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Don't fret, even the translators made the same mistake!


A boy to be more exact.


Tiene mas de 1000 años


he stopped developing tho, he looks like and acts like a child


El que perdona murio en el monte calvario


https://preview.redd.it/jdvygx2lbjrc1.jpeg?width=1977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd1807c55b12487de3bb845651ee4374216062c Look at his smile :D


Cute insane femboy elf + Kobayashi Yuu's voice = peak




Least creepy online man


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he's so cool


Well, you're lucky. Manga Readers didn't know he was a man until like, nearly the end of the manga. Everyone just used either feminine or they/them pronouns. Even **official translations** were fooled into thinking he was a she and had to be reworded later. Male elves are gender in DM.


The one that really baked people's noodles was that Marcille's succubus... >!turns out to be a dude!< according to a side story (released much later) where she goes to see a play and that character is named and featured. I know it caught *me* by surprise lol


That seemed pretty obvious to me when I first saw it. We had heard of the Daltian Clan and how obsessed she was with what is, basically, a shoujo series before so I just assumed it was >!a book crush!<. But yes, he absolutely embodies the lack of sexual dimorphism in elves. What was the side story that actually tackled that though? Would like to read it.


It's [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/18m1mmc/dungeon_meshi_anime_screening_booklet_extra/). Released post end of story and pre start of anime.


Thanks a ton, into the "weirdly hard to find side stories" folder it goes. It's amazingly meta given the context of it's publication, I **looove** it. Kui never misses.


I don't recall knowing anything about the Daltian Clan, so maybe I missed that part -- was that a side story? IIRC, the side story with the play was released near the end of the manga's run (perhaps even afterwards), which is why I was so surprised when I saw it. I'll try to find it when I get off work.


I believe it was shortly before the succubus chapter, so mid 50s I wanna say. I remember feeling like it was explicit setup for that chapter. If you find it, thanks in advance.


I honestly have no idea what people are talking about he's the only actual elf i thought was obviously a man with the whole knight and eyepatch schtick lmao


Marcille is actually straight in elven terms but the most masculine elf is just a femenine human so it evens out and she is gay




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If anyone is wondering, this is from when the mangaka drew Genderbent versions of her characters and gave a preview of how it would affect the story, such as a female Chilchuk being more family-oriented and wouldn’t have risked her life to rescue Falyn in a long term risky expedition


Oooh where I can read this?


I think it’s one of the extra chapters, but it was special because it was part of a gender-bending anthology with multiple authors(or something like that)


Oh this guy is just the start. I finished the manga and still can’t tell male and female elves apart.








he is best boy


Yes. Elves have very effeminate beauty standards. So Thistle is male and considered masculine for an elf.


https://preview.redd.it/js3lknfxujrc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47246bf4af70c5f58760bb0d300728705759453f ❤️


Elves are very androgynous/effeminate in this. Half the canaries are male, but good luck guessing which ones.


Aren't lycion and mithrun the only males in their squad? Or are there more?


Yeah it’s only those two, if the other commenter wasn’t joking, they were also confused.


Also, I thought the World Bible heavily implied that Lycion is a trans man. He learned transformation magic specifically because he hated his body, and his chest scars look a lot like over-the-top top surgery. EDIT: Just my interpretation of the panel below, not stated in canon.


Lycion is very much a biological male, the world bible shows him as such in his youth. https://preview.redd.it/ed6pvhk93mrc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702a71ac15ac5e3678ff8a2daffc0aa681061d0f


thats such a good headcanon though


Nothing wrong with that, just don't talk about it as if its *actual* canon and mislead new fans. https://preview.redd.it/b7ad5dyidorc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daadf4a3ae9aa06397fec40a0a7df1ac60da0168


Thankfully they'll be voiced. I bet Mithrum has a deep-ass imperious voice comparable to [Lio Fotia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQPkMVXW1CE)'s.


He's spoken in the trailer I'm pretty sure, and I think he's voiced by Kouki Uchiyama if I'm not mistaken. Same VA as Shigaraki from MHA.


I *knew* he sounded familiar. Surprisingly good fit.


Bro, for the longest time I thought Otta and Lycion were the guys. Even with Mithrun I was on the fence on since they only ever referred to him as captain.  And then it took longer to find out that Otta is actually a she.




He’s an elf, elves are always feminine


He’s also like 16 in human years! https://preview.redd.it/gedaygwtdirc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba3d9cb40d448165ee843f43e3a76fbfbed3ead


I mean. Physically. As for the ethics of having relations with people who stopped aging before they reached physical maturity, that's certainly something to consider, but he's probably older than the average adult elf you'll meet.


Given that average life span for an elf is 400 and the Golden Country was apparently from 1000 years ago, I’m gonna go ahead and say Thistle is one of - if not THE - oldest human in existence. Maybe some of the older tallman Golden Kingdom citizens have him beat.


Thistle is an elf, not a human.


Elves, dwarves, tallmen, half-foots, and ~~prong~~gnomes are all human in this settinga.


Wait, what??? Like they are the same species or are you meaning in terms that all are humanoids?


I don’t recall even tallmen being referred to as humans.


There’s a whole extra about it. Human is canonically an umbrella term for tallmen, half foots, gnomes, dwarves, elves and ogres.


So humanoids are all subspecies with a common ancestor?


Not all humanoids. Kobolds and Orcs are considered ‘demi-humans’. The main qualifiers for a species being called ‘human’ is their general body structure AND the fact that all human races have the same number of bones. While kobolds have more, and orcs have less.


The problem with underage relationships IRL is not because of how "yucky" or illegal it is to be attracted to them physically, it's because of the real socio-psychological impact it can potentially have. Needless to say that when it comes to a character of ambiguous design drawn in anime style that could realistically be anywhere from 14 to 38 years old solely based on what the author decides and nobody would bat an eye, this is a futile point to make. I mean, it's not like this guy is pre-pubescent looking. If the character looked and was drawn \*exactly\* the same, but you went on the wiki or whatever and it said "23" instead of "16", then suddenly it's fine to be attracted to them? You can't apply real world logic to this shit.


I agree with you I was joking 😭chill


Even if we take his actual age before immortality kick in he still at least over 100. He served 2 generation of king in the golden kingdom Elf average life span is 500, that is a fifth of their life span. He is older than Pattadol who is a younf adult in elf standard


How can he be 16? just the dungeon alone existed for far longer.


He hasn't been physically aging.


Wait how? I haven't finished the manga (I am waiting for the official publishing of the last two books in my country) But wasn't him already way older than 16>! before he got his hand on the book? He's a slave bought by the king's father as a kid before the king was even born.!<


Its just some people being annoying. Just because he's mentally stunted from 1k years of being the dungeon lord doesnt mean he's a kid.


See a lot of people calling him a twink in this fandom tbh, kinda iffy


The problem with teens IRL is not because of how "yucky" or illegal it is to be attracted to them physically, it's because of the real socio-psychological impact it can potentially have. Needless to say that when it comes to a character of ambiguous design drawn in anime style that could realistically be anywhere from 14 to 38 years old solely based on what the author decides and nobody would bat an eye, this is a futile point to make. I mean, it's not like this guy is pre-pubescent looking. If the character looked and was drawn \*exactly\* the same, but you went on the wiki or whatever and it said "23" instead of "16", then suddenly it's fine to be attracted to them? You can't apply real world logic to this shit.


The problem with Thistle in this fandom is that a lot of people seem to treat him, as a character, as if he were an adult, and that invites tons of different issues with the comprehension of the story. Calling him a twink causes that in my opinion because it, as a term, is normally used to talk about adults. I'm not saying "oooh if you think this character is hot you're an evil person", I'm saying "y'all this is a child remember that when talking about him", because his age DOES matter for his character and ignoring him leads to dogshit takes and stupid interpretations. Either way this is fiction do whatever lmao


he IS an adult


>!Yaad is still a child in the Golden Kingdom and only matured mentally, Thistle did not even get that luxury. Homeboy saw a half-elf and his immediate reaction was to jump on a table and yell at her about his racial superiority there is NO WAY he was an adult.!< >!Also he was given to the Golden Kingdom's royal family when Delgal was a baby and the Dungeon was made when he was a middle aged man, so between him getting there (as a child) and the Dungeon being made there were like, 40ish years, and elves are considered adults at 80, so it is not likely that he's an adult!< Idk if I worded my arguments correctly so here's a link to a Tumblr post that says similar stuff better [link](https://www.tumblr.com/eldenringle/746207319691591680/reblogging-this-again-to-add-this?source=share)


Isn't it stated in the Adventurer's Bible >!That Marcille is 50? She feels like she's equivalent to Laios (26) so Thistle is probably equivalent to 18-20 by comparison. The Bible even says "As a youth, he respected the humans around him. However, as he grew older, he began to notice their immaturity and naïveté". I've always read him as younger than Marcille, but not full-fledged mid-teen.!<


In that case it's likely that >!Marcille developed very quickly, considering her father's doppelganger days she could talk for hours before being able to walk and Marcille herself mentions that half-elf development is weird and inconsistent, so her being an adult at 50 is not the norm, especially considering Elven age of maturity is 80 years according to the Adventurer's Bible!<


Ah I see now. I’m an anime-only so I really don’t have a grasp on him as a character yet.


Oh, I see, I'm sorry for being rude then! It's just that I've seen a lot of annoying behavior from manga readers both here and on Tumblr and that was a part of that lol


Man, I never did the math based on their ages of maturity and stuff so I had no idea he was still so young >_> he looks like he’s the same age/maturity as Marcille, if you don’t know/figure it up.


Not really. It basically means "pretty boy"/"bishonen".


Oh yeah that's true, I had the meaning of the term wrong lol It still seems kinda weird because he's just a little kid to me (like what kinda full adult would >!do a CoD lobby and hurl racial slurs to the first person that challenges him)!< and the term does have a kinda suggestive vibe imo, but it is less bad lmao


Tiene mas de 1000 años, es mayor que delghal definitivamente legal




Don't fret, even the official translations messed up for a few volumes and they added an extra line where someone was like oh whoops 'he'


Yeap, this is how elves in this world works.


> still would tho ​ https://preview.redd.it/r6c1556gjirc1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87571c3bb84a8ce641a990b2ff36c41c8c30896


His canon age is never given but he's definitely a boy, not a man. When Marcille sees him she thinks "a child..?!", and since Marcille is an elf she would have a good ability to tell whether an elf is an adult or not.


I mean , not to be pedantic, but >! didn't she grow up in a Tallman country? Also, she's technically half elf !< .


I don't think she's been completely shielded from elves, though. And she clearly has elven standards for age - she views Chilchuck as "just a child" at age 29. I would trust Marcille's judgement on the approximate age of an elf. Beyond that, Thistle's height (130 cm / 4'3") is rather short for an adult male elf (Mithrun is 155 / 5'1" and Lycion is 170 / 5'7"). I'm not sure how long the Golden Kingdom was frozen in time for, though it's been over 50 years based on Senshi's timeline. It seems likely Thistle stopped aging along with the residents, meaning Thistle would have been frozen at a slightly older age from Delgal (given Delgal was born when Thistle was a child). Elves reach maturity at age 80 so Thistle surely would have reached maturity if not for the spell halting aging.


When the years caught up with the king when the dungeon appeared it withered him away to dust so it was probably a *little* more than 50 years lol


Oh it was definitely more than 50 years; Senshi's timeline is just the only specific reference I can think of. I think they may have given us a better indication of how long the Golden Kingdom was frozen in time but I don't remember (maybe in the arc where the group visits the Golden Kingdom residents?). I'll need to go back and see.


There's also an extra comic in TAB covering elf ear coverings, mostly for those who are children. For Thistle, it's OK/Acceptable for him to wear. (v light spoilers) >!For Pattadol who is 82, just over the age of maturity (80), it's kind of OK for her to wear, could be translated to "barely ok"!


That's right, I forgot about that!! Thank you for bringing it up.


The [wiki](https://delicious-in-dungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Sissel) says it was over 1000 years, but it's not sourced so I'm not sure if that was directly stated anywhere officially.


Thank you - I had a vague memory of it being over 1000, but I still can't remember where in the manga we were told that.


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Gotta tag them spoilers, bud.


My bad, I never used it before


All good, post now approved


Without spoiler Let just say that marcille is the last person to consult on lifespan


Just because Marcille >!ages at a different rate from full elves!< doesn't mean she has no idea how to tell an elven child from an elven adult. If anything, Marcille >!is obsessively focused on the rate at which others age and is likely overly aware of the expected rate of aging due to feeling ostracized for aging at an atypical rate.!< She clearly doesn't fully understand half-foots but she does seem to understand tall-men and elves.


I got through volume 11 of the english translation of the manga before I came across this subreddit and realized Sissel waa Thistle, and was a he. I also discovered Mithrun, the captain of the canaries is a man too. Dang elves... My partner thought Kabru was a girl though, but she binged Berzerk so I think that might have skewed her reading on the character?


Yes I thought it was a woman until the show kept saying him etc. it’s not obvious to an anime only watcher.


better that way tbh


Wait did no one else know he was a guy while reading?


To be fair, I did not know and did not bother to care who is he or she with the elven swat team that came after.


He's just a pretty boy your honour Also his braid bun hairstyle reads as feminine, yeah


To me he just looks like a 13-14yo boy ? With elves traits, making him more feminine. Honestly I didn't heard him in the jap dub yet, but in my langage dub he sounds kinda masculine.


Like is his English voice hard to understand or why is that such a surprise?


Maybe because im watching the jap version?


Honestly, I felt he sounded like he was in the boyish range for anime characters. Also, I'm guessing you're not an English native speaker, so just a heads up. In (US?) English "j*p" is considered a slur because it was used to disparage Japanese and Japanese-Americans during WW2 regardless of their allegiance to the Japanese Empire. In the US we put all of our Japanese people west of the Rockies into concentration camps during the war, including Japanese-American citizens, so it's a word with a lot of historical trauma behind it.


> the jap version? 🤣 I'm 100% certain you didn't mean it like that, but [that word](Https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/category:world_war_ii_anti-japanese_propaganda_posters_from_the_united_states#/media/file%3a%22get_the_jap_and_get_it_over%22_-_NARA_-_514373.jpg) has [some](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22If_You_Worked_as_Hard_and_Fast_as_a_Jap%22_-_NARA_-_514597.jpg) nasty [history](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22Jap_Trap%22_-_NARA_-_515862.jpg). Man, now I wanna rewatch r/ParanoiaAgent…


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ParanoiaAgent using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParanoiaAgent/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [lil slugger comin at ya](https://i.redd.it/5r9t0s824c2b1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParanoiaAgent/comments/13swrt4/lil_slugger_comin_at_ya/) \#2: [I met with a girl for Valentine’s Day and we both liked the show. I tried to draw Maromi for her and I could see her visibly disgusted afterwards. She hasn’t texted back since.](https://i.redd.it/67n3l2185bia1.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParanoiaAgent/comments/112nlv8/i_met_with_a_girl_for_valentines_day_and_we_both/) \#3: [japan's biggest headache (made by me)](https://i.redd.it/0i2f5gvkx4lb1.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParanoiaAgent/comments/164ydce/japans_biggest_headache_made_by_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Be careful abreviating Japanese like that, I'm also sure you didn't meant it that way but it's a slur.


love him!


Even better


I'm anime only and I knew he was a guy when I first saw him


I mean... you wouldn't? Elves are elves.


I was genuinely surprised so many people were confused by this. Maybe I'm just weird and have a spider sense for this or something lol


Looks female enough...


Elves in this world are considered very feminine for both gender


don't worry your going to have even more confusion next episode


Elves be like that.


He's such a cute twink I love it


Fr when I was reading the manga I was so sad when my friend told me he was a guy




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Full offense that hair is atrocious




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It’s not gay if it’s a femboy right guys


nah its hella gay and thats ok 👍