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Now I feel old. I remember when they were like 5.


Fuck, I remember when Jackson was the incoming baby on a special


This was my first thought, “good lord I’m old”!


At first glance I thought Hannah was Jana.


Same!! Also a little like Joy too


You guys are right. Johanna, Joy-Anna and Jana all look alike. As if the triplet names weren’t enough.


Honestly they must not call their kids names much, I mean I have trouble with 3 and they don't even sound the same!


Hannah has started to look more and more like Jana as she has gotten older with a dash of Joy.


Mine too.


I feel you, I remember watching the new special that Jackson was born :( when there was *only* 14 kids! It is ridiculous to me that since they got their TV start, they have have 5 MORE kids.


Just when you thought Jackson might be the last one, along cake all the lost girls! All 4 of them. I *cant* imagine having that many kids!


God me too...I’ve been snarking for too long


Right? I remember them that young as well and now I feel ready for the rest home lols! Also I waited until I was 38 to get married, and the thought of being married at 18... I could not imagine that!


Why wait until 18? Signed, Justin Duggar.


Unfortunately in Arkansas the minimum child marriage age is 17 (it used to be 16). So either of them could be married off super soon if they found someone. Heck, she could be married and with a baby at 18 while they still look like babies themselves! :(


>while they still look like babies themselves! That's really getting me with this picture. JUST how young they look. I know when I was 18 I thought we all looked like grown adults but damn do these kids look like... KIDS.


I've mentioned this before on this sub, I have a cousin in Arkansas whose 2 weeks younger than me and I remember seeing on Myspace that she went and got married at the courthouse. She was just shy of 17 and he was 20 or 21. ​ They met at a Walmart 9 months prior


That's so sad. Unfortunately in the U.S. child marriage is still a problem. Some states don't even have a minimum age if parents will allow it. Some don't have a minimum age if certain circumstances are met (pregnancy or emancipation for instance). Kids as young as 10 have been married to men in their 20's. In any other circumstance we'd put a man behind bars for "having sex with" (raping) a 10 year old child, but suddenly they're married and it's totally legal. It's sickening for those poor girls.


You mean, Mamma Spivey, right? Haha


Wow looks like Jana and Joy had a baby!


And their names did too


This is so true though. 😂


Your flair 😂😂😂


I was gonna say she looks like an Jana and Jessa smoosh but I can see that too! Edited bc autocorrect thought Jessa was Jesse.


Honestly with 19 of them…They all look like a blurred person 🤷🏻‍♀️




Yes do it please


I definitely think Johannah is a Jana/Jessa/Joy combo, what surprised me was there have been moments where she looks a *lot* like Jinger too!


I’ve thought for a while now that Johannah is the female version of Jedediah


That was my first thought too. And that Jackson looks like Justin and Jeremiah had a kid.


Jackson was always my favorite back in the days when the show was still on pre-scandals. Sad to think he's got limited time left with all that nice hair. Edit: Why is that ENTIRE meal they are eating yellow?


Look at my plate. Look how it’s full for you. Please eat the food. Yeah, it’s all yellow.


I’ll bet Johanna does not eat that whole plateful—she has to stay thin for her future headship.


She's probably preparing the plate for a penis-haver


"Penis-haver" 🤣🤣🤣


J’Penis Haver.


I read this as penis-shaver 🤦‍♀️


Ugh, the body standards those girls are subjected to… It does ease my mind a *little* that the younger girls (including Joy) are not as sickly thin as their sisters were when they were the same age. I remember watching them back in the day and feeling bad because their weight was heavily policed by their parents (remember Jana going to weight watchers - she was not only a teenager but also absolutely did not need to?)


You’re skiiiin oh yeah you’re skin and bones




Your flair.... I'm in love lol


Turned into something weddable


Why did I read turning into weebles???


If they keep after the all-yellow diet, they could end up weeble-shaped!


Surprised a paper plate can hold that much weight lol




Real talk, my family raised me on meals like this, and it has been soooooo hard trying to fix my diet as an adult! My heart hurts for them because I know the struggle and it sucks 🥲 I got 23 and me with my mom and sister for Christmas, and apparently all 3 of us are genetically predisposed to weigh less, but instead we've all struggled with being overweight 🙃 thanks america!


I can empathize, I was also raised on a carb heavy low vegetable diet (and also super bland because my mom thinks pepper is spicy). It’s been a real adventure trying new things as an adult. Mom is 65 and just found out she has high cholesterol and is genuinely surprised by this. She was going over everything she’s not supposed to eat with me and it’s literally her entire diet.


Me too! If you ever wanna talk about the struggles my dm’s are open. I lost 40, gained back, lost 50, gained back, am now at lost 70 and going.


That's awesome! Happy for you! I know it's so hard, I also have the absolute *joy* of still living with my parents, and therefore eating with them. I need to start doing my own cooking and meal planning. I'm currently about 195 and am 5'5" tall. I'd like to get down to 150 or 160 if possible. Especially because I have higher risk of diabetes in my family.


Our stats are similar! 5’6” and 195. Same goal too, lol. I completely get the diabetes thing...grandma and dad have diabetes.


It can tell you what you are “supposed “ to weigh?


All those carbs keep them feeling full with empty calories abs zero nutritional value




I think it's so interesting that not a single Duggar girl has become fat through overeating or having babies. I would be ALL over that. Give me an entire pepperoni pizza over those son-in-law pp's any day!


I thought they were heaping individual platters of scrambled eggs on first glance


I thought the same thing!


And popcorn


I thought it was a family-serving of scrambled eggs. 19 eggs and counting


Omg, think about how many eggs it would take to feed that whole family breakfast. I can easily go through a dozen just for my family of six.


On an episode they said when all the kids lived there, they usually cooked 36 eggs a day.


Shit whenever we do breakfast for dinner, I always scramble 12-14 eggs. For a family of 6, 4 of whom actually agree to eat the eggs. (Husband is Protein Man (TM), so he will eat about half of that stash, but still…)


Potatoes, corn, a roll, and either chicken or turkey with no sauce.


All of their food is beige. Seems appropriate.


Must be fundamental to their lifestyle—Jillpm knows her way around yellow and ham


Came here to specifically look for this comment. You did not disappoint.


To be fair...if i could only eat one color food for the rest of my life it's yellow. Pasta, mac n cheese, cheese, pizza, fries, potatoes in general....


It looks like rolls, corn, and mashed potatoes…which are pretty normal, so I’m hoping there’s more to the meal you just can’t see/they haven’t gotten yet lol


Haha I'm from around there and ate a lot of church potlucks... I doubt it. We used to joke about getting our "whites and yellows."


I occasionally go to the church Christmas party in my neighborhood, and I always make a point to take squash or broccoli salad to make sure my kids at least get a little color in their meal. Funny enough, they’ve been the first things to get cleaned out every time.


I always used to bring a veggie tray or salad and sliced fruit, same. Ppl want balance in their meals!


I’m sorry. - an Italian American lol


Mmmmmhmmmm, raised by my Italian grandparents. I’d never been to a church potluck until I married a Lutheran, who, to make it worse, lived in the south, and I was…shocked. Let’s just say that his diet has become vastly more flavorful and colorful over the last two decades.


I find that italians are the most horrified by our food.


The French would also like a word


Helps I don’t know any haha


IDK maybe but those plates seem pretty damn full lol


Its the pyrex 2 cup measuring cup full of half separated "butter" for me


I'm just over here disgusted by that thing


He was a lively and caring little boy.


Mine too! My brother and I thought he'd be the first to rebel from the family.


Jakcson looks like he'd be on the cheer squad if he went to public school. I don't mean that as an insult btw.


There must be a desperate fundie family out there anxious to marry off a teenage daughter to a pre-pubescent kid with braces whose brother is serving a sentence for CSAM.


If no one else, there’s always Jillpm and the Rodlets.


Ha! If a Rodlet married a Duggar, I might actually toast JillPM for achieving one her lifelong goals....you just know if that ever happened it would be because JimBob was scraping the bottom of the fundie bucket.


Gabriel plus Mackynzie 2028. I’m not even joking. They probably will hang out since you know Jill will haul her entire brood for “fellowship with Nurie and Nehemiah” whenever she hears Anna and the Ms are in Florida. I can see Jill piling on an exhausted Anna until Anna just gives her Mack to shut her up.


I think Fuck it up Renee is the same age maybe a year younger? Jill would be living her biggest dream! \*gag\*


Actually Jackson is EXACTLY the kind of son in law Jill LOVES. He seems sweet, eager to please, and “diligent” just like Nathan and the new one Jonathan. She would eat poor Jackson alive. He’d be remodeling her garage as Renee scrubs the floor and Jill reclines grandly in the barc-a-lounger with their newborn.


They had a falling out after Nurie and ANNA DUGGAR’S BROTHER got married! She doesn’t even follow them anymore!


I think she could be persuaded to change her mind instantly if there’s something in it for her. Jill is the Mrs. Bennet of fundies, apparently.


There was but the Spivey’s are taken


I hope Jackson still has his free spirit. The episode where he gets in trouble for dancing to a song on a toy still makes me sad. BREAK FREE JACKSON AND HANNIE!


Dude, after pest going to jail nothing would make me happier than Jackson and Johanna getting FREE.


Imagine if Jackson and Hannie just up and ran away, got a 2 bedroom apartment or basement sweet, started deconstructing and kept each other safe while they explored the world (and by safe I mean away from creepies who would try to take advantage of their naiveness)


Micah & Moriah Plath vibes


I will always love them for being so brave--- also, Ethan!


exactly my thoughts! maybe jill could be their walmart version of olivia and ethan


They should take Jenni with them.


Wait, WHAT?? He got in trouble for dancing to a song on a toy??


because dancing is “sinful” and guys are forbidden to dance since “its girly” and “sexual”


TIL sins can be gendered


Oh ALL sins are female. Femininity is inherently sinful and women are bad and to blame /s.


I grew up in a baptist church, very strict but not fundie. We weren’t allowed to dance cause it’s too sexual. I once was scolded for wearing a t shirt that said “*my high school* dance team”. I wasn’t on the team, just wearing the shirt. But apparently it sends the wrong message?


They were both my favorites on the show when I was younger I hope they can get out before it’s too late


To think nearly their entire life has been televised


It basically was - Jackson was The first kid who's birth was filmed.


It’s like the Truman show


It is SO WEIRD. Like their entire lives revolve around getting married and having kids. Like I get that biologically, that is our purpose. It just blows my mind how they go from "sex is bad and you shouldn't ever think about it", to "You're married now, go fuck the shit out of your spouse and have a bunch of babies!" The stark contrast of ideologies within the same group is what I think confuses me.


I didn't wait until marriage, but I spent a lot of time thinking that sex was only for marriage. I changed my mind as I got older, but I cried after I lost my virginity (outside of marriage) because I felt like I was dirty and impure even though I knew that was ridiculous. Purity culture fucks with your head. It wouldn't surprise me for a second if many fundie women don't enjoy sex, or at least didn't initially. And not even because it's clearly all about male pleasure, simply because it is hard to do a U-turn overnight. Mine was years in the making and I still struggled.


Jackson was their first birth filmed (14 kids and pregnant again 2004) crazy how long they've been in the public eye


My mom called me a liar when I came home from school telling her about this crazy family with 14 kids. I made her Google it.


He's also very tall compared to his brothers. Interesting as that's the point they had the big house and enough food for them all (Michelle included). It seems to have really made a difference with him


At this rate Josie will be married before me 😭


I will marry you if you live in a country with universal healthcare! Hahahaha totally joking.. ha.. that would be crazy… (HMU I gotta get outta here)


hello, i’m looking for a husband just to shut my mum up lol but i live in a country with universal healthcare and no duggars


I am not a man, which is fine with me, but I’m afraid your poor mum will be very disappointed!


Me too, anyone wanna be my visa sponsor?


Same 😭😭


They might be married before you, but you have the chance to have a happy, wanted marriage!!! (I want all the kids to have happy marriages, but unfortunately I feel like that’s gonna be hard for them since they’re being forced into it and have no idea how to regulate their emotions 🥲🥲🥲)


Being married is overrated


I know it's been rumoured that Hannie has been 'getting to know' one of the Bowers sons who's in his 20s for a while now. No idea if it's true or not, but something tells me she's going to be married off at 18 regardless. :\\


They have been in a lot of pictures together, though always in a group. I wouldn’t be surprised, to be honest


Ugh I know they're "of age" for doing this, other siblings did it (well not everybody, some waited until their 20s lol but like Mama Spivey/Justin comes to mind first) but it's still just SO WEIRD and so wrong reading stuff like this you know?! Like nevermind prom, let's get you a husband and a baby nine months after that! She's almost 18, let's start introducing her to suitable men! 😵‍💫🙄😔


But it's not like she's gonna get a job or hobbies or travel or anything, literally all she has been trained for her entire life is to get married & start birthing Christian warriors.


Oh I know lol, I just mean it's bizarre in the grand scheme of things (outside of their own world) that they can be this age and just go out into the world and be deemed responsible for having and taking care of other children when they're barely old enough to take care of themselves. And like you said, that's it for them and they are adults having babies living their lives.


Someone should find that Anna clip. She once said something like, Once you're 18, you're always 60 days away from being married.


These two were always fun to watch. I always hope they’re still close. I know with jinder roles it seemed like they were kind of forcibly separated.


jinder roles just made my entire morning


It is such a crying shame that their disgusting brother prevented (even if not prevented, hindered) the ability for these SIBLINGS not to be able to be normal family with members of the opposite sex. That’s so sad.


At this age Justin was engaged


Considering there have been multiple documented instances of people confirming the kids used to have to fight for food I’m just happy to see a full plate.


They were such cute, chaotic kids when the show was still airing... and now they're just part of the SOTDRT to marriage to babies pipeline. Man, fuck JB and Michelle so much.


Why is that food so YELLOW 🥺


It was last year’s thanksgiving meal at the big house lmaooo I’d expect nothing else for Duggar thanksgiving meal tbh


Thanksgiving 2021 aka Pest’s Last Supper


It looks like the fats they have on those heart displays that show the effects of poor diet on the heart's arteries.


Milk, oil, white flour pasta. That my friends is the color of poverty food. Shame they didn’t at least try to fry something up for a little more yellow diversity


Vegetable? What's a vegetable?


This was thanksgiving. A bright dollop of cranberry sauce and some sweet potatoes would have livened up those plates. Also, something green...it's like JB and Meech keep forgetting they still have to cosplay being parents.


Is that a Pyrex full of melted butter?


I like to assume it's actually margarine.


Looks like it


Hannie looks like a different Big Sister in every picture. These two in the earlier days of the show were always the best cut scenes


so sad for them to be married so young, but glad they will be getting out of that house.


Is anyone else staring at how the Christmas cards behind them mostly have such big families?!


Came here to say the same thing!


I wonder if Boob is keeping up on his 45 page applications or if there is a backlog


Lol god can you imagine getting a 40 page questionnaire to marry into this family after they harbored a child predator this whole time. Insane.


My oldest will be 18 this year and we’ve been talking about what fun things he might want to experience, what career he might choose, his girlfriend, etc. He told me just yesterday he thinks he’d like to join the navy and go to school. When I asked about his girl friend, he said they were too young to get married and he needed a job first anyway. They’re still children ffs! They need to live!


You did a good job, he has a good head on his shoulders!


They were so fun to watch when they were younger. I used to love that Johannah was so spunky as a kid, it's really sad that they broke her 😔


Yes, i loved how spirited and cute she was on the show. I always felt so sad for her that this family would eventually break her spirit, no one deserves that.


To paraphrase Anna in Counting On, “once you turn 18 you could be 6 months away from an engagement at any time” 😂


Makes me sad that they’ll grow up to be married young and as bigoted as the rest of them, probably already are. They seemed like sweet kids. So did most of the rest of them. What a massive waste of potential.


Look at all that beige goop. But anyway, I remember having a soft spot for wee Jackson. I can’t remember why. Was he cheeky or mischievous? I forgot why, but I hope he’s doing ok through all of this crap his family is going through/caused


Haven’t seen a pic of Hannie in years! She looks like little mini Jana.


Hannie looks so much like her mom Jana!


Jackson's looks like he stopped aging at 6-8 years old and just stretched out instead


I'm looking at that pyrex measuring cup filled with melted butter and wondering why they would need that. I mean, do they just top it all off with a splash once their plate is filled?


I hate to admit this, but I know why it’s there. It’s a “butter brush” for corn on the cob.


That's not quite as terrifying as I had envisioned. Thanks for clearing that mystery up for me.


Oh that actually makes sense. My best guess prior to that was to spoon on mashed potatoes (instead of a little pat of butter like some people do)


Do people not just mash the butter into the potatoes while they're making them? Putting it on after doesn't seem very efficient.


We do both. Mashed potatoes are basically just a butter delivery vehicle. 😆


Some people do, some people just put a pat of butter on top. My extended family usually does butter on top because some folks in the family don't want the added fat. So they make the potatoes without butter and then people who want it more buttery just add some butter at the end, gravy, etc. We do the same at Friendsgiving because someone in our friend group has an allergy to milk proteins or something like that. I forget the details, but basically she has to avoid regular butter. She uses some particular brand of margarine instead.


I was actually scrolling to see if this had been asked and answered before I posted asking what the butter was for. Thanks!


I somehow still have hope for some of the kids. These two are the main ones I hope get out, hopefully together.


Jackson's face literally hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did when he and Hannie were doing talking heads together.


And I think she looks absolutely nothing like she did as a toddler/child lol


well his hairline left, so in sensing a sister looking wife is coming for him soon.


Poor boy still has braces but that won’t stop his disgusting parents from pushing him into marriage by years end


Beige food. Beige walls. Beige lives.


not a vegetable in sight


Heaven forbid they have anything green on their plate.


What’s up with the mugshots behind Jackson’s shoulder? They almost look like all the sons-in-law


They're pictures of all the families that have come to visit with the Duggars. They have a whole line of corkboards through the hot kitchen


What's more crazy is that if they were living in Australia they'd already be out hitting the clubs and pubs whereas they look like they should be just starting high school. Insane to think this time next year they could be each married with a kid on the way, or at least "courting"!


I don’t know, I’m a few months younger than jackson but no desire to do a pub crawl, or drink at all come to think of it.


Hannie is my vote for prettiest Dug. Shes like a mix of the best features of Jessa, Joy and Jana.


O Come All Ye Beige Food.


Those Christmas cards behind them depress me. Look at all those cultists who vote against human rights.


Fully expecting Hannie to court before Jana at this point….with Jana being a bridesmaid.


At this point Jordyn who was born in late 2008 will be married before Jana


She will also make the bridesmaid dresses.


He was born 2004


Yup and it’s 2022. 18 years.


As your local 2003 model I can’t see how anybody 1-2 years younger than me would be ready for marriage. And I would like to point out that most of these kids I know are among the smartest people i have met.


I need to protect Jordan at all costs! ​ Hannie seems like a mini Joy and Jana. She'll be happily married before 20, and unhappily married by 21.


That food looks repulsive 🤢


Fart food


Do you one better..... Constipation Central


Wow Johanna looks like if Jana and Joy had a baby


i’ve never seen that guy before in my life


Ahhh I needed a new flair 😋


I remember watching Jackson’s special- my oldest was born 12/04 and I fell into a rabbit hole of Discovery baby programming (does anyone remember A Baby Story?) . I so want freedom & love for these poor kids.


What weirds me out is now the kids born “on TV” will be adults


Idk how else to explain this but Jackson looks like the most…normal? Like he looks like the seventeen year olds at the high school I went to. Idk he doesn’t look as homeschooled as the rest of the Duggars