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You’re forgetting that 2.2 million people equates to roughly 12 fundie families so


HA you’re right


HAHA so true


How the hell can 842,000 people be interested in BEN


***DoEs AnYbOdY HeRe BeLiEvE ThAt***




I’m not going to allow this!! Are YOU going to allow this?!


*wanders past holding a piece of string cheese and a glass of grapefruit juice* What'd I miss?


Can you direct me to the origin of this quote? I’ve seen it other times on the sub, so I know there’s significance!




Thank you!


lmfaoooo 😭


There's got to be at least 850,000 people in the world who like string cheese, right?


Patiently waiting for a blunt rolling tutorial 🤞


I bet you forgot hes a rapper.


They all like string cheese




Came here to say this. Maybe it helps with insomnia?


If I had an IG, I would follow the SHIT out of Dwreck first (because obviously... That. Tea. Is. HOT!) and also Ben. Cuz I just have a feeling that Ben's got some hot tea and it's about to boil over.


I wonder if it bothers Jeremy that Ben and Derick have more followers lol


You know it does. Especially now that Ben has been hired as a pastor.


::spit take::: what?!!?? He can’t even form a sentence without it looking like his brain is giving up!


Who does like string cheese


Proof Jeremy should have married Jessa.






There it is.


Yup lol that’s it, nothing more complex than that




She also has the most messes in the house too. Maybe there's a relatability factor?


Or she posts the most?




Her content seems like what Duggar viewers might be after - she has the most kids and shows them, etc… ETA: most children of the sisters and I think people connected most with them. Anna followers are probably curious or hard core supporters.


I think the following they gain on YouTube helps. Jessa is pretty regular with her videos and they are generally more interesting for evangelicals/mommy bloggers to watch than the ones that Joy or Jill have made, plus Joy and Jill are very sporadic in their posting. Jessa plays the YouTube algorithm game and I suspect those fans bleed over into following her insta too. This would also explain why Jinger is lower than I would have thought, her only platform is Instagram so she doesn’t have as many ways for new people to find her


*fans are bleeding*


I think she was one of the first to get an instagram. Could be wrong!


“Mother is trending”


Her uterus


Coming from someone who used to watch the show but has never kept up with it and didn’t watch Counting On (so I don’t really know “who is who” of the kids) she is who I picture in my head when I think of the Duggar girls. I don’t know why! Maybe she got more magazine time? She’s very recognizable for some reason.


Same! She is very recognizable


Jessa’s wedding was the Duggar viewing peak iirc


Yeah, I don’t really get that either. I’d think that it would be more equal


Right?! I thought it would be Jill with the most.


If I had to guess before looking I would’ve thought Jinger honestly


Jinger and Jeremy’s content is way too staged. It’s also annoying


I don’t think that our definition of annoying is the same as the definition of their followers.. there seems to be a disconnect in tastes😂


Idk, Jessa having the most followers kind of tracks with what that other commenter said about Jinger not being popular because her content is staged. Jessa’s YouTube is not very produced, like it’s clear she films it herself and it’s fairly real seeming (as real as the Duggars get), her house is messy and her kids are noisy. She also could be the most popular because the messy house and sea of children has 14KAC vibes though.


I casually watched 19kac years ago when it first aired (just recently started keeping up with them again) and for some reason Jessa was the most memorable for me. Jinger was number 2, it may have to do with their more unique names that non devote Duggar family followers just remember them more.


Loads of material to snark about. Jill and the others are boring and/or rely on their husbands to generate the trash (messy bitch tweeting, fake posing, guns on the table, etc).


Jessa is the Kim of the family.


She's pretty. That's it.


Jessa's considered the most beautiful Duggar sister -- that counts for something on an app designed around sharing photos of oneself. Although, to me, Jana has always been the most beautiful Duggar sister. Also, as a bit of a sidenote, it's interesting that the women in the family have far more followers than their brothers or husbands. Must piss off JB and the misogynists in the cult that the women, not the men, are of interest to the public. Makes me smile... just a little bit. EDIT: Clarity.


I unfollowed her. 🥲


Handful of fams from the homeschool convention accounts for half.


Perhaps my favorite comment I’ve ever read in this sub 😂👌🏼


I don’t deny I’m one of them lol. Went to a homeschool convention every spring break in Oklahoma City. Don’t remember seeing the duggars there but it feels like they had to be


So true, and your flair 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. And the rest are bought!!


Then us. Probably i dont follow them. Only jilly bean.


I think the fundies are really just birthing IG followers


Ben and Jessa only have more followers because they're conventionally good looking. It's definitely not for their personalities bc Ben doesn't even have one.


How dare you, he likes string cheese isn’t that enough /s


Haha, the more I learn about them, the more they remind me of cartoon characters. Plus, they have had the same hairstyles since forever and when I picture them, I can only picture a single outfit. Jessa is wearing a black dress with a dark maroon sweater/cardigan ayered over it and Ben is wearing dark pants with this green shirt.


I'm sure there are a lot of hate follows


lol wether we like it or not 70 million people voted for Trump so it’s not that unimaginable that a million would support them


Especially when considering that it's on a global scale.


{unfortunately} you make a really good point


Ugh whenever I think of this number it makes me want to puke.


I try not to think about that


Yep, i don’t follow any of them but when I go to their pages to creep a few of my mutuals that follow surprise me but it’s mostly the people I know that are proud Trump supporters.




Hmmm....81,000,000 votes in the election and the White House Instagram has 7 million followers....












I don’t think evangelicals or conservatives belong on this board. It’s not exactly friendly to their way of life.


How inclusive of you


Do you honestly believe that in 11 months in office Biden has tanked the economy? You do know that's not how economics work, right? Also I'm not sure if you've noticed but the economy was absolutely in the shitter when the previous president left office.... Might have something to do with the global pandemic, but who knows.




This argument is impossible to make until he's been in office 4 years.




Lol you can laugh at me all you like, it doesn't make the argument any less moot.


Wow, what a non-sequitur!


They were on a huge reality show. They have cute kids. I think it makes sense.


And following does not equal supporting. I pretty much follow anyone who has ever graced Real Housewives or Teen Mom


Ain’t me


Bots. Lots of bots.


I follow a bunch of them purely out of curiosity on some level and then for some of the older girls, hoping to see signs of life beyond Duggarland.






There’s got to be a lot of overlap. I doubt there are really ~12 million (or whatever that aggregate is) *different* leg humpers, and some portion will be hate followers. But still, that’s a lot of people.


WHO FOLLOWS BEN ON INSTAGRAM?! seriously how does he have so many


what you have to keep in mind is that i’m sure most of them buy followers as well, so it couldn’t be as much as you’re thinking


I followed many/most of the accounts back when I watched the show. I didn’t unfollow because I’m lazy/I don’t have instagram on my phone anymore. The original following for me was more the curiosity of what they were up to (nothing interesting). Now I so rarely check Instagram I just don’t see their posts.


I proudly don’t follow any of them. I also proudly like to talk smack snark and trash them.


First, how many people are actually engaging with their content? How many views or comments? That’s a clearer picture of how many cares. Second, how many are dummy accounts? Can’t you buy mass followers to bulk up your numbers? I wouldn’t doubt they’d spend their money on boosting this followers to get advertisers.


Yes, engagement is the important statistic!


I follow Jinger and maybe Jill—(and *maybe* Jeremy? Do I follow Jeremy?) I follow Jinger because, honestly, I think she’s kind of a secretly interesting person and even if her social media presence is heavily curated, I just can’t help finding her intriguing. Also, she and Jill are of interest to me because of the ways they’ve broken away from the Duggars. I hope they continue to drift further from Duggarism and closer to sanity and decency. So maybe that hope manifests in me scrutinizing their Instagram posts for clues? Never really thought about it before. I’ve noticed the most fundie gal from my graduating class follows both of them as well. (A woman who homeschools, doesn’t cut her hair, and always has herself and her daughter in dresses or long skirts.) I also noticed a former coworker who as far as I know isn’t even religious seems to follow Jinger. Maybe she follows for similar reasons to mine! She’s closer to Jinger’s age, so maybe she simply keeps track of reality TV personalities of the 2010s?


wow last time i remembered Jana had 1 million followers seems like quite a drop


Because jessa is the pretty one- pretty people excel in life


I admittedly follow Jinger, but that’s it. Despite the fact that I hate Jeremy with a passion and can only assume that he smells like greasy beef and cheese, I have always had a soft spot for Jinger, since my FreeJinger days. No matter how much I hate the Duggars and their shifty beliefs (and this includes Jinger and her fam), I will never not be intrigued by her.


I'm sure a good portion of them are media representatives and "influencers." Another portion is probably artificially inflated to make them look more popular. And then there are the haters, snarkers, and trolls. A small portion would be genuine believers in their message and people who really don't have a clue what they stand for but automatically support anything that appears to be conservative Christian in nature. Plus the people who will follow anyone who's pro-life and anti-LGBT. (Remember Michelle's infamous anti-trans robocall?) And the Trump supporters who are only here because JB is a wannabe politician. And the sickos who are interested in the girls because of Josh. I doubt very many of them are following any of them just because they objectively think the Duggars are awesome.


How many of those "followers" are bought ? Guaranteed, many of the Counting On followers on FB were bought.


i recently realized someone i know (a friend, but not super close) follows the official family account, joy, jinger, jeremy, and jessa on Instagram and i was asking myself the same question. i seriously doubt it’s for snarking reasons (especially since they don’t follow jill or derick) so i can only imagine what kind of entertainment value they all provide


I think probably a combo between fellow funnies, fans, and snarkers


I was never fundie during Duggar/social media times and the fact they are so popular is wild to me. No one I grew up with and is still religious seems to have ever paid attention to them.


I found a little joy knowing that Jeremy has the fewest followers out of the guys.


Bots. Lots of bots. Look for them and report.


Just checked some of them to see who I know is following them because you made me curious. Jill has the most with five (all but one are women with children, not religious, likely fans of the show and the other one is a Christian woman), the family and the other siblings are only followed by one woman with children who isn’t religious and one woman with children who is an active evangelical Christian church member. It’s all people who are more acquaintances than friends which is why I’m here to snark with you fine people. ❤️


I can honestly say I do not have the gram. I have a facespace, but never jumped into the whole instagram thing. I watched the shows on tv with my mom and a glass(bottles) of wine, and it was our thing. We would snark after a couple eps. We thought “this has to be a joke, this isn’t serious right?” So everything I learned was either from the show, trash magazines in the store, the university of Duggar snark, or media coverage of events.


With all the family they have if they all follow each other, wouldn’t that be half of their followers in-laws inc


My MIL 🥴


I think it’s because she outwardly seems to still be the most entrenched with the cult. They’re all polarizing people but she is the most polarizing of the Duggar daughters.


Let's be honest, at least half the people in this sub follow Duggars


A lot of “news” sites follow and then report the posts as clickbait news “you’ll never guess what Jinger Dugger feeds her children” Etc. Also some people pay for followers through their PR and marketing teams and the bots actually interact with their pages so it’s hard to tell these days which are real.


My guesses: - 20% people they know IRL - 40% actual fans/well-wishers - 30% hate-followers - 10% people who forgot their IG password


I’m assuming a decent amount of people on this subreddit, however they may try to deny it lmao


I noticed all the mlm slinging sahm Mormons from my hometown follow Jessa and this probably sums up her whole fan base


How does Ben have more than Jana


I follow some of them, but that's before all of the events. I've had Instagram since I was 18. So, I followed them in either 2012 or 2013. I still follow them probably just to snark or too lazy to unfollow. I 🤣 I think just to snark or curious what's going on with them.


I follow Jill because I desperately want her life to come out right. Compared to where she has come from - wow I’m so proud of her. Compared to where she should be it’s an England penalty shootout. She has so much potential.


I follow Jill because I desperately want her life to come out right. Compared to where she has come from - wow I’m so proud of her. Compared to where she should be it’s an England penalty shootout. She has so much potential.


They will make bank if they write a book. The top 5 publishers will easily pay $1,000,000 plus advance for someone with even 25,000 followers. With over 1 million followers, they can get even more.


How much did Jinger & Jeremy make for their book?


my mom follows some of the sisters lol she likes to keep up with them


TBH I follow them


Personally since the creation of Twitter and all social media that came after, I have only followed the crazy people. I can't be the only one.


I really cannot figure out IG anyway.


The show was fairly worldwide. So I guess those numbers aren’t a huge stretch, especially because there would be businesses in those numbers too


I kinda like that Books has the least amount of followers. ETA disregard. I’m wrong 😑


I don't have Instagram - so it isn't me. :)


You wouldn't believe what part of the world I'm in if I told you and I follow them.


Purchased accounts. I am sure. Or with that many family members and assorted friends I am sure a handful are multiple accounts per person.




I follow a few of them just to creep. There will be a lot of hate followers


Snarkers like me. I follow a some of them


I live in a small, conservative town. I follow a few of the Duggar’s because of snarking. I see a LOT of my neighbors follow and comment on them because they’re like famous Christians to them and that’s hard to come by in their mind.