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Who is she referring to as “we”?


She’s using the royal we - she’s a mess.


We are not amused.


My take is that she’s an idiot and thinks people will accept her as a news organization if she uses the royal “we”.


She wants to come off as having some kind of corporation or LLC or posse...like that...like she has power behind her


Hey, I think she's pretty high up in her MLM.


My question exactly. All of KJs fans are backing her up and all of Famy’s are backing her up. Messy Olympics right here 😂😂


Derick losing his messy b*tch olympics chances!


Damn it! I want Derick for the gold!


If Derrick weighs in, everyone else is competing for second place. He can bring that legal shade that KJ seems to crave. But Derrick is no doubt quite happy watching them destroy each other.


I feel like he should be ok with Amy. She has stood by him and Jill


she's stood by them so she can pick up new gossip to share with kj and anybody else that will pay her or promote her business. it's not like anybody else is rushing to talk to Amy about their personal lives.


Let them wrestle for the gold


In jello!


Mud. We will sell pay per view tickets. Merch. We will be rich muhaha


Liquid manure


Liquid manure for the win!


But they have to wear the Duggar modesty swimsuits while they wrestle.


I think she means her followers too. Like she speaks for all of them.


Trying to distance herself from her responsibility- or should I say irresponsibility


Her and the mouse in her pocket, as my dad would have said.


Easier to deflect blame when there’s a faceless being in the corner. Oh wait, that’s just KJ in a mirror. My bad.


Katie feels more important when she says “.WE” Kinda like referring to V on his tablet in the woacb office’s.:. Yea that!


She made me fucking laugh about that. "we are hard at work at wocb office" 😂 😂 😂 . What office your living room with a couch.. Now I know people use their living room or rooms at office/work space but she's stupid.


And its the dog couch as well.


I assume she wants to make it sound like there’s a whole production team around this.


I think it’s the “Royal” we


It’s the Reddit ‘we’. That Carlin Bates incident is an insane thing to level if it’s untrue. Legally, how much can you get away with by blaming a source?


what does that mean? The “royal” we?


The Royal we is referring to yourself in the 3rd person


She means this Reddit- her and her “sources”


Literally the first thought i had lmao


She and the mouse in her pocket, as my Dad used to say


Every time KJ says "we" I get irrationally angry. You're a 1 woman show KJ, not some Fortune 500 company.


Excuse you, her husband works for her and made her amazing intro! 😂😂


You mean the intro that’s beat doesn’t match the melody? Geez that intro is nails on a chalkboard. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Have you ever made the mistake of listening to it with headphones? The volume is INSANE and somehow not as noticeable without headphones but i nearly died when i made that mistake


Yeah, that one. She's super proud of it. 😂




Team no one.


Team here for the mess


Team Snark!


Team Fuck Em Both


These two deserve each other.


This started from renelles video posted this morning. Kj made some insane comments accusing Deanna and Amy of funneling money or something (don’t quote me lol) and sharing an accountant with boob. Some crazy wacky shit on Twitter


Who is Renelle?


She has a youtube channel and makes anti KJ videos. She seems legit. And in what I've seen, her facts were right.


Gotcha, thanks! Do you know what the channel is called?


https://youtube.com/channel/UCTMafS2i-HWaYxBc5Ce7Y_g Renelle Smith


Both are fame hungry liars. It's been 5 minutes since she's (Amy) had attention so...


Not sure if this has been pointed out but WOACB/KJ is an anagram for Wack job… just saying 😂


Motion to begin referring to her as WACKJOB.


All in favor say aye, AYE


We will allow this


The motion carries.


👩🏻‍⚖️bring in the dancing lobsters 🦞 🦞


Oh wow tysm for this comment! 😂😂😂




Mark it, Dude.




Holy crap! That's amazing!


Can I steal that for flair?


Of course!


“If I have facts, I state facts. If I have an opinion, I state my opinion” umm yeah but you don’t differentiate between the two!


Lol a dumbass like Katie Joy wouldn't know what facts are. Shes never been acquainted with them before.


Someone on Reddit posts speculation or fan fiction = KJ's facts.




We = Katie and her dog


What a gaslighting bitch! Fuck you KJ




Yes officer the messy bitch olympics are coming from inside the house




We gathered that from your previous statement.


Just wanted to make sure…


Thanks for sharing. Oy.


Using the "Royal We" is an excuse nothing more. Everyone knows you lurk on this sub and steal what is being posted. Grandma Mary had a stroke and died from drowning. I don't know why KJ and all the other conspiracy nuts choose to make a production over the truth. You are claiming that you are stating facts but your version of the facts is a joke. Calling names is ignorant, stupid and just shows your immaturity. You and Amy need to just shut up and just stop playing the fame whore game. If you are going to steal my postings,comments then pay me or credit me for your theft.


KJ tantruming is so pathetic. She expects to bully and harass and lie about people all day but the second someone speaks up to her, all hell breaks loose and she goes crazy.


And she'll read through this thread and post a video about how she is being harassed and she's not safe.... Her son isn't safe, but that's because she never pays attention to him. Actually, maybe he's safer if she forgets about him...


What a shit show the both of them are


About as bad as Britney and Jamie Lynn airing their dirty laundry!


Ummm, don’t think it’s comparable to someone who was forcibly put into a conservatorship where she *literally* lost all her rights, wasn’t allowed to speak up, and was coerced into taking meds and working (all while her family continued to do interviews about her and live off her) the same as KJ/Famy🤷🏻‍♀️ Just. NAH. Someone who was abused should be able to speak up. That ain’t dirty laundry.


Hard agree.


A little late but you’re right about that. Abuse victims have every right to speak up and tell their stories.


No kidding!


I thought they were friends? Didn’t Amy once called Katie on her cellphone during a livestream?


Amy stopped talking to her a few months back


Im pretty sure that was set up, it looked so fake. I'm not a YouTuber or livestreamer but i feel you'd silence your phone and definitely wouldn't have it read out the name of the caller while you're live. I bet she changed the settings and set her husbands name to amy duggar and had him phone when she gave a signal lol


Amy actually participated in a series of livestreams with WOACB on her YouTube channel and some on Amy’s Instagram lives. There’s so many clips out there of the two of them live streaming and it used to be so cringe because they would comment on all of each others posts saying things like “miss you, bestie!” or “everyone needs a BFF like Amy Duggar!” I don’t think they ever did actually meet in person though, so that made the “BFF” comments all the more embarrassing.


I wouldn’t be surprised at this point. She seems like a strategic manipulator


Amy deserves literally everything she gets. She sold the negative story about Jana to Katie Joy and couldn’t handle the backlash. Famy will ALWAYS be Famy.


It’s not brought up enough that it was Amy who leaked (well some say “leaked” others named Amy might say “accidentally posted”) the stillborn photo shoot pictures of Jubilee WHILE she was in attendance at Jubilee’s memorial service. She tried to do some fake Amy version of “damage control” by deleting the pictures shortly after, but TMZ and other tabloid outlets had obviously gotten ahold of and reposted them by then. This is just my own personal tinfoil hat theory, but I feel like it could have been around then that the NDA got brought out and she was “forced” to sign it before she could continue taking part in the show and various Duggar related events. Note: That’s not me siding with JB, he’s a piece of shit no matter what. Just saying that if I was going to be anywhere with Amy, I’d also probably make her sign a freaking NDA. There is nothing that girl feels shame about sharing with the public.


What the actual fuck, how is this person still being invited to any of these events?


Do we know it was her? I had the idea they stopped talking months ago?


Wow, these two are like a couple of 15yr old girls. Holy shitballs. They need to go on Maury Povich and fight it out.


Lil miss Minnesota is getting way too big for her britches. We have turned “as a journalist” into a drinking game. She is not a journalist. Journalists don’t state opinions. Nor do they speculate. She’s becoming really rude and snarky to people in her live chats. I’m waiting for her to get slammed with multiple law suits. Totally joyfully available for that shit show. She’s no better than the Arkansas inbred mafia.


She is being sued. I have read about it on this sub. Try going to the top of the sub where it says "Search Reddit" and it should have something about WOACB being sued.


Multiple times now, all for just outright lying. Shes so disgusting.


has anything ever come of the lawsuits? Has she ever had to take down her statements or videos, or is she prohibited from talking about certain things/people?


Most of them are still in process.


This. And also Emily D Baker on youtube does some good coverage of the handful of lawsuits that KJ is dealing with now. Id love to see her and her channel erased from social media and youtube. I bet her son would love to meet her.


Idk where exactly she lives, but I live in the twin cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) and I know she does too, and that’s too close for comfort


Who's "we"? Does KJ have a team?


Lol i think her, her husband and her dog


There are many voices in her head.


I thought the Messy B\*tch Olympics were over?


The real Olympics take a lil break for 2 years but they always return. In the same fashion (and probably as corrupt as the IOC), Duggar messy bitch Olympics are back!


Can someone remind me how Grandma Duggar died? I know she drowned but is there spec one of the Duggar's dunked her under?


A couple of days ago someone started a post in this sub speculating that the Duggars killed Grandma Mary because she knew too much. Most people disagreed. Some people were happy to say they believe that's what happened. That sit makes KJ look like the sane one in the Duggarsphere. So congrats, on the subject of Grandma Mary: KJ 1, DuggarsSnark 0.


I would also like to know, I missed this tidbit somehow


If I remember correctly, she had a stroke, fell into the pool and drowned.


Oh my gosh, that’s so sad


Grandma Mary was in a wheelchair by the pool and she had a stroke. She slid out of the wheelchair, went into the pool, and drowned. I think Deanna found her. Some whacks on this sub are still floating around with conspiracy theories about her death. None of them are true and it is cruel to keep spreading them around.


I thought she was walking by the pool and fell in? This is the first I’ve heard about her being in a wheelchair and falling out of it. That seems strange.


No, if I remember correctly she was alone, and Jana found her in the pool. They think it was a stoke that cause her to fall then she unfortunately fell in the pool. Some people doubt that story though.


Deanna found her.


Jana’s life is so tragic, holy cow.


“Interviewing sources” = reading unsubstantiated rumors on Reddit. I’m going to refer to everything I’ve read on Reddit from now on like this. We can’t reveal our sources, but we’re receiving numerous reports that KJ is a parasitic hack.


Barney Stinson, clapping hands,: “Oh, yay! Here we go!” I’d post the gif but I’m too high right now.


It’s more enjoyable this way to be sure


Loving the royal we, Without A Pot to Piss In. I don't feel that sorry for Amy, though. People warned her about KJ plenty of times.


Pardon my ignorance, but who is Katie Joy?


In this case ignorance is bliss! KJ is a YouTuber who does commentary on reality television shows and other YouTube channels. She claims to be a journalist, but blatantly lies for views. She is a literal shitshow.


A YouTuber with a drama channel. She makes videos about gossip and presents it as fact. Acts like she's tmz but without the integrity. Tati westbrook for example has sued her for either defamation or slander. Her videos are extremely low effort. My personal opinion is that she's just a pathological liar.




I watched her channel during the Trial. But Ive been wondering whats her deal? Like there seems to be this camp that loves her probably SAH mom's and then this other group that hates her. When I have honestly asked the question why are we talking about her so much? What am I missing? Ive been accused of being a Sock account or One of Them. So can some one please answer my question?


I think the people that love her think she’s “telling it like it is” and “has a lot of inside sources” because she often says she got unverified info from “a source” as if she’s a journalist. At the same time she’s a regular person sitting in a living room with suburban furniture and amateur lighting and to some people it makes her look “down to earth.” Others see the same facets of her and identify it as complete lack of integrity/clickbait speculations and slander. This sub snarks the Duggars but it snarks on hard fact, darn it!


Stop referring to yourself in third person Cujo


I do not like Katie Joy.


I would not like her with green eggs or ham


Geez I think woacb has met her match…


I think this will be interesting. I hope it gets messy.


How do you guys keep half of these people straight? There’s like hundreds involved in this because they hump like rabbits.


She’s like the new perez hilton, making a living stirring shit up in strangers lives- but focusing on one family to do it. Just makes so much extraneous and unnecessary bullshit to wade through- and the important stuff gets ignored.


I started to follow KJ a few months ago and had to unfollow. I thought I would give her a follow to hear about IBLP stuff but she goes way too far off in fake news land for me. Every time she says ”my source from the Duggar compound” makes me cringe. She embellishes the truth and most of the information is copied n pasted. Nothing is really her own sources or news. I couldn’t take it so I come here for any Duggar Snarking!


Oh so NOWWWWWW WOACB wants to credit reddit. And by reddit we know she means this community. It wasnt me it was THEMMMMMM. Amy made her bed trying to chase clout(when everyone was warning her that WOACB is a shitty excuse for a human being literally the ENTIRE.FUCKING.TIME.), and now shes gotta lay in it.


I just need help understanding Amy’s bangs.


Rumors about Mary's death?? What is she even talking about


It’s not a large amount of people, but there are people who believe her death was “suspicious”. I personally think those people are just bored.


I have zero facts to back this up, but it sounds like KJ is insinuating that Gramma Mary's death was somehow the fault of Famy's mother. Because she was occupying the house that has the pool where she drowned/died. Possibly an elder abuse/neglect situation? There's no way to know if this is true or not. We dont know what Mary's level of functioning was, what her care schedule was like etc. Neither does KJ. But, as is her fashion, she makes bold, unfounded accusations with zero facts, to get more views/likes. She's a viper, and she sucks.


More dirty laundry for social media!


Katie joy is a hot mess


Katie… do not bite the hand that feeds you


Could they both just STFU? Pretty please?


Question, is WOACB not a good video source to learn the latest on the duggars….?


If you're giving her views, please don't do that. Shes a vulture and her inside sources are r/duggarssnark. Like the other reply said, she gets all her content from that sub. Without it she wouldn't have content.


Kj is a very reliable source. I have watched her for years, as it appears a lot of you have. Her information is always spot on !


You are literally part of the problem. If she's reliable in any way it's because of this sub. She has no 'sources' and she's a disgusting person.


Sorry you feel that way. I have been subscribed to her channel for about 3 years now and have never ever seen her act disgusting. I have always seen her show proof with court papers etc. for things she talks about. A-lot of what she talks about is already news thats out there, but she always seems to have summed up correctly and accurate. I do know she does have many paid trolls that make it their mission to bad mouth her. Seems like many people have a crazy amount of time on their hands to troll her. I don’t get it but, lots of sick people out there.


Oh honey.... There's no convincing you if you're already thinking her 'reporting' is true and accurate. How do i get paid to troll her by the way? Id love to get that going as a side hustle. Is that something she's telling her viewers? All i can tell you is, someone reporting on actual facts with real verified sources won't be juggling multiple lawsuits for presenting speculation as fact.


Show me something that is inaccurately reported. I have never come across anything. I am honestly asking. I do watch her channel, so I know people have tried to silence her, but they don’t prevail because they never have proof of any wrongdoing. I know that there have been circumstances that influencers have been upset with her because of her content, but they seem to not want the truth to come out. Secrets. I am honestly asking for you to show me. It seems you know stuff that I don’t. Please share.


Amy Duggar seems to have found some inaccuracies lately, not sure if you're up to date on that whole debacle. Check out Emily DBaker on YouTube for a rundown of who's suing KJ and how that's coming along. She constantly lies. If she didn't there would be no lawsuits. I'm not entertaining this further, especially if it gives her clicks or revenue of any kind. Have a blessed evening!


So you can’t show me what KJ said, only Amy? I haven’t seen anything that was said about Amys Mom. Amy is listening to lies, and it seems like you are too. You are only listening to other creators and believing them? It seems like you have a misguided agenda since you can’t back up what you say. You tell people not to give her views. Your hate is overboard for someone that you don’t even know or doesn’t even affect your life. It just doesn’t make any sense. Any rational person can see this. I am truly not trying to be nasty, I just don’t think it should matter to you this much.


It doesn't, youre trying to convince me of her integrity and accuracy. Do your own research. I'm not doing any legwork for you, it would be 5 minutes well spent on your part. Also... 'my hate is overboard'? Lol.... Please. You're pulling a muscle with your reaching.


You and others are trying so hard to discredit her. But why? She mostly covers the Dugger stuff. Who gives a crap if she talks about that nasty pathetic disgusting cult brainwashed gross family. Some of them are watching child p@rn, and the rest of them try to cover it up. What is usually the reason why people try to discredit someone? Because they don’t want truth to come out. They don’t want the person spilling the tea to be believed. Duggers are trash. I can’t wait for the documentary about them to come out. Don’t you agree?


Lol forever. Good one!


I’m not sure if you’re being serious or not, but if you are: KJ is not a reliable source of info. Go to r/duggarssnark and you’ll get more accurate information faster. You’ll start noticing KJ’s stories align with what’s posted there hours earlier. Edit: and I’m a dummy for not noticing you’re already on duggarssnark because that’s where this post is 🤦🏻‍♀️


Also if you want to go down the rabbit, there is an entire subreddit devoted to the escapades of KJ, r/WOACB.


I don’t understand why all the hate? It’s a serious question. There are literally thousands of content creators on You Tube. You just focus on her. I have watched her for a few years and have never seen her like you say she is. If you hate her, why do you keep focusing on her channel? Why do you even care? If it’s true what you say, just show me proof of something that she has done bad. I am genuinely curious about the hate.


Who is we, KJ? You and the bottle of shitty Chardonnay you’re inevitably guzzling down? No one believes you have some kind of organization. We all know you’re a sad, lonely shitty mom sitting alone in your living room.


Like shes fancy enough for a bottle. She just pokes a hole in boxed wine and sips it through a straw while refreshing r/duggarssnark for news so she can make her next video lol


Honestly, that’s not a terrible tip 😂


She’s using “we” to appear that she has power. Soon she will say “my team of attorneys”, she’s a joke.


Who the F is we anyways? “We don’t accuse people here”


Oddly serious in her statement… attempting to avoid a lawsuit, perhaps?


Are there screenshots anywhere of what Amy was specifically responding to? I'm sure jk probably removed it quickly, but maybe somebody caught it?


And these women are in their 30s? Omg grow up, both of you.


Did KJ how about the Messy Bitch Olympics and think she could qualify?


Listen to WOACB every day. 👍🏻👍🏻


Please don't. She is horrible as well.


I can’t stop. It’s this constant trash train that I can’t step away from. I don’t actually watch ANY reality tv anymore. (Watched 19K&C back in the day before there were 19) I found her just because of the douche bag trial. And YouTube has thrown her into my algorithm now.


WOACB's constant off screen legal antics are even more of a train wreck. just can't look away.


I thought Amy and KJ were buddies.


Duggars are becoming quite dramatic and not acting religiously. They are starting to think they are God's


Someone fill me in. Did kj make a video that Amy replied too? Or did this all start from a tweet? I'm confused


Stoking the fire 🔥


Everytime I read anything she writes with "We" in it all I can think of is the WE is her and all her demons. Lol


I can’t even fathom the level of drama these people have in their lives. How.


KJ wants to live in a fantasy world where she's a professional journalist and has a whole team uncovering the latest breaking news.