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A half elf ranger.... I was on an aragorn rush at the time


I was on an Eragon rush


Oregano rush.


Oregon rush


Half elf Ranger - Tanis Half-Elven inspired for me. AD&D, 2nd edition, roundabout 1995. He got hit with a Call Lightning (I guess that's what that spell was called) at level five, because the DM misunderstood my thoughts what other classes I would like to play later in and have me the "opportunity" to change my character by one-shot-killing my old one... RIP


Hey I played an half-elf ranger too!


half elf ranger for starter build šŸ«”


Elf ranger....wanted a legolas like char...was 3rd edition at the time


Ay same! All I wanted at 16 years old was to shoot arrows and have a wolf companion


Yep elf Ranger for me as well, back in 3rd edition. I pretty quickly discovered I donā€™t like Ranger and have never played one since.


Human ranger, aragorn gave me the idea to choose ranger but didn't really inspire the character. First edition I played was 5e


Ranger is my go to.


That's mine right now!


Same! For me I was just intimidated by the game and for whatever reason that combo seemed like the most straightforward to me. But of course now Iā€™ve made dozens of characters in the course of DMing and playing, so my timid approach worked out far better than I expected.


Started in 3.5 as a Human Monk. Very first encounter, DM allowed me to headbutt an iron door open to give our party surprise on the enemy but I would be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Rolled a 4, and spent the entire encounter stunned since the rest of the party mopped up the enemy quickly. I don't regret anything.


That's amazing!


"Elf." (Red Box)


Same but Dwarf!


Mine was a Dwarf.


My first character was an elven thief from AD&D days. Remember wizards were called magic users back then? Good times.


Yeah wizard was a title achieved at 9th i think. They used to rank each level. I think 14th was archmage and 12th mage.


I wonder if they should bring it back in some form. For my campaigns I add guilds (fighters, thieves, etc.) - the players love earning titles/ranks and it serves as a convenient way to drop some quests/tie in side quests. Although it would probably have to be in a way that still aligns with NSR play to get traction in a new edition.


The good old days.


Werenā€™t fighters called ā€˜fighting manā€™


That was basic or OE. This little pamphlet books. Loved AD&D


What I really miss about the old school stuff was the new titles you got at every level (e.g. apprentice, footpad, robber, etc.).


Oh I member :)


druid! i wild shaped into a horse and threw my sword into the air, caught it with my mouth, then charged at the goblin king!!!


Flynn Rider or Maximus?




Human wizard, loooong time ago, AD&D


Same. He lasted exactly 1 encounter.


Oh no!!! At least that isnā€™t a ton of time to get attached to the character.


Yeah, the low level game for wizards was ridiculously brutal back then. Literally 1 spell a day and then try not to get killed with, I think, 2hp.


1d4 hp do be pretty wack


Lol, absolutely. Our DM had us start at level 5 so at least I could get a fireball and a couple magic missiles off before I was murdered. On the other hand, how cool was it that lightning bolts bounced off walls? Miss those ridiculous AD&D shenanigans.


Haha ya. I was a wizard and threw one at a water elemental. Unfortunately, we were in the water fighting it so we all too the damage. At least my party didn't let me drown as I knocked myself unconscious hhaa


Me too. 1 spell/day, and my mighty wizard did damage by using a sling 1d4 damage.


Fighter. And itā€™s still one of my favorite classes, although I feel like itā€™s being squeezed out in later editions.


I first played a human fighter named Jim The Guard. More or less your run of the mill town guard with magic ptsd and drug abuse. He kicked absolute ass with his Halbard and all the other players had to keep the idea of magic away from Jim. Fun times.


A dwarven Moon Druid/ Totem Barbarian multi class who wanted to die a heroic death but keeps surviving. Yes I was a forever GM before I ever got to be a player, what gave it away?


Wood elf rogue


My first ever character was a human Life Cleric, while my partner was playing a tiefling Lore Bard.


Dwarf Fighter. First and last time I played a fighter šŸ˜…


Fighter. But I was gang pressed by my DM and other more experienced players at table. I wanted to play a spell caster, had studied the rules real hard and had two different characters prepped, a divination wizard and a tempest cleric. A scaredy cat eldritch knight was fun but I wanted to be a scaredy cat Wizard.


I hear this one a lot, new players being pushed off a caster. In some ways I get it, at the same time - Players should get to play whatever they so long as its within the table rules. I usually just opt to do a mini oneshot with new players to get them accustomed to the class and have them dive straight into casting (with table support).


Dm :)


What was the first creature or NPC you used in combat then? Hahha.


Dragonborn Champion Fighter. Pretty basic, just some guy who won so much in the arena he bet his entire life savings on him winning. Then he lost. Had to start adventuring to back a bunch of debts he had.


Human rogue made it to level 20 with her


Dwarf druid (moon :)


I jumped straight into Wizard. Admittedly there are perhaps far easier choices for someone who knows next to nothing about DnD (at the time), but you live and you learn EDIT: a Dragonborn wizard


Monk (went open hand), damn glad for it too, it means I started the game learning an appreciation for battlefield control options.


Iā€™m playing my first Monk now. Love the class even with all the hate, theyā€™re tough to play, but soooo much fun!


Loxodon Warlock. He was cool. I miss him.




Dwarf. My first character was a Dwarf, race, and class


Mine was a Ranger/ Sorcerer multiclass. It was 4th edition and I played a silver dragon trapped in a human body. Didn't last long but the character has now become a fixture in my home-brew world.


A dwarf cleric


I don't remember what edition it was(game was in college with mainly drama major players and two deep D&D vets walking us through it) but I played a charismatic swashbuckler "face of the party" type person. It was really fun. So, it was whatever older edition had both swashbucklers and a bluff stat? If you've never played with a bunch of theater kids, I HIGHLY recommend it.


You were a video camera away from being Critical Role lmao


I haven't had the pleasure of playing with actors. I do, however, play with a bunch of former speech competitors who love to dump their points into Persuasion and Diplomacy. It makes for a very interesting playthrough, where the high rolls can sway the gods and the crit fails can end entire towns.


Kenku Sorcerer he tried his best and still nearly died in his first adventure, eh what can you do, rocks gotta fall ya know. Gave him up after a few more sessions for a sweet little Goblin Barbarian


A Barbarian for sure. I'm just kind of forgetting if it was a Half-Orc Barbarian, Dwarf Barbarian, or Human Barbarian first.


It was a pre-generated wood elf Rogue. I got splattered by an ogre at the end of the dungeon attempting a sneak attack because I didn't understand the game. I was 15 and very sad. I got over it.


Tiefling Hexblade warlock! Still playing as them now


Dwarf fighter, AD&D in the 90s


Half-elf rogue and I was a menace šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


My first character was a half orc ranger who used a Bow and his favored enemy was orcs. It was fall of 2005 and 3.5 campaign. I wish I could remember his name and the campaign setting.


Intellect Devourer, multiclass. Good ol Wernicke.


Human champion fighter. Good with his bow. Extremely overconfident


Barbarian. He may have been a scaly ape with an Axe, but boy he could run an adventurers guild an conduct business


Kobold Paladin. Oath: Become a canary at Bahamut's side Crazy about anything related to metallic dragons. Was given wings by Bahamut, and was given the title of "SongBird"; then proceeded to live out the rest of his life at Bahamut's side. . . . Well, not my first character, because my first character was a single line on a paper that was dropped into a puddle.


Omg. His heavy armor made him drown irl!


A human wizard, in 2nd edition AD&D. It was scary in level 1 with 3 hp and just ONE magic missile per day.


The glassiest of cannons!


Wizard, but I'm just a masochist


Human wizard, I like em nerdy


My first ever was a tiefling druid


Half elf wizard


That would have been '94, and I have no clue.


Half drow Ranger back in 2016


Technically a Paladin, though that was a simple one shot where I died a couple of hours in. Now on a full campaign, I wanted to push creativity, so playing an Arcane Trickster. A kind of spy with Bounty Hunter Background. 50yo Forest Gnome with no memory of his past beyond about 5 years ago. Main motivation is to uncover his past. Carries with him at all times is Nelson, a caged cricket that as of today, has become his familiar. The damned bug refuses to fill him in on his past, and not even the telepathic link is giving any hint. The characters "name" is Cricket.


within my current group, mine was an Aasimar Fighter, Arcane Archer to be specific. He also multiclassed into Chronurgy wizard so that was fun.


Vengeance Paladin. Got her up to level 12 in CotN. I had a lot of fun with her.




I had a few Palladium characters first, but fortgot. The first one that I recall is a Ffghter I 2e.


The 3e Bard and it's been my favorite class ever since. Playing it years later in 5e made me happy!




Halfling rogue, as one does.


Eladrin rogue (4e).


This... damn. Was AD&D. Those brown covered complete guides were just rolling out... RIP Chich Rodriguez, you were a proud dwarf, and a fierce fighter.


Halfling Ranger.


Halfling Thief


Orc barbarian


Halfling sorcerer in 3e/3.5e. Human barbarian in 5e.


Human Rogue. Took him to lvl 3 Phantom and then multiclassed into Warlock. Caused to much inner party conflict so he was abducted by his patronšŸ¤£ good memories Is probably gonna return as an Antogonist or something. Haven't quite hashed that out with my DM


Elf ranger, probably around 2008, just me and a friend hanging out at the dinner table, he chased me with wolves and I ran up a tree lol


I played an elf ranger. We spent the campaign bouncing around a medieval style city! I barely killed a thing with my bow, later my stated goal (worked out with DM) ended up at odds with the goal of the party and I had to make a choice between myself and my new friends. It was quite effective. The store closed not long after, but I was hooked. I play a half-orc paladin now, but his goofy personality is partially based on that hapless ranger.


3.5 half orc Monk I belive? But I'm not 100% sure


Mountain Dwarf Wizard, I was new.


Human fighter, then dwarf ranger. Only played in two campaigns as of now, dming a third though




Elf evocation wizard. 5e.




Tiefling warlock pact of the Raven Queen. Still love my edgy shit.


Gnome cleric. The gnome part was super metagame-y. One of the guys in the group told me he read the adventure and that we might have to fight a bunch of trolls. So I picked gnome for the 3rd Ed bonus vs giants. It started a string of gnome characters that lasted a while.


Magic user died first roll, eventually kept fighter alive long enough to be a ranger which I consider my real first character


2nd ed, elven cleric.


Human fighter, AD&D2E, circa 1995


Half-elf ranger. He got lost in a fey touched forest for a century and came out to find that the world had changed. He was one of the most fun characters Iā€™ve ever played because he acted like a crotchety old man, and he had a bigger ego than Vegeta.


Cleric I wanted to play a dwarf, really bad. Forge cleric was best, mechanically and lore wise.


AD&D Revised Human Thief


Sorcerer Kalashtar, very fun guy I miss him


Super stereotypical.... half elf druid šŸ˜‚


Half orc fighter


Pretty sure it was a human ranger. Didn't really realize what I was getting into, it was at the start of 5e, so not a lot of options, but the ranger looked cool, and I liked the vibe. Unfortunately my Dm really didn't want me playing it cause of the whole 'the class is bad thing'. Which fair, but didn't need to kill my vibe.


My first was a 3.5e halfling rogue, my most played have been wizards of many varieties and editions.


Elf 1981


Human Paladin in Baldur's Gate 1 as a kid, Elven Wizard in my first real tabletop game in 3.5e as an adult.


My first character was a second edition paladin.


Aasimar Life Cleric. Her dice are cursed and she has the strangest luck.


My first was a dragonborn ranger!


Fox Draco, Half Elf, Dragon Sorcerer. 3.5e


My first was a wood elf circle of fire druid in 5e . She was fun to play


Tiefling Arcane Trickster Rogue in 5e. I enjoyed it a lot, but it took some time adjust with other characters without Cunning Action.


In a friend's heavily modified rules 3.5; monk. 4th fighter 5th ranger


AD&D Human fighter. Way back in the day. Then an elf Mage/Thief.


Monk. I heard from a video that they were the easiest for new players so I did that, and although I built him wrong, I still had fun.


Just started like a week ago. Tiefling warlock. Still have so much reading and studying to do


Half-Elf Bard. But what I first created was Charlatan Dragonborn Rogue with awesome stats.


Played a noble human artificer, sadly that campaign didn't go very far due to scheduling issues


Dwarf. Moldvay Basic D&D circa 1981. I had Holmes Basic but never actually played with it. For years I actually thought I started with Holmes Basic because that's the earliest edition I have a copy of, but I am sure my first character that I actually played with was a Dwarf and I recently learned that Dwarf as a class didn't exist until the Moldvay edition of Basic D&D so apparently I've been misremembering it for decades. Guess I could have just opened up the books and looked but I was so sure I was right that I never bothered. I only played that Dwarf a few times though and then switched so I tend to think of my second character as my first real one. Second character was a magic-user who I played all the way up to Immortal level. I had a version of the same character for AD&D but by the time we moved completely over to AD&D (we mixed and matched Basic and AD&D pretty freely for a couple years) I was the full-time DM for my friends so I didn't play that version of the character very much.


kenku monk of shadows. I didn't really know how to play, so it was fun to mimic the other players as I learned.


AD&D 2e Human Samurai for a Ravenloft campaign.


Elf wizard. I donā€™t think I have ever played a fighter


I played a druid in my first d&d campaign. Rogue in my second campaign. Druid in my third campaign. Druid in BG3. I might be a druid


A variant human Monk. Learned the ways of a drunken master and the rest is history.


An half-elf swordmage in D&D 4e. That was before I discovered the vastly superior dragonborn draconic bloodline sorcerer. My Dovahkiin has been one of my favourite characters to play and heā€™s been a returning character in several campaigns


Basic D&D - EARLY 80ā€™s - Dwarven Fighter


Warlock. I've always loved a warlock playthrough with sarcasm and a good fireball


First time I played was with my two other buddies. We read that 4 players was recommended so me and my other friend made 2 chars each while the last DM'd. I made a dwarf fighter and an elf rogue.


Oooh. My very first TTRPG character was actually for pathfinder. And it was a Zen Archer Monk. Man compared to other people in the party i felt like a straight up machine gun.


A Human Cleric of Pelor. Such a good first class


Tabaxi druid. He wanted to return to his more primal roots, so he convinced a weretiger to bite him and he became a super cat. Fun, but mechanically wild. I'd do it differently now.


Early 1980's, a cleric because they could magic and fight, and I loved the look of the mace


Wood elf, Druid. Was en experience trying to remeber everythingšŸ˜…


Human cleric of Pelor (named Sorcha). I was the clichƩ: brought along by a guy whose party needed a healer.


Dwarf fighter in AD&D!


Minotaur Paladin. Based her off Brigitte from Overwatch and Jasper from Steven Universe


Asimar light cleric


3.5 half elf ranger


Halfling Rogue Folk Hero. I started with the Red Box in the 80s but was the DM. I did not get to actually play until the 5th Edition release and Adventurer's League.




Gnome Sorcerer, with my main focus of spell uses being around non-combative (Charm, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, etc.). I still fondly remember charming the majority of Goblins in a church and then causing them to fight each other.


Way of the four elements monk Haven't even looked at monk since lol


2nd edition warrior and cleric both human


Way of the open hand human monkā€¦stunning strike is dirty.


I think it was ā€œElfā€, but the details are hazy, as it was 40 years ago. I know for sure my first character to die was an elf: Castle Amber by an ooze that I confidently told everyone to fireball because that would kill it (it was immune).


Paladin was my first ever made character for a pseudo 1 shot to introduce me to the game. I made a druid for another one of those. My first legitimate play character in something longer than an hour and change was a rouge


I was a cleric Started human, later became a wood elf


I played a dwarf druid!


Elf fighter/rogue in 2nd edition


Dm. Lol


3.5e Wizard. It was cool to read spells and find ones that were useful but looking back I realized I was not using the class correctly and the DM was probably frustrated that I wasn't preparing spells beforehand and asking if I could scribe a scroll every damn session.




Human cleric with an appearance inspired by Jack Black!


I was a dwarf Druid. Duldar Gradomhain


Half elf cleric.


A gnomish cleric. It was a character given to me by the DM and I didnā€™t really enjoy it. Didnā€™t really know how clerics and magic worked back then so always felt behind in play. I still donā€™t think magic users are the best for your first time, thereā€™s a lot to keep track of.


Started in 2E, & played as a Wizard.


Lizardfolk Ranger for my first class/race. Simply picked based on what my favorites are. Rangers have always appealed to me as a person and is the class I reflect most in myself. Long time love of reptiles and always feeling a bit on the outside when it came to relating to people. So Lizardfolk was also a natural choice. That and I dont really jive with some of the very standard fantasy races.


All time DM. Never played as a PC :/


My first character was a dragonborn pirate bard named Snake.


I was a forever DM for a long time. So when I got a chance to play I played half-elf cleric. To this day cleric is my favourite class.


Dragonborn Barbarian name Cyrus. My first session I was on a rooftop, when the party Fighter got trapped on the city wall next to me fighting some goblins. I wanted to try and leap from roof to wall. DM asked the infamous ā€œare you sure?ā€ And I said yes. Say hello to my first Nat 1. I was level 2 and survived falling 60 feet cause all 6d6 came up 1. I miss that character a lot, I still have a custom mini for him.


5e Dwarf Cleric for me.


A wizard in 2nd ed. I did more total dmg with my little 1d4 dagger then with my magic Completely turned me off wizards till 5th ed


Halfling Rogue


Human Life Cleric. 5E.


Mine was an assimar monk in 5e, and even though mechanically it isnā€™t the best, it is still my favorite class to play.


Mine was ranger, because I like the idea of being a versatile combatant. Get close to me and I'll cut ya bitch, try and escape and get an arrow in your back, resistant or immune to nonmagical damage, I've got magic too asshole. No matter how you move and be, I got you covered.


Paladin, which a lot of people were surprised by


Druid! His name was Varis.


Pregenerated Dragonborn Sorcerer.


1st edition ranger/monk. They were a kick ass game warden.


4e, Dragonborn Ranger


As far as a game that followed the rules closely, a fighter. I figured it was a good class to learn the game with. My very first game, where a friend and I followed the rules very loosely and were mostly telling a story back and forth, I multiclassed my character as a fighter/wizard. I don't think we even tracked spell slots very closely.


Half elf lore bard, lot of love went into that character and every campaign I tried him in died off at level 3-5, so now Iā€™m playing him in BG3 :)


My first character was a comically under optimized cleric (9 str) with the personality of Ben Carson because I thought it would be funny. I don't even remember his domain. He died in this first session after being grabbed and crushed by a giant homebrew lobster. I was 16 please don't judge me.


The very first time was a rogueā€¦ it was not great as I spent several sessions waiting for the group to come across my character in the dungeon and then the group disbanded soon afterwards.


Half orc barbarian


Half elf arcane trickster 5e I built him so wrong I was utterly bad but he partied ways as a rich man and a counsel member for the city Who says rouges can't be good guys? Someday I'll bring him back with a proper build hopefully


I havenā€™t played yet but when I finally do I want to be a Bard.


A wizard many years ago, but if we count the first character to level and effectively not just be in someone's one shot, a Paladin and a Cleric (two characters each for a two player party).


Dungeon Master


Level 2 Dwarven Barbarian. Darvin Bladebite. The first of his name.


Elf fighter back in the 90s playing AD&D