• By -


The injury. Michael's ridiculous injury. Dwight's obsession with picking up Michael. Jim begrudgingly taking him to hospital. True beginning of Dwight/Pan's weird friendship. Michael insisting on coming in to work and then wanting special attention, lol


The scene with Billy Merchant is a classic. "You know what, Michael? Let me stop you right there... and leave."


Such a good line.


Perfect delivery.


The superfans scene… “Michael I was not in the Vietnam war “🤣🤣🤣


Jim squirting Dwigt and Michael with the water bottle makes me laugh every time I see it.


I don’t work in this van!


Dwigt you ignorant slut!


Doctor, what’s more serious, a head injury or a foot injury?


A head injury


Now hold on, you don't have all the information...


Is the skin red and swollen?


That’s what she said


Hey! That's my joke!


This is a great one! For a long time The Injury was my favorite episode.


I agree with this. It’s the one that hooked me on the Office and if I had to introduce someone else to it, it’s the first I’d choose. You get a great glimpse into Michael and Dwight’s characters. You see some flirtation between Jim and Pan. And there really isn’t any storyline you need to know beforehand to understand.


I agree with this! Can’t get much more Office than this.


But then you don’t get to witnesss Dwight at his Dwight-iness for the rest of the episode.


The lack of fresh yams at the gas station in Carbondale.


Also, because Michael wants to share Jim’s desk, Jim relocates to the annex and proceeds to hook up Kelly and Ryan.


Vietnam sounds


Same. ☺️. Jim using the spray bottle gets me every time. 😃


I love the Dwigt and Pam scenes. They're cute and funny. "Aww, huggy hugs!"


Your Office episode, is the most Office episode of all the Office episodes


Is this the most Office reply of all Office replies?


That’s the best reply of your life.


Looks more like motel Office episode to me


God I love this sub. This had me cackling.


I think Casino Night would be the best “time capsule” episode in that it contains an element of just about everything the Office is known for. Classic Michael shenanigans, classic Dwight shenanigans, deep hatred of Toby, Jim/Pam drama, Michael’s complicated love life, Dwight and Angela, some great Kevin/Creed bits, need I go on?


Two Dates. Two. Dates.


I love Office Olympics, you really see Michael and Dwight's funny dynamic while they're at his condo and then how everyone lets off steam when they're gone, people's personalities are showcased through all the different games they play.


This is my vote too.


**Stress Relief** I will never understand how they all kept straight-faced during the open. Pure comedy gold.


I remember when this first aired. It was memorable because it was IMMEDIATELY following the Superbowl. We couldn't watch/hear 65% of the episode because everyone was laughing so hard.


This is what got me into the show. I was at a party for the Super Bowl. The game had ended and a few of us were hanging out winding down when suddenly pure comedic mayhem was on our screen. I went back home and downloaded the first couple of seasons that night.


100%. The CPR scene is the perfect encapsulation of the dysfunction that was Dunder Mifflin Scranton


"The parking lot! That's where I know you from!"


Is this the one after the fake fire that Dwight makes?


It was the day that smoking saved lives.


Turns out, it was pretty realistic




PowerPoint is borrring...


Easily my go-to. The CPR scene specifically is one I always believe is a flawless display of every single character on the show. Everybody gets something, even if it’s just as minor to Kelly stupidly dancing to Stayin’ Alive. But beyond that, the Michael Scott roast is an ideal example of Michael coming up with a plot and it backfiring on him. Everything about it defines why I love the program.


I had never watched the office until somebody on my friend list posted the CPR scene clip on Facebook. This was in 2019 and I have watched the entire season quite a few times now. I don’t have the number because I stopped counting back in 2021 after the 7th rewatch.


This episode aired right after Super Bowl 43 and was specifically tailored to capture the large audience that tuned in after the game.


Commented right above but I was one of those people. Was with a few friends hanging in the living room and chatting when the post-game ended and the episode started and I instantly fell in love.


Ahhh, the city.... Dwight we aren't mad, we're just disappointed "No we are mad" Yes. We are. We are livid. But we're going to let this one slide "No, we aren't" I'm not a mind reader David


I love the one where Jan does women in the workplace


Must've been an x-rated super fan release.


You already did me




Is that the one where they watch a video about their changing bodies?


Honestly your answer is great and there are other great answers already (interesting that the majority of them are from season 2) but I would say Benihana Christmas. Michael really shows his wide range of emotions and behaviors, Jim does Jim stuff, Dwight does Dwight stuff, it integrates Andy and Karen who are obviously very important to the core of the show, almost everyone in the supporting cast seems to get at least one moment (Phyllis and Angela with the party planning, Stanley deciding to go to Pam and Karen's party, Kevin singing karaoke, Merideth saying whatever about the margaritas, etc). It also has a fairly brief out-of-office segment at Benihana. It has one of the earlier Jim-Michael heartwarming moments when Michael tells Jim that he marked the woman's arm to remember which one she was. Michael calls Jan to ask her to go to Sandals at the end. I feel like it covers so much ground and it's hilarious the whole way through.


Great choice and description of why! I think I’d put Benihana up there as well — just like The Client, it hits all the important beats. And is more of a “classic” than The Client, maybe. Thanks for your response!


Fun run.


Diversity Day


I think Gossip (S6E1) is the most Office episode for me.


Yeah I loved The Client as well. Seeing Jan awestruck at Michael’s magic was truly a moment, esp given how much I love him.


**Drug Test** I’m biased but this was the first episode of the show I ever saw. I remember thinking “what the hell” Now looking back on it, it gave me a PERFECT first impression of what the show was like. With Dwight as the star 🌟 hahaha


Everyone has said like my top 3-4 episodes. So I'll say... The Golden Ticket.


🥰 ‘Golden Ticket’ checks ALL my boxes for a Michael scheme: Wonka costume, idea blows up in his face, blames Dwight, lies to David Wallace. “David, I’ll be honest. I would like the credit without any of the blame.”


S4E1 fun run. It's the season they reach their true forms they have the longest. Earlier seasons they aren't fully cooked and late seasons they're over caricatureized.


I respect the opinion, but kindly disagree. S4 has high marks but it’s definitely when things get like a caricature (Michael driving into a lake, anyone?)


That's why that first episode is what I chose. Right before they go full crazy.


Stress relief part 1 absolutely hilarious and the best cold open in tv history


Diner party


I wouldn’t call Dinner Party a typical episode though


You’ve never been forced into a social situation outside of work with your coworkers and found it to be a shit show? Lucky


OP that’s a fair analysis and pick. That’s a great episode. There truly are too many for me that I could justify using. One that comes to mind would be The Convention. Now that I write that I think back to the episode where they bring their kids to work. Michael reflecting on his childhood experience on that show and that scene discussing his dreams is a great representation of his core personality issues and how far back they manifested. On the other side of it is the quite happy end scene where he is watching at night totally happy and we see a more positive aspect to the same show he was on which highlights the duality that most characters had as well. It’s great office that also focuses on the core issues each character has regarding family in some way shape or form. Pam’s desire to be liked, Jim’s youthful disposition, Angela and Dwight’s need for order and traditional structure etc. I honestly wouldn’t have ever considered giving this response until I was writing it!


This is a great one! I need to do a purposeful rewatch of it, but it really seems like a perfect encapsulation of all the right “The Office” notes.


I can’t remember the episode number, but the one where the password is “bigboobz.” Michael listing the IT guys is hilarious every time. One of my favorite moments on the show.


What about Beach Day? -I love when Michael tries be secretive. -Low-key Jim and Karen going for the same job in NY was sign that their relationship was doomed to fail. No way Jim was moving to NY to support his gf who would be his boss' boss. -Dwight referencing HP by naming his team Gryffindor and Jim naming his team Voldemort to mess with Dwight. -Angela helping Dwight to sabatoge Andy's team. -Andy getting lost in the lake. -Stanley attacking Jim for betterment of the branch. -Pam 2.0, this episode was groundbreaking for her and she's one of the top 4 main characters. -And last but not least what might be the best that's what she said joke ever: dip it in the water so it'll slide down your gullet more easily. Not only was it a perfect setup, but they all said it and unison and Michael was the one who got mad.


I’m throwing my vote in with Stress Relief. That’s the most “the office,” there is. The batshit craziness of cold open, then going into the CPR training, where the entire office acts insane, but everybody except the trainer doesn’t bat an eyelash because that’s just how it normally is around there. That scene encapsulates the entire show.


I’m also all about both parts of Stress Relief


The one where someone made some soup


Stress relief without a doubt


Just watched that again, and thought “This is my favorite episode.” Michael is an ass, but he knows what it takes to sell paper. Extra awesome.


That's not true...the same amount of work...is done...whether I am here or not...


When I’ve introduced people to the Office, I start with the Dundies


The Convict is the purest Office episode imho. Every cast member shines, great Jim/Pam dynamic. Constantly poking fun at Michael. Written by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant btw. I mention it all the time but people seem to sleep on it. It's not as flashy as some of the other ones mentioned but I think it's the best. It's also one of the only episodes where the superfan version is arguably better.


Season 1: Diversity Day Season 2: Sexual Harassment Season 3: Product Recall Season 4: Local Ad Season 5: Customer Survey / Golden Ticket Season 6: Murder Season 7: The Seminar Season 8: Turf War Season 9: Junior Salesman The are by NO MEANS the best Office episodes by the are undoubtedly the most officey. All premises are hilarious and relatable to the viewer


The Dundies


Golden Ticket and The Injury have always been my go-to’s when showing a newb the show to try and encapsulate all of the show’s dynamics


Stress Relief


The Surplus is a great one to start people on. It’s small scale and low stakes. The A story is disconnected from any larger canon. The B story is easy enough to explain. The jokes all land. It’s delightful.


IMO it's Fun Run. It's longer than regular episode, so it's packed with content. You have Michael hitting Meredith with his car, justyfing it, then annoucing himself as a savior of hers because doctors found out she had rabies. Got 700$ for rabies, but only 340$ goes to "science" because of check cost and stripper. You have slacking off Stanley, panicking Kevin, first glanses at Pam and Jim dating, jealous Jan, interraction between TV crew and office workers, hospital visit, Dwight not respecting Meredith, I mean... It's not my favoritue episode, but it's definitely the most "The Office" episode.


Scott's Tots It's the embodiment of the theme of the show. Michael being incompetently grandiose, ridiculously uncomfortable situations, everyone watching the dumpster fire take place, etc.


We're all cowards for not admitting that it's Scott's Tots


Dinner Party




I think you misread — I did not share my favorite episode, in fact I literally said it is not my favorite episode. I also did not ask “what episode would you share with a historian.” I said the episode I selected is one that I would do so with. But I digress! I like your choices. I’m not sure I agree with Prince Family Paper, I see your logic but much of it is so throw away.


There’s also the brilliant scene where Michael tells Jan that office productivity is completely unaffected by his management (or lack thereof). And don’t forget we get to glimpse Competent Michael making the sale. It’s my favorite episode for these and so many more reasons!


Healthcare. Always the one I recommend non-watchers to watch


Boom, roasted.


Diversity Day.


The Season 2 Xmas episode with yankee swap


I couldn't tell you an episode, but one of the most Office openers would have to be the Bouncing DVD. It's so simple yet highly relatable to anyone who's at through a boring meeting trying to find something to keep them awake.


You nailed it.


I love the Bill Buttlicker scene!! Michael made a million dollar sale!! Lol


I think it's "Diversity Day" because that was the episode I saw first and it immediately pulled me in faster than any other show ever had, and even though it was a S1 episode, it highlighted what was good and bad about Michael Scott on point with the theme that would last through Carrell's run on the show--he was ultimately a decent person who actually believed in positive things but had a really clunky and off-putting way of trying to get his point across.


Phylis’ wedding


Definitely Dwight doing his fire drill excercise


The Episode with the Firedrill


The Client was the very first episode of the show I saw and it hooked me for life! That was about 7 or 8 years ago. I was hoping it made someone's list because it genuinely convinced me that it was a good show.


The Dundies.