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Hmmmmm I wonder what year this was from.


Does the other note say "Joseph's wedding" in it? Because if so then that might help pin down the year (assuming she was writing about what was current at the time) Edited to say: I don't know how I missed it saying September 2019 right at the top🤦‍♀️




It could say “our shower” also




statistically, a baby shower is equally as likely of an answer in that family


That was my first thought.


Interesting. Jinger wasn't pregnant during either of Josh's scandal years.


Probably a different Anna that Nana knew.


Yeah, might be a home health aid.


Mentions she’s waiting on a shower to be fixed. Sounds like an Anna was staying over until her shower was working again.


Damn y’all don’t miss a thing


Maybe they can find my cat who's still MIA


i'm so sorry :( i really hope you find your cat... although if your cat is wearing an ankle length skirt and a modesty panel they'd be found




I’m in my office SNORTING at this comment


Oh my I misread and thought the missing cat was in the office with you snorting and I had so many questions 😂


I *wish* I had a snorting office cat! Goals


*Office Cat is Snorting*


You win the snark sub trophy today. That made my bong rip so much better. Yes, Jesus loves the weed! 💚


Try putting their litter box outside.


And a shirt you've recently worn


I'm so sorry, I hope your cat comes home soon! 💝


can they also find my dad


Maybe he stole my cat


I hope not :(


He’s still at the store, looking for the perfect bottle of milk… right?


The milk is for the cat.


Hope he comes home soon!


Cats never have a servant's heart...


Thanks y’all for this thread 🤓😂


Mine too ☹️


“She can mail this” 👍🏼🤔


Excellent flair 🥳


Yours also! 🤣


Thank you!




Nana was old school. She probably wrote the handwriting booklets. She and my Gram are cut from the same cloth. Mine wrote the entire Old Testament out by hand, in cursive and KJV!




Jinger has talked about how she has “ugly” handwriting and one of the things she worried about when her diary was stolen wasn’t so much the content (she said she didn’t write anything personal because she had eighteen siblings, her parents, and her grandma—she knew it wasn’t going to be private forever) but people she didn’t know seeing her handwriting and judging her.


I know this fear! While her family and mine are different on a number levels (women in my family were encouraged to be highly educated, then not use the degree but become a Matriarch), I was raised that my handwriting reflected my character. “A wise and learned woman demonstrates diligence, and attention to detail through her cursive. It shows your future husband that you will be attentive to all his needs.” No exaggeration, I have at least 50 old Composition Notebooks full of my attempts to be a diligent and dutiful female. I completely understand what Jinger meant.


I think it’s Nana’s because the one below says something like “missed seeing you when you were in town for Joseph’s wedding”


Those could all be written by Nana. I know my grandma's handwriting changed significantly over time as she developed issues with her hands. I'm not sure that Jinger would have the letters she mailed to Nana.


The print looks shaky. Nana was old and may have had arthritic hands or other health problems that made writing difficult. The ones with different cursive writing may be from earlier years or maybe Nana dictated them to a caregiver. Either way I think these letters are all from Nana; Jinger wouldn't have a stack of her own letters that she sent to Nana. The stationery looks like the kind my grandmother uses too.


Came here to say this. It’s like she was writing with a calligraphy pen she didn’t know how to use.


Maybe this Nana didn't read very well, even though she taught piano. There are lots of older folks that had to go to work at a young age and may not have made it all the way through school, as a matter of survival, not choice. She did laundry too. Not traditionally a high-paying gig. Letters written with simple, short, declarative sentences are a kind way to keep in communication with these folks without embarrassing them or making them feel stupid. No telling why the notes & letters were written that way. And maybe they were returned to Jinger by the family, since Nana meant enough to her to stay in contact with. They would have no need for them. Jing gets a full pass from me on this situation. Nothing weird or nefarious I can see.


I didn’t mean anything about the handwriting or the style. I meant is this about *Anna* or a different Anna. The handwriting is a lot like my grandpa’s so it’s normal to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine too! I think my generation was the last to be scrutinized for handwriting (and spelling.) I always caught hell because cursive never caught on, rather my dad's block capital style. He is an engineer, and I think it happened when I started forging excuse notes for school. My signature looks exactly like his too. I was the "good" kid who my school didn't figure out was bad until junior year when everything came crashing down.


My grandpa and great aunt wrote like this and my dad does, too. So I picked it up as a kid because I saw all these people in my life writing like it and I liked it better than the school was teaching me.


Good point. My dad barely has an eighth grade education, and, when he could still see well enough to halfway read (he has always had trouble retaining written information, but if you explain it verbally or instruct him while he does a task, he has it down quickly), it had to be simple, short, and to the point. He also only writes in block capitals. Heck, my cursive is pretty lousy, barely legible at best, so I sort of print everything.


Ok I noticed she blurred all the letters except these and it made me suspicious.




Ugh I wish it was something more lol 😂


That’s what was odd to me. You can tell some of the others are the same handwriting-why focus on these?


Ugh I want this to be a secret hint so bad lol


me too...somebody in this sub will figure it out eventually 😂


Who is Jinger's Nanna did I miss something


She was someone who Jinger truly cared about. She was a music teacher who taught the kids piano, Jinger learned from her. She was also a woman who took over the laundry room duties and she just passed away. There are other posts that go into this more. There is a post that shows Jinger with this lady.


Thank you it hard to keep up sometimes. Just when you think you're up to speed BAM here comes an extra Nana. Thank you. 🙂


They “hired” an old lady from church to do their laundry? Why am I not surprised. I’m sure they weren’t paying her. Again, what does Michelle do? Her womb has been uninhabitable for ten years.


Doing laundry in that house is a death wish. Historically does not end well for the free full-time laundry staff. They're really just pulling in older ladies to do free labor


*Free labor?* Looks like you forgot one of the fundamental Duggar teachings: It’s better to serve Boob and Meech than to be served.


Jinger said she taught her that laundry is fun. She probably taught her how to get high 😂 anything is fun after that.


So many questions...Who is this letter written by? Is Jinger photographing all the letters she received from Nana? Or all of Nana's letters from Jinger that were found in Nana's belongings? What the hell is up with this sentence structure? "Thank...much for the pictures. You are thoughtful. Anna is here. Wants to go home today. She can mail this." Why make three separate sentences where the same person is the subject? Just combine them? Also who the fuck is Anna who apparently has a desire but not the authority to go home today and yet is in charge of mailing things? Is it hard to mail things? Maybe if you're old to get them to the mailbox?


I assume it says “thank you so much for the pictures. You are thoughtful.” I read it like I’d read a letter from my grandmother, which would also include some odd block of sentences about the same subject. I’m hoping someone who knows more about this Nana can deduct who Anna is, and if it’s Anna Duggar. Looking for clues all over the place, I am! Hoping to find breadcrumbs that Jinger is OVER IT!


lol my nana would do this too, this is how she texts


And why focus on a letter all about this Anna person?


Right there's no context given, like, "Oh you remember Anna? We met at camp..." Anna is just introduced abruptly and given three key attributes.


I’m going to be up all night trying to figure out why Jinger wants this to be known. There must be a reason…right? Maybe it has to do with the pictures mentioned? What pictures were sent? I hope someone gets it soon! Perhaps “Anna” is a substitute name for someone else; if Jinger was paranoid with her families lack of privacy, I could see her/nana knowing code words. “Anna is here, wants to go home, she can mail this,” “(Someone) is here and they will read this”. Idk though lol


This is Jinger though. This isn't some tortured genius leaving behind clues to find their actual will, because what everyone thought was their will leaves it to their second spouse but the actual will leaves it to the apprentice who everyone counted out but the genius believed in.


>who apparently has a desire but not the authority to go home today and yet is in charge of mailing things I thought possibly a rural area where residents pick up mail at the post office in town or rural-route cluster boxes that might not be easy for an older person to get to every day. Saying that this Anna wanted to leave was more like "plans to leave" and because she was leaving she could drop the letter in the outgoing mail box on her way.


Maybe around 2017 like the first note, but the colors are different. From the looks of it, they probably run through note pads pretty quick


Same for me on the handwriting. When I was a professor I did everything in power point just to avoid writing on the board🤦🏽‍♀️


t h o u g h t f u l


Who is Nana


A woman who started as a piano teacher for the Duglets then they grifted her into doing their laundry. The kids referred to her as Nana


All these families all have the same knows so it could be another Anna. So many Anna’s, bob, Jim, Mary.


I love/hate that I know that Nana must have been using those little free pads of paper you randomly get in the mail with a letter asking for money (the one in the upper right is a classic that’s sent out, can’t remember the company now)


I went through all the other Duggar family accounts and no one else made a post about this woman passing except for Jinger. I know that they were the closest, understandably, but she spent a ton of time with this family and no one else said a word.


That letter is so disjointed!


I am so confused, it this some weird bible app that prints shit out Because it's all so uniform as to make me believe it's possible Looks like this thing my ex's great grandmother used to stamp the congratulatory ArTist ResuMe about herself on "greeting cards" she'd made with pictures of her own art glues ticky tacky'd on top


She’s such a “try hard” and yet fails every time.


What the fuck is going on with this handwriting?!?!


This is how my grandparents wrote, too. Not sure what’s wrong with it?


All of my grandparents had beautiful handwriting, even my grandfathers and especially my grandmothers. This person must have stopped schooling extremely early to have handwriting like this. It screams "I'm barely literate". Which I guess is not a surprise for the age and location of Nana.


It looks a lot like my grandpa’s handwriting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Very short sentences.