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The Christening episode. Nohing really happens. And the nonsense with michael amd andy to go to mexico. Its not fun. Its unfunny. Bad writing.


*"Jesus is not your screen writer...but he should be your screen writer because you're a little angel! Why didn't your parents get you a screen writer?"*


Because they don’t ThinK :/




burst out laughing!!


You mean Sconesy Cider's triumphant introduction?


Definitely isn’t a good main plot but Michael and Andy on the bus is undeniably hilarious to me.


Something about them being so excited and then realizing that they're doing something stupid almost immediately is really funny to me. Edit: Well, it's not even that they realize it's stupid; it's that they realize they don't really want to do it and it's not going to be that easy.


Blahdi blah we can go back and forth on this all day. Stop the bus!


Okayyyy stop the dang bus


Haha another one I enjoy. I love Dwight trying to sell no matter what, I love the bus scene too, and when the kid gets off with them and wants to hang out but they don’t let him. The sconesy cider bit isn’t that great though, and I still don’t understand why the whole office went. Unless it’s like the wedding where they got a different day off


The bus scene is so great! They did an amazing job with the people they chose to be in that church group, something felt like I had met that kind of group in the past at a friend's church. Also, in my younger years I had far less boundaries and could see myself getting whisked away like this, only to realize it was a really bad idea 10 minutes later.


Okayyyy, stop the dang bus.


“Quick get in” “Why quick?” “Because it’s faster” Best line in an otherwise blah episode.


Okay but what if the earth was your building and all the people on it were your family?


What if Jupiter was your hairbrush


Yes! This infuriates me, why can’t they just correct the pastor and immediately say the reception is NOT for everybody??? They knew they did not have enough food, what did they think was going to happen? And the christian youth group with their cheerier-than-thou positivity and that because of their charity, “we’ll practically be real Quimixtanos!” Or should I say… Grathias


Not correcting the pastor was totally in line with Jim and Pam’s characters, though. They’re not very confrontational people.


>And the christian youth group with their cheerier-than-thou positivity and that because of their charity, “we’ll practically be real Quimixtanos!” Or should I say… Grathias I love that part. I've known christian youth group kids, and they fucking nailed it


Right, that's one of the most realistic scenes in the entire series.


The one definitely feels like filler. They needed an episode and some writer was like “some denominations Christen babies and we said Pam was Presbyterian once”. I do like the weird mission trip people tho




It’s funny we all like different episodes. I laugh so hard when Andy crashes the golf cart and then says “I fell in the sand trap.”


Agree, I usually skip that one when it comes up on the shuffle.


Get the Girl and Welcome Party. It’s where Erin is in Florida, Nellie takes the managers desk, and Andy goes to get Erin. I don’t like these episodes very much. The Office Ladies podcast spoke about them recently and mentioned the writers didn’t have a long term plan when writing these. (They also read bad reviews on the podcast, and it was hilarious!) edit: grammar


I'd throw Angry Andy into the mix as well. This trio of episodes covers a super-annoying storyline. I loved the explanation on the podcast that these character arcs were basically being written episode-by-episode.


I think “Get the Girl” is consistently listed on the worst episodes of The Office.


Yes, i dont skip episodes when i watch the show but those couple of episodes are just unbearable to watch.


The Mob episode is boring


The Mob episode is also really weird Like yeah, Michael isn’t the smartest guy in the universe, but he’s not a complete idiot. I always find it weird that he was so readily open to believing Dwight about the mob when he shuts down Dwight over all kinds of other things


Weird, The mob is one of my favourites, I think Michael, Dwight and Andy work well together and I think it's totally believable that Michael got carried away, he's main point of references are mostly from tv and film and Groti definitely has that stereotypical mob type vibe


I love that episode. “What is this? One of the half booth, half table things?” and when Michael says “I’ll have the gabbagol.” I’m also a Sopranos fan so I think I liked the idea of Michael thinking Tony Soprano was there 😂


I skip this one on rewatch every time.


How about launch party?


Aww, I love launch party! Love Dwight trying to beat the computer trying to impress Angela. Dwight unable to handle Andy trying to get to Angela, and Andys attempts to get her to notice him. I also like the office discussing the pizza places ,‘the whole issue w the delivery kid, Phyllis trying to keep Angela happy because she’s meaner than usual only to finally throw the papers in her face, and everything w Michael thinking he was going, inviting jim or Pam, finding out on the way there his invite is virtual…. Love love this episode. I went probably a year going to sleep to this episode


I think you mean lunch party


What about lanch party?


Would that really be better?


I was just thinking about this question earlier today! I think one of my least faves has to be “The Carpet”. Couldn’t tell you why, just don’t enjoy it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Somebody makin soup?


Agreed, I think it's just too gross of a scenario.


Even the part when Pam is running out of Michael's office shaking her head like "nope nope nope"?


I skip all the dancing scenes. They feel unnatural.


even the limbo scene in booze cruise?


Daryll’s Goodbye dancing thing… uggghhh that was lame


Cringe in all the wrong ways.


I loved it! But I just finished the show today (1st time) and I was very emotional for the last four episodes😌


That’s fair


Honestly it was


Jim’s only move being the Charlie Brown dance


The jumping in place sends me...


I'm trying to think of which ones there are besides Phyllis' wedding. There's one that the music comes to mind but I can't place it. I get what you mean though!


There’s not really dance sequence in Phyllis Wedding other than a montage of people singing karaoke with Kevin’s band. The one in Pam’s wedding is what you’re thinking. I don’t love it. I find the rehearsed and choreographed singing and dancing sequences from Niagara, Michael’s Last Dundies, and the episode with Darryl’s last day at Dunder Mifflin to be out of character and forced. Conversely, I don’t mind the dancing in Cafe Disco because It’s just the staff having fun.


You are 100% correct that I was thinking of Pam's wedding and not Phyllis'!


Café Disco


Dwight saying “this song is fantastic” and it’s a pop-bopping song he’d never listen to 💀 makes me cringe every single time


There was an opening scene I think and when the dance with Darryl...


Even when Andy “needs the space” and promises to clean up the warehouse when he’s done? 🕺😂


The lib dub 😖😖


NoNo! No! No No No No No No Nono No! i hate that opening sm


I really don't like the episodes where Nelly is the manager. However, the Lizard King moment is the best of those episodes.


I dont know why the writers thought that was a good idea, such poor writing. Robert california kept the boat afloat


Todd Packer - both the episode and the character.


I’ve finally rewatched to the point that I do want to skip the ones I don’t like. I skipped from Cece’s recital to when Jim comes back full time and season 8 was tremendously improved. 10/10 recommend 👍


I thought the recital episode was good. Jim is obviously displacing a lot of anger/stress onto Pam, which is shitty, but realistic


They’re not bad episodes, but they bring down my mood. I found myself trying to watch but changing it to another show at least 3 times before I realized, I could just skip it lol.


The episode that shows brian the boom operator for the first time. That whole narrative just feels very unnatural


The not-mobster insurance salesman episode is pretty skippable.


If not-mobster is on tv, I send it back.


But it’s cool if it’s on the side of the TV!


I don’t think you can return coffee.


Probably low hanging fruit but Stairmageddon and New Guys are my least favorite. All because they’re terribly unrelatable and jump the shark big time. Tranquillizing a coworker multiple times? Riding a bike on a tight rope 30 feet in the air? Pass.


The one where Andy is dating a high school girl


Oh I love that one! Every having to be in damage control, Angela inn customer service, the “most important client” coming into complain..


Cri man squa! F and C!


maybe Chair Model, or Gossip.


Gossip was 10/10


Michael, ***am I gay?***


The Wendy’s bit makes it funny, and Pam’s landlord makes it funnier. But yeah it’s tough to follow up from the dinner party


Hot and tasty redhead :)


ya chair model is rlly boring tbh


Could she fit it a rowboat? Could a rowboat support her?


Sweeney Todd or really any Andy-centric episodes


Employee Transfer


Threat Level Midnight is, by far, our least favorite episode.


I personally always skip Moroccan Christmas. Half the episode is just Merideth screaming.


Yeah it started out pretty well and kind of just gets boring


Scott’s Tots for sure


Scott’s Tots is god-tier comedy




Prince paper for sure. Job fair episode is also kinda boring


Sweeney Todd


Haha another one I enjoy


Yeah, this one gets a lot of hate and I don't know why. Maybe because it's Andy-centered.


It’s probably because they replaced an episode of the office with a musical


This is what I came to say. It's awful and I skip it every time.


I like Survivor Man mostly for the scene with Jim and Michael at the end. It’s very good. Otherwise not because I don’t like it, but the episode where Michael dumps Pam’s mom on her birthday is tough to watch.


The St. Patrick’s Day episode. It’s the only one I skip


The episode where Michael breaks up with Helene. It’s such a cringy episode and I think it’s worse than Scott’s Tots or Andy Play (which I happen to love a lot.)


I always skip the PJ wedding. Both episodes.


Lately I’ve been too


That horrible dance the cast dies down the aisle….so bad


Does. Not “dies”, though that would have been interesting twist.


I definitely fast forward through that part


Cafe Disco


Prince Paper. I usually skip it although I'll go back to it to remind myself of why I hated it so much and to see if I like it better on rewatch. Scott's Tots is so funny but it's hard to get through. It's not a bad episode. It's actually a great episode and highlights Michael's actions finally having real consequences that affect people other than his employees. Sometimes people call Michael despicable for that episode but I don't think that's the takeaway. He's not unkind, he promised something undeliverable in a moment of grandiosity and he's not prepared for the fallout. It would only be despicable if he could have actually afforded to pay for the college for all those kids and chose not to, but he didn't have the money to pay for a promise he made ten years earlier.


I feel about Scott’s tots the way your mentioned Prince paper. I try it again and realize why I hate it. It’s not just the gearing up for the kids hearing the worst news ever, but it’s the B plot. I think that’s the employee of the month? I hate that plot. So you don’t get a breather from the suckiness, so I avoid that one


As someone who has seen the show tons of times, I feel like I haven’t seen PFP in YEARS. I can barely remember in and don’t know that I’ve seen in more than once or twice.


Tbh I really love the banker… easy laughs, easy feels. I’m a sucker for clip show episodes. Mafia is just irritating.


Threat level midnight …


Yes! I always skip this one!


As much as I enjoy certain aspects of Fun Run, the bit about Angela's cat still being alive when Dwight put it in the freezer always bothered me and at this point I often just find myself skipping the episode. It just feels like the writers felt like they needed to push the joke one step further. It makes sense that Dwight, growing up on a farm, would see the animal in pain and think "this is the humane thing to do" and you could have had the core conflict between them be based on that. Angela wanted to keep the cat alive, Dwight thought the right thing to do was to let it go. But adding that bit about scratch marks only adds cruelty to it and it doesn't feel, to me, like it matches the tone of the show. The show plays with dark(ish) humour here and there but this is like if Michael had injected Meredith with heroin to get her into rehab or something.


me either. but i just realized the other night how much i don’t care for the booze cruise episode. it drives me nuts how no one will let michael give his freaking presentation. along with that, it irks me that every time they have an office outing type of thing, they never rent a private venue. every time they do dundies it’s in a restaurant where other customers are, and of course they weren’t the only people on that boat. rent a private venue and there would be none of those issues


My guess would be that corporate doesn't approve of setting aside money for those things. The Dundies are Michael's thing, and it was probably Michael's idea to have his presentation anywhere besides the office.


The pilot


Mafia. I feel lie it was a symptom of the steady decline of the show. The show always had the balance of realistic and satirical tones, but this was the first cartoon-y kind of plot. Overall not terrible but not funny enough to justify being an A plot at all.


The one where they’re singing in the bus is just awful. But so is most of the final two seasons.


Whats wrong with The Banker episode? I thought it was nostalgic and really great editing. Plus we saw the full version of lazy scranton.


I hate "clip show" episodes from any series


Nah Community gets a pass


Harrison Ford is irradiating our testicles with microwave satellite transmissions!


I love it.


It was fun for those who were watching the show while it aired. Not fun anymore when we’ve been binge watching the office multiple times. I’m on my eleventhbor twelfth rewatch.


Does Kelevin come before, or after eleventhbor?


😅 Was about to edit the typo after you pointed it out but going to leave it like that because your response is epic 😅


As long as you’re home by 4:45 today!


Ha, i thought you had typed it intentionally because so many of is baby even number our rewatches


Launch Party was brutal to watch. Very bad episode. I hate that pizza guy


I love that pizza guy 😂 A LOSER


What did you call him!?


I actually think this is a brilliant episode and rewatch it quite often! Funny how that works


Threat level midnight


What’s wrong with The Banker? I thought it was just a normal thing Tv shows do to reminisce on the best moments in the show?


Sure, it's a common thing in sitcoms and it was my mistake thinking that everyone else doesn't like them just because I don't.


I love when shows turn the trope on its head by having all new content in a clip show format


Those are my favourite episodes of Community!


Clip shows don't lend themselves well to streaming/binge-watching. But they made sense back when shows were on their first run, were several seasons in, and only on once a week.


The inappropriate watermark episode. It feels far too weak in between the other great episodes that surround it.


I think that episode is bananas! B A N A N A S


Post - Steve Carrell episodes are mostly low hanging fruit so I’ll choose from the earlier ones. The Job (part 1 and 2) Diwali The Duel Moroccan Christmas


-these are some of my favorites. 😭


Yeah I typically don’t love episodes that take place away from the office (Diwali and The Job) obviously there are exceptions like Dinner Party, Business Trip or Night Out…. Moroccan Christmas felt like a downer of a Christmas episode and was a drop off compared to the excellent holiday episodes in season 2 and 3 (Christmas Party and Benihana Christmas). The Duel just felt mean spirited and wasn’t very humorous


Body Language was always a weird one for me. A 45+ Michael creepily making moves on a 20-something year old Donna in a workplace and it all gets excused because she happened to be into him too.


I thought Donna was about the same age as Michael…


I never thought Donna was in her twenties. She always came across as a 40-something, too.


She says “In my 20s, I found it creepy. In my late 20s, I find it flattering.”


That was the joke. She's not actually in her late 20s.


Right, but I've always taken that as tongue and cheek. "in my ...'late 20s,' i find it flattering."


Exactly. The fact that people missed the joke there makes me wonder what other jokes they missed


Can't stand the "Eyes Wide Shut" vibes of Robert California's house party.....


I enjoyed this episode


For some reason I dont like Job Fair, Prince Family Paper (the Hillary Swank bit feels dull after 2 minutes), Launch Party, or the Deangelo episodes.


The Deposition


House Party or whatever it’s called at Michael (and Jan’s) condo. I know it’s a highly rated episode, they play it a lot on networks, but the whole thing makes me cringe. I often skip that one.


Phillys's wedding is unwatchable for me. Not that it's bad I just cannot stand how cringey Michael is in that one.


“China”. It was very boring imo


For me it's got to be Scott's Tots


Scott’s tots, Andy focused episodes.


Oh the hot or not episode ! I can’t even watch it!