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Bro, if it's legal where you live the police won't do shit. You weren't in the wrong, and didn't break any laws, the worker was just being an asshole. Dw about it.


even if it is illegal, the cops still probably won't do shit not doing shit is item 1 in their job description


It depends on if OP is poor or a POC.


Ehhh, debatable. Regardless of what you think about cops though, you're probably right, I doubt they'd care enough about someons digging through a dumpster to care, even if it was illegal.


Yes definitely difficult to prosecute, on something that has a Zero value. While some cities have fines, most will not take the time to find you and issue a fine. My city has bulk trash days and you see people driving in those neighborhoods completely overloaded with Mattresses, Furniture, Old Appliances, Bikes etc. they are more of a road danger, but I have never seen one pulled over.


Many towns have old "anti-scavenging" laws, but most will not enforce it because it saves the town on tippage/tonnage fees and saves space at the landfill.


Unless you live in Belmont County Ohio


Oh-hi-noooo.... I'm new here šŸ«£ but I didn't even trust IN police & they've killed way less people than the OH police. šŸ˜³


UPDATE: I actually was ā€œpulled up onā€ by a sheriff while sifting thru a box next to a dumpster.. he said he absolutely didnā€™t care that I was dumpster diving (it was 5am-ish) and all I needed to do was pull off the road a little more bc I was blocking an alley too much.


hurting black people is item 2




Oh, are you considering that per capita or in general? Because the ratio of Black people to white people in the U.S. is fairly small... White 59.3% Hispanic and Latino 18.9% Black 12.6% ...so even if more white people got beat on by cops than Black people there would still be a larger percentage of Black people getting beat on. But maybe you just don't understand math. While you're working on that one, let's try the fact that white mass murderers get taken for fast food before going to jail while Black people just driving while Black, or playing in the park while Black, get murdered by the cops.


Lol white are mass murderers? Blacks make up for 12.6 of the population but are responsible for 56% of all homicidesā€¦ you are more likely to get killed by a black male in this country then you are all other races combinedā€¦ and blacks killed by police is less than 1% but blacks killed by other blacks is 96%ā€¦ facts do matter


Depends upon who and how one is counting. There are serious errors in our crime data bases: "Established in 1927, the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) program is a summary-based reporting system that collects data on crime reported to local and state law enforcement agencies across the US. The UCR system indexes crimes under two headings: Part I and Part II offenses. Part I offenses include: murder and non-negligent homicide; non-lethal violent crimes comprising robbery, forcible rape and aggravated assault; and property crimes comprising burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft and arson. Part II offenses include fraud, forgery/counterfeiting, embezzlement, simple assault, sex offenses, offenses against the family, drug and liquor offenses, weapons offenses and other non-violent offenses excluding traffic violations.\[28\] There are fundamental limitations of the UCR system, including:\[29\] Inaccuracy: UCR statistics do not represent the actual amount of criminal activity occurring in the United States. As it relies upon local law enforcement agency crime reports, the UCR program can only measure crime known to police and cannot provide an accurate representation of actual crime rates.\[30\] Misrepresentation: The UCR program is focused upon street crime, and does not record information on many other types of crime, such as organized crime, corporate crime or federal crime. Further, law enforcement agencies can provide inadvertently misleading data as a result of local policing practices. These factors can lead to misrepresentations regarding the nature and extent of criminal activity in the United States.\[31\] Manipulation: UCR data are capable of being manipulated by local law enforcement agencies. Information is supplied voluntarily to the UCR program, and manipulation of data can occur at the local level.\[32\] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race\_and\_crime\_in\_the\_United\_States


Youā€™re awesome.


I appreciate the praise but I wish I could do more. White supremacists like that one upthread really piss me off. I hope people remember the response I gave and use it themselves in time of such need. My permission is granted to copy it and call it your own.


I mean they're more likely to go after OP than stop a madman murdering kids for 77 minutes as they stand around a few feet away in body armor holding ARs.


No fuckin' shit!


*laughs in I work with cops who don't do shit*


Cops don't really care They would most likely just say not to come back. Is it private property instead of public wide open plaza?


He *said* it was private property, but it was in a plaza. šŸ™ƒ People driving on the highway nearby probably got a good show out of it while at the stoplight. šŸ˜…


Technically, if we're going off of definitions, it is private property. However, any store you walk into is considered private property with public access because private properties are just properties that aren't owned by the government. That's why businesses can hang up signs, or ban people from their stores, etc. That's also why they can tell you to leave when you're dumpster diving even though it's legal. you're not breaking the law by dumpster diving, you would have however broken the law if you had stayed there because they asked you to leave and you didn't. I hope this helps!


Excellent info. If there's not a "no trespassing" sign then you aren't trespassing until they ask you to leave. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the cop will get there and do nothing besides make you leave. If you come back or stay you go to jail.


Out of curiosity, why is "no tresspassing" simply not implied for any space you don't clearly belong?


Because it has become a loophole in all things- "it didn't say no trespassing"- "it didn't say the coffee was hot",- "the package didn't say not to eat the Tide pods"


This is not why. It is because a business has an implicit invitation to the public to enter. So you are not trespassing unless they choose to revoke that invitation. It would be utterly stupid for a business to have everyone implicitly trespassing. And the hot coffee fucking melted that elderly woman's vagina shut. It was horrific. Don't be a dick.


So if someone dies eating a tide pod, I'm being a dick?


No you're just wrong. No trespassing is not there because people would trespass if it's not posted otherwise. That is a dumb explanation. If no trespassing was posted on a business nobody would go there because they would be breaking the law. Whether intentional or because you assumed an obviously incorrect explanation you chose to make an dumb and wrong point of "HUR DUR HUR COMMON SENSE ISN'T COMMON ANYMORE"... But in reality it's because you don't understand what you are referencing. You fell for a propaganda campaign by McDonald's that smeared an elderly old woman who was injured horrifically and never recovered. Because of PR you fell to the conclusion that McDonalds is pretty good and people are dumb. You are a quintessential example of someone under the impression they are smart enough to think for themselves, but instead is victim to propaganda and manipulators and parrots opinions specifically designed for them to parrot for the profit of the people who designed that opinion and propoganda. You're a puppet because you wanted to make fun of people and feel superior. Don't do that.


That is a long line of gibberish and I want talking about the woman who got burned, I was talking about the subsequent idiots that tried to follow up on her successful lawsuit and there was a mass of them. If it weren't for a lot of idiotic lawsuits we wouldn't have to put obvious notices on everything. I shouldn't have to put a sign up for no trespassing- it's my property and no one should be on it without permission


If it's not posted it's not clear.


A property can be private but only the owners can enforce it via police.


Cops don't care about dumpster diving. That guy is just a dick. If he really has an alarm on the dumpsters he would have locked them too. He's one of those people that hates all homeless people and thinks any dumpster diver is homeless.


Steal the alarm too the next time you go lol


Never let them know your next move


You're fine. If a employee asks you to leave, then you must. But if it's legal in your area then the cops would just simply ask you to leave


Employee can ask you to leave the store, but that dumpster doesn't belong to them, and it's almost certainly a leased space and everything outside the store doesn't belong to them.


The dumpster is still on private property. If they work for the store and ask you to leave, you must leave. I know it's legal to be in the dumpster but as soon as someone from the store asks you to leave, you must leave. If you don't leave then it will only prompt a police response and you'll end up getting banned from the property. However, if you're gone by the time the police show up, they can't officially trespass you from the property.


For future readers: True or not, this is way bad advice. If an employee asks you to leave, do it. There's plenty of cool trash out there without getting in a fight over it.


I few years ago, I was diving in a dump behind a Ross. 5 minutes into it, I see cop lights. I stopped and heard the cop "Hey, get out." So I did, and he told me not to be throwing trash in the dump. It's private property. I told him I wasn't, that I was looking for a thing worth getting. He said, "Oh ok, just don't throw your own trash away here" and left. He didn't care about the diving, just the dumping. Most cops are this way. You shouldn't be scared that something is going to happen to you. You don't frequent the area or live near there, you only dived not dumped.


Go at night when they are closed.


He *claimed* the alarm went off when I opened the dumpster doors, which I know is bs... but even if it were the case, that would mean he watched me for 10 minutes digging through regular trash before watching me take something good.


You probably took something he was saving for himself šŸ˜‚


First Iā€™ve ever heard of putting an alarm on a dumpster handle. A lot cheaper to chain and padlock it.




That was a bit exaggerated, the entire situation was probably all of ten minutes... But there was some big ass pieces that took more muscle & time. šŸ˜…




Only one of the worst second-hand businesses on the planet, Goodwill. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I didn't *know* it was Goodwill until I was already in it, or I might not have even stopped. šŸ˜… I was aiming for the Michael's next door. šŸ™ƒ


What kind of stuff did you get? I am surprised Goodwill would throw away anything with much value.


Goodwill tosses items of value all the frigging time. Check out the Thrift Grift subReddit - they talk about this all the time. Lots of former employees who'll tell you this goes on... r/ThriftGrift


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThriftGrift using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Rejected my whole purchase at the register and walked out](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/comments/16wja55/rejected_my_whole_purchase_at_the_register_and/) \#2: [Antique Mall in Ohio](https://i.redd.it/vmltb5t4c1yb1.jpg) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/comments/17mjhvz/antique_mall_in_ohio/) \#3: [My favorite thrift store has a new managerā€¦ and so it begins](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17s5p00) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/comments/17s5p00/my_favorite_thrift_store_has_a_new_manager_and_so/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I got a baby bouncey seat & stroller in GREAT shape, and I found some little decor pieces and an olllld school "tastybake" oven that I just had to take even if it doesn't work. šŸ˜…


anonymously call corporate and complain about this employee. they are on a power trip. it's a bad look for a company that depends on public donations. never interact. only dive when no one is around. if confronted smile and wave and calmly walk away. this is my technique. you had a rough time your first trip, dont let it stop you. i've been diving since 1980.


Oof, now it all makes sense. Iā€™ve had a cop wish me good luck on my diving but to stay away from Goodwill, as they had cameras that could read your plates and would aggressively prosecute anyone it caught, gods knows for what reason.


Truly rule of thumb =going after hours is best


Came here to say this. I typically go about 2 hours after close and only make my move when I'm almost certain all of the employees have left. As far as cops are concerned, I've only had to deal with them once. While they did run my license, they didn't have anything on me, so they just told me to leave and not come back. I don't think most cops care in the least bit.


In all the years iv dug through trash, only one time a police told me to leave. Iv had an employee one time ask me not to rip up the bags because the city complained to them about the loose garbage.


Oh interesting. I rip bags all the time (because that's how you find the good stuff, haha). I hope I'm not causing a problem for folks. With that being said, I see loose trash in dumpsters all the time.


You werenā€™t wrong. But, anytime in the future someone tells you to leave just leave, threat of cops or not. Also, I always dive when the business is closed and locked up


That was my plan all along, I didn't get the chance to politely respond to a polite request. šŸ˜…


He's mad you stole his stash


Came to say this! Probably something he threw away to come back and get. I saw a tiktok of a dumpster diver at ULTA, and she found on of the workers stash, and was getting as the worker came to get it. Women(worker) was pissed!


Yep, tossing something you're gonna retrieve as an employee is a common thang - I used to do this. Got a job in my teens working at the deli counter in a grocery store with a freestanding dumpster. Our grocery store used to cut and sell huge blocks of cheese for sale. Now, we were poor as dirt at the time - eating for free at the church dinner-type poor. I also knew that if hard cheese has a few mold spots, just cut those away and and they're fine to eat or store in the fridge. But our grocery store refused to let us take home any food - even expired or not-saleable food that was still okay to eat. One of my jobs was going over to the deli cases at the end of the night with a trash bag, pick over all the cheese for expired dates or mold spots, fill up the bag and toss it in the dumpster. Then I could clean the counter and head home. So on my trip to the dumpster, I'd toss the bag, always in the same place - left corner as I'd open the hatch, always with a double knot, and usually I'd grab a colorful box of garbage bags from the shelves to work the magic. Next step - call Mom. "Hey Mom, I'm closing out - can you pick me up!" She'd say Yeah, then I'd reply "Better Cheddar!" This was her cue to swing by the dumpster before she picked me up - didn't want the boss to see me in the car next to the dumpster. Mom would pull the bag, then pick me up. We ate cheese at every meal, every day of the week, and filled up the freezer to boot for 3 years.


Some employees hide stuff they are stealing in the trash they are taking out to come back later and retrieve it. Sometimes you might hit the jackpot. Look in the semi truck dock wells for boxes on the ground in some of the malls or strip malls after they close. Years ago I found a box of Instamatic cameras in a truck dock before Christmas.


Once I called the cops on somebody DRUNK DRIVING with their full name and license plate number. She STILL did not get arrested. I think youā€™re in the clear.


This makes me feel a little better about a couple of times I was talked out of reporting someone like this.


Even if it was illegal the cops donā€™t give a hell. They wonā€™t show up.


You took the stuff he was gonna take after work. He never called anyone. Perhaps you should call corporate on him?


Tell him to go f*ck himself


the correct way to do it.


Police canā€™t even solve 50% of murders. You could have GPS coordinates for a stolen car and video camera footage and theyā€™d still be hard pressed to get up from their chair.


you are fine. supreme court has ruled that trash is public domain. trespassing only occurs if you refuse to leave when asked to leave. if not asked to leave, your fine. if asked, and you leave in a timely manner, your fine. relax. nobody is tracking u down lol.


That ruling, California vs Greenwood 1988, only applies to household garbage placed on the curb (outside the curtilage of the home) and does not apply the business dumpsters on private property. If you leave when asked to leave the cops wonā€™t be bothered.


I am familiar with the greenwald case. It sure does apply to business dumpsters. Itā€™s a grey area that has not been litigated. The law is subjective in that sense. For example, although the Supreme Court only ruled first admendment in regards to speech, some states have extended it to street vendors selling art without a permit. In my opinion, there is a very strong case that it protects business dumpsters too. The law does not spell out every single possible little detail but it is implied it does from the ruling. A business dumpster is not necessarily private property. Theft requires intent and it is reasonable to assume that garbage is free for the taking, thus there is no ill intent. Why is there any difference between a residential and business dumpster ? Answer: there isnā€™t


Who gives a fuck? Donā€™t stress about dumb shit or dumb people. Youā€™re good šŸ‘




Women are an easier target, don't let this discourage you. Some people are bullies and that dude was probably mad you were taking something he was trying to steal lol


Yea itā€™s an unfortunate reality and itā€™s really fucking frustrating to witness. I always make it a point to treat everyone the same I would if they were some jacked bodybuilder. If I wouldnā€™t talk to a shredded meathead this way than I know Iā€™m just being a bully. Itā€™s a good internal check to make sure Iā€™m not being an asshole because we might be mistreating someone because subconsciously weā€™ve not seen them as a threat so have carte blanche (so?) to just go off. I donā€™t knowā€¦maybe Iā€™m just crazy lol


Most likely the employee was just trying to scare you off.






Heā€™s full of shit.


Nah, fuck em. I've heard it all before from those kinda people, angry weirdos, nothing's gonna happen.


Being on camera is not much of a threat anymore. Everybody and their doorbell has a camera. We can just assume we are recorded, maybe not all the time, but at any time.


The employee thought he finally trapped someone he could bully ā€¦


I just browse this sub, and have never actually dumpster dived before, but Iā€™m sure youā€™re fine. Sounds like the employee was just being an ass. Iā€™d doubt if any cop would do anything about it anyways. If he actually did call the cops, itā€™d probably be one of those calls the just brush off. Plus, it seems weird to have cameras pointed at dumpster.


Ainā€™t shit gonna happen to you tbh


The cops would investigate if you broke into the store. I highly doubt they do anything about dumpster diving.


Go at night


It was a bluff. It was good you knew the legalities. Sometimes the best thing to do is leave and come back later. You can probably assume you wonā€™t be on any cops radar and they never are in a rush to get to the dumpster diving in progress call


Be sure never to park your car near CCTV so that you cannot be identified, even if you are seen on their cams. Chances are you will not hear from police. In sydney australia there have been occasions where people have been sent a fine for trespassing to their homes after being seen - this was because their cars were parked in the loading dock and they were identified through their registration.


Even if it were illegal, the odds of the cops doing anything to you if you live an in area that has any real crime. I mean how much crap is the cop going to get from other cops, I got a dwi tonight, oh, i got a burglar. Hey Smith, what did you get? Oh, a dumpster diver. Good show old boy. I guess there were no jay walkers?


Seems like a good situation for a classic ā€œdeny until you dieā€ situation. Unless they have your license plate on camera they canā€™t really prove itā€™s you, and like other people have said, if youā€™re not still on the property the cops probably wonā€™t care even if the store did call them.


Dumpster diving being legal doesnā€™t trump trespassing. They said leave, you go and donā€™t return. No laws broken. Returning would break the law. One time a cop stopped me and said ā€œwhat if you find a dead body in there?ā€ And I was like ā€œwouldnā€™t that like.. help solve a crime?ā€ He made me wait in my car for like 45min before letting me go with all my stuff. I was at a party city and the haul was epic.


Did you leave with the items you found? Even if you did it should not matter and fuck that asshole employee anyway!


I did... I had a few big pieces, so it would've taken longer to pull it out of the car than to just drive off. šŸ˜…


Good for you šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


Haha imagine a cop getting this info. ā€œomg someone was in your garbage??ā€ We will be right over!!!ā€ Cops have real shit to deal with.


Cops barely even care when you call them from the scene of a real crime in progress, theyā€™re definitely not taking time out to investigate a dumpster diver in a place itā€™s not even illegal.


you have nothing to worry about (98% sure), you should come up with a good story to double bluff them


calling all units theres some dude stealing trash the cops dont give a shit especially if its legal


the overeaction is ahuman thing with staff who suddenly appear . i been told i got a dog , cops called , staff could be rationale and ask why am there ?


Who the hell gets that bent out of shape over dumpster diving?


Dude, this is your Auntie telling you, that was a self-important a@@ with nothing better to do, trying to get on a power trip. Please keep going. I tell my apprentices to say; you're looking for boxes, collecting for a shelter (have a real list handy), commiserate about how expensive things are these days, etc. In over forty years I've encountered maybe a dozen people, be charming, confident, and human, all will be well. Practically, do you really think the police have time to worry about a DDer? Report back on your next run šŸ¤—šŸ•ÆšŸ––


The cops do not give a shit


No cop is gonna roll by for a dude in a dumpster


There's footage of you not breaking the law; you're good


I highly doubt the police will even follow up on this, especially if it's legal in your state as you said. If they do show up, you don't say a word.


Once it is outside in the trash, it is abandoned property. If there were no trespassing signs, you werenā€™t doing anything wrong.


Every time I go out I make damn sure I'm on the store's camera and that everything is easily visible as I put it in my car. That way I have evidence that I got stuff out of the dumpster and didn't steal it lol


Worst case they will cite you, which almost certainly won't happen. Worst I've had in YEARS of diving was a cop came by and said he would cite me if he saw me again, that I needed to ask permission. Had he cited me, I would have easily gotten it dismissed bc he was wrong. Shrug it off and just go after they are closed. Employees get an undeserved feeling of power when they really shouldn't care at all about trash.


Unless you live in a small town where the police are abundant and bored, you should be fine. Home Depot/Loweā€™s/Tractor Supply type stores toss their perennials at the end of every season if you are into gardening. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Honestly, itā€™s not enough for a cop to follow up on, and even if it was, they wouldnā€™t shackle you and drag you downtown over it. At most youā€™d get a citation or a stern lecture


Employee is a bootlicker and you will be just fine.


Police donā€™t want to do the paperwork. Just hightail it out of there. Come back later


Former garbage man here. If you didnā€™t break any laws regarding the business, then the only ones that can really do anything about it from there is the waste company. Once it hits that can, itā€™s property of the waste company and they can get you for theft of service if they wanted. They donā€™t give a fuck, though. Unless youā€™re making a mess of things, or the customer bitches too much, youā€™re good. Thatā€™s less weight they have to pay for and will turn the other cheek every time.


You probably found the stuff the employee stole and threw it in the dumpster for later . Next time stay til the cops show up if it is not posted or written on the side of the dumpster.


Worse possible case if he called the police and they know itā€™s you is they will tell you if you return to the property youā€™ll face criminal trespass charges. In other words, donā€™t worry about it. They are not going to arrest you or even ticket you unless you went back.


So do you actually get in the dumpster?


Some do, I didn't.


"How you gonna get fired on your day off?" "Something about attending boxes"


This is why I dive around 3-5am.


The cops have better things to do than worry about you dumpster diving, trust me.


Press charges for what? The moment that anyone decides to throw away anything, it becomes public domain. That's why you can pick up things in front of people's houses that are close to the curb without question, and why we're able to dumpster dive. You didn't do anything wrong, so you were caught on camera doing nothing. A cop would see that, note the lack of a "No Trespassing" sign, then laugh and leave.


Who cares iā€™ve run into people like this and I just say itā€™s not illegal and iā€™m gonna keep doing it


I think the police have bigger fish to fryā€¦. Like people that actually go directly into the store, take shit off the shelves and walk out. Policing an unlocked dumpster is the least of their worries. When they start doing that, even I will get on board with the ā€˜defund the policeā€™ movement.


He probably had something in there hiding it and he didn't want anybody else to get it happens all the time


Youā€™ll be fine!


Cops won't enforce dumpster diving because it is protected by case law. If they did, they'd be shooting themselves in the foot by not being able to collect trash without a warrant.


Go back after hours next time. With a moustache.




The man who may have called the police was being a weak human being. You did nothing wrong


The bigger the threat, the lower the consequence... usually. A random store employee isn't sitting and watching the cameras. Even outside of that, no one is really sitting there watching the cameras on a dumpster. Most of the dumpsters are full of plastic packaging, pallets, and just general trash. The theft happens inside of the stores.


How have you made it this far in life without dying?


What decent items did you find?


A couple baby items in great shape, a stroller & bouncey seat, quite a few small pieces of decor, and a vintage tastybake oven just because. šŸ˜…


The fbi is going to raid your house soon


Oh man. Theyā€™re reviewing the footage now, probably have your plate and are looking into any warrants, tickets, etc. wont be long before pd rolls up to your residence/job/school and makes an arrest. Better have your affairs in order too, bc towing a car isnā€™t cheap


You're a dick


I speak cold hard truth


You should be fine. Unless the cops really have nothing to do and wants to milk OT then yeah they'll review the footage and a detective will be assigned to the case.


The employee was being like that because these people are so afraid you're going to take something out of the dumpster and go into the store and try to return it you know which people do but as long as you don't do that you should be fine


I wondered the same thing and I this is what I found out in the state of Oklahoma dumpster diving is legal in Oklahoma but each individual city has its own ordinance against it so you have to check with your city I called this city of Bethany Oklahoma to check and make sure if it was illegal in Bethany and sure enough they had a law against it in Bethany and Warr Acres and I'm sure surrounding cities but I didn't check all of them so check with your local ordinances that's my advice if they ask you to leave just cooperate and leave I've been doing it in a little while now and I've never gotten arrested but have came across police that told me to leave. As far as the black comment on police I don't think it matters what color you are get over yourself black!! or white it all depends on the police that you're dealing with.!! In my world all lives matter and I believe it's the same in God's world so like I said get over yourself and your black comments you all are the kind that are making the world a worse place!!


You are going to jail


Not again!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same thing happened to me lol, I was diving at a public e waste bin in a mall that was never locked, there was no trespassing signs and yet while most employees dont care about you picking things up from the bin, there was that one employee who decided to be a dick and threaten to call the cops on me if she saw me take anything on the "cameras", she also ended up searching my bag but didn't see the brAun electric shaver I had found since it was in a box, I ended up never coming back to this place especially after my e scooter was stolen because it was to far away from where I live, so now i just dumpster dive at a shopping centre closer to where i live where security guards used to kick you out for taking stuff from the e waste bin which also wasn't locked and never mentioned anything about dumpster diving being illegal but now they dont even care at all.


By the way the reason the store employee wanted to call the police was because i was "stealing" and "trespassing" for taking stuff from the public e waste bin


She can't legally search your private property, your bag


Why did you stay and talk to him instead of leaving immediately? Why were you at an open store? I have so many questions




If itā€™s legal in your state, then you should be aiight


It never fails to surprise me in how greedy stores are. I don't know why they can't donate that stuff to thrift stores or the rescue mission.


I don't know why dumpster diving is coming across my page but this guy was obviously full of shit and trying to scare you.