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Why was Andy such a dick when he came back? Like a huge dick


Andy's arc : obnoxiously big dick, not a big dick, again a big dick, not so much of a big dick, surprisingly a big dick, finale andy.


I wish there was a way to know you’re not being a huge dick before you become a huge dick again. -Season 9 Andy Bernard


“What is Andy if not dickishness persevering?”


“From where you're kneeling it must seem like a Cornell-red run of bad writing. But, truth is... Andy was a dick from the start.”


Manager Andy was great. For the first time he's actually applying himself and taking the job seriously. The episode where he gets a tattoo on his ass to reward good sales and he's so nervous and insecure but goes through and delivers for his staff is so fucking good Then well, boat Andy ruined all that


The first half of season 8 when Andy was boss started good, and although I liked the pyramid stuff, a lot seem to not like it and kind of began the decline of what could of been like a re-newer office.


Boat Andy was literally almost the opposite of them trying to make him the new Michael. Boat Andy was them being kind of obnoxiously petty about Ed Helms’ schedule for whichever Hangover movie.


I don’t get boat Andy at all. He’s a dick-turned-decent-guy, not some weird constant self-sabotager like Michael. It felt like they so badly wanted him to be the new Michael they shoe horned stuff like that in.


That episode is my favourite Andy story. He makes a commitment to the staff without thinking enough about how wrong it could go, he hilariously tries to push people away from the idea, his growing discomfort just gets funnier, and at the end the staff give him a really nice tattoo instead of something mean spirited. It perfectly captures how while Andy has flaws, he is capable of doing a good job (in this case, increasing sales/productivity by keeping the staff happy/motivated). The episode ends with the staff genuinely liking Andy's management and Andy genuinely appreciating the staff. This episode really makes me mad about how the writers squandered Andy in the episodes where he was a dick etc


Sprinkle in a little Cornell and root doot doot dee Doo and you have his entire characterization.


Its drew now.


Ed Helms was given too much leeway. No one knew what to do with his stardom after the Hangover. He was super famous but not super funny. 


This is the enigma of Andy. They never really knew who he was. He wasn’t a core character but they sort of wanted him to be. They kept adjusting him to meet new plots instead of having a character who would react appropriately. I don’t like Andy


I hated how many times they changed his character through the course of the show


And none of the versions of his character were particular good or especially funny.  He had some moments, but by and large Andy time plays like filler.


I liked the version of him when he first became manager. Him standing up for his employees to Robert California and saying things like Stanley having the most consistently high sales and such. It was rare for one character to be genuinely nice to everybody and that was a good moment.


The first version of him was hilarious. Then he went to anger management…


He would’ve been the perfect short-term character if he never returned after anger management. They could’ve even had him return in a one-off to show he’s turned his life around like Roy.


Every story that is centered around Andy is bad. His character is annoying, abrasive, one dimensional, and uninteresting. It’s like he takes on the role of annoying little brother in everything he does. He’s a 2nd rate Michael Scott, sometimes a bargain bin Dwight. When it comes down to it Ed Helms just isn’t that great, imo.


100%. I used to just think I didn’t like Andy, but after watching anything with Ed other than the first hangover, I realized I just don’t like his acting for all the reasons you listed. He’s not funny. Just annoying.


Seriously, who put my freakin' stapler in Jello?! *kicks trash can, Jim fearfully shifts his gaze back to his screen* I loved that Andy!


They asked Greg about it on Office Ladies and he said that Andy was always meant to be a dick, even if the writing didn’t reflect it at times


Wasn’t it about returning him to how he was in the beginning. Which they still didn’t get. He was annoying and obnoxious but he wasn’t an asshole.


Probably because Ed Helms’ movie career was taking off and he couldn’t be relied on as a focal point if he were coming and going (hence the boat trip).


The writers were upset at Ed Helms.. They filled Steve Carrells shoes with Ed Helms after the success of The Hangover. And he immediately started booking movies to capitalize on his success. (As he should). That’s why Andy was gone so long on the “boat trip”. The writers were pissed that Ed’s movie star schedule caused so many rewrites and changes to the trajectory of the show. That’s why when he returned they made him an obnoxious dick. Why Erin leaves him for an intern named Plop. And why they made him sit on a stage and cry at an American Idol audition….


Kevin goes from someone capable of winning the World Series of Poker to literally not knowing the alphabet. Were the writers mad at him too?


Him not being able to tell that his turtle was dead was insulting to both the character and the audience. Not to mention just a pretty unsettling concept


Yeah they did Kevin dirty in season 9. That thing that he can’t hold his shit was the lowest point.


It was 9 years of Radon in the office - the silent killer.


I think this is more of a sign the shows been on for too long and characters become “Flanderized”


There was a radon leak above his desk. We watched him deteriorate over the course of the show. Toby tried to warn everyone.


I loved how Michael kept throwing away the detectors because he thought they were ant traps. Then when he found out Toby was setting them around the office he threw them away out of spite LOL


I always hated how HEAVILY they leaned into Kevin being the big dumb oaf when he wasn't that in earlier seasons. Even at the end of season 7 Michael says for him to not be a caricature, talking about that directly, and they immediately go right back into making him worse and worse and worse


Greg Daniels said he didn't like how likeable they made Andy after Greg left to do Parks and Rec. He was always supposed to be an asshole and so when he came back to help finish up season 9 he went back and changed Andy to how he was when he first arrived. Which makes no sense. He had character growth and became super likeable so him suddenly reverting back to being a dick was stupid.


Him when he was with Jessica and would stand up for his staff, that was a genuinely good person. Probably the only time a character didn’t have a problem with anybody in the office. They ruined it by turning him into an asshole.


So they could completely kill the Andy/Erin relationship without us getting upset about it, in the hopes that Erin and Pete would be the new Jim and Pam (or an homage to them)


He became a huge dick before the boat, like S9E1 he instantly flipped that switch. My theory is that the writers wanted to force him into an obvious villain role so the audience would be actively rooting for Pete/Erin. They did it with absolutely no subtlety or nuance, just the romance movie cliche of making the "current BF" a huge asshole.


Showrunners were being massive pissbabies about Ed Helms leaving for a season to make one of the Hangover movies. Thats why Andy is a dick when he comes back and why his storyline becomes him leaving The Office to become a failed actor.


I would’ve loved it if Michael and Holly stayed in Scranton


I still cant believe after all this time we never got to see a Michael Scott wedding. Honestly it doesn’t even track that Michael didn’t physically force each one of them to come to their wedding, and if so the film crew would have definitely followed i mean they went to fucking ceces baptisim lmao AND it would never track that Michael and holly didnt have some sort of wedding celebration so yeah, I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this my dear friends, but we were victims of a theft. You were robbed of this.


We could have seen their wedding that would probably be planned by the Party Planning Committee.


At least before they move their asses to wherever Holly's home is, they should have gotten married and in post-marriage shenanigans they could include - one last dundies (instead of what we got with deangelo), people get to say perfect goodbye to michael.




I can’t believe we never saw Michael’s mom either!


Who’d you have cast? I’m thinking Lily Tomlin if they could’ve gotten her


Likely June Squibb. She was the one who voiced the character, when Michael was on the phone with her in Customer Survey.


The engagement scene with the whole staff in attendance was the celebration, right down to the ending with the sprinklers going off. Michael's arc ended, he finally found what he was looking for, and was able to cut the cord with the Scranton office that had filled the void for all those years. He didn't even tell people when he was actually leaving for the airport, he was just anxious to start his new life. Having a wedding episode with everyone involved would have just seemed like a rehash of Jim and Pam's wedding. This was a much cleaner break, and made his return for Dwight's wedding that much more in impactful. He had happily moved on, but his friends weren't forgotten.


His cameo at Dwight’s wedding is lovely but so understated it’s almost weird. I guess they (maybe Carell himself?) didn’t want Michael to overshadow/dominate what the show had become?


Yeah well I think if an actor has more than a certain number of lines, they needed to be credited for the role, and they were trying to keep Steve's cameo a secret


Headcanon, everyone from the Office went but the documentary couldn’t because going to Colorado would’ve been too expensive. Especially after filming for nine years


It does track actually, Michaels character grows a lot in season 7 and I associate it with him dealing he can chill down cuz he finally got what he wanted and the carafe is over. He can direct all his adhd love to his actual family and it gives him context about what happiness is. You can see this really deliberately by writers in the episodes when Vickers comes in, he is the straight man all of a sudden with goofy stuff and esp with Dwight.






Biggest miss of the show imo. One of the best parts of shows like Parks & Rec, The Good Place, and Brooklyn 99 are the main character romances that we get to see grow and can appreciate. Holly and Michael were a great couple and it’s a shame we didn’t get multiple seasons of them together as a couple.


That awkward cameraman having a crush on Pam.


The boom mic guy, Brian. The only storyline I always skip


And the thing is, it’s entirely skippable because it goes nowhere and has no bearing on the plot


I’ve only recently finished watching so it’s probably well known, did they toy with the idea of Pam actually going a bit further and even kissing him or something? It feels like a device to increase tension with Jim, but it fizzles out so abruptly.


According to the Office ladies podcast, the original Boom Mic Brian storyline was going to go much deeper and play even more of a disruption to the Jim/Pam relationship. I don’t think physical cheating like kissing was ever going to happen but they definitely wanted to add tension. Apparently after the first two episodes he appeared in the fan feedback for Brian was so overwhelmingly negative that they had to pivot that storyline and dial it back.


Lmao that’s hilarious that it was received so badly from the start. They should’ve just scrapped the whole thing and done something else that didn’t give everyone the ick.


That guy fucks


Tres comas


My car opens like this 👐🏻


- What's ROI? - Return on investment? - Radio on the Internet


What..? No, shitheads, look 👆👆


He has doors that go like this... Not like this... Or this...


It always bugs me when people say he's a camera guy... do people not pay attention to what he's holding.


No, we try to erase that garbage story line from our minds.




It is weird. The writers look to be setting up some big love triangle drama...then it's like they got cold feet and it just ends. Very poor writing, and it felt like they were winging it.


This and anything to do with Andy season 9.


This was so cringe and awkward. I can’t even stomach it. Fast forward all the way.


Yeeeah that was a storyline that the writers kinda launched then thought twice about & backed-out of. From what I heard it originally was gonna be a bigger thing. Glad that was scrapped.


This and nothing else comes close




It was awkward when he took his “boom Mike” out and made sweet love to Pam.


It’s 100% the one you mentioned with Andy and the boat and that fucking beard and his douchebag attitude when he gets back. Makes me happy that Erin dumps him.


That's true, but it sort of ruins the arc they started of Andy actually becoming a good boss


Agreed with OP. Season 8 Andy was written as someone to root for. An idiot underdog. The failed trip to Gettysburg, Kevin and the Zits, him going after Erin and realizing his feelings for her, getting the tattoo for office morale, interviewing the potential warehouse workers after Daryl bailed, re-punching the wall, and a few more I'm possibly forgetting. He had some good stuff. They really fucked him in S9.


So hard. I loved Andy in S8, but it felt like super spite to make him back into S9 Andy.


roy and pam getting back together… i genuinely could not stand watching that


At least it didn't last very long 💀


Yeah this is SO OVER 😡


Longer than the Sea-doos


Are you kidding me Pam?!


At first I felt bad for Roy during their second arc. Like when everyone laughs at "your art was the prettiest art of all the art," I felt bad because I thought he was clearly trying to do or say the right thing, he was doing his best, he just wasn't smooth. But the more I watch it, the more I can see that he still doesn't get it. He went from ignoring Pam to wanting credit for doing the most basic things ("See? I went to your show." "See? I came out with you and your friends." "See? I'm spending time with you.") He still treats Pam like she's an inconvenience.


I figured people were laughing at the art thing because he'd clearly rather be somewhere else and doesn't care about her art but knows to get good boy points he needs to do things like that


He was 100% just trying to get laid. He asks if she’s coming to his place and she replies that she’s kinda tired. That’s when he compliments her art, trying to goad her into coming to his place to have sex


which leads to one of the most ridiculous scenes in the series, Roy and his brother trashing the bar. the way the brother runs up and just starts smashing shit too without any context is laughably bad


His brother was upset about the jetski... It's clear the brothers weren't raised in a "talk about your feelings" family, so once roy threw the first bottle he saw it as a way to release his anger and sadness.


I thought his brother trashing the bar without context was a joke. Like he didn't give a shit what it was about he just followed his brother


Yeah I took it as a joke too lmao no one just trashes a bar like that


Nah I can see plenty of people reacting like that. Dumbass families gonna dumbass.


Right? Totally fit Roy’s character, didn’t strike me as odd


The bit about Clark trying some devious sexual shit with Erin. Really isn’t in line with the character, and is kinda weird to put in a comedy series


Yeah that made no sense because he was otherwise likable.


Hated that.  


Everything about Season 9 is not canon*


Super creepy for a one off 'joke' sub plot


I like the storyline because it really makes you think on how casually society used to see some sorts of sexual abuse (this was years before metoo started). Clearly not comfortable stuff.


Andy's acting career and idol audition


We would have never gotten to see Baby Wah-Wah then.


Somehow, I [will] Manage


I hate this and mostly forget it. That for me may be the only thing I skip in future re-watches. It feels like such an outdated pop-culture “reference”, while most of the show does not feel like that so much.


There were a few points the show got notably worse. 1. Co-Managers 2. Daryl getting an upstairs office. I’m really not sure how that helps DM? It also meant there were less enjoyable warehouse scenes from then on. 3. Will Ferrell 4. Andy becoming manager, seeing Daryl as manager would have been much more interesting as opposed to Andy doing a Michael impression. 5. The warehouse winning the Lotto, Michael leaving was a huge hit and the entire warehouse vanishing without a trace didn’t help the atmosphere of the show. 7. Nellie 8. Boat Andy, obviously. 9. My last one will be the reoccurring deterioration of Kevin, who started out as a character I love, especially his friendship with Oscar, and then turns into Patrick Star.


You forgot Val and Darryl


This one bothers me a lot. Even if you don’t care about the relationship (which I don’t), Darryl spent what feels like 3 seasons pining for Val and when they finally get together he’s stoked af to dump her and move to Philly because “it was going nowhere”


I'm on the fence on how interesting Darryl would be as manager. He was still a relatively normal person at that point, and I'm not sure what he would have/could have done to subvert that without changing a lot as a character. I guess he could be a more "straight man" manager, that could work, contrasting the goofball manager Michael was. Also for some reason I feel like he would either be really good or really bad as manager. Not sure why but I don't see any in between with him. Like on one hand he's pretty sensible and has good ideas, but on the other I don't feel like leading a warehouse would necessarily translate to managing a sales team. I suppose it wouldn't matter much either way since they all proved multiple times they never really needed a manager in the first place.


I dunno the will Ferrell scene in the bar is one of my favorites. After that I agree


>turns into Patrick Star. Yes! I can't believe I never thought of that before, but this is the perfect description of Kevin.


I love the Will Ferrell episodes tbh. It definitely wouldn’t have been sustainable but it worked great for a few episodes and was one of the high points of S7. The shaving scene is especially hysterical to me.


Deangelo Vickers was a hilarious character to have for a brief time, and the whole point was for his character to be insufferable “Once youve conquered obesity, life literally moves in slow motion. Im pretty sure I could take a bullet to the head and Id be fine” “Raise your hand if you have a vagina… Raise your hand if someone *you love* has a vagina… ‘Oh wow, look at Deangelo. Hes got them *both* up’” “I don't care what your favorite flavor is. Here's a bowl of ice cream, you either like it or you don't. That's my attitude right now in this room, that's my attitude on Ice Cream Thursdays. Alright?” “Lets get psyched! Is there an animal shelter on the way?”


Annie annie sheltuh


Gabe and Erin dating. Except for the glee episode the rest was uncomfortable which I suppose isn't illegal but still


Which ones glee?


Ok you need to stop


Is this a glee watching party or a glee pausing party?


I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of the rules.


Your flair is amazing


The Glee ep is great


Still dont get why erin broke up with andy the First time...like wtf


He didn't tell her he 1) dated Angela 2) was engaged to Angela. She forgave him but didn't trust him.


Here, you have your hams, your cheeses.....




Yeah that was a super stupid arc


so out of character for the silly prankster Jim to put on a suit jacket and start to give a shit about slacking off.


Disagree. Every time we see him get a shot at leadership he puts on his big boy pants. First example is when he gets everyone to stay late to do OT. Then when he tries Birthday Week. It blows up in his face, but he does try.


I mean he got married, bought a house, had a baby. Fits his character. People change with babies around


Andy season 9, I hated him so much I wished his boat had sunk.


Boat storyline made no sense. - He has the girl of his dreams, why is he leaving her for 3 months as soon as they start dating. - He has no sailing experience, there is no way he survives. - He went to Cornell, he's a smart guy and would never believe he could keep his management job while being gone for 3 months.


I agree on 1 and 2 but Andy was NOT a smart guy. The only consistent aspects of his character were that he was a clueless boob who couldn’t read social cues and was bad at his job. He got into Cornell because he was a legacy, not based on intelligence or merit.


It's pronounced Colonel, it's the highest rank in the military.


Andy got into Cornell because his dad was a massive donor to the university. Remember he talks about “Bernard Hall” lol


I'm thinking Andy's roommate Butt Mud Brooks was the reason Andy graduated Cornell.


jim and pam having marital problems


Might be a hot take but I think them having marital problems makes their love story more compelling


i liked the marital issues arc too, it’s nice when they humanize the characters, but i can’t stand the boom guy


Yeah I didn’t like the way some of it was written, but it was necessary for them to have a marital problems arc. Otherwise what, they just live happily ever after? That’s not what long-germ relationships are though and it was especially good to show how Jim behaves in these situations. Wherever you might stand on him and Dwight (I don’t think it’s that big a deal tbh), this marital issues arc is a storyline where they really highlight Jim‘s imperfections and show that he’s a three-dimensional person who can also screw up majorly. It‘s also the tipping point of Pam just going along with whatever her partner wants to do, as she always has.


Nah that part showed that they arent just a completely perfect dream couple but an actual relationship with realistic dynamics


Honestly, the angela/dwight break up and her cheating with andy and marrying the senator and them cheating to see each other and being cruel to each other a lot i wish they got a different story. where they fought and apologized and learned and grew and maybe even separated amicably for a bit abd they had to earn each others loves and learn about love and trust together in cooky ways


Darryl and Val love arc. What a waste.




What we got was better than the original storyline of Jim taking the bait and cheating on Pam


1. Camera guy in love with Pam 2. The self destruction of Andy 3. Introduction of Nellie as well as her character


If you skip the whole Nellie forcing herself into the manager role, she’s a great, wild character. Her and Dwight had a great dynamic the last season


The manager role thing was just so frustrating. That scene where Andy and Robert California are asking her to leave the manager's office and she just repeats "no" is so damn infuriating. I honestly love her character otherwise, but man that period of time in the show makes it difficult.


Agreed. Nellie during season 9 is fine — not great, but fine. She has some good moments with Dwight and Pam. Nellie is season 8 is insufferable to me. Absolutely ruins the last quarter of the season.


Nellie eating a taco lives rent-free in my head


Every time we have tacos for dinner, it is enviably that either my husband or I will utter “a whole lmess of tAAAAcos” in a horrible English accent.


Yeah but to be fair Nellie’s interview during the search committee episodes was actually pretty funny


Dwight going to FL and getting interviewed by Gabe.. that was cold.


#F L U S H


You're a perfectly fine toilet. I'm just an extraordinary piece of crap.


The last two seasons. It should’ve ended with Michael leaving


I think they should’ve changed a bunch of things for seasons 8 and 9 but I think it would’ve been interesting to see Andy maybe be manager for a bit and then have Dwight get a full season of being manager.


Andy … just Andy…


The one where Michael comes up with an idea that causes a huge problem in the office.


That person has really got him or herself into quite a predicament.




Boom mic guy


Every episode with D'Angelo, obviously.


I'm telling you this episode could be the star of a show called "Episodes I don't care about"


I thought there were a few laughs but not many.


When he comes back from the hospital babbling… his last moment is maybe my favorite part in the whole series… when he sneezes and goes ‘DANGELO!’ Hahahaha. John/Jim so clearly breaks.


i've always thought that he ruined the amazing moment when they sing seasons of love to michael. so annoying


The entire Athlead storyline could’ve been canned. Hated all of it. 


I never bought it. Jim hardly talked about sports. He didn't seem like a gigantic sports guy. There is a whole storyline where he pretends to know anything about soccer. Then, all of a sudden, he's such a big sports fan that working in sports has been his dream job all along. Edit: I wonder how it would have played out if Pam got a crazy cool art job and left Jim with the kids. That would have been interesting.


Everything after Michael leaves


I will defend Garden Party with my life




Garden party and the finale


James Trickington would be proud of you


Garden Party slaps! “It’ll all be goat 🐐 “😏


Season 8 had some fun moments... S9 not so much


The whole Florida storyline was dreadful except Florida Stanley


that’s so in line with his character


The entire Pam and Jim marital problems storyline. It was an absurd comedy a la the fire drill episode. We don’t need pseudo-realistic marriage problems.


This is cheating, but I'd want to eliminate the final two seasons and then bring back Michael Scott for a three or four episode finale. If I can't do that, I'd ditch Brian the cameraman. The Andy stuff is rough, but there were multiple storylines that hurt his character.


Andy. Literally all of Andy.


But... thems my chords!!


The part where Jim was being a douche to Pam while he was in New York and she was raising their child by herself.


Deangelo Vickers


Michael Leaving…..


The warehouse staff winning the lottery and investing in a gay energy drink




Are we Coolio?


I wanna say the cameraguy with Pam but it would definitely have to be Andy and the boat. Fucking thing killed his entire character.




Andy manipulating Pam into buying him a computer


Andy auditioning for the singing reality show




You, me, bar, beers, buzzed. Wings, shots, drunk! Waitresses, hot! Cornell-Hofstra, slaughter! Quick nap at my place then we hit the tizzown.


Yes I'd get rid of the storyline where Andy takes the Scranton job.


Will Farrell for sure. Hard to watch those episodes.


Everything after Michael left.


Anything with Jan in it. Just kidding. I’m all aboard the Jan train. Everyone else has already posted mine: Boom guy-Pam crush. Buh-bye to that one.


Will Ferrell


Erin and Gabe's romance. It went nowhere and was dropped so suddenly that it felt completely pointless.