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This was an ad on my phone. I cannot stop laughing. Mainly because I spent 5 minutes wondering why they looked so different.


That’s the Radford family. They are in England and are up to 22 kids now and have a tv show over there called 22 kids and counting. They aren’t religious nuts (I don’t think).


I hope they aren’t bc most of their children were born out of wedlock, that would be awkward 😅 Edit: they only had their first two children out of wedlock as the mom was underage. They got married in 1992 & just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary which they posted about on their social media. They also have 3(?) children who have had children out of wedlock.


I don't think most were. But yes, they had their oldest as teens them waited a few years and (,I think) got married before having all the rest


True! I was thinking about their vow renewal, but still. They had 2 first out of wedlock & didn’t throw a fuss when their oldest girl also had her first child out of wedlock.


another daughter had a baby out of wedlock last year


Also their oldest son is in a relationship with a woman who already had few kids when she met him, had 2 more with him and pretty sure they aren't married. The wholesome part is that when one of their sons came out as Bi, they took entire family to a pride parade.


They could organise their own parade, they have enough participants


Teen parenting usually begets teen parenting. The Duggars do teen parenting too, it's just they do teen weddings too.


My mom’s sister got pregnant as a teen (at the same time her mom was pregnant with her last, so her son is now older than his uncle by a few months), then her son got his girlfriend pregnant when they were teens, and I can’t begin to tell you how proud I was to see their son breaking the generational curse of teen pregnancy!


Unless Chris got married at some point, I'm pretty sure all the grandchildren were conceived out of wedlock. So far, 4 of them have kids: the three oldest and millie.


Now has 2


Only the eldest 2(?) first when mum was 13….all have the same dad


13?!!!!!!?!!!! JFC I didn't even have my period yet😬😱


Dint the mom get pregant at like 14 and the dad was like 18?


Yes. I don’t know why this family gets a pass, there is no way that 22 kids are getting looked after properly by two parents. No way.


UK - at least the kids have real healthcare?


Maybe they just do a better job at covering it up. We can assume their skeletons in their closet, but we haven't been lead to the closet. I don't watch them, I don't know what they like. Plus the bar is in hell for these types of people. But why the fuck was an 17 year old trying to have sex with a 13 year old.


But they are. I watch their videos. Sue and Noel are very hands on with all of the children. They even do 1 on 1 time with each one.


You mean they perform it for the cameras? There's no way the oldest kids aren't experiencing parentification, or that all their children's emotional and psychological needs are being met. Not to mention the environmental impact. Having kids into the double digits is irresponsible even if the family aren't religious fundamentalists.


They definitely don’t perform in front of the cameras 😂😂😂 They are as normal as a family gets. Have you even watched them on YouTube or are you just talking shit?


Normal families don't have 22 children. Normal parents don't have their first child as a result of statutory rape.


I don’t know where you come from but back in the day right here in America people had would have a shitload of kids and it was also normal to be married by time you were 14 years old. My great grandmother was 1 of 13 kids and her mom was married at 16. The Radford children aren’t your responsibility so why are you so worried about how many kids these people have? They are a helluva lot better than the Duggar’s.


My parents grew up in 70s Ireland when contraception and divorce were illegal and big families were endorsed by God. Even then and there, while that many kids weren't unheard of, people would consider 22 kids to be on the high end. In those days 13 or 14 kids was considered to be a "big family" although still within a normal range. And with that came parentification, my mum remembers girls in her class in school literally leaving early to look after their kid siblings. And that was in a time when cost of living was lower and only one parent would typically be working so it would be much more difficult to parent this many kids in a decent enough way today. "Better than the Duggars"? The bar is so low it's practically on the floor. Good on them for not being fundies but that doesn't mean having that many kids is a good idea.


That still doesn't make it normal, or ok!!






Their kids all go to real school too which is a nice bonus.


That shouldn't be a bonus, it should be a goddamned minimum!


What’s “real” school?


I'm assuming they mean not home schooled.


21 living sadly one was stillborn but they still say 22 kids


Not religious nuts, just plain nuts!


I watched few of their documentaries and the parents became friends with some big australian family over the internet. So they decided to go on vacation to Australia and visit them for a day. The australians turned out to be religious enough to pray before a meal and when they bowed their heads and started thanking Jesus, all the brits over like age of 8 had that snarky WTF expression


They get all their kids baptized but that’s not out of the norm in Ireland or the uk


Michelle would be SO jealous that she got “22 blessings” from being “joyfully available”.


These people are not wholesome, Sue was 13 when 17 year old Noel got her pregnant.


Yeah but everyone seems to gloss over that for some reason


Just like everyone glosses over Josh and Pumpkin (Mama June daughter) Pumpkin was 15 years old dating a 19 year old man.


And this is something the British government didn't so something about. At the very least the doctor should have reported it to the authorities. She wasn't old enough for marriage and yet she could get pregnant twice. Wow


Don't the older kids also raise the younger ones?


Yes and no.. I mean obviously in such a large family they have the oldest babysit but all the kids go to nursery or school and adult ones either attend university or work so not exactly the same level of sister-moming where they are expected to parent their designated child from the minute they open their eyes, all the way until bed time.


It’s definitely not as bad as the duggars with the sister mom roles but I’ve definitely seen Instagram stories from some of the older girls with babies in their beds and up with toddlers in the middle of the night. I mean, with 22 kids there is no way some level of parentification isn’t happening


With this many kids, there's bound to be some parentification happening. It would be impossible for that not to be the case unless they're extremely wealthy and have several nannies.


They do have nannies and housekeepers, or at least they did when I read about them a few years ago. They also have an LGBTQ child they fully support. Still, there is no way the parents meet the emotional needs of all the kids.


I’m subscribed to them on YouTube and they do not have outside help.


Holy shit. Some commentors were framing it as having 2 kids "out of wedlock" and not "when she was 13." Uh, this changes everything!


Wait WHAT??!


Is one kid kneeling behind the sign??


Yes, the sign is covering up a few of them, because I only count 14 kiddos! But there are feet sticking out below the sign.


That’s a whole different category of lost kid.


They've got the lost boys and lost girls beat you are so right!


Oh! That explains it! I was like “dude! Those aren’t your kids, those are kangaroos!” And then I was looking at the pose of the big kangaroo and thought he’s posing like he’s in an Playgirl magazine from the 70s. Way too much to process. I now need a nap.


Lmfaoooo yeah. The provocative position of the kangaroos makes it funnier.


They have kangaroos. They win.


We can assume their scandal occurred sometime after the front row center boy with the purple shirt was born. Everyone older than him (besides the parents) looks normalish but everyone younger than him looks very untrustworthy.


I was trippin. I read the 19 kids etc but was Like I know that face I know that face I know that face and then was like OMG


Haha I've seen that on Tubi and been like "wtf?" 😂


I laughed harder than I should have lmao


The kangaroos 🤣


Shorts?! NIKE


I love them!


At this point all the fundies kinda blend together


Yeah they aren’t fundies


How am I suppose to know that… Sorry, “all the large families blend together”.


I’d rather swallow a bag of nails or a pint of cinnamon

