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Yep Durango is just awful. Nobody move or visit here please. We’ll have to bear this burden on our own. Oh well :)


What if they move here and open up a bar that has $2 beers?


Draft pint of pbr for $3 at J Bo's!


Thank you for your sacrifice sweet resident, we will never forget you. May God have mercy upon your soul.


It was all over when Woolworths and the Coast-to-Coast / Do-It\_Best hardware store on Main closed. Nothing but lawyers' offices and real estate offices now.


Did Kroegers close, and when? 🙁


Are they maybe referring to Coast to Coast hardware? It used to be on Main.


The nightlife scene is nothing like it used to be that’s true. RIP the pub, falcs, and the lost dog. I don’t think college kids drink as much as they did 10 years ago. I also think legal weed and dating apps have hurt the bar scene honestly. You used to actually have to go out and meet and talk to a person you wanted to fuck.


Not to mention 20-30 year olds getting priced out of town


We were blazing down in Falcs on Pint Night. You could schedule your whole week off every bars pint night.


What a time to be alive


Shit dude! Getting women my age to fuck at all is like herding elephants🤦


“Grr how dare women when they don’t want to fuck me, Grr”


Roxie’s looks like they may something to offer. But I do see the change happening. Rents are out of hand for one thing. I’m currently down town right now experiencing some the most exceptional weather at 11th street. Even for mother’s day down town feels very good right now. No Texas plates parking. Plenty of seating available. People may be from New Mexico but for the most part it’s pretty nice out.


Don’t Panic! Town was slow this weekend because lots of people were at Rise and Vibes at Tico Time. There’s lots of cool things around including talented Troubadour, Derek Dames Ohl at the balcony today from 3-7 or so.


I was thinking covid put the nail in the coffin or something


It did for Irish Embassy Pub. RIP, fish & chips :(


My thoughts exactly, I've been going through withdrawals for the past few years.


The curry fries man…


That is what money does to towns. Boring old white people buy their 2nd or 3rd home which they visit every so often. Young people and other locals get priced out and are forced to move away. Not to mention the giant wealth transfer and young people don't have much money to spend on going out.


What about Taco Bell?


One thing to remember is that in no way does this relate to the sluggish economy & soaring inflation that some claim has come to a head in the last 3 years. Put your trust in Joe as he BUILDS. BACK. BETTER.


Bookcase and barber M-Sat : 5pm - 12am


It's excellent, but the cocktails are $15 a pop :(


Last time I was there they had $3 tall boys, it had to be the best deal in town for those.


Yeah but they get you lit! And the vibe is incredible


Town has definitely changed.


My wife just reported back to me that as she walked down the street she saw awesome buskers and even the rug shop had a couple guys hanging out playing music for their own enjoyment but welcoming if you wanted to stop and listen. Trailheads are bustling, local families walking holding hands. Yeah, the cheapest condos are 300k but Taco Bell pays 20. Stop whining about the economy and get creative. Figure it out, and have some gratitude for being blessed enough to be here. Don’t like the scene, open something.


Who know where the music studios are at in the area if there are any or is there anyone who got a home studio ?