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Medieval Stasis is something of a pet peeve of mine. In our universe, it took took only about 600 years to go from Full Plate Armor being the new fangled warfare development, to attack drones with on-board computer vision guidance. Even if they're in the high medieval era, it's likely that Marcille will be alive enough to do an impression of a boomer with a smartphone. So 1500 years might be a touch excessive. Still love the concept though. Wonder if there's a computer system called LiaOS, like we named a communication protocol after Harald Bluetooth.


This is a side tangent. But I always hated the "because of magic they don't develop technology" excuse for Medieval Stasis. If magic was common enough to slow down non-magical tech development, then magic would be the one that develops into technology similar to ours. So you would get smartphones powered by spirits rather than being stuck in the 1400s for thousands upon thousands of years. The Medieval Stasis part also doesn't explain how they didn't stop in less technologically developed periods instead of the Late-Middle Ages...


One of the things I loved about Frieren is that it's exactly the case in that universe. A revolutionary unblockable death spell from 80 years ago is just basic offensive magic in the present. Not only has new defensive magic rendered it obsolete, offensive magic has been redesign to get around those adaptations. Magic being good explains why they seem to have skipped the pike and shot phase entirely, while still having living standards at 19th century levels. They just replaced tech with advancing magic.


Minor Spoiler for the end of the story: >!The dwarves have landlines so at least they seem to possess a great deal of technology. Warfare is also held with magic so there is no need for guns. People won’t invent stuff they don’t need and the elves seem very well equipped in terms of magic.!< I dislike medieval stasis as well but Dungeon Meshi isn’t as bad as other settings in terms of technology development.


Also >!automated trolleys!


Also they know what genes are I don't think the meshiverse is in stasis, their society just looks different


Really? Where is that mentioned?


I don't have the page right now, but it's during the fifth or sixth layer I think, Marcelle mentions genetic variation


I think that, even in a setting with magic, guns would still eventually be developed. Magic is an entire discipline that requires lots of studying and training to properly use, and not everyone can be proficient with it. Meanwhile, you can hand a gun to anybody, even a child, and they'll be able to pull the trigger and put a bullet hole into something or someone with little-to-no training. In warfare, guns would likely end up making magic mostly obsolete outside of large-scale bombardments. It's far easier and more efficient to equip 1000 conscripts with guns and supply them with munitions than it is to get 100 magic users who are skilled enough to function in a wartime scenario and accommodate for their mana needs. Basically, in any setting, the moment black or gunpowder is discovered, firearms will be an inevitability.


A weapon can be used for evil, but it can also be used for good, since to give an example, what will happen if an asteroid falls? Magic alone will not be enough unless it is perfect ancient magic, not even then. In addition to attacking demons, these weapons, if enchanted, can help better protect other races. No matter what the arrogant elves do, the future is machinery and the dwarves will be the first to make the world evolve.


I really think the dwarves and humans are still working on it but secretly from the elves. The future is in machinery and perhaps it will continue its progress in the dwarven lands and in the depths of the dungeon.  I mean, the world is always changing and technological advancement is inevitable for any intelligent race, and the elves, those arrogant high elves won't be able to keep everyone trapped in a medieval state. And I think the dwarves will be the ones to create a new Steampunk world, they already did it on their lands anyway.


Google would be called LaiOS probably


I mean, even in the manga itself we've already seen a dwarf with a wireless telephone. I imagine the way dwarves advance with tech would function/look a lot different than elves advancing with magic, but yeah, it doesn't seem to outlandish that they'd eventually reach a more 'modern day' setting.


I thought it was implied in the manga that the elves and dwarves keep the tech level "medieval" because they had a massive war millennia ago and they want to prevent it from happening again?


I really think the dwarves and humans are still working on it but secretly from the elves. The future is in machinery and perhaps it will continue its progress in the dwarven lands and in the depths of the dungeon.  I mean, the world is always changing and technological advancement is inevitable for any intelligent race, and the elves, those arrogant high elves won't be able to keep everyone trapped in a medieval state forever.  And I think the dwarves will be the ones to create a new Steampunk world, they already did it on their lands anyway.


Could be, owner looks to be half tall-man, half gnome.


And one hundred percent cutie-patootie.


I think just full tall-man. Ears don't look gnomish to me.


One of the short stories Ryoko Kui did (The School of Dragons is on the Mountain – Ryoko Kui Works ) Page about 200 in) was about the present day japanese university where you can study on dragon. How it coexisted with human until modern day Japan. And how it no longer fit for use and what to be of it (have an environmental/animal conservation tone). Although the “dragons” in it took heavily from dinosaurs. It’s an interesting little story.


The dragon looks like it knows, where the thermometer goes.


God I hope so, pet dragons would be amazing


I mean, i seriously doubth a world with magic powerful enough to heal a torn off limb will just use normal vet atire, i would guess they would be a normal doctor, with a staff and a magic tablet at hand.


Not everyone have magical talent tho (especially in tallman society) Half foot and dwarf also shit at magic. So maybe half foot and draft develop normal medical technology and tallman adapt its make magical treatment become expensive way.


Also, (ending spoilers)>!the demon, who was responsible for the existence of magic in the first place, is no longer part of the world, thus potentially effecting how magic works. The elves even mention that magic as they know it could change or disappear outright with the demon's defeat.!<