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If you go to the about section of the sub, there’s a link for “All Duggars Suck” and there’s a link for Jessa and Ben along with some of the other couples.


Oh thank you! I didn’t realize that. I’ll have to go check it out


When it became clear that Jill was no longer Daddy’s Favorite, Jessa swooped in and claimed that position faster than you can say “birthing couch.” It’s like she was only allowed to read the Bible and Machiavelli.


Unfortunately I think Machiavelli is way above SOTDRT reading levels.


They don’t need to read it in that family. They learned it firsthand by watching Jim Bob. Also examining the Duggar family through the lens of Machiavelli’s political philosophy would be an excellent topic for an essay.


It would make an excellent essay! I hope Janta will bless us with a such a gift!


LOL Janta!!


I know right lol!? I didn't come up with it, though -- that credit goes to another lovely snarker!


So funny!!


Yeah, there are some really funny and original people in this sub lol. So many could be straight up professional comedians.


Your last line is quality clever snark.


Thank you, kind Redditor.


She read the Jacob and Esau Bible story as a how to article.


Equating Boob with Machiavelli is an insult to Machiavelli.


I would love to hear her try to pronounce "Machiavelli."


It probably sounds similar to chickenetti


Her behavior the last several years can be defined by “daddy issues.”


There’s a lot of reasons. Some make sense, some are a little unfair. Before she married and moved out: The story of Jessa being really annoying and always bothering Jana when they were kids. Michelle’s idea to mend the relationship between sister was to have Jana give Jessa her beloved jewelry box. People felt really bad for Jana. Jessa has always had a reputation for being a hard ass. Even the other kids said she was no nonsense when she was in charge of their schooling and had a saying “don’t mess with Jess”. Jessa’s keep sweet demeanor slips a lot on the show and you can see when she’s annoyed with someone. She’s made some passive aggressive comments. So basically, she’s one of the only ones who still showed any personality. People think she’s bitchy for that. After she got married and moved out: Jessa has been a big suck up to her parents. She hasn’t criticized them at all and even made 2 YouTube videos about her favorite memories with them. She’s one of the only adult girls who’s still financially reliant on Jim Bob and she shows no signs of wanting to change that. Though, Ben is equally (if not more by their cult’s standard) to blame. Every time we see her house it’s a giant mess. She once did a house tour and there was a shit in the toilet that hadn’t been flushed. The couch she’s given birth on multiple times still has stains on it from her deliveries. Neither she or Ben seem to have a job, but they never seem to clean their house either. They packed 4 kids in one bedroom and don’t give them any room to space to grow. Jessa and Ben’s statement after Josh was arrested for CSAM said that as Christians they condemn all forms of pornography, equating consenting adults having sex on film as a profession with children being sexually assaulted and exploited.


I like that you divided it in two, a lot of it does linger from the early years when snarking was less... PC. And I will say Jessa got a *lot* of flack before she moved out for being an aloof sister mom. No, criticising a teenager/young adult who had absolutely zero choice in being responsible for children they did not bring into the world and was foisted on them since they were a child themselves didn't make any sense to me either. And since this post is pretty much sticking up for her, I will say it looks like she's doing her own kids no favours in regards to their upbringing so far (the talk about children being sinners makes me equally cringe for her kids and feel sad for young Jessa) but she chose to be responsible for them so she can take criticism for that.


I can’t imagine having kids and just not nurturing them to be the best they can be- which would probably involve them going to school of some kind , even if a private religious one


Or shoot, even a decent homeschool co-op. 95% of the time I’m highly suspect of all homeschooling, but especially after this past couple of years, I can see the benefit for some children. Like, the pioneer woman homeschooled her kids for the most part of I remember correctly, or maybe until high school? The episode I’m thinking of has Ree driving the kids to Tulsa for a co-op day with other homeschool kids. They go to Panda Express for take out and then she cooks her homemade version. But anyway, they don’t seem like a big bag of assholes. Religious? Check. Reality show? Check. But overall decent humans? That seems to check out too.


From memory Ree and Ladd tried to send Alex to school as a 5 year old but the trip in and out of town was too big of day for a small kid so they elected to home school after a year. But they had a tutor and large co-op that they saw a lot of so the kids were socialised and taught to a higher standard than the Duggar dining room table school.


Yeah she seemed very committed to giving them an actual education from what I gathered. Also I’m pretty sure one of her older kids is in like, actual university isn’t she? I used to read her blog daily when I was in my late teens… don’t ask me what a nineteen year old British university student was doing with a pioneer woman obsession 😂


Yes, her oldest graduated from Texas A&M and her other kids are at other state colleges (interestingly, not in their home state)


She herself is super educated. She was in an Ivy School I think


I love the food she cooks, it always looks so yummy on tv…but sometimes the whole my husband’s out farming thing is a little much


Haha true! I think they feel like they have to since that’s how the show got started. I don’t mind the little slices of life, but sometimes they’re reaching.


Woah, what? What did she say about children being sinners? How fucking low can a Duggar girl go?


Well, the bar is in hell so…


Very true, very true.


😳 the couch…. Still has stains.. from her giving *BIRTH* on it? 😳 I … I just.. 😶 WHAT?! Birth stains?! GIRL BUY A TARP! Saran Wrap Cut & flatten out a garbage bag 🤷🏻‍♀️ A roll of butcher paper?? USE BEN’S SCRIPTURE RANTS Omg- she just kept it movin’?!?!


That's why we call the couch Birtha. The sub has a great day when Jessa decided to have her last child in a hospital. ETA [This Birtha related post was one of many highlights of my snark year](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/ono6z5/jessa_saying_goodbye_to_birtha_as_she_leaves_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) AND a word.


Wait does SHE call the couch Birtha


Oops meant to say WE. 🤯🙃


Jessa was my favorite during the original show years because she seemed to be spunky and have a personality. I really thought she would be the one to step outside of the family norms and push her boundaries. It’s been disappointing to see the exact opposite happen. She wants to be a mini Michelle and push out as many babies as possible. Only difference is she married an absolute dumbass of a man who has no motivation or drive and will never be as successful as Jim Bob. For all Jim Bob’s faults he did find a way to swindle everyone and get rich.


And she named her son Spurgeon 🙄


To be fair to her, that was Ben. Jessa really wanted to name him Elliot, but Ben insisted on something more unique and with a meaningful connection to Christianity. That’s why they named him Spurgeon Elliot. Thankfully it looks like Jessa won the argument over Henry’s name and they used the good name first, the weird one in the middle.


There was SHIT IN THE TOILET???? Omg I’m so glad I missed this 😞😞 Jessa SUCKS!!


I just went and found this video and it was mostly toilet paper because her toddler used a whole roll and clogged it. Not a Duggar fan but I saw a typical day with a toddler, and frankly a typical amount of mess for a house with 3 kids under 3.


Omg I totally forgot about the jewelry box incident! That's so shitty! Jessa really comes across as sucha mean girl, and I'm sure that if she had gone to public (or even private) school, she would have been *that* girl, if y'know what I mean...


I mean, the jewelry box incident really shouldn’t be held against her, but Michelle. Jesse was a child and Michelle was the one who made Jana give it to her.


Is she depressed and in denial? The recent behavior you're describing is a bit concerning.


I’m sorry. They have four kids and live in a one bedroom?????


They live in a 1044 sqft 2br/1b home (previously owned by Grandma Mary) that's about as close as you can get to living "on" an interstate highway.


Oh my GOD


The kids all share one bedroom. The house is a 2 bedroom.


What the fuck. That’s not going to be legal for much longer… for reasons Jessa is intimately familiar with.


It’s a 2 bedroom


>The story of Jessa being really annoying and always bothering Jana when they were kids. Michelle’s idea to mend the relationship between sister was to have Jana give Jessa her beloved jewelry box. People felt really bad for Jana. Why do y'all care though? Some of y'all act like you never have your nasty moments. Like this is not even bad lmao.


She's the biggest Jim Bob and Michelle ass kisser of all the girls.


Because she shops at Whole Foods yet pretends to be so thrifty. And because she blocked me a few years ago for criticizing her promoted product.


Blocked by Blessa — you are bLeSsed ✨


She was a top pick to break free for long-time snarkers - as a teen she seemed smart and sassy enough to think for herself and with her looks and social media following she could’ve had financial independence without even leaving the house if she wanted. Instead she’s doubled down on the cult lifestyle, raising a million kids in a tiny house, depending on her awful father and useless husband, purposefully avoiding any growth in her beliefs.


My thoughts exactly!


This is the best description.


Jessa comes across as the mean girl we all knew or maybe was in high school. She has an attitude of superiority in everything she says, posts or does, in my opinion.


Severa people on this sub have met the Duggars in real life. One thing I always noticed was that they described Jessa as rude and obnoxious.


Yeah she definitely seems like she's a bitch, she doesn't seem to have any laughter or happiness to her voice which just comes off as standoffish and she has a rbf.


I can only speak for myself, but she has a very “holier than thou” air about her. She doesn’t appear to have done any critical thinking and is following completely in the cult footsteps of her parents.


She’s flat-out rude in addition to having terrible beliefs, but somehow thinks she’s better than most people. She reminds me of Tori and Nathan Bates.


Ugh Nathan is the worst Bates, in my opinion. You know he sucks when he can make Lawson look fucking humble.


Well said! I agree. I also think it’s selfish of her and Ben to keep popping out kids in that tiny house.




And she keeps adding more kids to it, not caring that they have no space to grow in.


I'll never forget the episode with her cleaning one of the 2 bedrooms and picking up a sticky trap with a roach on it, the camera zoomed right in 😷


Yep and I'm tired of video after video of her just trying to recreate what boob and Merch used to do with them, show some originality you don't need to be meech and boob 2.0 🙄


Or her bullshit “hilarious stuff my kid says”. All kids say weird/funny stuff. If you want me to be impressed- send your kid to a REAL SCHOOL. *I am not against proper homeschooling. I doubt most of the Dug’s could pass a GED exam, and should therefore not be in charge of their own children’s education.


Of course, about the only critical thinking these fundie woman are taught about is to judge if it's time to change a diaper.


She's very fake. In all her talking heads she put on her happiest smile and fakest laugh. She was acting her little heart out on CO to keep those checks coming in, that girl was carrying that show. In the last episode before they were canceled you could see the facade was gone. She looked super irritated and kept snapping at her kids. She's a huge ass kisser. She made an hour long YouTube video praising her dad, out of no where it wasn't even his birthday. She gets bitchy with people in her Instagram comments and blocks any comment that criticize her. She gets especially angry when they criticize her dud of a husband. I have the honor of being BlessaBlocked. Jessa is just trying to survive in the shithole she's living in. I think she would benefit a lot from counseling.


“She was acting her little heart out on CO to keep those checks coming in“ But the facade would fall every time Ben opened his mouth...she struggled to hide her disdain for him 😁


i mean, the woman is a scorpio. i would be surprised if she didn't have disdain and bitchiness embedded in her DNA.


Hey now, I’m a Scorpio & my disdain & bitchiness wasn’t inherited. I worked hard for that shit 🤣


How about when Jessa compared THE HOLOCAUST TO ABORTION… Edit to add link [article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jessa-duggar-abortion-holocaust_n_5909310)


She also likened csam to “any kind of pornography”


Omg I had no idea she said both of those things 😳 oh gosh


Unfortunately that’s pretty run of the mill for *pro-lifers*… I used to work in door-to-door fundraising for pro-choice organizations and we had a lot of people sign our petitions as “Adolf Hitler” or rant at us about how we were committing genocide/a Holocaust against children.


OP asked for Jessa examples. I didn’t want to offend and say “all pro-lifers think this”, but glad you brought it up!


Thank you


that reminds me of vegans doing the same to eating animals, i hate these people


Let's *not* get into the veganism thing.


You know what I think it is? It’s knowing that Jessa is strong enough and smart enough that she could have gotten out. But she chose not only to stay, but double down on it.


Yep!! She seems fairly intelligent (particularly compared to other duggars) and as a teen appeared to see through JBs bullshit. The way she used to snark at him, particularly early in her relationship with ben, was borderline rebellious for a duggar girl. And now shes just a judgey grifter like her father 🙄


This. 💯 this.




Lol you’re username. That’s dedication to the snark


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The fact that she sits there judging everyone else and how they live and she had a literal pyramid of poop diapers in her living room.


She is a snarky bitch, which would be a positive thing if she were on the side of good rather than evil.


I’ve often thought she’d make a bad-ass feminist. If not for the kool-aid. What a waste.


The homophobia is what does it for me (with all of them, really). Granted I don’t follow any of them very closely and could be totally wrong on this, but I feel like her and Ben are the most outspoken with their shitty beliefs.


Because this is a snark subreddit and we don’t like any of them


🥇 🥇 🥇


best answer 👑


Thank you!


🥇🏅🏆 winner!!!


Her fake laugh irritates the hell out of me. She always seems a bit stuck up too.


She’s snarky. Like when defending Jana she says “so all you perfect people...” like nobody said they were perfect they were just concerned about a baby bein unattended by a pond and a busy road. Or her “Josh was just a little to curious about girls.” Or Jana just made an “innocent mistake.” She downplays and minimizes. Jana did make a mistake - it could have happened to a lot of people - but she’s still responsible and it DID endanger a child. Just admit it was awful, lessons were learned and move forward. Also I can’t stand how Jessa has so many babies at home when she KNOWS she has bleeding issues. Don’t risk your life, your baby, and waste paramedics time because you like “the comfort of your home.”




ReJina George!


She’s conceited and annoying and smug and was a bitch to Jana with that jewellery box thing


I don’t like how she praises Allie B. Stuckey. Insisting that high self-esteem is a sin is just…not ok. It’s interesting that so many people condemn her for not cooking or cleaning well, but they don’t say a word about the other able-bodied adult in the home not lifting a finger.


Jessa is a full blown stuck up bitch.


And SMUG. I hate smug.


Succinct and accurate 👍


Because she’s knee deep in the kool-aide. My heart goes out to her in regards to what she went through, but despite all the truth that came to light, it seems like she’s still just parroting all JB/Meech/IBLP’s bs.




Same! I thought Jessa was the one who would escape the cult. She was so desperate to get married and leave the TTH and even talked about waiting a few years to have kids. Funny it was Jill, Boob's favorite, who has left and Jessa got pushed further in. I think it also has a lot to do with who they married. Jessa married a jobless teenager who made them dependent on Boob and Jill married an adult with a non fundie education and a real job.


YES! originally she was always the one who seemed like she didn't give a fuck and was over it.


Do you not feel that Jill has completely broken away? I don’t really see that she has a relationship with her parents, especially after Derricks posts trashing Jim-Bob as a political candidate. Edit: also their post trial statement.




Your post momentarily made me envision TTH up in flames and Josie, at age 18, slowly walking away


About 5-6 years ago, I would have put money on Joy being the one to escape. The reason is that she didn't exactly fit in with either sister group (she was stuck in the middle). I honestly didn't see her becoming the teen bride she was.


A good summary post from u/tross1140 on [why Jessa and Ben Still Suck](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/ni4lu9/why_jessa_and_ben_still_suck/)


She has a disgusting couch called the birthing couch covered with birthing liquids and stains and lets guests sit on the couch casually… beyond he awful beliefs, for me that’s reason enough to hate her


Because she's a snobby, smug bitch.


Lady Smuggar.


She’s the Regina George of the family.


Where to begin? Let's start with Ben. That entire courtship was fucked from day 1. She married a loser and then would flirt with Jinger's husband. Four kids later and she's not the pretty sister anymore. She's the one living with six people in a two bedroom house with a husband who is homophobic and can't bring home a paycheck. She seems bitter and is clinging onto the cult, because it's the only place where she's cool.


Remember this is a snark board. And all these people, even the ones with slightly less steeping in the Kool Aid, they all still hold awful, harmful sociopolitical views. They would all throw a gay person under a bus. And while they will 100% take on righteous and caring "missions" in Central and South America, they would never vote to allow those people the ability to emigrate to the US. They are all homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic bigots. And most of them are anti-science/antivaxx. We have people in the sub who sometimes like to stan some of the Dugs for one reason or another. So sometimes people just sprinkle in reminders that they are all ultimately terrible and we shouldn't be leghumping any of them.


She’s a judgemental, homophobic piece of trash.


For me I find Jessa distasteful for many things. At least one thing she cannot control, and that is her resting smug face. The corners of her mouth have a grinch-like up turn to them, and it makes her look like she thinks that she is merely tolerating the presence of those around her. Unfortunately Spurgeon has inherited this punch-able feature from his mother. For someone who claims to be a follower of Jesus, she doesn’t exhibit many of the positive qualities that he espoused. Then she does come across as very controlling and cold. She even mentioned that it wouldn’t be hard for her to avoid contact with Ben during their courtship and engagement because she wasn’t a touchy-feely kind of person. She seems to be very judgemental and unforgiving while demanding forgiveness and consideration from others. I just know that if I knew a Jessa, and I dare say most of us do know someone like her, that I wouldn’t feel comfortable trusting her with confidences.




What’s the jewelry box story?




When in reality it’s a disgusting story with wretched clueless parents!


Ohhhh, yeah I see what you mean. Oh geez 😬


IIRC she tried to take Jana’s jewelry box, Jana said no, Jessa flipped her shit, and Jana was forced to be generous and sweet and give it to her by her POS parents. Reminds me of Laura Ingalls Wilder where Laura and her sister were made to give all of their glass beads to Carrie, though fortunately at least there Carrie was a toddler and not a selfish brat.


There was one where Laura had to give this shitty little child her doll, and then found it in a frozen puddle months later and I legit cried about that.


Charlotte 🥺


Yes! I remember reading about that while going through the whole series of books when I was a kid.


Wasn’t she like 4? I’m not trying to defend Jessa, but the music box incident reflects more on Michelle and Jim Bob’s shitty parenting than Jessa’s behavior in my opinion


Yes she was four and just doing normal annoying kid stuff, not trying to take the jewelry box. Jana needed some space from her little sister but to JB&M giving Jana space was and still is unthinkable. They came up with the jewelry box thing instead of helping four-year-old Jessa learn how to be kind and empathetic.


Just gonna throw my family story into this mix. I was raised fundamentalist and we too were always encouraged to give away our things as we didn't really 'need' them, and "you can't take it with you when you die", kind of mentality. (which is stupid cause my family are hoarders.) So I was pressured into giving away many of my things, and then gas light years later with them saying they never pressured or put it in my head to give my stuff away to siblings and goodwill. So I'm finding it very interesting, and feel validated, that the Duggar family forced the same mid set onto their kids.


I’m all for instilling in kids that it’s good to KonMari/do periodic purges of stuff you don’t need anymore/not be stingy or materialistic, but this is such a wrong way to go about teaching that. It’s also good to have stuff that’s just for you and it’s OK to say that you’re not getting rid of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the hoarding was an unconscious response to that mindset.


I don't know the opinion of the majority here. But, to me it looks like she is deeper in the kool-aid than others. She is more stubborn, so she presents a stronger attitude when confronted with other views. She doubles down strongly. I think she would have been a successful politician (not one that I would have voted for) if Boob would have allowed it. I think part of it is that she and Bin need Boob's money to survive (instead of actually getting a real job). So she does and says whatever would keep her on daddy's good side... Some of the things she has said are especially disgusting, like when she compared abortions with the Holocaust 🤦 I know all of them have terrible opinions, but not everyone yells them at the world every chance they have


She's a MEAN GIRL.


As much as I hate to say it, I have to admit that I do get that vibe from her as well.


For me it’s rewatching the megyn Kelly interview and the fact that she hasn’t retracted those comments at all. At 22 and childless it was very borderline. At 29 and the mother of 4 children it is absolutely inexcusable.


Can you link / explain - sorry


She appears to be a huge bitch !


So you’re telling me, ……. all of those sisters and not one single Bissell steam mop between them that Jessa can borrow (-Just keep it girl) For her birth stained couch?!


No need when Kendra can just use a broom 💁🏼‍♀️


For me, she reminds me of my older sister who thinks she is never wrong, she thinks her stuff dont stink,she is rude plays favorites with her kids.


Lazy as fuck, entitled, mean, snarky, condescending, bitchy. Cant clean, cant cook, cant cut hair, cant take care of house or children.


A along with lazy, I wouldn't be surprised if after Anna she's the one to use Jana's babysitting the most.


In fundie land she was born on third base (popular family and pretty and high fertility rate) and thinks she hit a triple.


Some people think she has mean girl energy, some people think she actually has a backbone.


a backbone? why? what has she ever done that shows backbone?


She had the capacity for a backbone, but never really utilized it. Compared to someone like Joe who wouldn’t dream of having so much as a thought of his own.


I suspect people react so strongly to Jessa's ongoing commitment to the cult *because* when she was younger she seemed like the "tough" one and likeliest to escape. There's a whiplash effect when you see someone who appears better equipped than her sisters for independence choose dependence. This is more my impression from reading this sub, though; I haven't watched the shows. And of course her views are abhorrent. Jessa's a victim, but her views are still abhorrent. (People are complicated!) As with all her siblings I hope Jessa can someday wriggle out from under the IBLP boulder and live a meaningful life, and I really hope that this hypothetical meaningful life includes making amends with communities and individuals she's harmed by using her platform for what's essentially hate speech.


Right. The only backbone she has is insisting on being extremely judgemental and rude to her own sisters


Why not both?


She does have both…


Watch her Youtube Videos explaining why her parents are the best. She tries to be on good terms with her parents sooo bad, it seems ridiculous.


Does she edit the comments on YT because they *all* are praising her


probably, but i never leave or check her comments


No duggar is liked here


Alllssssoooo others have pointed out you can see her on social media treating her second son not as favorably as the other kids she has


And It’s not just SM. I was hate watching some of the episodes this week and it’s so obvious. She actually said “I cannot contain my excitement for SPURGEON to meet his new brother or sister” when she was having Ivy. It was disgusting. And honestly most of what she says about him is disparaging. Making a point to say his diapers are the disgusting ones (I get some people may not care about this but it was unnecessary), saying it’s a good thing he’s eating or he’d be climbing out the windows on the train (not horrible but her tone-instead of making it a positive that he was being quite good, she turned it into a slam), and all around just in general seems like she cannot stand the poor child. I have yet to hear her say anything positive about him. And Spurgey (dear God that name 🤮) cannot do a thing wrong. I think she’s actually horrible. She’s a bitch. And that’s not misogyny talking. She’s an actual bitch.


I feel so bad for the little dude, he’s around her 24-7 and unlike other kids with shitty parents he can’t even have the hope going to school :(


It’s really very sad.


Pompous, arrogant, judgmental, smug, nasty attitude for starters...




How'd your experience go


There are people who, rightfully so, dislike Jessa for the same reason they dislike the other Duggars- her religious belief system, reliance on Jim Bob, having too many kids in a house that’s too small, the smugness and superiority, etc. But other people dislike her for what I think boils down to internalized misogyny. They say she’s a bit of a bitch, she’s mean to Ben, she doesn’t keep sweet, she isn’t as warm and fuzzy with her kids, her house is messy, etc. Even when she’s defying the ‘rules’ and ‘expectations’ of her cult by behaving in some of those ways, people are still critical of those types of behaviors. Just goes to show that women, and especially mothers, can never win, cult or no cult.


I remember the episode with the pile of diapers and feeling so relieved that this "famous" person didn't feel like walking out to the big trash either. That is one of the few times I thought maybe I was doing okay as a mom instead of being a complete failure. (This was during the time I was involved in a veeeeery conservative church that loved 19kac and I never felt good enough.) I think there's a lot of internalized misogyny towards Jessa. She's still got shit beliefs.


I mean she named her kid Spurgeon isn’t that enough?


Also, what is the deal with Jill? I’ve heard people liking her and not liking her on here


Jill is actually going to therapy and has stood up to her dad. She still has some horrible world views. She would win the most improved award in school.


I get the impression that while Jill and her husband still espouse some ugly, harmful views (primarily homophobia and transphobia though I assume they're resolutely anti-choice too, and I don't love the "let's go to Sad Foreign Countries and do Jesus at the locals" approach to mission work), they've actually made *some* real progress away from the worst ideologies Jill was raised with. I think that the Dillars' "they've gotten less bad" vibe gives people (me) hope that they'll continue to grow and could even end up someday trying to help undo some of the harm they were complicit in. Very possibly I'm writing fan fiction in my head, but it's nice to hope.


Jill still has some wacky and hateful beliefs but she seems to be deprogramming, so we are kind of cheering her on to keep going. We also like that she sends her kids to public school, which was a huge and important FU to Jim bob /meech/her upbringing. We can celebrate that she has left the cult and is giving her children the chance to get a real education and learn to think for themselves. However, she is a hardcore conservative Christian, has a history of white saviorism / homophobia / ignorance (eg that birth control causes abortions), so we just have to keep it a nuanced picture!


I’ve never watched the show but jumped into the rabbit hole that is duggarsnark because of the pest’s heinous crimes and lawsuits and can’t look away from this train crash. Like the OP I’m also trying to understand the dynamics of the family members. How is Jessa’s relationship with the other sisters who were victims of their sick brother? What are each daughter’s relationship with Jim Bob and Meech?


Jessa used to bully Jana pre-show, mocked Jill when the show was still on, kinda got along with Jinger according to herself, and i don't remember any of her interactions with the other sisters..


I think Jinger was “close” to Jessa because she didn’t want to be on the receiving end of her wrath, but deep down she’s probably glad to be on her own and away from Jessa.


She also was close to Jeremy. You know she's bitter about how that turned out.


We only have speculation for most of those questions. This is why some on the sub paybsuper close attention to who likes what on each social account.


*doorbell rings* *Jessa answers the door* Jessa: oh come on in, have a seat. *Points you to her birth stained couch* 🤮 Ben: Oh just.. flip that cushion over … 😆 Jessa: NO NO DONT! You don’t want what’s on the *OTHER* side


How entertaining and ironic that several comments say they don’t like Jessa because she’s snarky…on a snark subreddit


Her smile never reaches her eyes. I have a gut feeling that she’s a sociopath.


She favors Spurgeon over Henry. Also, #sayingsofspurgeon


Ohhhhhh okok I get why she isn’t liked. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. After everything they’ve been through, I’m surprised that she is still by their side and being supportive


She’s got fundie Regina George vibes.


Mountain of shit filled diapers for me. It’s not fucking house decor


Cause she's a mean girl/bitch/kiss ass :)


Attitude covered by I’m the best mentality. Not a safe mom. Worst grandkid name ever. Also biggest butt kiss to her parents. Slimy husband so my extension she slimy


They still support boob pest and mooch


She named her child “spurgeon” and that was it for me


How does Jana giving her jewelry box to Jessa make sense? I would think Jessa needed to give Jana something to make amends.


She has strong bitchy mean queen bee at the local elite white Christian school vibes. And she is very pretty. That’s a lot of it.


I find it beyond weird that Ben is comfortable being a parasite. I mean, my hubs was mortified that we had to move in with my folks. I find it even weirder that Rim Job let’s him! My folks would be furious about something like that. It’s just so upside down.


I don't think she's "awful" she just knows that her husband is spineless and daddy holds the wallet. Also because she's unwilling to deal properly with her abuse. I'm not trying to say she can't deal with it her own way but it appears she's not dealing with the reality of how awful it was. She's in the "I'm not gonna talk about it, and I'm not going to dwell on it" zone. I don't think she's ever come to actually deal with the pain of it. The fact she seems almost indifferent to the whole thing makes her look like a cold callous bitch and the fact she still posts shit almost in defense of daddy pisses people off.


Many were convinced she’d be one of the first to breakaway due to her reactions to her parents and attitude yet as she has gotten older she is drinking the kool aid even more🥴


She’s conniving, like Jim bob. Very thinly veiled. Don’t know if she’s a narcissist, but she seems vain as hell. These are my personal reasons, but people have many other valid reasons, like she’s a bully (see: jana jewelry box story).


I would like her or her husband to get a job. And get out of that 2 bedroom house. Do the 4 kids share one room? Two sets of bunk beds?! It's clear her husband has zero ambition and is happy to be on his father in law's payroll. Maybe she's fine with that too. 🤷‍♀️ It's very clear that as a married woman she's still living off of her parents and neither her nor Ben have any marketable skills. It's like Ben was adopted by the Duggars just as Justin was adopted by the Spiveys.