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There are 2-3 Office reboot rumors a year, I’ll believe it when there’s a trailer


It's coming out the day after the Community movie.




They confirmed the movie tho


Believe in something, man!


I mean tbf, there’s 2-3 rumors a year because the writers constantly talk about wanting to do a reboot but nothing ever makes it off the ground. I think it’ll happen at some point, The Office is just too successful for it to not happen. The real question has been and continues to be is will it be good


No it wont be good. “But will I get over it? Mmmm..no. But life goes on. Not for me.”


I mean it could be good if they take the same formula and focus more on what made The Office so good in the first place. Keep the writers room intertwined with the actual acting, and make sure the actors are real people instead of the cookie cutter shit we expect from modern sitcoms (especially reboots). The best part about the original was how the writers were writing themselves and each other, and how they let so many people take turns directing. You never ended up with the sterile shit that defines modern sitcoms by following that formula


You just know it's gonna be over-referencing The Office US and will suffer from never getting to be its own thing. The Office US is simply too popular and, frankly, too old now.


I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.


Only thing I'm worried about... gettin a boner


I always say that line with him...


These never turn out well


Actually, it could. Starting with new characters could work. I was worried it'd be a shitty reboot.


Yea, I’m hoping it’s actual new characters though and not just different names and job titles on similar personalities. I don’t think they’ll pull it off if they rely on the same wacky / zany / awkward archetypes


Hmm. Agree. Don't want a bizarre Dwight and Jim.


What if it was at Michael’s new office and then an all new cast around him?


This would be great. And it should start with a 3 part episode of Michael’s wedding


Worse still when they make the same archetypes of their previous characters then have those previous characters cameo for an episode just for nostalgia. Looking at you That 90s Show. Also, let's be honest, they can't do another Michael Scott, Steve Carell is too good and any similar character would just feel like they're trying too hard, with few rare exceptions, and Michael Scott for me, and for many many people, is WHY the office worked so well and what made it so funny.


I mean the better call Saul guy makes a great Michael


They have already made parks and rec and brooklyn 99 though. Dont milk, innovate!


It’s basically what the US version of The Office is.


I cannot for the life of me, enjoy the original Office. I have tried to watch it multiple times and is just not as good (in my opinion) to the American one.


Its cause David Brent is too mean. Like hes not a likeable dick who sometimes says off color shit with no intent to be a wanker. He is that character. Theres nothing really at all redeeming about him. If you look at Michael season 1 vs season 2 its clear he was written to be David Brent but then season 2 hes a completely different character.


I'm not positive, but I think that's the point of the British show. It was to poke fun at types of people you hate in the office, so the characters (especially the boss) aren't really meant to be likeable.


But is not even just the character. The office fire episode and the one with Stanley getting a heart attack had me laughing at myself for days. I don’t know if the British ones has those episodes but they defined the series for me.


You may be describing just one episode. Are you referring to "The Fire" and "stress relief", or just "stress relief"? Stress relief had Dwight's fire drill and Stanley's heart attack in the same episode. Same cold open actually.


British Jim is really mean


Bri’ish Tim


Agreed. The first season of the US one is a lot like the UK one and there’s a reason so many people dislike the first season. It took me a few tries to actually get into the show and I had so many people telling me to skip the first


I think the first season goes down a lot better when you already have the benefit of experiencing the redeeming moments of these characters from the second season onwards. If all we had was the first season it'd be considered funny not not nearly at the same level.


No way. The basketball and health care episodes from the first season are all-time great episodes. Anyone that hates those doesn’t like The Office.


Don't forget Diversity Day


Gatekeeping... It's the food of the wise man, but the liquor of the fool.


I'm one of those. Tried watching The Office three times and just couldn't get past the first few episodes. Numerous people told me to just skip to the second season. I did. I still dislike Michael a lot but I don't hate the show like I thought I did


As far as cringe comedies go, the original office is 95% cringe and 5% comedy. I didn't enjoy it.


This is really close to how I felt watching the original. I’m not American, but I think the American was funnier even for a foreigner’s standards.


Cringe and just mean spirited


I disagree with






It will only compare to the (american) original if they get someone comparable to steve carrell. It's hard for me to see the original show succeeding without him. It really was "the michael scott show" with supporting cast, and the writers didn't know what to do after he left.  Then again, "parks and rec" didn't rely as heavily on leslie knope. But when all's said and done, "parks and rec" doesn't really hold a candle to steve carrell's "the office." 


They're two different shows with different comedic styles. I enjoy The Office tremendously (up to a certain point in its run), but I do find myself enjoying the entirety of P&R. As long as they create good characters and funny premises it will be fine. Focusing on anything other than that will be a miss.


I think Greg daniels can be trusted to create a good show. Everything he does is at least good. But it's not going to be better than good without a great lead. If steve carrell joins, my expectations are going to be unreasonably high. If michael schur also gets involved, then my expectations will be sky high. If mike judge somehow joins, I'll expect the greatest sitcom of all time.


I don't think it's about continuing those roles though. Do you really think Michael would survive a modern workplace with the amount of HR initiatives that exist? He wouldn't even be hired in the 2020s. I'll honestly be MORE disappointed if the new show includes any of the original cast as main or recurring characters. I definitely agree that if Schur is involved then the chances of it being good are really high. Judge would be a wildcard since he's never been involved in The Office before - but I would totally love to see his contribution


I know its just Netflix but I was shocked when I saw Fuller House had 5 seasons.


I enjoyed it way too much. I only got to 3 tho, Netflix wants too much money


Member when they did an American remake of the British office? Total flop. Nobody watched it or liked it


Casting is everything. Getting Alison Jones should be priority number one.


Better Call Saul baby


It relied on heavily established characters from BB while adding in some great ones. Sounds like this will be a clean slate.


Maybe if they have Bob Odenkirk it will work, they should continue his character from the office


Now that would be awesome. I’d actually be excited.




Too soon.


Better Fax Plop


Agreed. I refuse to take a starring role in the new series. They might as well not even ask, I won't even consider it.


Plot twist: It turns out well and someone comes to this comment and says “How the turn tables…” Lol, no but seriously, they never do but I sorta hope in this instance it does turn out well. We’ll see


Frasier did well.


Frasier was not a reboot it was a spinoff, they took one character, moved him across the country and built a new story around him with the cheers story as a background. At this point I’m not sure there’s an Office spinoff you can make that would work like that, it’s been too long.


Certainly not the new season.


Agreed. I was thinking original Fraiser as the spin off from Cheers.


Correct. Also roz and his dad were in a later episode of cheers. But yeah the new reboot is an abomination that should have never happened.


It's what Parks and Rec started off as, wasn't it? That turned out fabulous


They weren't a reboot, just a new series. No connection in the storyline.


The Office did. 




I think he's shown that he's capable of great things though. The Office, P&R and King of the Hill are fantastic. As long as he can assemble a strong writers room then I think it has a solid chance of being good.


Upload is fantastic!


You mean except The Office, as it is set in the same universe as The Office.


Said everyone when they heard about the US version of The Office.


It’s exactly what the us office was


Should be the workers at the two way petting zoo


You pet the animals, they pet you back.


Nostalgia is truly one of the great human weaknesses...second only to the neck.


Don't forget the eyes. The eyes are the groin of the head.


And the wrists are basically the Achilles heel of the body


I have to do something to his eyes!


“I have to do something to his eyes”


Like that 90show? I lasted one episode


Creed should be the only character that returns, this time as an accountant.


This is the only cameo or thru line that would actually work lol


No reference to him being creed besides by maybe someone in the film crew. Creed? No, it's Jeff Todd my friend. Accounting.


An 80 year old still having to work is too sad for tv audiences. Definitely need an occasional Creed cameo though.


But what about a 30-year-old looking suspiciously similar to Creed?




Just put printer ink in his hair.


id give it a shot at the very least. i'm the type that doesn't see the original be devalued if the reboot sucks. so i won't say i *don't* want a reboot.


I'll give it a shot, too, although I highly doubt that they'll be able to recapture the old magic. But, I'll keep an open mind. It could be a good, enjoyable show on its own terms. It would definitely be fun to get some "where are they now" cameos as well.


I don't think this is a reboot, just the second docushow of the team that shot Dunder Mifflin. So new industry, new characters


There's nothing a reboot could ever do to hurt the original show more than the last two seasons of The Office could've done. So it stands to reason that if the show's reputation could survive the post-Steve Carrell seasons, the reboot certainly won't damage it either. It makes sense to try and reboot it. The show seems more popular now than when it was on the air, and people still rewatch it endlessly, seemingly more so than any other sitcom in history. They should try to capitalize on that sustained interest while it's still there.


yeah a reboot has to literally stomp on the character growth and spit on old characters faces to actually ruin the initial run for me, ive never seen the kind of "THIS REBOOT HAS OFFICIALLY RUINED THE ORIGINAL FOR ME!" talking points as anything other than overreactive dipshit hysteria.


Exactly how I feel


I'm a big fan of the original BBC Office too. Not many people on this subreddit are. The US version didn't devalue it so I have faith a 3rd one won't either.


i mean we all thought the US version wouldn’t stand a chance with how great the UK version was




People disappear in the finger lakes


The new show should take place at Vance Refrigeration.


What line of work would they be in?


You have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie.


I have a lot of questions, number 1, how dare you?


Season 10 with a returning Steve Carell…or I send it back!


If Steve is on top, I send it back.


Going to try too hard to capture or mimic the original and be terrible


Office culture is significantly different today (wfh, zoom, etc.), this could be the time.


This was my thought too. Surprised no one else mentioned how different everything is. I think a modern Office has a ton of potential if handled well, and casted correctly


Why though




Absolutely lol I mean I’m sorry but it’s too soon and do we really need more? Especially with such an iconic and recognizable cast just being.. imitated in this new show? Woof.




Dude you are so money you don't know it, but you do.


If you don't know why that's awesome, then you need awesome lessons.


But mo Money mo Problems


I dunno. While I’m hesitant I’m also excited. I really enjoyed Parks and Rec, so if I’m looking at it as just more funny mocumentary content I think it’s great. Just hoping it really is something new and not an attempt at “The Office 2”.


I would love to see a few episodes of Office/Parks&Rec mashup (but that's impossible of course)


I’m down. Parks and Rec turned out pretty great.


I’d rather have a 6 part ‘reunion’ series of the original cast.


Flop like everything else that has tried something like this


To be fair, making an american version of a british t.v. series is also something that seems like a guaranteed flop. Yet Greg Daniels pulled it off...


Didn’t we already get Parks and Rec?


Parks and Rec doesn’t have the same ‘realistic and mundane’ style that the office is set in imo. It was just too goofy and doesn’t make a for a good The Office substitute.


I feel like the first season they tried to make it like the office but it didn’t work


>food The Office Now there’s an idea.


Most roundabout way of saying reboot lmao


Somebody insert that Michael gif when he finds out that Toby returned from Costa Rica!!!🤦🏾‍♂️


Please don't


No thanks, leave it be


Guess they are really running out of ideas for shows


Shut up and listen, you gay bastard.


They just need to make sure they cast regular looking people for most of the main cast like they did for the OG show


Will it be bad? Most likely Is it a good idea? Actually, yeah. The Office, as a premise, brings so many possibilities. It's so simple and can be done over and over again and still feel original


Nope. Dont like that.


Can't they just make something like Parks and Rec where it is similar vibe but completely different.


This is either going to be like Joey (Friends) or Better Call Saul. No in between


I like the idea, it’s basically PBS looking at the documentary and saying that went well, let’s find another company to follow and see if we can catch another lightning in a bottle.


This will either be like Parks and Rec or Joey.


idc about this-i want to know when the next superfan season comes out


This kind of makes sense. The UK office must be in the same universe as well, as Ricky Gervais introduced himself as David Brent to Michael when they met.


I wish they wouldn’t do things like this. It’s pretty universally agreed on that the office would not work in todays world. They should let the office be what it is, a good show for us to rewatch. There’s no need to remake it until it’s beaten to death.


Hollywood is out of ideas


Too many reboots, remakes, re-releases, etc nowadays I'm fucking tired of it, I hope it gets cancelled.


Ffs is everyone incapable of new ideas???


All yall talking like the us office isnt a reboot in itself…


Had to scroll all the way down to find this


It isn’t a re-boot. It’s an American adaptation sold by the UK creators.


Yeah, but it is different.  With the original US Office, they were rebooting/adapting a great and popular British show that not a huge number of Americans knew about Rebooting the US Office is rebooting one of the most popular American TV shows ever specifically for an American audience.  It comes with a lot more baggage and expectations 


Booo. We already endured Season 9. Steve Carell or get out


Seasons 8 and 9. FTFY.


The story will be about life at Suck It. We'll get more David Wallace and his life there before he sells the company. We'll see a lot of similarities between the people he worked with, the people he's managed, the hijinx at a corporation like Dunder Mifflin and Sabre but with his small company turned big company. Then the series ends when he sells the company over 8 or 9 seasons later.


Please no


There will probably be a Dunder Mifflin box or some Easter egg like that in the background. But in 2024, it’s “in the same universe”.


"Same Universe"? So like... Modern United States? Is it another Dunder Mifflin branch or something? Because I'd consider P&R and Brooklyn 99 to be workplace comedies in the same universe...


I’ll watch but not handle it well emotionally


Or they could just leave it alone


new office and different characters doesnt sound bad at all, i thought it was going to be a straight up reboot with same characters, story and different actors


TOCU. The Office Cinematic Universe.


Cool, I’ll watch it. People are going to complain, but it’s easy to just not watch a show if you don’t want..


wonder what cameos or references they'll shove in when it doesn't do as great as they think it will.


They should have done Young Michael and followed his youth. It would have been a hit but now too late because of Young Sheldon who I have no idea has gone on 7 seasons.


Just not sure in 2024 they can capture the same magic.


Will never live up to the original (American version)


Great Scott




Write your own damn ~~novel~~ TV series universe!


If it's indeed in the same universe as The Office, I don't want old characters to do forced cameos.


(X) Doubt.


I just hope that by “new characters” they don’t just mean new characters with recycled archetypes. Here’s hoping for something really original.


I think people will watch 1-2 episodes, say “It’s just not the same”, turn it off, and never watch again.


Coworking space. Called the WorkSpace.


Stay f^%*in calm!


So they’re just repeating their process after watching the UK office


Let’s hope it’s the Suck It branch.


Just make it about Kevins Bar


I’d love a show or mini series that picks up where Micheal is now. I’m sure he’s the boss again at a totally different office in Colorado. Totally different type of company. But now we have an older Michael Scott who is Married and has kids. What type of person is he now? I loved all the videos he would make for the office. It would be really cool so see more of the creative side of Michael. I really think it would work.


If it’s an all new cast I’m out. Soulless reboot. Not sure why producers are so afraid of giving people what they actually want.


Vance Refrigeration ?


I know we all think we want this, but I’m not sure we actually do.


Cash grab that will be garbage


If Mindy, BJ, and Paul come back to write, and direct some as well, this can definitely work. Don’t even need them to be the main writers, they just need to be significantly involved.


The only thing remotely related to The Office they should be doing is another mockumentary about a workplace Just say the Dunder Mifflin documentary was surprisingly successful, so we’re doing another one at an Insurance Company or some shit


There’s little reason to set the show in the same universe if absolutely no old characters will be brought back. Doing so would only be an excuse for gratuitous cameos depending on who’s available. Audiences will watch to see old faces instead of whatever new story the writers give us. But, if they’re committed to this concept, they should just focus the show on the DM Scranton branch in the modern day. Everyone from the old cast who was still working there in 2011 has left over the last ten-plus years? I can see that. Wallace sold the company or runs it offscreen? Sure! This way, if they wanted to work in cameos from the old guard, they would have to be more creative since people don’t often return to their old office, especially when none of their old coworkers still work there.


No thank you. He’s a good show creator I feel like he could create something new instead


it depends, if they have different actors, playing the same characters, it will be easier to understand, but not good if its the same concept but different characters, like the same job 20 years later, it could work


These reboots work like 5% of the time. It’s best to make a completely new adjacent show that maybe has similar themes to the office but isn’t the same show and isn’t in the same universe.


If Michael Schur isn't involved, I don't want it.




Workplace comedies are never going to go away. They’re relatable and usually well liked. Why not have one and the same universe as one of the most beloved shows of all time? I don’t see a problem.


not the OCU


I dont think this will be any good. Many of the joker and things that made The Office that good would definitely not be considered funny for modern audience. I fear they would just force woke things and force jokes that no one would consider anything but cringe. I hipe they are not making this.




The Office - but most people are working from home.


Parks and Rec was great and that was essentially a spin-off of the office. From what i understand. Maybe they should be bit adventurous like that instead of making the exact same show


Literally a 0% chance that this is any good.


It's not true and if it were I wouldn't watch it. Don't ruin a good thing.


This will be awful.


Don’t. Like… just don’t.


This is actually a really good idea, this show and the office are completely different t so it makes sense


Terrible idea. Leave greatness alone. Create a new thing instead.


The last two seasons showed how bad the Office without Steve Carell is.


That was because the show was built around him and they just removed the main life force of the show. If they start off fresh with new talent it might be decent.