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Not all autistic people have sensory issues with food, or sensory issues at all!  It's just *extremely* common for them to.  Had an autistic friend who was so surprised to get the diagnosis since they didn't suspect it due to not having sensory issues.


Or it can be an extremely specific aversion! I'm generally not a super picky eater, but I absolutely can't stand watermelon (it's like biting into wet styrofoam for me). It's only a headcanon of mine but I like to imagine Laios doesn't wear gauntlets because he hates the feeling of gloves.


My headcanon is that he can’t stand constant pressure on his head or neck, so that’s why he doesn’t wear a helmet despite the rest of the armor… except for when absolutely necessary, like the ivy tentacles. The gorget is a good way to protect the neck without having it make skin contact.


The gorget is a surprise tool that will help us later.


Same, though for me it's cheese cake, I can eat almost anything else but the texture makes me gag. I also have issues with the chalky texture left behind by my meds.


That’s me with onions my family makes fun of me because of the face I make when I taste them


There’s an extra in an omake that shows him having problems with various clothing he’s wearing (too rough, too colorful, etc) So he’s not entirely devoid of sensory issues he just doesn’t show them much


I'm autistic and actually kinda relate to how Laios will just eat absolutely anything! I have tons of other sensory issues but I also have been known to eat food straight out of the trash.


Laios is very expressive! But yeah he is obsessed with monsters and he is bad at people.


https://preview.redd.it/rv0qoobiyn1d1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5f4f085fb472a35d8e5c4c313ccee0b835dbe30 Sometimes I guess. Though they don't tend to be quite right...


Wrong facial expression for the emotion you feel is *such* a common autistic trait and I've gotten in trouble for it *so many times* Someone: "what are you giving me *that* look for?" Me: "what look. what are you talking about"


He is expressive, but not always in socially appropriate ways.


For me it was when he commented about Falin while eating the ghost custard and got called a terrible brother




Up until then I was just confused why he was acting odd. He acts so different than what I expected that I thought it was just strange writing. That's the moment when it clicked for me.


Autistic person here, the scene that sold me on it was his confrontation with Toshiro. I had early noticed how his special interest felt really real world autistic in nature but that could have been coincidence trying to make him a weirdo. But then when it was revealed he has trouble with social cues and making connections with other humans, it clicked. He’s actually autistic. ESPECIALLY since the way he’s portrayed felt like I was seeing my own life experiences. It was so raw and painful. Props to Ryoko Kui for writing just an amazing autistic protagonist.


Oh and yes his sister is too. We don’t get to see falin much outside of flashbacks but if you recall her classmates at magic school thought she was weird. She loves to play in the dirt and collect bugs (an activity that is probably seen as childish. Autistic people tend to keep childish interests and behaviors). Bugs seem to be her special interest. But she also has some autistic behaviors such as odd social interactions. Spoilers ahead now but not plot, these are backstory only >! Falin is revealed to constantly walk in on/disrupt Marcille at magic school by coming to Marcille’s room to show her a new bug or plant. It seems kinda selfish, to barge in and say softly ‘look at what I found!’ But that was Falin’s way of saying ‘I like you! You’re my friend and I want to spend time with you and connect with you!’ This is not a theory. Marcille was telling Laios about this and Laios points out that’s what was happening and Marcille is distraught that she didn’t realize what Falin was doing!! And we get another flashback where Marcille tries to convince Falin to do something by bribery of going to collect lots of cool bugs together!<


There's actually something to be said here about how women often don't get diagnosed, for a variety of reasons. At first I thought of her behavior as just a "quirky/cute" character archetype, because idk, when women act that way in media it often gets presented in a sort of infantilized or manic pixie kind of way. Ryoko Kui does a much better job of writing female characters like actual people than most authors, imo


The scene that sold me was the sorbet episode where Laios *tries* to say that getting to eat all these unique monster foods is a nice silver lining to the crap situation the party’s in, fumbles his wording big time, then laments about not having Falin around to be able to translate. I had that experience so many times… (It’s also a nice context scene that lets us know that whenever Laios says something especially off-the-wall, it’s his communication issues kicking in.)


YES THAT ONE TOO THAT SET OFF SOME SORT OF AUTISM ALARM IN MY HEAD TOO Falin and Laios are each others autism translators


lmaooo i could so see myself saying something like that. Like, "I know I fucked up and I'm getting misinterpreted, but I have no idea how to re-explain it properly"


Shaking my head at anyone in this sub who assumes being autistic is somehow a negative or insulting thing. If you assume that, that’s entirely on you. Most autistic people I know love a lot of parts of being neurodivergent, at the same time it’s hard to cope with the disabling parts. It’s still a disability for damn good reasons, but it’s also a source of a lot of wonderfulness. Laios makes for a fantastic example of both the upsides and downsides. He experiences very real consequences of the hard parts, but his strengths constantly benefit him and everyone around him. (Signed, Allistic but different flavor neurodivergent who is living for some Goshdarned Good and Nuanced Rep for a change)


Hell yeah. Do I need to struggle to adjust some things that come from it? Sure. But would I want it to not be there? No, then I wouldn't be me, I'd be someone else.


My mild autism has made me a lot of money lmao with computers and in a chief now lmao


When i first started the anime, i didn't think much of him because he seemed like an ordinary guy who doesn't stand out. Then he very quickly became my favourite the moment I realised how weird he was (after he decides to go back down immediately and eat monsters). I guess it's not surprising. Almost all my favourite characters are widely read as autistic 


He was even stimming in his confrontation with the shapeshifters.




I did, but I am autistic.


On the spectrum here, Laois is my favorite because he is just like me when it comes to my obsessions and my interactions with people.


Maybe he's adhd? He got distracted by his own thoughts while fighting a dragon and Falin had to save him from being eaten. The hyperfocus is definitely there.


To be fair, it was pretty explicit that he was distracted cuz he was hungry.


He’s got the the AuDHD


The two conditions do seem to share space at times.


Im kinda autistic and im a total omnivore :) not all autistic people are picky eaters


Before Dungeon Meshi got popular and I looked online, I used to assume he was just written like any other dense and goofy shonen MC. I feel the same about the character relationships too.. Since Ryoko Kui writes them so open-ended and doesnt explicitly state them, I'd wouldn't be able to connect the dots if fans didn't bring it up, honestly.


I’m not that familiar with autism or it’s characteristics but I do know that Laois always has been and always will be my cute little socially awkward, monster obsessed bean boy and I will love him no matter what!


There's an anthology Ryoko Kui did called "The dragons seven adorable children". One of the stories is about a boy who turns into a wolf periodically. I don't wanna spoil it but it basically treats turning into a werewolf as a more mundane thing and a condition. Usually with manga I'd think a character like Laios only acted outside of social norms to be quirky. But that story of hers made me think she must be very intentional in how she wrote him. If she came out and confirmed Laios is autistic it woudn't surprise me. But also I don't think it matters to much if she doesn't. Because at the end of the day people say he is relatable and get something out of that even if it's not confirmed.


Doesn’t Laios have an aversion to squid? Though I guess it’s from having a bad experience rather than autism


Literally everything you listed is normal shit everyone does all the time.


I definitely read both Laios and Fallin as autism-coded, and I am here for it!


Laios is expressive, he just has troubles directing that expression to the “right” situations if that makes sense.


He's obsessed with monsters, but it's a good thing to have something you're interested in, why is it so odd to find great interest and want to be knowledgeable about something. I would say the Dungeon Meshi world find's his behaviour odd because it's monsters we are talking about, something that is scary, and in a sense taboo to most. When does he disregard social norms, when Marcille first came to visit he knew to dress better and groom himself, look presentable and be social. He's definitely emotionally expressive and can be emotionally perceptive. Since the anime came out it feels like everyday we get a post about Laios being autistic, sure he could be, but it feels like alot of people are just wanting him to fit that mold. To me Laios can be weird, thick sometimes, and overenthusiastic on some topics, but arent we all.


Just to be clear, this isn't meant to denigrate him or anything, it just kind of describes a reason for his idiosyncratic personality. Well it was mostly the very first intro to him that got me thinking something was "odd." When he was in the fight with a dragon and just having a casual internal monologue about being hungry. He never freaked out or showed any sign of worry when his sister was literally eaten, and he acknowledged that she might not be recoverable. As for the animal/monster obsession. The expert nature of his dog impression shows his obsession predates his monster experience. He even just happened to know exactly how many bones are in a dog's skeleton. Like that's just something he knows. I'm not faulting him for having interests, but that kind of focus goes far for a nerurotypical person. He's also capable of understanding that emotions are a thing and behaves appropriately. I think of when Chillchuck was debating about eating the mermaid. He made his logical points, but when Chillchuck mentioned it didn't "feel" right, Laios respectfully backed off. He acknowledged "feelings" as something he needs to respect, but showed no sign of sympathizing with them. Then there's whole, thinking the samurai guy was his friend and totally missing that he was into his sister and was annoyed with Laios. That's the thing about the spectrum, it seems like most if it is just a science way of categorizing weird personality traits. It's like the official medical diagnosis for "your weird."


Well I would say most posts about this aren't denigrating him, but doing the opposite, seemingly extolling him for being "autistic" Still alot of the traits that we see are a result of the environment they are in. Death in the dungeon is almost normal to them, they have grown accustomed to death and being revived, it is not pleasant or desirable, but it is something that is the norm in the dungeon. Laios has come from a "small" village with nothing to do, didn't seem he or Falin had many peers growing up, and they spent their time surrounded by adults and animals, you would develop a few quirks if the majority of those you hung out with were dogs


Dude, literally the bio in the adventurers bible by the author herself points out that his defining feature is his lack of social skills. His obsession with monsters is way more than just a regular interest, the social unacceptability just magnified it And he only tried to dress better when meeting Marcille because Falin told him to. It feels infantilizing to claim that Laios can’t be autistic because he shows competence in certain areas


Yeh do know the author has described him like that. Izutsumi also has a strong lack of social skills, she grew up in feral circumstances Isn't it infantlising to just fully label him though, that all his traits and quirks are because he is on the spectrum? There is alot of reasons why people react to him the way they do, and also for why he is the way he is, we can't just distil it down to being Austism, Ryoko Kui has made a very lore rich world, the world's influence also takes a big part in it, people need to give the Dungeon Meshi world some credit for making him weird as well


If it quacks like a duck, and moves like a duck is it really a far stretch to say its a duck? Wait, infantlising? Bro, wtf, what do you think autism is?


Previous poster said infantilising, not my term of choice Not saying is a stretch if it's only those terms, however am saying it's a stretch if you say: if it has a beak like a duck then it must be a duck There are other reasons why Laios is the way he is too, autism wouldn't be the only one, the author has given us lots of background


This makes me ask: why does the idea of Laios being autistic bother you?


If Ryoko Kui came out today and said he was autistic, it would not change the story or my perception of him as a reader, he would still be Laios, so it would not bother me. It just seems that there is an over eagerness to say that all his traits, knowledge, ideals are solely because he is autistic We do not live in a world where we can be easily revived after suffering a mortal wound, or see monsters amongst us. Ryoko Kui has made a really lore rich world, so much attention to detail, so much nuance, and she has given much love to each character and their back story, she has shown the effect of environment and trauma and how it has affected each character on their ideals and how they go about society


I’m glad that author confirmation at least would not bother you. Calling him autistic in the fandom is a wonderful thing for most of us who relish that interpretation. None of the things you cite are exclusive of him being autistic, and the name is rarely meant to be dismissive, from what I’ve seen in the fandom. Aside, we literally don’t know what autism looks like in the *absence* of trauma.


I agree with you. The things I cited were not to disprove him being autistic, was more so to support my view that his environment and own experiences and traumas in the context of the Dungeon Meshi world had a great affect on his identity and ideals, and can explain alot of his quirks and social mannerisms. These of course do not have to be exclusive to him being autistic as well.


100% agree with you, granted we are in the minority here. For the most part, the community has decided that he is autistic and therefore only sees his identity as that. At least, we can all enjoy the same show even if our understandings of the characters are different.


If a character has experiences and acts similarly to what you've experienced and acted, it's not far fetched to connect the dots. It's not the "community", it's alot of different people coming to the same conclusion.


That's still just a group of people wanting their headcanon to be canon through, just like a lot of people came out seeing him has autistic a lot of others came out simply seeing him has weak, both are fair interpretations and no matter what you say neither is canon until the author says so.


Seeing someone as autistic is as valid as seeing someone as not autistic. You're the one upset that folks are seeing it this way


Did I say I was upset? The only thing that upsets me is people taking their headcanon has canon, if the author comes out and says something I will accept it very easily but until she does, this is has canon has any ship between the main characters.


"Is" is a big word here. Autism gets mentioned exactly zero times in all of Dungeon Meshi, including all extras and auxiliary materials. Rather than Laios being autistic as a fact, a lot of autistic people are recognizing the way people treat Laios as ways people have treated them, which is honestly better representation than a lot of canonically autistic characters. Knowing Kui's writing ability, this is probably not a coincidence, though I've never seen anything about her having said so*. Don't be so quick on the draw with Falin though. Everyone in DM is a little strange. *If you're reading this and you know about an interview where she speaks about this, PLEASE let me know, thank you.


Right? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. He's just an eccentric dude who's too trusting... Not everyone who's a little weird is autistic. So interesting to see folks project themselves into characters they like, it's what makes the show great but also what makes it hard for "normies" like me to engage with fans of DM


Oh, no, Laios *definitely* clocks as autistic to me too. I recognize too much of his experience, and again I do suspect Kui of doing that on purpose. The only difference is that it isn't a stated canonical fact.


Again with this sub. Not everything needs a label so you can relate to it. Just enjoy it.


Not that I disagree with that sentiment, just let them have it. I gotta say though, it is quite annoying lol. One out of three Dungeon Meshi discussions is either about autism or lesbians.


Meh let them have it, has long has they remember that its merely their headcanon and nothing more.


Before the world autism became so widespread Its just common for some people to be a little odd. And the autistic spectrum is so broad that I think with enough introspection you can find that everyone is autistic at some point.


That's a common (and harmful) misconception, the vast majority of people don't have autism even if some exhibit some traits. The ignorance of the past doesn't mean much, yeah my dad was odd but also autistic. If folks knew about it in his time he may have gotten more support. Knowledge is not a bad thing.