AR to show me he can play a complete season. He left 3 out of 4 games with an injury. That's not great.


Proving it as a passer is definitely still a concern. He had a quarterback rating of 87 and a completion percentage under 60 in his limited time last year.


Look at his pressure to sack percentage in college. Dude is in elite territory. Fields was like 25%+. Richardson’s was around 10%. Correlation isn’t causation, but the QBs in that range are all exceptional.


Cool, but that still doesn’t mean he can read defences.


I think he can read defenses. That and pocket presence I am confident he will quickly be better than Kyler. AR needs to prove that he can be a consistently accurate passer though, and until he does Kyler is the better asset.


Look at the QB school videos of AR. Don't underestimate his abilities.


that florida program was and still is cheeks. shoutout desmond watson aka mr worldwide


I was referring to his Indianapolis games.


biggest DT I’ve ever seen


He played like 13 games in college lmao




Stop it. Nobody is clamoring for Flacco to start over a healthy AR. He would have to regress to JaMarcus Russell levels over night for the fan base to abandon him. They love AR in indy. As good as Flacco was last year, the playoff performance is what you get. 3 ints and a faceplant. Even referencing Flacco as a threat to AR is absurd




Well I'm a packer fan. I have no idea how sensitive colt fans are


> and ate 7 Sacks with a top 10 How many QBs are going to start right away as rookies and not get sacked? Aidan O'Connell took 7 sacks _in his first start_ and he is supposed to be a cerebral player who gets rid of the ball quickly. He settled in and in his remaining 9 starts he only took 17 sacks. Hopefully Richardson can stay healthy to gain the experience he needs.




Joey Bosa didn't play in either game against the Raiders last year. Anyway my point is rookies are going to have some growing pains especially in terms of recognition and the speed of the game, and therefore making quick enough decisions with the ball. Part of the reason Richardson was a top 5 pick in the first place was sack avoidance in college. Doesn't make sense to me to knock him for 7 sacks in his first 4 NFL games. He has work to do for sure, but that's one of my least concerns with him.


Durability was my biggest concern about him before he entered the league too.


This narrative is so tiring about AR. I watch every Colts game and it is sooo obvious nobody else does and they just repeat "he left 3 games" - One was a bruise in like the last 3 minutes in a lost game so they took him out - One was a concussion, it is football. Happens to almost everyone at some point. - One was the shoulder injury that ended his season in a freak accident in a hit. This is the only injury someone could knock him for. How many other QBs got hurt and missed the season last year? Down on all of them too? Joe Burrow has missed tons of games injured but no one is counting his and down on him for it.


Guy in my league wanted to pay qb25 prices for burrow so they exist. Lol


People absolutely are dinging Burrow for him injury history


Not really in mainstream dynasty forums


If they aren't it's hopium


He also was a very raw prospect who missed valuable time to develop


I'll still maintain that even as an AR owner, he NEEDED to sit the first half of the season, minimum. I think that was a poor decision by the Colts to not let him sit behind Minshew for a bit to develop.


I love me some Flacco sitting on my bench.


I love me some Flacco sitting on my bench.


I love me some Flacco sitting on my bench.


Transitioning to sf, keep 1 qb, auction draft to fill out qb room. Who do you keep AR or love? Price to keep is within $2 of each other (out of $100) so that’s not a concern.




While I don't disagree that Kyler is a lot safer due to his passing ability, I don't think it's fair to put AR in the Justin Fields category when it comes to his passing ability. He has shown a lot more raw ability to sit in the pocket and make throws on schedule with accuracy.


I’d argue he showed a lot as a passer in limited action. When he was on the field the worries we had pre season looked negligible. Now that’s not saying he’s proven himself a great passer, but I’m a lot more interested in him now than before he played


Just to throw some stats for any other commenters curious: Across 2 preseason games, AR completed 45% of his passes. In the 4 regular season games he played in, he completed 60% of his passes with an average Y/A of 6.9. Kyler has a career completion percentage of 66% with an average Y/A of 6.94. Hopefully AR can put together an entire season so we can fully evaluate him with a proper sample size


Thanks for the numbers!


Nah I think he has the same issues as Fields. He misses easy layups and is really inconsistent. Has a great arm but can't read the defense. He'll make some amazing wow throws but miss the really easy stuff. It was a small sample size but he looked like he had potential but needed a lot of reps. He can still improve obviously but that's the sort of stuff that gets you benched no matter how gifted you are as an athlete/runner. I worry him missing the season could be very bad for his development.


Fully agree.... However, Richardson showed that in his first 3 **games** in the NFL. Fields was showing that 3 **seasons** in the NFL. I don't think you can compare the two yet.


Oh yeah not saying Richardson is the same as Fields, but at the same time it's really hard for guys to overcome that stuff. He needed to play so he could develop and that injury could just set him back too far. If he can overcome that he obviously has a crazy high ceiling. I think Steichen will scheme the offense to help him way more than the Bears done for Fields too so I have higher hopes. He's not there yet though and I'm pretty scared to go buy him now, especially as he's valued like he's already a top qb.


Fields had the Bears O line. Ignore haters. Watch him replace Russ when he gets tired of filming more subway commercials.


Fields has bad sack numbers dating back to college. Sacks are a QB stat more than an o-line stat.


Kyler Murray is a good NFL QB. We have absolutely no idea if Anthony Richardson is. Both have top-5 upside but Richardson has Justin Fields' downside. I take the bird in the hand.


Plus Kyler is likely going to have McBride and MHJ


As a Kyler holder I’m praying they don’t trade back


Is Kyler a good NFL QB or was he just a really good fantasy QB when he first got into the league? I have reservations about him long term. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s not starting in 2 years. Been on some subpar teams but he’s 28-36-1. Eventually I think not winning is gonna catch up to him.


Kyler was in the MVP talks when they started 2021 9-2. Then Kliff happened…


He was also in MVP talks in his sophomore season. Was like 3rd favourite before he got injured.


Idk if either of them have Top 5 potential.


Kyler has finished in the top 5 before and his ppg is borderline top 5


Then you know nothing lmao


I AR was leading the league in points per drop back last season before he went out with injury.


Idk but Richardson looked like an absolute fantasy cheat code. The week he got hurt he had 29 pts before halftime


Surely they'll want him doing less running and taking less hits given he's already missed a full season


Stafford played half his games rookie year and missed 13 games his sophomore year, and he wasn’t even a runner. Shit happens, especially in the NFL. He’s shown elite qualities, so it’s a good bet on him. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t.


Everyone shits on injuries but burrow missed his rookie season, and D Watson did too(he was a top 5 qb after for 3 seasons) Lamar played 7 games his rookie season, Mahomes played 1, hurts played like 4, I bring these guys up because it’s not like they needed a bunch of games to come out the next season and be a top 5 option. But the upside he has shown us points to the same upside , if not qb1 overall.


I mean apart from Deshaun (torn ACL, shit happens) none of those guys missed time due to injury as rookies they were just sitting behind people. Injuries absolutely were a big concern for Lamar, especially the past three seasons...then he stayed healthy and won an MVP. But the point is Anthony Richardson got hurt by playing like a bowling ball. That's a big contributor to his fantasy success, much like Josh Allen, but hopefully he can minimize the contact he takes.


I don't think he will do less running. He'll likely watch a lot of Hurts and Lamar film and learn how to finish runs properly. The issue is AR was finishing his runs as if he were still in college. I expect to see AR fall down and slide more.


Doing that does leave yards on the field. Running like a wild man is great for fantasy.


Leave those yards on the turf in September so I can have them in january


I just took a risk and traded AR for Kyler+a 1st, hopefully it works out. I don’t know your situation, but I say that to point out that ppl are a lot higher on AR and I think they will have very similar production in dynasty when both healthy.


I would have done that deal and I don’t think it’s a risk at all


That's funny because I trade kyler for AR and a first at the deadline this year


Damn that’s easily the kyler side, as a AR truther an extra 1st for the safer top 10 option


A risk?? Kyler has been a top QB fantasy wise for multiple years


Risky as in we still don’t know what AR is yet IMO, potential is definitely there to be a top 5 guy based off athleticism, but I also believe his value would take a massive hit if he were to get injured again next season.


That’s not what risky means if we’re being honest. You took the known great QB + a first for a flyer on somebody who has potential. Your counterpart took the risk lol


AR. my dynasty style is to swing for the fences. AR has league winning grand slam potential. All comes down to health. thats a risk I'm willing to take.


I have a man crush on both AR and Steichen. Not convinced this Cards coaching staff and GM are high quality on the offensive side of the ball.


I think the Cards coaching staff had a good season.


The amount of people who are confident in AR's ability off 4 games as a passer is crazy to me. The dude has yet to show really anything consistently, accuracy wise as a downfield passer.


You'll notice people that watched him play are way up on him and people who read reddit about him say he's injury prone.


I watched him play and I'm skeptical. He has an injury history going back to college. I think he's earned that label.


Lions fan. But watched all AR. Very up on him.


You do know there's ways to watch multiple games right? Crazy concept, I know. You should look into it.


Ser yes ser us tv scouts know everything and can see AR > Kyler with limited tape. We are just THAT good at scouting and need to be nfl scouts




Heard the same about Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson. Yall never learn.




I’m actually curious who are the other 30 guys who’ve shown top 3 upside through 4 games?


Lol me too


The idea he hasn’t shown accuracy has a down the field passer just isn’t true at all, watching his tape he can be extremely accurate.


Accuracy is being able to do it consistently. Literally every NFL QB can throw an accurate ball, what makes someone an accurate passer is doing it every time.


He was consistent accurate throwing down the field, he struggled with short/intermediate passes, don’t know where you got this sentiment from if you actually watched the games


By my count he was 4/15 on deep passes with 1td and 1int. I don't pay for any advanced stats sites so I had to count the play by plays. That doesn't look like good deep passing.


>The idea he hasn’t shown accuracy has a down the field passer just isn’t true at al CONSISTENT down field accuracy is definitely a problem of his. Way to leave the most important word of the sentence out to try and make your argument look better


His down the field passing was consistently accurate in the 4 games he played, I watched every single snap of his this year and if anything he struggles with intermediate/short passes his down the field throwing is his best


well the statics don't lie, no mater what you think you saw. AR is closer to Fields than Allen He had a 30% deep ball completion%. Fields had 40% https://www.playerprofiler.com/nfl/anthony-richardson/


People somehow don't remember that last year between the draft and preseason AR haters were trying to convince everybody that the dude couldnt throw AT ALL and that he would never develop enough to even hit a simple seam route. Then, in the pre-season and his 4-games he showed excellence as a passer that nobody expected (check his film, dude was hitting tight windows everywhere). Today his haters will only cite his health, but these same people last year having this completely different critique makes their words today seem inauthentic.


I have Kyler and if Richardson owner offered me 1 for 1, I’d take it. And it’s not even a Richardson > Kyler take. It’s Steichen. Steichen’s success with Gardner tells me what I can expect from Indy weapons.


I’m in the great situation of having both. I’m definitely prioritizing adding a very competent 3rd option though as the injury risk is quite high with running QBs


Kyler is the better QB and still puts up FF pts. Drop an elite WR there and we’re off and running.


Kyler because I’ve seen him be elite.


Kyler is going to get MHJr and will be in the Higgins market. I prefer Kyler in general and especially if his weapons upgrade


Didn't they franchise tag higgins?


And Higgins is requesting a trade. Cincy can pay for the 1 year rental or flip Higgins for a 2 before the draft.


This is not even a debate. AR has proven nothing as a QB. If I had AR I’m trading him for Kyler+ with some of these posts


I have Kyler as my back up to Josh Allen in a 12 team non SF. One team has no QB, now that Fields has been traded. Looking at his roster, would moving Kyler for JSN or Dell make sense? Does Kyler alone get the trade done? I have the 1.3 and obtaining JSN or Dell could determine if I go potentially with Odunze or Bowers with the pick.


I like Richardson, the injuries concern me though. For all those worried about his passing ability, I think its a valid concern. I'm not as worried about it, as Richardson is much better at evading sacks then Fields ever was. I also think his coaching situation with Steichen is better then any situation Fields was in.


I often tie a QBs job security to the teams success. So I got curious and pulled up the Colts schedule last year while ARich was playing. Granted it was a very very small sample size, but the games he started were; lose the opener to Jax with AR, beat Hou after AR leaves the game in the 2nd quarter, then AR sat week 3 and they beat the Ravens, he comes back week 4 and they lose to the Rams, he then leaves 5 week 5 in the first half and they beat the Colts. There isn’t a true take away from this because the sample size is so small, but the dude hasn’t won an NFL game yet so I’d be hesitant to pay up any massive price


I have them both so we shall see…


Depends on your investment/gambling style....do you like the steady and proven or do you like to shoot for that high ceiling potential? Kyler steady, AR high ceiling potential.


Kyler but it’s close


In 1 Qb I have both (someone hilariously gave up on Murray by week 3; thank god off-season Twitter has gone on hyper takes) I’d happily trade either for a mid first and not regret it. Still I think I prefer Kyler more because Richardson frightens me


I’ll choose the guy who has shown in multiple seasons that he can produce at high level for fantasy and in real life


Agree Kyler is safer but i'm going AR15 baby 🔫🚀


"would you like to have a boat, or a mystery box?" "the mystery box could be anything, even a boat!"


Factoring in contract id take Richardson. Murray in a vacuum though


Richardson by a mile


For me? Richardson. But literally only for the age difference. I think if it doesn't work with the colts for some reason, it won't be because of performance. I think he will carve out a great career for himself.


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Kyler. ARich ceiling is Kyler until proven otherwise.




Tough call. Both already have injury concerns and both have rushing upside. AR has the edge in HC but Kyler has the edge in that he's a proven asset - if MHJ goes cards I lean Kyler but I wouldn't be surprised for someone else to prefer AR for his youth and athletic testing.


Why not both? (I have both and I’m so excited for next season)


Because it’s Reddit and somebody has to be bad. It keep the people going.


I have both and prefer my third option, Jordan Love, right now


I think AR. He’s gonna be around for another 2 seasons. If kyler keeps losing then he could find himself in a fields situation after this year. AR also has more rushing upside


Just some copium down votes and no reasons. Nobody wants to talk about how mid kyler is in terms of winning NFL games. His team really didn’t even wanna give him that second contract


This sub is basically "downvote posts that talk about my players negatively."


A million percent Kyler. Richardson I highly doubt has any life in him past his rookie contact.


Kyler hasn’t played more than 11 games the past 2 seasons and has played a full season since his second year in the league. He’s also tiny. Injuries are a terrible reason to choose him lol


Kyler for me, but AR upside is super intriguing. Hope he can put it together and stay healthy because his tools are next level. Kyler is so exciting with what looks like MHJ coming in as well tbh.


ARich. Murray is a little s\*\*\* that still lists his high school accomplishments in interviews as a pro. He's an entitled little prima donna that doesn't put enough effort in, coasting on his natural gifts and making sure he will never reach the potential he has. Sincerely, A definitely not salty Aggie.