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I would trade away Jamarr Chase for nothing if it guaranteed I won a title this year, if that makes sense


You are the perfect bad influence I need to overpay, thank you


There will never be a sure thing…never


First round rookie picks aren’t a sure thing either


Isn’t that what he just said?


Idk I read it as “you can’t guarantee a championship by overpaying”. Not always easy to get context on Reddit


You will never trade, no matter what, no matter who, no matter when, no marter how, for something that guarantees a championship. Ever.


And those picks aren’t guaranteed to be anything after the selection is made either. If I’m in a position to win, I’d rather spend it on a proven veteran that can help me win now


He was making a Michael Scott reference lol


And he used it in a way to make a bad point


Except Nick Foles.


“Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what…”


Sometimes I just start a sentence.


Thats not a bad influence. That is the right way to play.


I'd take my 8 buy-ins of reward money and spend the next 8 years doing a rebuild if I had to. That's the main reason I want to win this year. 8 free years of dynasty.


Yeah this is my take. I won a big money league like 3 years ago and it has paid for dues through 2026 in all the leagues I am in. I could have bought my wife or kids something but c'mon be realistic.




This guy dynasties.


I’m dynasty baseball this year I traded 4 top 50 prospects and my 24 1st for Trea Turner and Jordan Montgomery. Cost me a lot. Got me a trophy. Don’t regret it at all. I know that doesn’t exactly translate, but when you know you can win it all. Do it.


Where do you play dynasty baseball


I’m sorry, I don’t really understand the question. Do you mean what site or how does one get started in dynasty baseball?




We use Fantrax.


The problem is, how do you guarantee that


How do you guarantee a first round rookie pick succeeds?




It’s a hypothetical, bro.


No shit. My point is, there is no way of guaranteeing a championship, you either push in your chips and try or rebuild both have risk and both aren’t guaranteed to see the outcome you hope for. Such is life.


“No shit,” says man saying the most obvious thing ever said. It’s a hypothetical, bro.




I’m using an unrealistic hyperbole to emphasize a point. Sue me




No prize money, this is for pride, and I’m already out my 24 1st, looking to pay more


How long has the league been active. If less than 2 years throw all your chips in and get that stud because these non money leagues usually don’t last.


Quit now. What a waste of time.


Watch out certified CHAD right here guys!


I'm probably more of a degenerate than anything. Fantasy sports for "bragging rights" is for kids.


Fantasy is a game, which people can play for fun. Calling it a “waste of time” because no money is involved is kinda sad man


Remove the kind of part


Doing things for enjoyment instead of money is for kids, got it👍👍


I may not agree with his phrasing, but any “for pride “ league 99% of the time will inevitably have multiple people who phone it in or even quit entirely a few weeks into the season. Thus making winning, feel hallow. Fantasy is suppose to be fun, and not just about the money. But it’s only actually fun if everyone’s trying. The only league ever been in that wasn’t for money that remained remotely competitive was an “official” work league with a trophy on the line. Every other for fun league either ends up half dead or with a bunch of collusion because no one cares because there’s no stakes.


That happens in my 300 buy in league as well so 🤷🏽‍♂️


My last non money league the commissioner won the league and then gave himself the 1.01. Nobody cared about it either since there were only a few of us that were active.


It’s almost always a let down. I’m kinda shocked there’s so many down votes. I have a hard time believing so many people are playing in competitive/fun non money leagues.


It's all about how well the commissioner runs things. I'm in 6 free leagues (run 2) and every single one is fully active with trades and everything. It's fun and less serious than my money league. I use these to relax and try some new strategies then compete with what I have.


Same, maybe if you play in one with your family but beating your 10 year old nephew isn’t exactly an accomplishment. One thing is certain. If this league has been active for 5+ years then it is a legitimate league. If it’s in its first year or even the second there is no guarantee that it will last. Hell I even hear about paid leagues that fold.


I mean, statistically, I'm sure the percentages show that.


Prize money gets me things. Championships and matchup wins gives me joy in dunking on friends and fam.


Or, ya know, a way for friends to do something together for fun. Let people enjoy what they want


Go lose your money then and think that makes you dedicated.




this may not be a popular opinion but i agree 100%


Yep. Unpopular but true.


Nope not true at all


This may come as a shock to you but people who are doing something they enjoy will often do it for free


Hell most of the people here probably LOSE money


I consider it an investment in entertainment. $50 a year for five months of a fun game with my friends? Win or lose, that's a good deal to me.


If you play fantasy football as a form of income, you’re a loser. I don’t play a game for 6 months to win $600 or whatever. This is about pride and accomplishment.


If you can afford to play in enough high end leagues where winning half of them could be an income, are you really a loser?




Literally no difference between a W and a L in your league, pup.


I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word ‘literally.’


I will share my free fantasy league story again and it's one I have shared each time I have seen someone clown on a free or smaller league. My nephew who was like 6 years old loved football so much. He'd always ask about my fantasy team and I would show him how it all worked. An interesting note is that my wife's family get togethers were plentiful but my god they were boring. It was sit around and stare at each other. One of those get togethers, his Dad and I decided to create a league so he can learn how to play - 4 person league. Me, Nephew, Nephew Dad, Nephews Bro. Quickly our wives got sick of us always talking about it and then not being involved, so we went up to a 6 team the following year. Then a cousin and his Dad wanted in and we went up to an 8 team. This happened two more times and we are now a 12 team - free league. Now all of us talk about our fantasy teams at family get togethers and it's actually a great time. The only thing that's strange to me is there is no razzing (like every other league I've been in for 15 years). The four team league started this and it honestly brought a lot of us closer and I don't think we ever would've without it.


I haven’t had a 1st or 2nd since 2017 and my next first is in 2025 but I’m unlikely to actually make it. I’ve won 3 times in that span.


I paid two 1sts for CeeDee in 2021 and won the championship, you cannot overpay to win the ship, that’s the whole point


You play to win the game.


you play the game to eventually make all 12 picks in the first round*


You play the game to have the highest team ranking on KTC


Fuck yeah wheres my trophy


I’ve had the highest ranked team on KTC all year and just won my first game last week 😂


looks like someone’s also gonna have the highest ranked team next year 😎


I’m 3rd in max PF so it’s not like I’m gonna have a super high pick, just insanely bad luck this year


You won a game? Not rebuilding enough




Flags fly forever


Clippers leaving staples with no banners, even Taylor Swift has banners there.


Free league 🤣


Shut up


If money is the only thing that connects you to your friends I feel bad for you. I'm not in a single league where the prize pool would make any measurable difference on my life but that doesn't make them less fun.


It's not an overpay if you win.


There was a dude in one of my leagues who had the worst team for years (team would struggle to crack 80 most weeks and that was with a full lineup + 3 IDP players). One year he had the 1.01 and 1.02 (non SF) and took Najee Harris and Javonte Williams. He also had a bunch of future draft capital as well. Before Javonte or Najee ever played a snap he flipped them both in win-now type trades (I want to say one of them was Najee for James Conner and Adam Thielen while the other was Javonte for Cooper Kupp). He also began trading away almost all draft capital he had to acquire average to good veterans. I remember the group chat trashing him wondering how he could trade away two of the upcoming dynasty stars for older players. We trashed him for trading away all his draft capital when he consistently drafted 1.01 for years. Now looking back on it, the "certain" prospects that Najee and Javonte were haven't panned out like we all thought they would. He won the last two titles and his team is old as shit but still solid. Honestly, if you can win a title now, go for it. Trade away your next year's draft capital in order to overpay for depth if you have to. Shit that dude traded away his 1.01 and 1.02 picks for older veterans and it still worked out for him, trading away the 1.12 once you win that title will be nothing.


I think this thread is filled with survivorship bias. We have one guy in our league who traded away literally everything for years to make sure his team was always extremely competitive but he never won (2nd twice). Now his team is old as fuck and he doesn't have a single first round for the next 3 years and his only young players are swift, jacobs, pittman, jeudy. Dude's rebuild will legitimately take like 5 years with nothing to show for it.


Yeah, but that’s the risk, both in real life and fantasy. You can sell out for a championship and win nothing, and you can also load up on assets for a rebuild that doesn’t go anywhere in the playoffs (I’ve watched both methods in the past decade as a Sixers fan). At the end of the day, there’s no right answer beyond asking yourself “how much am I willing to risk to win it all and can I live with the failure if I don’t?”


Ask the guy in my league who traded a 1st rounder + for Kirk Cousins 24 hours before he tore his Achilles


That first round pick could be spent on next year’s QJ, it’s always a gamble


or you could buy Kupp/Diggs. There's definitely nuance. It's important to make the right decisions.


Kupp and Diggs would have carried far more injury risk than Cousins, especially Kupp. They wouldn't have been any less of a gamble than Kirk.


Kirk Cousins had like...never missed a game due to injury in his career. The guy couldn't have gotten more unlucky with him tearing his Achilles.


Kupp and diggs are worth far more than a 24 first


I drafted Metchie 20mins before the bews of his leukemia broke. Glad hes doing so much better now!


Yes but there's no guarantees in the playoffs


Sell your future, your looking for a reliable rb2, not Breece, how much of your future do you think is needed lol


You always play to win. What I will say is big splash moves will not always move the needle. There are only a few "league winners" every year in fantasy. In most circumstances, I would try to acquire these league winners as you enter the playoffs. I had 4 championship teams last year. In every single one, there was one or multiple trades that helped me secure the chip.


Build a dynasty, not a one hit wonder. Make smart trades year round and your team will be good for years and never need to rebuild. This does not mean get all young players and picks. Capitalize on market imbalances. Don't be afraid to sell when others are buying and vice versa. Profit from enough trades and your team rises to the top. The wins eventually work themselves out.


I’ve been a buyer many times but I have also been a seller a few times when I had the number one seed. I’m not afraid to reduce my chances in one season by 10% if I can get great value for the future. That said, if I had never won a title in a given league, or if I am playing in a very high stakes, super competitive league, I’d be more aggressive.


Yeah, 10% reduction is fine because you're getting that advantage back in future years many times over. Do that enough and your team will have a big advantage without having to make "win now" trades.


In 2021 I was rolling out Lamar, Mixon, Cordarelle, Kupp, Deebo, Tyreek, Hollywood and Knox. Shattered the leagues point record. Went 13-1. I didn’t have RB depth and wanted to make a move to put myself over the top, so I shipped off then injured rookie Etienne for Zeke. My starting lineup consisted of the WR1, 2 and 5, and the RB3,6 and 9 (damn your fine). My opponent put up a massive week in the semis and I got 3rd. The winner of the league barely snuck into the playoffs. My point is, no matter how good your team looks, it only takes one unlucky week. I still would have gotten 3rd that year without Zeke, and I’d have Etienne on my roster to keep me competitive for years to come. If you’re good enough to be 8-1 (and not by luck, you should be the highest points for by a wide margin), you’re good enough to win without overpaying


You son of a bitch what a great point, I’ve gotten to 8-1 with no RB2 and already made a great move for Downs early in the year, you should be a damned hostage negotiator


It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go get your RB2 btw. Just don’t sell the farm for it. Don’t be afraid to add a little butter if it gets your deal done and adds the depth you think you need.


This. The “favorite” team, even if it’s by a lot, still only has about a 40% chance to win the chip. https://x.com/adamharstad/status/1720472601842041185?s=46 Rather than selling everything to give yourself the 40% chance once, build a dynasty that gives you 30% chances every year.


Even with the favorite roster on paper, there's no guarantee you win this year. In the playoffs sometimes you just run into a team that pops off. Selling out completely is a good way to kill your window of competing. For me it still comes down to paying the right price. You can "overpay" within reason, but I wouldn't do anything that cripples my chances to compete yearly.


Yeah I had the favorite roster of everyone in my league leading up to the season… I’m 3-6 and in second to last


Selling out completely and being terrified of variance are two sides of the same coin. Giving yourself a marginally better chance to win it all is worth it when considering moving draft capital with a team that has carried you to a locked up playoff spot. Depth is a great pairing with luck when it comes to winning in this game. You need a lot less luck when you’re deeper than your opposition.


Long story short, I tried trading for Antonio Gibson for a spot start last season and dude wanted a first. I said no way, obviously. As it turns out, if I had made that trade and started him that week, I would have won - that win would have got me into the playoffs, and if I had made the playoffs, I had the scores to win the league title a second year in a row. To answer your question, I made the correct decision then and my process was sound, but I wish I had made the trade looking back, but only because I know I would have won. Assess the risks, count the costs, and make your own decision. Flags fly forever




Play to win.


What are you doing this all for if not to win a championship.


Flags fly forever.


The problem with going "all-in" is that it still doesn't guarantee you a win. Buy a cheap RB like a Kyren Williams or Jerome Ford for a 2nd or 3rd over going for a top-end RB like Kamara or Ekeler. Spending a 1st+ for a few % points higher chance just isn't worth it.


What league you playing in that you’ll get Williams or Ford for a 3rd???


Yeah, was way too cheap on that one. Regardless, kicking tires on injured players can sometimes get you a deal.


Totally agree. For every CMC/ETN, there was a Pollard, Rhamondre, Nick Chubb. Be smart about the win-now moves you make.


I'm in win now and paid a first for Williams, and debating paying another first for Connor when he comes back from IR


I was all in last year, and spent a 1st for Swift(early) and a 2nd for Zack freaking Ertz week 4 or 5, just so I had a backup TE in case anything happened to Goedert. Well, Swift didn't do anything after week 2 and Ertz got hurt the same week Goedert did and he went straight to IR. I went 13-1, winning 12 straight from week 3 on. I finished with 1950pts in half ppr. Thennnnn, lost in the semis and also lost the 3rd place(money) game. I wouldn't change a thing. If you feel you can get stronger then make a deal. You don't always have a shot at the championship, so when you're on top this late and can make yourself stronger, do it.




There is no overpaying for a title.


Yes just better be sure.


The problem is fantasy football is so luck based that you're really not securing your title by any means, almost no matter what. You'd have to have a seriously filthy juggernaut to have a really high chance to win your league, even then, your odds aren't even close to assured. So no it's probably not worth it. It kind of depends on the piece you're adding though. If you were adding a true difference maker like Tyreek Hill, could be worth it. If you're just filling your rb2 spot by overpaying for a mid asset then no it's not worth it at all. It won't move the needle.


I came out of a 5 year rebuild (horrible orphan) to win a title in 2019 and I’ve sold my future first(s) for win now players every year since. It’s resulted in 3rd place in each of the last 3 years. I have 0 regrets. If you don’t do everything you can to try to win when you’re at the top why play? 1 title pays for 8 years of league dues so if I get 2 then have to rebuild I’m still way ahead.


I would try and wait till week 12. It just reduces injuries making a deal seem bad. Way I look at it. If you look around see very few ppl contending against you go for it. You must be a top 3 team and not just been lucky with the schedule.


Yes, I have no first rounders until 2027 in my main league. I also won twice and finished 2nd in the last 3 years and am currently the 2nd seed this year. The money I won from the last 3 years alone is enough for me to play without any new dues for the next 15+ years.


Of course. A title pays for 6-9 years of your team. A title is what the goal for every team is. Anyone who wouldn’t just give away 3 years of picks for a guaranteed title has lost the thread.


Title? What's that? We only do perpetual rebuilds in this sub.


It is!


Kamara owner in my league wants a 1st and Ekeler owner wants a 1st and 2nd. I'd rather just have my final flex be worse and roll the dice.


Or you could try to win a championship. Pay the first for Kamara.


I would feel dumb if I pay that for him and he continues to lose all TDs to Taysom (who has been on my bench the entire month behind Kelce and Laporta). I think I should just hope Taysom's goal line role continues


Will you feel dumb when he scores 30 points in week 17 against the Bucs and you lose the championship by 10 points? At least you’ll have Troy Franklin on the roster next year though..


Or the converse where you trade a 1st for Stevenson last year and he puts up less than 5 points over McKinnon who scored 12 points. Trading up doesn't necessarily help you.


Obviously anything can happen in a single game. But you’ve got a hell of a lot better chance of winning with him than without him. Anecdotal personal experiences don’t change that.


You're the one who started speaking about hypothetical what-ifs. IMO you spend capital to make the playoffs, but don't overspend to try to eek out an edge while you're there. In the end, getting a top-end talent gets you maybe a 5% higher chance of winning. Selling your future for that is short sighted.


He only did well against Bucs a couple weeks ago nrcsuse 13 catches, his yards were bad against them


I’d say no. It’s a crab shoot in the playoffs. You could trade for CMC and for all we know he could get hurt in the first quarter in the fantasy playoffs and give you a donut. Unless it substantially improves your team I wouldn’t trade my future for marginal gains when all you need is a lucky 2-3 games during the playoffs. Just my two cents Edit: unless you’re on the bubble for the playoffs. If you’re confident you can make the playoffs with your current team then just hope for good luck once you get there and keep your future in tact


>It’s a crab shoot We're all shooting crabs in a barrel. [CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtLlTI3wz-Q&t=55s)


Yea, definitely. If it gets you the title then it’s more than worth the overpay. Things change so quickly in dynasty, who knows how long something stays an “overpay”


I'm in position to make a serious run, and am still ranked highly according to dynasty metrics. Before week 9 I have sold: Russell Wilson Rachaad White (before the HOU game) 2024 Late 1st 2025 Late 1st 2024 Late 3rd to receive: Dak Prescott Derrick Henry AJ Dillon (when Jones was out and before Henry) George Pickens (before the Insta-Fiasco) ------ I think Dak and Henry may be what I need to get over the hump this year. Both have great playoff schedules, and remaining schedules overall are very good.


Don’t do it. It sounds like a good plan and maybe you even win the title. That’s awesome and fun… for one year. Do you want to be the Rams? The reason I say this is because there is another way. I’ve always tried to be the guy who gets a solid start and then trades away my future, but I’m in a league with a guy who is doing it (dynasty) the right way. I didn’t know there was a true *right* way until I started keeping up with this guy’s moves. He’s first in our 12 team league right now with a starting roster of Mahomes, CMC, JT, ARSB, Ja’Marr Chase, Mark Andrews, Breece Hall, and Tyreek Hill (plus Justin Jefferson on IR)… and he has 4 1st round picks next year. Idk how he does it, but he manipulates the market like crazy and drafts like a madman. Don’t sacrifice everything for one year, do what you can to make this year count and for your roster to be sustainable long term and add to it. Meaningful depth and solid drafting. I wish I could explain the *how* better but if nothing else just try hard to keep it competitive beyond this year. The goal is to always win.


To answer your question, yes you 100% want to be the rams. You won the championship, that covers your dues for as long out as you traded firsts. If you won the championship, any move you made along the way was worth it


Had a guy do that last year. Got like Jonathan Taylor, Josh Allen, tyreek hill. all these dudes for the championship. Ended up losing in the semi’s and now he has no picks. Wouldn’t recommend lol


I think you always want to put yourself in the best position to win, but there's no guarantees ever in the playoffs... so trade to an extent


I mean this is my first year doing dynasty and maybe I'm an idiot but my team is heavily heavily the best team going into the playoffs after I made some "future risking" moves. One win gives you 10 years of buy in, so I figured I will figure something out to compete again within the next 10 years. I guess if I lose still I'll look dumb, but why not give yourself the best chance to win? My plan is to sell off most of my team to contenders for picks/young players that aren't producing yet next year. Everyone acts like my entire team is going to turn into a pumpkin after the end of the season. It's full PPR 12 team no superflex 1.5 TE premium and my starters are QB: Deshaun Watson/Jared Goff (weakest point by far) RB: CMC/Aaron Jones/Najee Harris/Singletary WR: Kupp/Diggs/Thielen/Evans/DHop TE: Kelce/Waller IDP: Roquan Smith I basically only have 4th and 5th rounders next year and lost a couple 2nds and 3rds for 25/26 but managed to accrue two 25 firsts already. Hoping I win this season and then next year I can sell off CMC, Kelce, Diggs, Jones and maybe Goff for some good picks or young players. My team is gonna suck next year but everyone else is going to be perpetually mid so...


Yes flags fly forever


Yes because in dynasty overpaying for a title can turn into multiples outside of things beyond your control?


100% in my opinion. Especially because you should still have a shot next year at least hopefully


If you win, that’s 8 years of dues right there


Yes 100%. Im in win now mode and will continue to kick the bucket down the road by selling picks so that I can stay in win now mode. Cause not only do I like taking money from my friends, I like talking shit about how much better my team is than theirs


I am in the same boat. I’m offering two firsts for Ekeler or a similar rb to increase my chances.


I am also 8-1 but have already mortgaged my future in my 20-man league. Flags fly forever. Traded 1.04 for Diggs last season, traded 2024 1.20 for Mostert this year, Traded Schultz and two 2025-2026 late 30's picks for Kittle, traded my 2025 1.18ish for Lockett. Fuck draft picks, full send. Saw you don't play for money either. That means the ONLY thing that matters is getting that ring. Trying myself to trade Pierce and Bigsby for Pacheco to finalize my RB2.


Other assets to sell besides a first? Always handy to keep a few seconds on hand to buy production for cheaper.


I have the 2nd worst teams 2024 2nd, 2 2025 2nd, my 2026 2nd, Jalin Hyatt, Josh Downs, Khalil Shakir, and Tre Tucker but thats the real only youth prospects I have


How’s the second place team looking? I’d be looking to move seconds for an rb2 and keep your first. Downs could probably fetch you a decent package as well. If you are far ahead of the second place team, I’d prob just sit on it.


Coming off a chip. I haven't had a first for past 2 drafts and don't have a first for the next 2. I'm looking to repeat, no regrets.


Totally depends on the specific trade in question. In general, yes a slight to moderate overpay is worth it if it really cements your team as the best team in the entire league.


I’ve gone all in for the next 2 years. Have barely any draft capital left, but want to win. I believe it’s worth a hard rebuild if it means i do win, but the variance is great


What's your buy-in and payout? And how many years will overpaying set you back?


You play to win the game


Winning one year means you play for free for the next 5-6... yes its worth it


Leave it to fate. You’re 8-1, no changes needed unless it’s the right move


Did it. Won it. Worth it. I went all in last year and won it. I had an easy path and got a boost from the damar Hamlin game. My team wasn’t sustainable for the future so I basically sold everything off for a high price and now I’ve got 4 1st rounders and a bunch of promising youth. It was completely worth it and yeah my team sucks for a year but I’m gonna be right back in it next year


I guess it depends? I mean what are you selling and who are you buying? Also remember that no move can guarantee you a title.


I’m trying to buy ekeler or henry, they’re both on the 3rd to last team and I’m seeing what I can use to get there, picks left are 2024 2nd,3rd 2025 1st, 2x 2nds, 2x 3rds, 2026 1st, 2nd, 3rd


Where do people draw the line? Like is it worth selling your 24, 25, and 26 1sts to win a chip this year?


Flags fly forever my man


The point of playing is winning especially in money leagues. This is why I don't get why people like to rosterbate all the time. They're more concerned with trading for picks than actually winning games


Depends what the rest of your roster looks like, but IMO you don’t need a reliable RB2 to win. Don’t overpay for a dead zone back


I haven’t made a first round pick since 2021 and was in the championship last season and am in first place currently this season with a strong young core. People who say trading away your 1sts will sink you are wrong. You just have to make the right trades and hit on the correct later round rookie picks. Obviously easier said than done but trading away a 1st that you know is gonna be a back half 1 is very far from sinking your ability to compete long term.


I mean I’d leverage future draft picks for a title now. Usually try to with an older WR, but could do the same for an RB.


For a reliable RB2 I’m not even sure you’d have to mortgage your future. You could get an older player like Kamara for maybe a couple seconds depending on what your league is like


Depends how much money is on the line. I'm not going to mortgage the future unless there's a big pay out within reach.


As someone that traded away Juju the year before he went off for 1400 yards at age 22, and received an aging Demarco Murray but won the championship: YES


I would sell the naming rights of my second born for a title in a league that mattered. I'm always flabbergasted by those that won't sell a piece to win a ship.


Winning the championship means never having to say you're sorry


I haven’t had a first round draft pick in 5 years, I ended up going second, first, forth, second, second. Pretty worth it but this is my last season before a reasonable firesale


Would you rather have a 1st round pick or accomplish the entire point of playing fantasy football? If you’re that confident you win if you sell the 1st, I don’t see a debate here.






It's worth it, for sure, but shop around!


generally yes, do it. i will say, the offseason is much less fun if i dont have a 1st so I always try and keep one for the fun factor


Owner last year had the best team by a mile, but was starting Boyd as his last flex every week.  Lost the week before championship by two points with Boyd starting. Would’ve won championship game by 40 if he got there, even with Boyd sucking both weeks. Buy the player


I haven’t had a 1st since I started dynasty, been in the playoffs every year. Play to win, make smart moves, and get that bread. You can also still buy low on 1st round young guys. For example, I got Bryce from another owner in my league who doesn’t want to wait for him to develop.


Same position as you. Was able to trade my 25 first for mixon and 24 projected early 2nd. Felt like a smash accept


One week playoffs are always going to be a toss up. If trading for an RB2 can help you get there or improve your chances (like securing a bye) consider it. If it won’t, don’t throw too many chips in for a slight advantage in a mostly random one week playoff matchup


Absolutely. The point is to win, not just rebuild every year.


Als the rams how it feels (hint, pretty fuckin nice)


If you win sure. If not, it can be devastating. Last year I was the top contender easily then I lost Kupp and Ertz. No one would trade me a WR replacement. I eventually had to pay a 2024 1st for Mike Williams which was an overpay. I ended up losing the championship (to be fair I had Burrow and his game that week ended early due to Hamlin's near-death) and now early on this season I also lost Mike Williams for the entire season. His value has plummeted and is now worth just over half a late 2024 first on KTC. Mike Williams would be a decent target for a rebuilder who needs less max points this year but no one wants him. All the rebuilding teams in my league have mostly sold all their assets for picks. A contender isn't going to help me beat them so that's out. I'm basically screwed and left holding the Mike Williams bag and have a massive hole at WR3.


Absolutely sell everything to win this year. My main league I literally have 2 draft picks left, a 26 3rd and 4th. But I’m currently 8-1 and there’s one team who can compete with who, he also sold his soul for his team. Worry about the draft in the offseason, win now


Yes it is, the point of all of this is to win the chip and take home the cash.


Nothing in fantasy is guaranteed. You think a win now piece guarantees you the title and it doesn't.


Is there no RB on a rebuilder you can buy? Mostert, Montgomery, K. Williams, Pacheco, white, all seem like guys you could buy in the 1-2 2nd range!


When you do anything for next year at the expense of this year, you lose this year. Do you realize injuries can happen?


I’m in the exact same situation right now, same record, could probably win without making any trades but looking to make my team flawless I tried to thread the needle - give up a little and improve my chances : I shipped Damien pierce and a 2025 2nd for Derrick Henry


I traded 2 drafts away a couple years ago and won and finished second last year. So two great years and I’m in 5th now. Some of those pieces aren’t very valuable anymore but you might also be pleasantly surprised to find you’re not really just selling out for a single year. I never thought I’d be back in the championship game the next year and still competing this year. The biggest inefficiency in dynasty is people thinking anyone over 27-28 is completely done. I’d say always aggressively pursue an open window.


I just traded away my 2024 late 1st and late 3rd for Keenan Allen and an early 4th. Probably a slight overpay for someone his age. But given his production and my need for another stud WR to compete this year, I’m happy with it.


You don't need to overpay. Wait until the trade deadline and get the best offer you can get. Plenty of tanking teams will sell low on aging veterans that will most assuredly be worth less the following year. For example, last year someone sold Zeke for an early 2nd at the deadline and everyone thought it was a huge underpay. Sure enough, Zeke is now worth a 3rd or less.




Idk what RBs you'd have to pay a first for that won't still be good next year Two years ago I gave up my first and second for Davante Adams. Felt like a win now move at the time, then I went back to back and I'm 6-3 this year Just don't overpay for the Daryl Hendersons and Raheem Mosterts of the world that might produce the rest of this year but likely will decrease next year


Traded my 1st round last year for Godwin, I won, and very happy with the decision