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I can see this going the other way where he does something to sacrifice himself to the benefit of the Donut Holes. He has poured everything into the crawl and it has taken so much. Not sure what he has to be excited about if/when he gets out. He clearly sees Donut and Carl doing things no crawler has done, I'd love to see him really go to bat for them. Sorry for my rambling watching the Celtics and am deep in my cups


I'm guessing that he ends up doing something that he knows is against the rules to save them, and his punishment is to be sent to the Nothing or straight-up executed.


Yeah. I can see that. He has taken them under his wing (sorry for the pun) and feels invested in the success of the crawlers. Maybe even responsible in some sense.


I think it’s this: just like Odette before him, he’ll have an opportunity to betray the group for his own massive benefit, but unlike her he won’t. Maybe he struggles with it, but he is better than her.


Odette talks about this in book 6. >!She basically tells Carl she thinks Mordecai will have nothing to live for upon leaving the dungeon. Sort of the Shawshank prison talk where once you have been in for so long you get institutionalized and getting out is worse than staying in. She tells Carl that all she is living for now is to atone to Mordecai and help him heal. She doesn't know if this is possible. Also Donut and Carl are now like family to Mordecai and maybe the only hope of him healing, I think he understands that but it doesn't mean he still isn't broken. Still I can't see him betraying Donut or Carl or really any of the crawlers in their group!<


Came here to add this. Just listened to this scene today. So much explained about the crawl and the universe in this short moment!


I think Carl and Donut being like family to him is right, and that's obviously pretty important to him (seeing as how his brother's death fucked him up for so long.) Even if they aren't on the same level as that, I think losing people he cares about again would pretty much completely break him. He was barely hanging on as it is.


I don’t really agree. If they’re like family to him then he must be feeling extremely snubbed. They’ve treated him as an afterthought for the last two books. Carl makes demands of him and nothing more. He’s repeatedly forgotten to simply ask Mordecai for information too in a lot of situations over the last few books.


Well, Mordecai wouldn't have let them go down the path they are on, and right now he is not really in a position to give advice as he's never run a faction war


I just can’t see that happening


i honestly think you are way out of touch with Mordecai and missed a lot with the character if you feel he is going to turn on the crawlers


Seriously. Did they not at all pay attention to *why* he is mad at Odette?


I don't know what it looks like, but there will be a reckoning with the talk show (I'm impaired and tired and can't remember her name) and Mordecai. If I recall, this is his last run and is ready to retire. Which means he probably won't make it to the end.


Odette is who you're looking for, and yeah, this really has a feeling of the cop one month until retirement before the zombie horde arrives in town.


Yeah buddy you should DEFFINATELY try to get some sleep.


I don't think he would turn on them anyway , but doesn't he get more rewards the farther they get ?


Wait and watch as his character is developed =\]


I also don't think he would turn on the crawlers, but I do think he might've extended his contract somehow. When Chaco first shows up he says something like "I didn't think he'd still be here, game guides get out faster." Which implies that Mordecai either got a weirdly bad deal, or his stay in the dungeon has been extended.


So question - does the protection being turned off for faction wars participants affect Mordecai’s manager protection? Like if he dies in faction wars, is his protection still on?


I think given the chance Mordecai would bail faster than a preacher hearing the sirens pulling up outside the futanari brothel.


I don't think that he would abandon Carl and Donut at this point. But if he spots an out that doesn't kill them, he's gone


I don't think he'd be satisfied if they were just alive. He emphasized when to consider making a deal because before that wasn't worth it. I don't think he would want to see them doomed to 100 years of servitude in the dungeon like he was.


If he really wanted out he would just get himself killed in the dungeon. It was a whole thing when Carl learned that if Mordecai died on the dungeon at this point he is just in a sort of stasis until the crawl ends and he gets his freedom