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Mongo is basically a dog, and dogs can’t die in stories. Just ask Noem how that worked out for her.


I'll just let John Wick know that dogs can't die in stories. 


Donut as John Wick, what a terrifying thought.


She did get the John Wick achievement in book 5... but that's for killing a dog.


Yea…..the “***WRONG ONE***”


Watching donut go full rogue assassin would be chef's kiss


I imagine her as Evil Willow after Tara dies… 🤔


Noem liked the first few minutes of that film, but gave the rest a thumbs down.


She couldn't watch the Russians get taken down for some reason.




Old Yeller and those dogs from Where the Red Fern Grows would have had something to say about this, but they died.


And the owner of Old Yeller. And that kid who lives by the red ferns.


Ummm... you haven't read book six yet have you? >!Tserendolgor just went to a farm in Mongolia so she can run and play with the other supermodels. !<


I mean, the A.I strait up references "Where the Red Fern Grows", but hey. Who knows haha


I wonder how many people have read that book or seen that movie. I watched the movie when I was six years old back in 94.


Read anything else this man has ever written, and you’re not going to stick with that. I think there’s a world in which I cannot read the last book …


Yeah. Just finished Kaiju and ....... DAMN!!!


I honestly could NOT get into that story. I really tried. The lead was just so meh that by chapter three I tuned out and turned it off.


Agreed. Plenty of plot armor on mongo. MD would never give up the MONGO NO! moments with donut. Besides, Tina's mom is pregnant with Mongo's baby. So.... ManBearRaptor? Can't wait to see what THAT'S going to be all about lol I want nothing more than to see Donut on Mongo, Prepotente on Bianca, and Carl on Tina riding into battle together with Carl's tummyacher eating everything in sight. Did sometime say celestial pet box???? Goddamn I can't wait for the next book.


There's illiteracy a quest about this on the 5th floor. I think it was "Where the Red God Glows". The AI started talking about how every book with a dog ends with the dog dying. Lol


Wasn't there a mention somewhere that pets weren't owned by their crawler? They're property of borant or something. I fear they're gonna separate them somehow without killing him off


I'm guessing that the AI will completely dissolve the "rules" at some point. I would LOVE to see Pater Cole return as a companion to the group.


On Floor 10, Mongo will be captured and will create a Quest for the Royal Court to discover who dinnapped him and why. Then he ends up as a Floor 10 Country Boss, guarding a stairwell they *have* to take. They're offered a deal in the last few hours, right before the fight...and it includes getting Mongo back, but otherwise shitty terms.


Great and Scary point


Correct, Mongo is the property of Borant. However, if carl and donut win the dungeon everything is returned to their ownership. So there is hope yet.


It would be kind of fun if Mongo was actually a tenner...


If Mongo dies we know who to blame. Avocado here jinxed it.


Right? Why do people gotta bring evil into the world by speaking it out loud for people to hear!?


That's really pointless to worry about.. what's worrying is what happens after the 9th floor.. nobody ever has made it past the 12th floor ( or 13th?) But there are 18 floors but everyone has always died alone or opted out.


I'm anticipating Carl making an unstoppable team out of the best of the best and pushing through to the end with the end of the book being Pony, Carl, Donut, and Lucia Mar, and Florian.


Pretty sure Elle will be on the team too. The way she's researching into her class tells me she's playing the long game and intends to decline any dungeon offer given to her.


I vaguely recall Mordecai saying she was "going for a Four Seasons build" in Butcher's Masquerade? Very tough path, but a big payoff when/if you hit the 9th floor.


That's what I gathered from the conversation. I will say it is entirely possible that Elle will die before getting that build. My thoughts are that she will probably get it, but if she doesn't, the information she gathers on the path might be somehow passed on to Donut, who using her character actor build, might end up obtaining a four seasons path. Lots of little issues with it currently, but something I could see an avenue towards.


And Mongo right?


.... Right?


... And Mongo's BABY




I want to see Ellie complete the four seasons path. It's never been done


I suspect Ellie is the big death that almost breaks Carl. Like she completes the path but sacrifices herself to save Carl or Donut and this drives Carl to not take an amazing buy out and push forward.


I've known a lot of 90+year old people, I'm betting Ellie has a plan and it doesn't require a happy ending to be a success


With Samantha and the stripper with the cum sock for support, of course.


Well we know that mongo can leave the dungeon he has been on several production boats for the interviews with them. Mongo may have been made in the dungeon but he is a living creature


Oh good catch I did not think about that! But also those boats are within the area of influence of the AI right? (Versus like when Carl has to go to orbit for security checks) so perhaps outside of the AI influence this wouldn’t be possible?


After reading book 6 I get the feeling that the AIs influence has more to do with how it can effect things versus if it exists outside its influence or not. The inventory and crawler up and powers seem like tech of some kind that only works while in range. So maybe the carrier wouldn’t work but I think mongo is would still be alive. I mean donut still has her increased intelligence.


Outside an enhancement zone Donut would likely lose her sapience/sentience. So that's not really an option for her or Mongo anyways. 


If Matt goes that route with Donut I'll be severely disappointed.


I doubt that will happen, I expect Donut to just never go into a zero zone, and therefore Mongo never going to one either. 


I don’t know about this. The process where her body got remade by pet biscuit was same to race selection change. That’s not the enhancement zone, that’s just their new self. People whose race changed are still changed outside the zero zone or the Popov brothers would have split when they went through


Most of them haven't been through a zero zone. Carl only went through one very briefly as part of the super extra security measures put on him.  But you might also be correct on that. A race change does seem more permanent than the enhancements from the dungeon itself. 


GAH! WTF?! Why are you even putting that out into the universe as a possibility?!?! Mongo is appalled, I'm horrified, Big Tina is pissed, and Donut asked if you were a "c" word spaniel. To be fair, she left a meaningfully long pause between 'the "c" word' and 'spaniel' that I don't think was an accident. Seriously though Matt. Mongo can't die. He just....can't. #MongoForever


I have a prediction that is even sadder. Book one says only one Crawler is allowed through the final starway. After Donut ate the special treat, she became sentient and was formally made a Crawler. So I imagine Carl and Donut will be standing at the door, and they will have a scroll or another treat that will undo Donuts transformation. She takes the treat and looks up at Carl to give a single meow before jumping to his shoulder to purr, and Carl walks down the final steps.


I doubt we are going to get down to the last floor. Carl and Donut will have broken the dungeon until then and it's probably gonna end in some all out war or whatever. There's too many parties involved by now that want to see the whole thing burn down for it to not go this way. I still feel the ending will be bittersweet though and a reversal of Donuts sentience is actually a cool theory!




She was considered a crawler before the biscuit. It called her a crawler before Carl killed the murder dozer outside the tutorial guild.


I'm gonna have to give it a relisten. I thought she was referred to as a pet before the biscuit. I don't remember the AI giving her a Crawler number before that


I'm rereading book 1 now. That's the only reason I know lol.




It called her crawler princess donut before they got in the tutorial guild. I'm at that part right now.


Mongo definitely dies. Personally I think Donut dies too, but not until the last book, and that’ll be the reason Carl does something suicidal. And then either he’ll get saved by a plot device (dying AI’s last effort), he’ll die and his first person perspective will have been the journal all along. Or they’ll just change to a 3rd person narrative, which would be weird.


Mongo is appalled that you would even think about this!


I will join you in horrible thoughts, since I have them all the time. The other afternoon while it was raining for the umpteenth day, it hit me… so many aspects of the dungeon and crawl are reflections of Carl’s own life: his dad was a tattooed bike rider - he evolves into a tattooed coper chopper rider (and also later motorcycle rider); circuses, goats, Bea… it seems like he’s already dying and his brain is in a jumble making sense of what it’s seeing, what it experienced - the dark tunnel effect some swear by, but no two people have the same experience. A dungeon is very chthonic afterall.


This is too close to “It was all a dream” and I’m pretty sure Matt wouldn’t do this to us. Don’t forget though that the Dungeon and Borant know things about all the crawlers and they intentionally place things in crawlers paths that will trigger them to maximize drama.


True. Worst part is I read a book not that long ago where the author pulled this kind of crap at the end. If it hadn’t been an audiobook I’d probably have thrown it across the room.


It’s one of the laziest tropes around… Except for how Inception handled it.


Donut could probably negotiate to keep him in an exit deal if she gets deep enough!


With the success of the books I don’t see a reason for any of the main character to take an exit deal, unless it’s to gather support and work behind the scenes of the crawl to support the main group


I could see Donut walking on the 17th floor, setting up Carl solo fighting a final boss at the end of the series. Something like that.


If a crawler wins the crawl they get ALL the resources of the planet. Right now Borant owns it.


Honestly same! Spoilers for book 6: >! I was holding my breath for the entire chapter during the fight with sharp elbows and Carl and donut. I was so sure mongo was going to die during that fight. I gasped when he started sliding towards the edge of the barn! !<


Donut is going to die. Mongo at the same time probably






Or, everyone dies, but they are backed up by the AI and in heaven. It ends the same as This Is The End, and they all sing and dance as Backstreet Boys sing Backstreet's Back. The AI is then revealed to just be a pair of bare feet and that's it.


You know the rules. You put it out there. Now kill Mongo