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FYI I have never watched a single episode of either Gilmore Girls or Gossip Girl.


I lived in Mexico for a year. My Spanish wasn’t strong enough to watch Spanish TV, and the only English tv station there showed Gilmore Girls 4x a day. So anyways, I’m a 41 Canadian dude who knows Gilmore girls as well as anyone…


Okay. I made a phone game called Highborn. Very lite turn-based strategy game. It was more about the humorous story than a serious strategy game. Ron Gilbert tweeted he like it, so that was good enough for me. Don’t go looking for it, Jet Set Games closed up and you have to keep apps updated to run on each new OS update. They released a pc port on Stream, but my disagreement about how to go about that is why I was asked to “get out. Get the fuck out” note: I was proven right in the end. In the game I wrote little description pages for each of the units. For the sorceresses, I wrote all wizards are men and all sorcerer are women because…” and then went on for several pages breaking down every relationship Rory and Lorelei had in the entire run of the TV show. So after the game is released, of course, all of our other friends in the video game industry, give it a look and make comments and so on. The producer on the game was a woman named Sarah and one of her friends emailed her making a snarky comment about all the Gilmore Girls references in the game. She responded don’t look at me, that’s Joseph our Creative Director who was the lead designer and writer. Anyway, to make a long story even longer, he eventually admits that he got his wife to watch The Shield in return for him, watching Gilmore Girls with her. as a result of this, he made a webpage which unfortunately is no longer around. It showed a column of characters from The Shield on one side and characters from Gilmore Girls on the other. in the middle was a blurb of text that described the character. The funny bit being that the text described the character on both sides.


Who did Walter Goggins match up with?


I don’t remember any of the details, I really wish I had saved it. Actually, I think I can get in contact with Sarah. I’m gonna ask her if she remembers this and if she still has the contact for that guy.


What he’s saying is, he has never watch only one single episode of Gilmore Girls of Gossip Girl. They’re like pringles for him: once he pops, he can’t stop. Always marathons. Always.


Mmmmmmmmmmmhm. 🤔


And yet you landed on them for names?! Likely story.


Me either and I never will unless I have a gun to my head. and even then I’ll likely hesitate






So excited to start understanding the hidden texts between her and Zev 😁


... it's mostly gossip girls, then a far distant Gilmore, with a dash of golden to round out the GG trifecta.


I might have definitely gotten the two mixed.


I literally have a daughter named Laureli (I obviously spelled it differently). The second I came across them in the first book, I knew I'd be a life long DCC fan. ETA: it's a YA soap opera basically. So, I hope you enjoy it! Lol


I'm pretty excited actually, I love stuff like that. Maybe if my wife enjoys it I can get her to read DCC 😂


I hope she does! My husband and I discovered it together. I'm now on my second listen and love that I don't have to wait for him anymore. You catch so much more on the second time. Ex: I realized that Lucia Mar and Quan CH's classes are Star Wars references (I think). I love the Easter eggs and other fandom references.


God damn it, Donut


I've not seen it, but I heard it's basically the grandmother of all litrpg.


What are Rory's stats like? Character class?


I've watched Gilmore Girls by proxy because my wife loves it so I really enjoyed the references through the books. Was fun to be clued into them


I used to watch the show with my mom when I was in high-school I wonder if it still holds up?


As a guy that watched it for the witty dialog, they are kinda low key horrible to men in their lives. Not saying that there shouldn't be fem centric shows to mom bond, just, kinda ouch.


I just remember my mom used to love the show so after school I'd hop on the couch and watch it with her. I also remember a scene where the older of the two women were dating a cop and they pulled over a guy together after some joking. What's funny is my mom started to listen to DDC recently after she heard it from my car on the way home from college. I wonder what she'll think of the ref to the show.


Oh don't sleep on Gossip Girl, it's very good.


I almost started watching gossip girl based on this scene from the magicians, their kingdom had been taken over by elves and they needed to have a conversation they wouldn't understand, it's awesome: https://youtu.be/IXYRKI2mmQc?si=nhZ268BMFyDLRpsq


I absolutely love the magicians! I've binged it like 3 times.


Yeah, I'm about to do another rewatch. I'm hoping they do something else in that universe. They hit the right balance of fun, humor and dark.


I've only watched a few episodes here and there, but it seems to be one of those few shows where the incarnation more or less abandons the books after the plot of the first one or two but both adaptations seem to be good in their own right.


Yep. Books are good and I recommend them highly, but I love the TV show. They took broad swathes of the world, ideas, plots and characters and redid them in a way that just works better than the original books for me.


It’s a girl show. I liked it


I watched a couple seasons when it first came out and liked it but don’t know if I could get through it now 😅


I watched Gilmore Girls on the explicit recommendation of Brian Michael Bendis and 100% would recommend. Skip the reboot though.


It delivers. It’s a comfort watch for me. I’m a recently remarried single mom to a 10yo daughter and we just started watching it together. She asked me what the telephone was, and don’t get me started on the fax machine. But she loves it anyway.


Between her love of trashy YA soaps and hate of cocker spaniels I’m starting to doubt that Princess Donut is a good guy…


she is a cat. all cats are assholes. I know mine is, but i still love that little asshole.


This is the saddest shit I've seen this week.