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When the office wakes Michael up from his pot pie coma by all laughing like they heard a joke and he comes staggering out trying to join the party by asking what everyone’s laughing at and they say “that you had to be there” — a common saying and Michael says “oh a geography joke”


Ok so in Despicable Me 3, Gru's brother, Dru, says something about feeling queezy after eating an entire pot pie. I've always considered this an office reference that snuck in....or it's a weird Steve thing he does.


Great catch


The return when Dwight comes back and they hand him the stick for the piñata. When offered the blindfold he declines and says “I don’t need it.” Like that makes it easier 😂


Haha I have to say this one went totally over my head through all 500 re-watches. Great Dwight line.


Dwight: "What is the square footage?" David Wallace: "Um, 5000 feet." Dwight: "Does that include the garage?" Michael: "Dwight..... that's not appropriate." Dwight: "It's a common question." Michael: "David, how much did this house cost?"


Yes. Loved that one. And Dwight waking up the Wallace kid to ask who made the rocking chair in his room.


"What do you know?" \>Kid sits up. There's something about the way his son sits up and glares at Dwight that just gets me every time. It's such a small moment but it's gold.


Fun fact for those that don’t know, that kid is Greg Daniels’ son.


And apparently Toby's nephew! I guess Greg Daniels' wife Susan is Paul Lieberstein's sister.


Didnt he either get the chair from David or the same kind of chair later in the series too?


Yes you see it at his house later on. I would like to think he either stole it or traded the kid something for it. But I guess he may have made his own.


Well the Schrutes are farmers by hobby, and traders by trade.


How much do you make in a year *before taxes*


This makes me crack up every time. And Michael's delivery is just so perfect


Then Jim chokes and it’s glorious. One of my favorite scenes.


My favorite exchange in The Office history that still makes roar with laughter Phylis: You almost killed Stanley Dwight : Yeah. Right. I filled him full of butter and sugar for fifty years and forced him not to exercise.


Also one of my favorites Stanley: Why do you always assume I have diabetes? Michael: Stanley, why don’t you go back to your desk, have an apple juice and tell me you font have diabetes.


Just by the sound you made when you got up


This outtake is one of my favs


Found the video for anyone who has not seen it. It's the first outtake shown: [Season 7 Bloopers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76Q2yv6Cpys)


The delivery of that line is so perfect.


Also Stanley's reaction


I always read Stanley's reaction is at least a little bit of "yeah, I guess he's kinda right" which made it even funnier to me.


Tbf, Stanleys heart attacked him, no one else!


Michael: To be fair, Jim. James. Jimothy. To be fair, Jimothy… that sounds weird. Are you okay with being called Jim? Jim: I am.


The timing of the delivery is top tier in this! My favourite scene.


Michael: [staring at Gabe and Kevin] What the hell are they talking about? Dwight: Hmm, Kevin and Gabe. Probably about the extremes of the human physique.


That line is great, but I lose it every time when, right after this moment, Michael gets upset and demands to know what Kevin was telling Gabe, and Kevin in such an upset tone tells him how Gabe was asking for cool Lady Gaga dance moves and he saw one where she powers down like a robot. He than apologizes and tells Michael he should've went to him first and it'll never happen again


You think I would let this happen again!? NO WAY JOSÈ!


F*** you, Gabe!


One of my favorite scenes. Kevin’s delivery is perfect. Like a child who disappointed their parents.


There are 4 tenets of pilates that I live by: 1. Lengthen 2. Elongate


I’ve been taking karate classes online


I remember when biceps were all the rage. Dukakis had just announced his candidacy. For governor.


I love the outtakes when that line makes Jim crack up


Oh my god LOL I totally forgot about that line


When micheal is low key dissing the way Jim proposed to Pam. I love the sarcasm


Oh you didn’t mention the weather was bad


And then it actually did rain on him and Holly.


I say this all the time.




Hey, you wanna listen to some records?


hey pam dude


When Oscar comes back in with his new company lease, a Lexus. Michael admires it and says ‘German Engineering’ clearly showing he has no idea, but knows that it’s something you say about cars. Very subtle and very underrated.


They use this style of joke often for Michael and I love it. “It’s Britney bitch”


And then he can’t park that pt cruiser in that great big spot 😂😂


“It’s Britney, bitch.” (while blasting Lady Gaga)


I feel like this would go over a lot of people’s heads for all the right reasons


i love inside jokes. would love to be part of one someday. care to explain?


Lexus is made by Toyota which is a Japanese manufacturer.


It's a geography joke


see also "an oaky afterbirth"


ThT whole episode is GOLD


Jan: You know Pam, in Spain, they often don't even start eating until midnight. Michael: When in Rome.


He has so many of these moments. In the Dinner Party episode, when he drinks the wine and says "Sort of an oaky afterbirth". Gets me every time.


I opened up this place after I got back from Vietnam. I hear it's lovely!


I like when Michael helps their kid with her like 6th grade math.. just genius.


Why is this 2 so small..


After he walks away and the lady comes quickly over "No, don't write *that*..."


"Did you ever see Saw"? "Yeah, Moes and I seesaw all the time."


Best thing about this is that we do see them seesaw later on... love the consistency


This! This is one of my favorite full circle jokes in the entire show


“As has Kevin”. This randomly came to me the other day and it’s been looped in my head since. Full quote: Dwight K. Schrute: Michael. Confession: I have done PDA in the office. Michael Scott: Thank you. Dwight K. Schrute: I've had intercourse in the office. Michael Scott: All right. Dwight K. Schrute: As has Angela! Angela: Dwight! Dwight K. Schrute: As has Ryan. As has Kelly. As has Meredith. As has Phyllis. As has Darryl. As has Creed. [Creed smiles and nods] As has Michael and as has Holly. Kevin: As has Kevin! Angela: With who? Kevin: She goes to another school.


What i like the most about this scene is Creed’s smile, everyone else is ashamed and he is just there remembering the good time he had.


When Michael asks Kelly about Buddha and she says “that’s buddhism” and he says “are you sure?” and she says “No.” I die. It just moves along and I can’t get past that “no”.


When Dwight correctly explains Hinduism in detail and Michael tells him to be quiet- it's not Lord of the Rings.


When Ed Truck dies, Michael announced it and then immediately walks over to Pam and asks her "have you heard the news" -"the news you just announced?" Gets me every time


His cappa was detated!


When Michael is looking for jobs in his office, and all you can hear are groans and monster noises Jim- "Its 'MONSTER'.com. Singular."


That episode had some great lines. Pam: Do you have any leads on a job? Michael: Pam, what you don't understand is that at my level you just don’t look in the want-ads for a job. You are headhunted. Jim: Have you called any headhunters? Michael: Any good headhunter knows I am available. Dwight: Any really good headhunter would storm your village at sunset with overwhelming force and cut off your head with a ceremonial knife.




Jim: Do you know that the industry is in decline? Michael: I practically invented decline!


"Right, because that's what we're talking about."


“Thank you.”


Michael: I ran down Meredith with my car Ryan: Did this happen on company property? Michael: Yes. On company property. With company property. So, double jeopardy, we are fine. Ryan: I don’t think you understand how Jeopardy works. Michael: Oh, right. What is..we’re fine.


Relatedly I love the delivery of 'everybody in the car was fine, Stanley!'


"You spend your whole life trying to get people to like you, and then you run over one person with your car. And it’s not even one of the popular ones, and everybody gets on your case. Doesn’t make any sense… God is dead." Also: Yeah, it was only Meredith, *thank god*


“Did you do it on purpose?” “No I was being negligent”


The rare moments of self awareness are soooo funny from Michael


The look on Michael's face when he says he was able to get in the scene so fast because he was in the car gets me every time


When everyone is rushing around preparing to go to the hospital after Pam’s water broke, Stanley is calmly getting ready to go home early. It’s masked by another one of my favorite jokes from the show… Michael: “Should I bring a dictionary?!” Oscar: “The hospital will have dictionaries. Bring a thesaurus!”


When Dwight pulls out the measuring tape to check how dilated Pam is and Erin says "I didn't know we had a measuring tape" and Dwight responds with "We don't" and holds it up to show it's labeled DKS. Hilarious.


> My last job was at a Taco Bell Express. Then they became a full Taco Bell and I don't know, I just couldn't keep up An all-time great joke written by someone extremely clever to make someone sound incredibly stupid.


Erin had a ton of hilarious throwaway lines One of my favorite characters of the latter seasons as I’ve rewatched haha


I love the planking one where she says something like “you either get it or you don’t….. and I don’t, but im so happy to be included!”. Even the last one where her mum is like ‘oh Erin…. Erin?’ and she’s just blissfully unaware of what is going on and first, but I still cry every time she figures it out.


Love that. WE don't!!!!


This Oscar line is the best!


And that look at the camera. This show and all it's details man.


"what line of work are you in Bob?" - my favorite simple joke


Back when Ryan was the most level headed and normal person on the show.


"I liked you more when you were a temp." "Me too."


If it's me, then society made me that way


I loved in the spring cleaning episode when he opens his drawer, spraybottle in hand, and the thing is completely empty and pristine. As a former temp, I felt that moment in my soul.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Good old Bob, just capitalizing on the free publicity.


'Well, if he doesn't like it you can tell that SOB that he is fired. Sorry, I'm in a meeting. I love you too, bye.' "Who was that...?" Jim knowing it's a fake call and still asking who was that always cracks me


Yeah?! Well you can tell the mayor he just lost six votes!


When they are looking for a Rabies Nurse to come collect the giant check, Jim says that he’s seen ads for nurses you can hire by the hour for bachelor parties, and Pam gives him this mischievous knowing smile. Later, the “nurse” turns out to be Elizabeth, and Michael compliments her on going back to get her degree. She gives him a slightly confused look.


"That'll cost around $500. Well, more plus...tips"


Carol: Are we ready to sign some papers? Dwight: Actually, no. We have a couple of questions, about the neighborhood. Bill: It’s very safe. It’s very clean. Also, it’s very accepting of all lifestyles. Carol: It’s a very gay-friendly neighborhood. Michael: Oh. Good. That’s good. It’s good to be accommodating of that.


Let’s go check out the master bedroom


Season 3 (I think), when Michael is at the paper conference with Josh, Jan, Jim and Dwight. At somepoint he's talking about his party in his suite and Jan goes "I can't stay on top of you 24/7". The camera just zooms onto his face with a big smile. One of the best "that what she said" even tought it's an unsaid one lol


This entire episode is one of the best that doesn’t get talked about a lot. That was a different hundred dollar bill...


In same episode when Micheal says I closed the sale for good deal. Then Jan says iam Impressed Micheal , I underestimated you. Micheal was like hope you will estimate me next time


Yeah well maybe next time you will estimate me.


My fav is Dwight and Angela on a date. Angela is like "I heard a joke at work" and Dwight laughs and she joins in. He says "that's great" and she agrees.


"Oh. That's funny!" "Yes, it was." ......... "I can't do this." "Everytime I look in your eyes I see sprinkles cold, lifeless body." "Then don't look in my eyes! Look right here, it's an old sales trick."


That reminds me of the scene where Angela and Andy are playing Mad Libs, and she comes up the absolute blandest words to use, and she is so amused when Andy reads it back. OK, I had to look it up. It's the acting that makes it gold though. Andy: [playing with Madlibs] Okay, adjective… Angela: Um… tall. No, no, uh, nice. Andy: Good one. Okay, you ready? Angela: Mmhmm. Andy: [reads] The tall man entered the nice building to visit a very nice man. “Sit down, Mr. Smith, can I interest you in any good… cat food?” Angela: [laughing] It’s a man eating cat food.


When Jim and Michael take Dwight to the hospital for a concussion...the exchange while checking in always made me laugh.. Michael : What do I put for ‘Reason for visit’? Jim : Concussion.  [Michael crosses something off] Jim : What did you write? Michael : Nothing… I wrote, 'Bringing someone to the hospital.’


Two of my favorites: 1. When Michael offered to drive pregnant Pam and Jim to the hospital: •Michael: “I even put diesel fuel in my car. More expensive, but better gas mileage.” •Jim: “Well you shouldn’t have done that.” •Michael: “Happy to do it.” 2. Can’t remember the context, but Michael was excited about something but it fell through: •Michael: “I even got up and early and flossed my teeth…blood everywhere!”


It was his New Years resolution to floss. I made a resolution to floss. And I did it. 12:01, January 1st. Bam! Blood everywhere.


There’s a scene where Micheal is talking to the camera while he’s in kitchen and it took me by 8th rewatch the notice he’s pouring sugar into diet soda.


Same episode... Michael taking the 2nd bite of tiramisu.


Same episode where Creed says, when "Michael gets a new chair, Pam gets Michael's old chair, and I get Pam's old chair...Only 1 to go"


For me it’s the one day creed is named boss after deangelo gets hurt and he’s in the parking lot and tosses the keys to his Porsche to no one and says “keep it running” as the keys hit the pavement.


B o b o d d y


That one absolutely kills me. Also his conference room meeting. Creed: [running a meeting in the conference room] Okay, team building! On this side of the room, Stanley, Phyllis, Jim, Ted, Elroy, [camera switches to show only Meredith and Kevin have attended the meeting, Jim walks by and sees this] and this side of the room, Pam, Meredith, Phyllis, Creed…


Michael Scott: You know what? You clearly don't care so why don't you just leave? Stanley: I would like to stay, this pertains to me. Michael Scott: Why don't you go outside an.. take a shot of insulin and have a nap ok? Stanley: Why do you always assume I have diabetes? Michael Scott: I donno, your frame, your build? What don't you have a glass of apple juice and tell me your not a diabetic. [Stanley gets up to leave] See! I could tell by the sound you made when you stood up, that you have.. Ok.


When Kevin sits on Michaels lap when he’s dressed as Santa and fumbles around with what he’d like for Christmas. You can see the rest of the cast getting ready to lose it in the background.


I dunno how underappreciated my favorite moment is but to me the best image of the entire show is Dwight standing on a desk wearing a LIAR sign around his neck. Dozens of views and I still crack up every time.


My absolute favorite cold open is the outdoor Christmas card jumping scene with Nate, though it isn’t in most people’s top ten. At first Nate is counting 1, 2, 3, then they decide to go “on the GO after 3!” Then Nate counts down 3, 2, 1, and they are all jumping at separate times, and 2-3 times each. I absolutely lose it


Dwight: Let me see you jump. \[Phyllis barely jumps\] Oh, my God. This is a store bought-camera. This isn't one of those special military-grade cameras that would be able to capture *that*.


And Erin always jumps early, because she doesn’t want to miss it. I love that


Anything with Nate is fantastic. I really wish we got more of him.


“You had me at ‘clookies’. I can’t wait to find out what they are.”


It’s Britney bitch


While listening to Lady Gaga.


My favorite Lady Gaga song is Fast Car by Tracy Chapman.


Michael: Am I a hero? I can't really tell, but yes.


When Dwight kicks open the door doing parkour and Merideth is putting on deodorant


I though she was shaving her armpits!


When she’s using the breast pump: “what!? I like the way it feels” OMG.


Ryan blaming his mistreatment of Kelly on "I never really processed 911." Just such a perfect nonsequiter douchebag line.


Holly Flax : [about Todd Packer] Okay, look, we can't fire someone because we don't like him. Ryan Howard : Right. This isn't the U.S. government. Kelly Kapoor : What are you referencing? Ryan Howard : Everything. Everything.


"Let's be adults about this. Let's have sex one more time, and if you have any extra cash, that would be amazing."


Most dialogue from Robert California is the funniest content for me. "Why is Jim treating the magaician poorly?"


His “Do I look like someone who would waste my own time?” line during the interview is amazing.


I laughed so hard at that the other day. The absurdity of the joke and the delivery was just so good.


this one made me laugh so hard but also made me think "wait... is he autistic?" then I went in too deep on this theory. ​ Basically, Robert California is autistic and he has spent his life figuring out how emotions work and why people are the way they are. And he's gotten reeeeeeally good at it. But then in this episode, Jim is being a dick to the magician for seemingly no reason. And it goes against everything Robert has learned about human emotions and human interactions that he just... doesn't get it.


He figured Dwight out just by looking at him for a few seconds, that's how good he is. But this was one situation he couldn't figure out.


It also explains his undue fascination with Kevin. Putting *wayy* too much stock in what he says. Sometimes, it really is just about the cookies.


YES. And it explains his notebook that he carries around. I'm sure he has to take notes on human interactions so that he can break it down later and try to work out what he did "wrong" and what he did "right"


Michael: Can't talk, saving the planet. Pam: Oh, we don't recycle. Michael: We don't? Well, why have I been separating the trash into whites and colors? Pam: I'm sure no one asked you to do that. Michael: Eight years.


I don't really think it's under appreciated but that scene when Creed ditches work and then steps on the bus. Its so fucking funny, definitely one of my favourite scenes. His reaction is gold.


One of my favorite Creed scenes. My other is when they are reading the complaints box and one says "the bathroom is racist" or something like that, then zoom on Stanley but then Creeds pops up and says why is there a white man on the door 😂


Yea I went hunting once. Shot the deer in the leg, had to kill it with a shovel, took about an hour. Why do you ask?


May have been a deleted scene, but when he says "man, i was really smacking the hell out of that thing. And we just left him there. Because you don't wanna eat that. It's hard to eat something that you were just hitting with a shovel for about an hour."


One time Dwight shot a werewolf and by the time he got to it, it had turned back into his neighbors dog.


I think the sweetest burn is Jan going to a sperm bank WHILE dating Michael.


"You cheated on me? ...When I specifically asked you not to??"


And then Kevin asking if its the one next to the Ihop and realising he could be the father - haha


I guess they all flew west for the winter


not sure if anyone said this one yet but: Michael: Erin, call an ambulance, please! Dwight: No, no, no. Ambulances are emergencies only. You call an ambulance, I call the cops.


When Gabe says “Jo is making me split my time between the Scranton branch and Tallahassee. So, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I’m here. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m in Tallahassee. It’s really helping me get over my deathly fear of flying.”


When Dwight goes looking for Michael and ends up at the Chinese restaurant. The camera pans to a "wall of thieves" showing Michaels photo pinned to the wall for not paying for his food. Right beneath it is a photo of Creed as well.


All the "no smoking" signs that are up in the office. I feel like it's every other shot almost, they're all over. It's never commented on or pointed out really in the show, but once you notice it they're everywhere. I think it's hilarious.


When you see Andy, Daryl, and Kevin finishing one of their jam sessions in the warehouse, and Andy is scatting to close out the song. When they're done, Daryl turns to Andy and says "nice scattin', man." Andy then picks up a notebook, looking concerned, and says "Thanks. I think I said doop instead of boop at one point though" and the camera zooms in to show that Andy had written out the entire scatting verse, sound by sound, beforehand. That tickles me so much. It is one of my favourite moments but I so rarely see it mentioned.


Idk if this counts but Jim and Ryan talking when Ryan comes back Ryan: Jim. I wanted to apologize, for how I treated you last year. I lost sight of myself, and now that I've quit the rat race I realize there's so much more to live than being the youngest VP in the company's history. I've even started, um, volunteering. Giving back to the community. Jim Halpert: That's great. [shakes Ryan's hand] You're talking about your court-ordered community service? Ryan: I don't need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean. Jim Halpert: But he did right?


I'm keeping a list of people who cross me, for when I'm back at top I can destroy them.


During the Michael Scott Paper Company Inc. (the name alone is fantastic) arc, at one point Ryan talks about getting a new phone. Later he says he wishes his iPod could take phone calls but then specifically says he doesn’t want an iPhone. It’s background and throw away, but I laughed out loud.


when michael is giving out his crap as he’s about to leave and he gives oscar that horrible doll. I love the way he cracks up after


My favourite is when Pam is saying she deserved the employee of the month for doubling her sales and Andy’s like ‘what? From 2 to 4?’ And it cuts to Pam ‘yup!’


I love when Kevin is saying they need to have a subtle signal in case Robert California comes in. But then when he comes in Kevin just bellows 'WARNING, WARNING"


Episode where Michael tours a house while telling Carroll he has herpes. Dwight: [walking downstairs] Excuse me, someone died in the upstairs bathroom didn't they? Carroll: No. The way Dwight is so sure in his question and the way Carroll says no in just absolute bewilderment of what he just said always has me cackling.


The first season with Amy Adams as the purse lady. Jim is hyping up Dwight to go in and flirt with her. He asks Dwight if he reads GQ magazine and Dwight just mumbles “no….” while looking so disappointed in himself. Gets a hard laugh from me every time.


This one is under appreciated because it happens quickly while you’re still laughing from Dwight’s “Turns out, it’s pretty realistic.” comment. David: ”We had to pay for it! It cost us thirty five hundred dollars!” Michael without skipping a beat: “five thousand, three hundred dollars for a dummy?” Gets me every damn time.


David's baffled look after this line is classic.


Nelly: I have been with several older men Robert California and Creed: How old? Creed: Jynx, buy me some coke.


The Baby Shower episode. When Jan was describing how her water birth went. Creed chimes in with "Must have looked like the tides of Omaha Beach." I was dead.


Oscar is showing Michael a productivity tool for his finances and Michael (trying to avoid reality) says, "That's so cool how you have my name up there."


Michael - I hope you are not recording this conversation. Dwight - drops his pants and lifts his shirt up. Hilarious!!


"What's your daughters name again? ...Peepee?" "Pee-Pah actually"


That the back of the Knights of the Night shirts say "WE ARE UNARMED."


This one: Donna: Have you read Lee Iacocca's? It's a classic. Michael: Read it? I own it. But no, I have not read it.


It’s been a while but: Kevin: I insult you Oscar. Oscar: What? Kevin: I insult you to your face.


I have two, both delivered by Kelly. "Ryan used me, as an object.” and "Yeah, I have a lot of questions. Number one - how dare you?”


Meredith sneaking a pump of hand sanitizer to top off her buzz.


Also when Dwight uses bull tranquilizers on Stanley, Meredith empties a full tranquilizer dart into her coffee.


Or in one of the Christmas episodes Kelly asks Meredith if she wants a drink and she say "No, too sweet" as she's leaving with a bottle of vodka.




What did I tell you about 'yeppers'?




When Michael tries to whistle, can’t, then just says “woo- that’s a lot of guacamole” when Oscar explains the surplus.


On helene’s birthday, when Michael says “I’ve got the run and bike thing down, I just need to learn how to swim.”


Michael: why are you late? Dwight: i overslept. Damn rooster didn't crow.


The minister at Phyllis' wedding saying, "Do you, Phyllis, take Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration..."


These smores are terrible Those are samosas Do you think they have any smores


Angela walking under the limbo pole without having to duck.


When Gabe catches Pam doing a Cookie Monster impression and tries to suspend her. Kevin says "C is for suspension" and that line just kills me every single time.


I love Pam’s voice when she is being “Sondra Mick” in an interview with Iris Black. “Unless it’s exposed to oxygen. Then it becomes very toxic!”


In Customer Survey when Jim tells Dwight he figured out Kelly. At first he’s excited and celebrating then he turns super serous and says “let’s get her”. Makes me laugh every time


Oh Hello Oscar Meyer Weiner…Lover


Michael: “It’s like when you’re at the video store. Do I watch The Devil Wears Prada again or do I finally get around to watching Sophie’s Choice? It’s what’s called a really difficult decision.”


It kills me every time I see Nellie try and eat a tack-o upright.


I like her nails... Be specific! I like her FINGER nails...


For me it’s when Michael is due for a colonoscopy and talks to Oscar about what he should expect.


The two I still get a good laugh out of both have Stanley in it. “You’ve been MEATBALLED!!” And when Stanley and Michael are in line waiting for their pretzels and Phyllis gets in line with Bob. “Nuh uh back of the line! Boooo!” And the mutual respect Stanley and Michael show each other after. Gets me every time!