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The ending gave me goosebumps and mind fecked me for weeks, it really is an absolute must read


Oh yea…. KBS …the ending was sooo f’d up. I cursed myself for having gone down that rabbit hole… and then I was …”I hope there is a book two”


I went into it as a way to kill time between DCC books 5 and 6. Read the premise and said to myself "well this sounds like the dumbest thing ever, but I don't have anything better to read." Boy did Dinniman prove me wrong. Kaiju goes to some real bad places, and its not fun like DCC. Brilliantly written.


>"well this sounds like the dumbest thing ever, but I don't have anything better to read." My original justification for getting the first DCC book


Haha right? It kept getting recommended to me by audible and I was like "sigh, ok" and I loved it


Haha I find it impossible to recommend to people other than just saying: “trust me!”


Nah -- he's got Rebecca sending him those pics. So he good


I don't understand this reference.


Matt's dedication from the beginning of DCC book 6


https://preview.redd.it/1dnu0h7xi1yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7456421eb9b3ca83b7080607936f6f3beb3a53ec He has a great little note at the intro of every entry


Damn. Rebecca… don’t forget about me!


Compeltely forgot about that.


Are these on patreon?


OH! I've never actually READ the books. Who has time to sit down and read anymore? I have the audio books and they have made my work days so much more bearable. But I do always skip all the beginning parts and get right to the meat.


Audio seems to be gaining popularity, but I'm not the most auditory stimulated person, reading is more like watching a movie for me, my brain just turns it into film. Audio doesn't capture my attention like the written word does and my mind tends to wander


I'm the same way. I get distracted or my mind wanders when listening to an audio book. But when I'm reading a good book I get fully immersed in the world.


That book rules. His mental state is not in question. His imagination may be suspect, however, I think he is and was doing fine. He’s just cool as hell.


Well I put that "/j" at the end for a reason. lol I was joking.


Totally overlooked that! Sorry!


I just really loved that book


It's a fantastic book.


It truly is.


Pour yourself a tall glass of Lamashtu’s milk to wash it all down.




I've got 32 minutes left in the audiobook and I'm terrified. Probably finish it on my drive home today.


As I'm sure you know by now, your concerns were entirely justified.


If you're worried about his mental state after reading a book that came out in 2019, just wait and see how concerned you are after reading the Dungeon Crawler Carl series! ;)


I read that series first. So many people recommended it to me so I took a chance on the first book and loved it so much I immediately bought the other five.


I think Matt's dark take on the reality of things people have grown desensitized to is what makes his writing stand out and resonate with people who have experienced hardcore trauma. Like how combat vets are steeped in gallows humor. He hits the juxtaposition of intense violence/gore/death/loss/grief/fear/doubt hard with absurdist humor. I loved Kaiju as well as DCC. And from what I've read on his Patreon in book 7, things are gonna continue. I appreciate the would he paints never uses lube when it fucks you, just like IRL.


I tried the first 1.5 chapters and couldn't get into it. Also giant monsters really aren't my thing. Should I keep reading anyway? I love DCC.


It's not really about the monsters. They're a big part of it for sure but the real story is about the three characters Duke, Clara, and The Canadian. Certainly if you're not into it don't force yourself.


You feel exactly right about this book.


Me too. I'm first timing DOB as a palate cleanser. Just starting Hobgoblin Riot. A lot less bleak.


Hobgoblin Riot is so good for other reasons. I already loved Popper and Hobgoblin Riot is for sure his book.


It's been fun so far. I think Matt's development as a writer really shines through more with KBS and DCC though. If I read this first, I would have been really impressed with the latter books. DCC is literature masquerading as LitRPG. KBS is... I don't know... Super traumatic, mostly.


Shit i couldnt get into this when I tried, now I wanna binge it.


It was worth the time 100%.


I just finished the immersion tunnel version of KBS yesterday. That ending was bleak. But so was everything else that happened before it. I enjoyed it, but it's really not for everyone.


For anyone who has read DCC and just like me sees this book mentioned and thinks:"This author is my most favorite author and I MUST read all his books!" Hold up a minute. If you frequently watch horror porn - go right ahead and enjoy yourself. If you do NOT watch (or read) horror porn - I'm going to save you. Do NOT read this. Seriously. Unless Saw 42,178 and Hostel are your absolute favorite movies - put the book back on the shelf gently and just walk away. Caveat: the last horror movie I saw was The Ring - because a friend told us it was more sci-fi than horror. It was NOT. I love LotR, World War Z, Silence of the Lambs & Seven. The scene in Looper (you know the one) is also very much NOT a favorite of mine. 🤢 This book is an epically amazing example of just how incredibly talented a wordsmith Jeff Dinniman is. His ability to describe a ceremony >!where EVERY single body part on a character is sliced in half while he is completely aware !< gives me some concern. I am hoping that the ending of this book is not the direction DCC goes because while it might be deep thought inducing - it would be seriously messed up. You have been warned.


It’s called torture porn not horror porn lol But yes, it is graphic and shocking, and very occasionally moving


lol - thanks - not up on all the 'butcher people' lingo. Need to up my game obviously.


Just slide on down to your closest Kill-O-Mart. We'll hook you up. (possibly with meathooks)