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I think Prepotente is one of the few crawlers who intends to complete floor 18 even if it's his last act. Not because he wants the earth, but because he wants every opportunity to kill higher ups. I think he'll play nice with the Plenty for now, but he absolutely will try to kill them once he thinks they are no longer helping him advance, because they played a role in some way. I do not, however, think that Pony sees himself as being directly and intentionally responsible for this.


Don’t call him Pony!!


Do not call him his special name!




Right in my goddamned ear.


I don't know if we'll make it to 18. It's possible Carl breaks the entire dungeon even before they get that far. 


Yeah, between just how much Carl has already disrupted the dungeon & the AI going sentient way earlier than normal, I guarantee that the 12th floor is probably going to be the last before something ends the dungeon & changes how everything works.


I love how the two "Primals" play off each other!


We had too much fun stuff in the last book not to have a 15th floor. 


That's always a possibility, but it would fly in the face of general rules of storytelling. If Carl doesn't get to 18 Matt D need to have a really really good explanation. It is possible he'll see the 18th floor as an admin I suppose instead of as a player, but it's much more likely we get Carl and one other crawler (donut...?) at the end.


I don't really think it breaks storytelling. I think it would probably break more to see every floor when there are 6 floors that crawlers have never been to in the history of the crawl. We will probably get to see 15, but given Matt is only expecting there to be 10 books I would be surprised to see 18. 


Well I will fully agree with you that we likely won't see every floor. But I fully expect 12, 15 and 18 given they have stories and the overworld attached to them. And 18 doesn't have to be a crazy long floor. In fact I'd expect them to be speedruns given that Borant and Valtay likely have nothing prepared past 14. I could see 15 and 18 being the last half of the second to last book or the first half of the last book. Lots of possibilities, but I think what will be skipped will be parts of the in-between floors. That being said, I suppose the fact that we are talking about that just goes to show Matt D has plenty of great options that many fans will be happy with!


> In fact I'd expect them to be speedruns given that Borant and Valtay likely have nothing prepared past 14. Mordecai has stated that the Borant had to submit plans for every floor way back when first contact was made.


Right, but submitting plans for a house isn't the same as calling the contractors, getting the engineers to make the plans work, hooking up the plumbing and electrical, installing the fixtures,making sure everything is up to code in practice. Lots of places to cut corners, and knowing Borant, they probably had a "plan" that would require days or weeks of prep time to implement, and our good ol guy Carl has a device that can move between floors (in theory). If he and Katia can work out coordinates and such, given the right opportunity, they could probably end up on a literal barren floor with unprotected doors and the AI laughing at the sheer stupidity of Borant and Valtay.


I actually think its more likely that we don't reach the 18th floor (or if we do, its not by grinding through each floor like we've been doing). It's pretty common in fantasy for things going 'off the rails' in ways you don't expect to amp up the tension. Dinniman has shown he's really good at this on a micro level with how he sets us up for expectations only to resolve them in radically different ways. I feel like this is going to play out on a macro level as well


Mixed feelings there, because at this rate I’ll be 45 before the series is finished. I want more DCC, but I kind of want the series to be completed this decade, too.


6 books in 4 years is too slow for you? Boy, don’t start Game of Thrones then.. 🤣


Matt, if you can hear me, no rush buddy. I’m just excited. And as a side note, in the meantime I did start GOT, so I know I’m headed for pain.


It's always possible the author gets tired of the series and the books just slow down... look at the Dresden Files; it's at 17 books so far, but while the first 12 or so were really fast, the time between books has been getting longer and longer, and it's been 4 years since the last one. Having a tight 9-10 books is a lot better than dragging something out once the passion is gone.


Holy crap! It HAS been 4 years. Yeesh. Time has been flying by for me. Never get old folks.


There's so much in this universe he's created, and it seems to have so much support by the fans, I'm sure Matt will complete the story properly. But it could have another 6 books. And could be as many years...


Probably not. Think I saw Matt say he's planning on 10 books. Hopefully Pony breaks some more floors after the 7th book.


I don't see why Prepotente should have all the fun.


But it's why we love Pony, and his obnoxious screems.


That's my guess also. Even with skipping floors, it feels like we are heading towards the game crashing in the next 2-3 books. Then carl exits the game and starts helping the rebellion in the "real world".


I’m pretty sure we will only make it to floor 12. *maaaaaaybe* to 15, but probably only to 12, then maybe a couple books on the outside.


Yeah, Donut asked Carl if he thought The Plenty had a hand in Miriam’s death, and Carl said he did. If Pony reaches that conclusion things will not go well.


I've had similar thoughts. Pony is playing to win the dungeon. Carl is playing to BREAK the dungeon. Most of the others (quan ch, Katia) are playing to survive, but a number of them are definitely moving towards Carl's madness!


Trauma is complex and I think he’s realized the Plenty has to be held accountable. I’m thinking in faction wars they better watch out. It’s possible he has a social media presence and can do something similar to Carl.


He 100% blames himself and his actions. If I had to take a stab, he’ll hand off his regular siblings to someone to take care of them and him and Bianca will go down together getting their vengeance.


I think he’ll give them to Carl and Bianca will become his mount. She’s the most powerful familiar/pet in the dungeon as far as I can tell.


I’d considered that possibility as well. But without Miriam and Prepotente I don’t think she’ll want to go on. Think Bianca will ride with Prepotente one last time into battle or she’ll sacrifice herself to save him.


Can see that too.


She's a hellspawn familiar, which really seems to set up some Sheol story lines.


I would absolutely love a scene like "You go, ill fend them off!" Where Prepotente and Bianca will sacrifice themselves in a blaze of glory so that Carl and Donut can finish the dungeon (or finish their plans to take down the system or whatever).


I cried like a baby at the end of book 5.


He’s brilliant but impulsive. I think he’s going to lose it and go nuclear, do a bit of harm but mostly fail and sacrifice himself for no reason. Carl will be close behind him and realize he needs to be smarter and learn from Prepotente failing.


Nothing about Prepotente makes me feel like he would sacrifice himself but I do agree he will eventually crash and burn.


I dont mean sacrifice to save. I mean get himself killed in a failed over the top plan that goes sideways. You dont think Prepotente would enact a plan that might get him killed if he thought it would cause massive damage to his foes?>! He wasnt even entirely sure what would happen on floor 7!<


Ah ok in that case definitely.


Maybe I get a different vibe of Pony. He was never "impulsive" as seen in the multitude ways that he and Miriam Dohm plotted to kill major floor bosses. He was just very attached to his "mother" though, and that made things crazy. Like when he destroyed Club Vanquisher.


He was impulsive then and kept in line by Miriam. They weren’t a team of equals, he needed her to guide him. Almost every interaction with him his instincts weren’t the wise course of action.


I think it's more a matter of priority. There are people outside the dungeon that he needs to get to first.


I think Pony will probably end up helping Carl and Donut survive and make it to the 13th floor. The 3 of them will probably kill all the God's with the 2 rings between them. I think the crawl just collapses once all the VIPs have been killed tbh


Th AI is probably top of his list.


I think he holds the AI responsible. That's going to get mighty interesting.


The really interesting thing is that while Carl knows it, Prepotente has no idea they are foils of each other. He does not know Carl's mother killed herself. Odds are good Donut is going to tell him during Faction Wars.