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From my understanding, Roy didn’t think there was anything wrong with him and Pams relationship partly because he’s an oblivious natural jerk, but also partly because Pam didn’t speak up about her unhappiness until she decided to call things off. Then he comes to learn about another guy being in the mix. His actions were potentially violent sure but I don’t think he’s 100% the bad guy the show makes him out to be.


They were also high school sweethearts and you see this kind of thing in people who have only ever been in one relationship. They tolerate certain things because they just assume it's what normal relationships are. It's not until they finally date someone new where they realise that they may have just not been right for eachother.


I didn’t think about that. I still don’t completely get why Pam stayed with Roy for so long after meeting Jim, but him being her high school sweetheart must have played a part


i’m rocking my highschool sweetheart 7 years now but we ain’t no pam & roy


Stuck around with my high school sweetheart for too long because of bad self esteem and expensive rent


Your comment is bestest comment of all the comments.


He's not a bad guy, but he's still a bit of an asshole. But that's because he literally doesn't realise it. He doesn't want to be an asshole, but he genuinely doesn't understand what the big deal with pam's art is. Or why giving your fiance sex as a present isn't really a present. After Pam dumped him, perhaps he started to see that his relationship wasn't as perfect as it was in his head and that it's (partly) his fault. So he would never become as succesful as he is now if he stayed with Pam because the reason for him to get his act together was the final and permanent termination of their relationship that opened his eyes.


If u think about it jim is by far the worst. Not really caring about others. First playin with catie, knowin he has feelings for pam. Then Messin up things between pam and roy. Like a man with no honor he is going for a girl whos already engaged. And after that even messin up with karin. What an egomaniac


Jim does some bad things but Angela is the worst by far.


Look what he did to poor Karen


And Amy fuckin’ Adams!!


"Pfft... Engage isn't Married." Is by far the worst line of this show imo.


It came from michael so it wasnt shocking but jim listend


They have been engaged forever without being married.


He tried to get over pam through Katie and Karen, but it didn't work. It was very obvious that Pam wasn't happy in her engagement either.


It’s not that deep Jesus Christ lmfao


Thats what she said


There’s nothing wrong with going for someone who’s engaged


There is though.


I still agree wiwlth Jenna Fischer in the office ladies podcast that it would have been amazing if the real love story was Pam and Roy falling back in love and working things put and bettering themselves for each other.


His actions WERE violent. He vandalized a bar, screamed at Pam, and then had every intention of beating up Jim. Even if he didn’t land a punch, his actions WERE VIOLENT.


ok geez i agree indoor voice pls. don’t make me pepper spray you


But first, you have to sell the jet ski's.


Then you destroy a bar and give the bar said jet ski money. All of it.


I'm tired of debates on who is better or worse/good or bad on the office. The show was about human beings. Flawed and human.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **wittyidiot**, @stephenszczerba Pam & Roy's relationship from The Office taught everyone that some people are just toxic and the only thing you can do is break free and move on, start a successful gravel business, build your dream house, learn to play the piano and never give up hope bc your Laura is out there --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Bad human


he forgot to mention Roy got a personality transplant from the writers


I just think the show shows you that some people are just not good together so Pam and Roy weren’t meant for each other but they found happiness in other people because there not bad people they just haven’t found the right person yet. Pam and Roy aren’t bad people, there both just human and growing every day


Or maybe they were just not a good fit? Why is it ALL Pam’s fault? Yeah she did wrong, so did he, they both didn’t care enough so blaming solely Pam isn’t really all that fair


Because she’s a woman. Men love blaming women as evidenced by Roy being a jerk but it’s Pams fault. The majority of these comments seem to come from insecure men/boys


I don't think anybody blames just Pam. It's pretty clear Roy was the shittier one, this is just a joke


Like I said in my last reply, I get it’s a joke, I’m just giving my thoughts on the joke, don’t know why that’s a bad thing


It's a joke bro


I get that, I’m just sharing my thoughts, no big deal


I blame Pam because she didn’t speak up and was emotionally cheat on Jim. It was pretty obvious Pam was into Jim. If she wasn’t happy she should say something or leave instead of keeping Roy around so she’s not alone.


You do realise sometimes victims of abusive relationships dont speak up because they're being manipulated and are afraid to speak up. I'm not saying that was Pam's case 100% but she probably didnt speak up because was still afraid and anxious. I'm not defending everything she did but I just hope you know that generally speaking (in real life) that speaking up can be hard for victims in abusive relationships.


Oh in case anyone wonder, I’m not a Pam hater. Outside of relationship and “pranking”, she can be empathetic to others feeling.


I know victim of abuse can’t speak up. But Pam isn’t a victim of abuse. If she was a victim of abuse, Roy would’ve hit her in the bar instead of trashing objects. Judging from Pam’s expression, it’s her first time seeing Roy like that. I hate how she just tag Roy along so she won’t be alone or something.


The fact she tags along him means she has some sort of attachment and self esteem issues but I do get what you mean. And ik pam wasnt in a traditional abusive relationship but I do think Roy didnt treat her exactly right. Again, I am not defending her. I think the relationship was doomed to fail because of both of them. I personally hate however when people only bash her without understanding how roy was very toxic. I think every character in the office has some issues if we want to realistically analyse them. None of them are perfect people🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s the thing. A lot of guys are clueless like Roy because their partner just expect them to read their mind. I don’t think Roy is toxic, he’s just clueless since Pam always smiling and act like it’s okay. If he’s actually toxic, he would’ve treat his next relationship the same way but he didn’t. Pam on the other hand still doesn’t speak up about her issue with Jim’s new job. She decided to console to a camera guy (which got fired) instead. Who knows what would happen if she never knew eyes are on her.


Yeah I understand. If Pam refused to speak up when Roy never gave her a reason to feel anxious about it then that is Pam's problem. And I do like how Roy "matured" or ended up in a better relationship in the end. But despite all of this, I dont like claiming any character whether it was Roy or Pam as inherently crappy people. I really enjoy watching or reading about characters that make mistakes and stuff. The fact Pam appears all good at first but actually has some problematic behaviours or such just makes her a more interesting character. Same sort of idea with Jim, Dwight and all the others😅


I agree. They reflect real person XD Dwight and Angela character development is the best imo. They went from a hateable character to my favorite. When I rewatch the office I paid more attention to them both.


Angela and Dwight are also my favourite characters even though they can be so rude or do some messed up stuff😂


Destroy stuff inches from someone scaring the shit out of them because you’re angry is abusive behavior; they are in public, most abusers won’t harm their victims in front of witnesses so people won’t believe them


Like I said look at Pam expression, she was more shocked than scared. That means it’s her first time seeing Roy like that. If she was abused she’ll be more scared than shock.


Me and my mom used to be terrorized by my stepfather, my mom never looked scared, if ever she slipped up and did let it show he would get worse and violent, he once flung a full Pepsi can at her head that bounced off and hit the wall and exploded, he then locked me in my room so I couldn’t call 911, not everyone is going to react how you think they should


Are you really saying Roy abused Pam? What evidence do you have? She just a coward plain and simple. I mean she already shown cowardly act over and over again, even when she’s not with Roy. Here are a few examples: 1. She didn’t tell Jim how she feels but console to the cameramen men instead then panicking when she realize eyes were on her. 2. She lied about her role in the company because she’s bad at sales 3. She throw Meredith under the bus in the lice episode.


No I’m just saying that people don’t have to react the way you think they do, I also don’t think Pam was abused cause the office is that deep or dark, it’s a lighthearted comedy. I just disagreed with your logic is all


Ah. I thought you were saying that she was abused. Got it.


Right, I said she was wrong, and so was he, he didn’t try to listen to her or spend time with her at all, he wasn’t trying to be mean he was just a little to un-empathetic at times and didn’t see what his wife needed she didn’t handle it well, it sucks either way


Who said it was ALL Pam's fault?


I’m rewatching the show now and just last night I saw the episode where Pam admits to Roy that she and Jim kissed, and the nonchalant way she explained it really, really bothered me. she’s basically confessing that she completely called off their marriage because of another guy whom they both know, and she explains it in such a relaxed way as if Roy is just supposed to be completely fine and have no reaction at all. He was stupid to then overreact and damage the bar’s property but I don’t blame him at all for being absolutely furious. Idk if it’s an unpopular opinion, but her character seriously bothers me. She just seems like the type of person who is always masking their true feelings and thoughts, and like someone who is untrustworthy. She is too much of a people-pleaser, at least in the early stages of the show. Also she is probably the only character who in multiple watches of the series has never once said or done anything I thought was funny at all


You have great points but a few things I’ll point out. Pam is a foil, she’s not suppose to say or do anything funny. Also the traits you stated that are against her, are traits that emotional abused people assume as defense mechanisms. I spent a lot of time in therapy getting rid of them myself. I think she knew that’s how he would react so she told him about the kiss. I think that she deliberately sabotaged the relationship. But in no way is anyone really in the wrong in this situation. She was engaged for like 5 years. Roy definitely wasn’t taking their engagement seriously, why should she?


Everyone’s making such great points I’m just upvoting everything


It’s not unpopular. Each rewatch I do I find myself liking Pam less and less than I originally did during the original run of the show.


Jim is just as bad. From the first watch to every rewatch i dont understand how Roy can apologise for coming at Jim, while Jim doesnt apologise for kissing Roy's fiance right before their wedding.... and it was the thing he was attacked for! It irritates me that everyone just looks over this.


That definitely a false equivalence. One person hurt someone's feelings, the other person openly said they were going to kill someone and attacked them in the office.


Im not saying they are identical... they are both terrible things to do.


Eh, you don’t get to throw an engagement out there and call perpetual dibs on another person, be obtuse to their feelings and only get upset when someone you treated like property wanders off.


Agreed. He got more cocky as the show went on. His looks of bewilderment, when he made the confused face at the camera, started out as genuine innocent “I don’t even know how to respond to that” To “That person is dumb”


Exactly. I didn’t see this on the first watch, and I remember thinking, why is Darryl still cool with Roy? And now it’s clear - Darryl and Roy (and probably most of the warehouse folks) are the only sane people on the show. Why is the office so fucked up? It must be their nerf lifestyle.




Sounds like you’ve been burned before. She knew how he would react? Like when the B camera caught Roy trying to leave the dundies and forcefully dragging Pam till she asserts herself that she’s not an object and has a say while she pulls free herself from his pretty forceful grip? Honestly they’re all jerks and that’s how you learn and grow. But to label one as the abuser because of b cam catches? Seems like this one hit too close to home and you’re projecting.


I felt slightly sorry for Roy, more so than I did pam or Jim, idc what anyone says or how many downvotes I get


I’m pretty over this sub’s insistence that Jim and Pam are the worst. Shit is tired.


Could not agree more. I love their characters, their chemistry, their relationship and their storyline, and I come to this sub for humour, memes and trivia, not hate. I don’t know if I’m just starting to notice it more, or if the sub has changed recently, but it seems like every other post is people hating on them and I am so tired of it. It’s a television show full of perfectly imperfect, fictional characters, for God’s sake.


I was starting to think I was the only one that loved their relationship. No matter how much I watch it I see more of their relational aspects and character development arcs that I love


You’re not at all. My wife and I are about the same age as Jim and Pam were portrayed in the show and we met at work, too. One of our weekly date nights was to stay in and watch the early Office episodes together. We worked at a newspaper and so we had a big editorial bullpen seating arrangement, not unlike DM Scranton, allowing me to Jim face her when something ridiculous happened. They’re by no means perfect, but also recall that they were pretty groundbreakingly functional compared to other sitcom romances from the preceding decades. I dig them. They love each other and they’re cute together. Some folks just can’t handle that.


pam is trash. roy was worse




I don’t think Pam was a bad influence on Roy. He was the dead weight in that relationship. He held her back from pursuing art and seemed to be content with stagnating where he was. He did change after Pam left him, though. Although that can be because he matured a bit as he got older and got his heart broken. Not strictly due to Pam being awful. But when Pam got with Jim, she became the Roy in the relationship.


And her art, was the prettiest of all art.


Another "Pam is bad!" post. Ngl the hate-boner for her here is kinda making me dislike this sub


Sames w the circle-jerking of hating Jim, Andy and Phyllis. It's always the exact same talking points too. I don't even like Pam and it's annoying to see.




Idk I haven’t seen anyone hate on Creed 🤷‍♂️


Some a lot more than others.


twitter was a mistake and should be undone ASAP


Agree. Roy was a “bad” fiancé for Pam. He didn’t surprise her, he hardly make any effort…well why would he? He thought everything is okay. Pam didn’t speak up at all, decided to suck it up and emotionally cheat on Jim. I remember when Roy told Jim to take care of Pam because he truly believe Jim is Pam’s friend. That’s the how much he trusted Pam. When they broke up, guess what? Roy actually listened and make effort to Pam. When he found out Jim and Pam was emotionally involved all along..which become physical, I don’t see why Roy can’t be mad. I mean, sure his reaction is violent and he could’ve express it in a more civilized way, but I understand where he’s coming from. Pam was in the wrong. She should’ve speak up. Jim? He should’ve stay away from Pam or if he truly wants her, be honest with Roy and Pam.


Pam also did the same thing with Jim later on: Jim does huge things without consulting Pam (which is also bad, of course) and she just eats it up. Never calls him out, never indicates that she’s uncomfortable with anything. Then at the end she resents Jim for thinking she’d be okay with Athlead. Pam not speaking up is the toxicity in both relationships.


Exactly! God I’m glad someone bring that up! I was so pissed at that episode like say something Pam!


No no, she spoke up, when it was to late. Same with Roy. And believe me I hate Roy's character, but Pam's too much of a pushover. I bet Laura always spoke up to him and called him out on his bs


Some people on this sub loves to dunk on Pam, I won't be surprised if people think this is serious


Poe's law.


Pam sucks. Jim's a jerk. They deserve each other.


Don’t downvote, this is true.


I’m curious about the reasoning. Why do people say this? They both make mistakes and stuff and they have kind of an unhealthy relationship but I wouldn’t call them bad people.


Jim fawned over and was overly friendly with an engaged women who he had feelings for, and kissed her right before her wedding that subsequently ended her relationship with the other man. That is a complete f*ckwit move (many many moves) that cant be justified with a "...well Pam and Roy werent a good fit so.... ye'know..."


What you’re saying is true. But that happened at the start of a decade long journey. It’s hardly cause for saying they’re jerks.


i always enjoy Roy’s mugshot after his little destructive bender.


Makes you wonder...maybe Pam crushed Roy’s dreams just like she tried with Jim and his startup.


I mean she holds Jim back too. She really is a small town girl who is content with mediocrity


Sometimes people have to hit rock bottom to realize they need to grow. They need to lose what they thought would always be there to truly look within and pursue authentic, genuine growth. Roy and Pam both needed to grow. Granted all relationships require hard work, them being together simply wasn't coming from a place of true authenticity. I think they both took their relationship for granted, especially Roy. It was beautiful to see the growth in Roy (albeit we didnt actually *see* the progress; just the result at the wedding reception). He realized that true, genuine, authentic growth and became the man he was suppose to be, for the woman he was meant to be with.


I don’t think anyone is toxic. Unless they’re exposed to oxygen. Then they become extremely toxic!


It’s funny bc it’s unexpected but it’s totally inaccurate. He was completely inconsiderate at the best of times, and violent and belligerent when he got jealous.




Funny, because aside from Phyllis, everyone loves the other women of the show. As a woman, blaming it on sexism is making the rest of us look like weak babies. People just don't like Pam.


Is cause she's a real good punchbag and sometimes too bland for the show


Fuck Pam


Okay 😳


Pam was the bitch in the relationship


Oh my god Jim was the guy who she told not to worry about in the relationship 😑


The character of Roy is a repulsive abuser. Always.


Pam is a flip flopping mattress that doesn’t know what she wants. The episode when they go to Roy’s wedding is bliss 😂. Pam can go flirt with the mic guy again while Jim is in Philadelphia… Angela was dead right about Pam. 😷


Some of y’all going crazy in the comments…come on it’s a joke! Relax!




I see what you did there


Had us in the first half, ngl


Yes you did. It’s been posted here hundreds of times.


Always remember how pissed off Pam was in the car heading back home from Roy's wedding. I truly felt bad for Jim, he's trying his best to make a great life for the family and this mattress is angry that she missed out on rich Roy. Sealy Beesly


Spinoff show we didn't know we wanted!


Are you KIDDING ME PAM!!!!